Chiv - Lost City Arc User



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  • stargazers your mostly right but why wouldnt you want to use sirens kiss on an archer? if you holy path up to one and then sirens kiss your doing several things, doing damage on him, making him only do half damage to you, and keeping in him from running back into a range where he would be doing full damage to you. All…
  • i was actually wondering about that, how does demon landslide and tide spirit stack with their crit percentages? will you litterally have +70% crit?
  • Ok someone said that RB makes BB, Barrage, and Dragons breath tick faster because it increased channeling. I basically told her no thats dumb, its not channeling. Whats the right answer? Can someone clear this up once and for all?
  • Hrmm ok this is basically what i thought, it doesnt really matter as long as the average is the same. I've had some people contradict me and tell me alternate theories so i wanted to clear this up for me once in for all. Thanks for taking the time to post!
  • This should be stickied end of question xD This almost makes me want to lvl my sin instead of my psychic, but I just can't see me being able to afford the interval gear to make a sin truly OP. I guess ill stick with my psy... or they could just make classes more balanced so i can just stick with my cleric.
  • You really can't purify soulburn and diminished vigor? wow.... thats **** why would you make a skill that specifically undermines one of our skills >.< We don't have a ton of high lvl psy's on Lost city, most of the fishies are sins, so I've never had experience fighting psys. So how is that logical, that one classes…
  • Wow, 93 lvls of being a cleric and I had no idea this was the case. I always thought last spell to be cast was the on to effect the XP loss. Thanks for testing this and posting!
  • Whoo, lady I think your really confused about clerics. Clerics don't have purge, they have PURIFY, and I'm pretty sure we can purify soulburn AND diminished vigor. Not that we'd need to to kill you xD. To the OP, I think that clerics can have it rough in PVP, because we just dont hit as hard or fast as most other classes.…
  • Wizard: They are not exactly the Glass cannons that everyone makes them out to be, they are actually extremely tough classes to kill when properly geared out. This is pretty much the ultimate PKing class, if you like pvp, you'll want to be this class. They have great survivability at high lvls due to great skills like…
  • what would be really funny about knockback working or pvp, is that you could like knockback people into bosses or mobs and stuff. if an archer gets stuck with a bad party in an FB, he can drop squad, kill the cleric and knockback the barb into the boss then port out XD
  • Thanks, that was extremely helpful... now whether ill actually be able to farm them or if ill have to buy them all...
  • ive that before, that since your heals are based on your base damage its better to have a wand or a sword but can you explain that reasoning to me? glaives have the same average base damage for the most part.
  • Clerics are not party slaves! the party is the clerics slave!
  • wow your stats are def a bit wonky... your str should at max be 49 for your TT90 gear, and your dex should never be more than 5, and if you managed to make you vit 3, why not make the most useless stats for clerics dex 3 instead of 10... also you phys defense is ridiculously low, I'm lvl 87 with lvl 70 3* gear and my phy…
  • i actually tend to make money in the cube, i guess im the only one though. I've made many millions on it so far though, i started when i was 85.
  • I feel like a lowbie in pvp b:surrender but dang that was fun i loved dropping in at the beginning when nobody was expecting me and getting ganked by 8 people all around me lol
  • For clerics, demon and sage is pretty much a tossup, they both have some potentially amazing skills and anyone who says otherwise is just biased. All you have too look at is the sages Chi skill to know they are going to be very versatile, not only in pk but also in PVE. an extra spark a minute would save me alot of pots…
  • whats even more fun than making them chase you is flying a little above it and then having a white name cleric heal you. the guard aggros the white name but wont kill it and just RESISTS RESISTS RESISTS over and over its really funny ive heard you can glitch it to kill red names using that method but i dont konw anything…
  • honestly dude, you dont know anything. at 9x you have pieces of HH gear that are worth 10 million. To be honest your perspectives on making money in this game is all based on perception. If your saying making 25 mil for a frost weapon isnt to terribly tough, well your probably right. if you thinking of stuff like wings of…
  • Barbs have anti-stun/sleep/seal spell so just use that at the beginning of the fight, if hes as predictable as he sounds hell die quickly
  • Yup, 95 belt, guard of thundershock, owns. If i were you i would continue using the belt you have, because in reality it has some really good modifiers and refining it is very worth it as its higher lvl than almost any other available good belt. its a great belt until you can get the 90, and then 95 belt. HH belts are kind…
  • Rebirths ^^
  • If i could just trade demons stupid debuffs for sages awesome debuffs, demons stupid metal mastery with sages awesome metal mastery, i would be completely satisfired with demon. as it is its a super tough decision i cant really decide. I'm leaning to demon, they seem more useful in more situations, and burgerhead is way…
  • Absolutely, what slake said. I'm excited about this skill sounds awesome. what seems much more useless is elven boon. why are we getting a weak **** attack with a weak **** heal as our lvl 100 reward?
  • i dont know about yall, but ive always followed this rule except on tough bosses. Never even really considered it before just seemed natural, the higher lvl should DD since he will be better at it if the lower lvl cleric can heal...
  • i really love it so far! chapter 6 was an interesting break and i liked the references. the more PWI references the better! i like cat's narration, she has a lot of personality. only thing ive had an issue with in the entire thing so far is the crotchedy old man and nice old lady... for some reason they arent my favorite…
  • well im a fan! like it alot waiting for the new chapter!! oh and if you want to read the type of fan fiction that makes you want to shoot yourself in the face look up "my immortal" on google... its a mix of harry potter and twilight that is truly hurrendous
  • it was hard to choose between kyna and mandarina... i chose kyna though! i was kinda surprised desiree was so far in the lead... sorrry she doesnt really have he best crafted char
  • I have something that i haven't really heard in regard to this before. Why not allow it to be random who gets the mold drops? Not to be greedy, but this just makes more sense. how many FB's do you get? at the most about 9 in your lifetime. Now how many FB's do you run for others? many many more than that. So it makes sense…
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