Chrysilla - Sanctuary Arc User


  • You have to drag the item you want to identify into the box. You can use the "coordinates assistant" (under the minimap there's a button looking like an arrow), you'll have the list of the NPCs. Look for Auctioneer, double click and you'll have a blue arrow leading there. In west Archo, there's one by the Blacksmith ;)
  • Humans can be blademasters (DDs, not tanks) or wizards, elves are healers or archers, venomancers (cat girls) are beast tamers, barbarians are tanks. As for genders, humans and elves are both genders, venomancers are female only and barbarians are male only. Sockets are for gems that give you extra attack/hp/mp. The…
  • My boyfriend is a venomancer lvl 40 and he wants a mount. Is there any way to have one, excepting buying? He has pets lvl 40 already, can they be somehow turned into mounts?
  • I don't really understand what you people mean by "I cannot start", can you be more specific? Did you install the game properly? Did you install the updates? Are you already into the game's main window but you cannot enter? The "start" button is grey? Did you/ could you log in? You created a character but you can't go…
  • mobs is another name for the monsters you usually kill for exp.
  • i had them dropped alot on werewolves and quilhogs, west of archosaur. look for me ingame (same name) and i can give you some :)
  • thanks alot for answering me :) jchnny, he told you: go see mrs. zoologist in archosaur. edit: i went to see her, but i still can't buy one, they're all in grey :( I really don't get it and i feel annoyed to insist here about it... but i really wish i had one
  • i'm having the same pet problem. I've seen somewhere on the forum that every race can have them at lvl 20 but only venomancers can buy the eggs from the npc shops and have them hatch. but once their hatched, we couldn't find a way to trade. so is that true that a blademaster can have a pet at lvl 20? if not/ yes, how does…