2 venos is fastest for anything really, or bm/cleric combination, or veno/cleric
Male archer + glitterflaps/sparklebrights + flying + lightning strike = um...yeah b:shutup
Want more damage? Refine ur bow, lol
Cool, milk & cookies please
You pay the full 3m, and I'll come do lunar, all mats to me OFC b:laugh
Quite easily actually: Crazy Stone, BH, World Quest while you afk Marriage Quest is bonus, just makes your life even easier Grind up north @ the lv 96 spidies (i also mine the high mats around there @ same time), they are easy 4-5 shot mobs and drops tons of DQ/Glazes
Get a better weapon, Broadland, Blinding Radiance, or Heaven Shatter @ 95 Cape of Tauroc Chieftain serves no purposes for an archer, you can get that magic resis elsewhere As previously stated, Warsoul Helm of Earth requires too much strength for a 9x archer, you'll essentially be adding vit instead of dex if you think…
I also heard he +6ed a 5x 3* weap, ahaha that's funny b:pleased
Believe it's called a "Wizzled" :p
I hooked up with my buddy AgentPotato for a 2 soc + 5 blinding rad @ 90, yay b:victory
As a DD u are trying to deal the most amount of damage, so I say no to leveling your vit, and it'll save you the money later on when people need to buy reset scrolls to restat to pure Dex. Don't level poison arrow past 1, DoT skills for archers suck. Level knockback arrows only when all your other skills are leveled and…
OMG gimmeh so I can swap that out @ 90 b:dirty
Tempted to refine it more with tienkung tho :p So far 12 mir + 1 tienkung to +4 b:victory
No I meant the supply from Vast Land is low, I have yet to even see one on the server yet
When did ULMOS and the psychic octopus join Narla :o, maybe the octopus can predict Archosaur TW results b:chuckle IJS, the post I made was for comical relief, now if you want a more serious below: BM: ULMOS....dps, dps, and more dps? Sin: yReMreD, haven't seen many more sins that can match him Barb: Spanker…
well people make CH:SM mainly for its relative cost/effectiveness especially seeing Archosaur is a new server, not much supply in terms of Vast Land Frost Sign Force goes for around 35m 2 Golden Spirit = 3m total, 10 iron bars, 3m more 6m + sub cost/unicorn decomp looking at around 7m for total weapon 7m compared to 35m is…
Best BM: XCableX for hardcore butt smex, but in terms of the amount of QQ, ULMOS >_> Best Cleric: Katanyia, need I say more? o.o Best Archer: Me of course, who doesn't like chocolate cereal b:cute, on a serious note, Liuzibox is hax with those lunar claws Best Sin: yRaeMerD or however u spell his damn name, QQ come solo…
With my luck I'll need a large mansion to liquidate for the amount of tokens I'll get....
QQ selling house for warsoul
Thx I'll prob keep w&c and go for a green FC weap @ 85 then, that'll last me until 99 :)
why? less DPS than wind&clouds not to mention it costs 8 wardrums...
I believe it's every 10 magic = 1 mp/second recovery
OOH FFS, PWI hates me...look @ my glitched avatar b:cryb:sad
Go carpel tunnel! b:victory
Haley! b:cute