Psyhic good replacement for Assassin?

Posts: 87 Arc User
edited May 2010 in Psychic
Im currently playing sin but its hard class i do not enjoy it since i prefer magic classes. Why i choose sin then? For Pk purposes, i want to ask if psych does good job in pk, or fails just like cleric
Post edited by Lynore - Sanctuary on


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  • Posts: 133 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    both classes are good, psychs hit very hard but if an assasin of same level comes up to u chances are u gonna be like a wet paper for him, same goes for them, cause they weak against magic if u hit firtst chances are u can one shoot them. again its not about who's the best but about if u got brains and skill to know how to use ur class, i slowly leveling both classes but for now i prefer psychs since they got alot of potential and lots of nice aoe skills to grind
  • Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    but if an assasin of same level comes up to u chances are u gonna be like a wet paper for him, same goes for them, cause they weak against magic if u hit firtst chances are u can one shoot them

    yeh, but if you have quick reflexes and a spare spark you can cast psychic will which makes you immune to the sin for several seconds, generally enough time to waste them. or enough time to cast white voodoo and fly away if you're the peaceful type ^_^
  • Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Im currently playing sin but its hard class i do not enjoy it since i prefer magic classes. Why i choose sin then? For Pk purposes, i want to ask if psych does good job in pk, or fails just like cleric

  • Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited April 2010

    yeh inorite? some of the best pkers i know are clerics o.O
  • Posts: 574 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    nah believe me, clerics suck.
    I don't need a Squad
    Level a Venomancer to 90.
    Aug 12, 2009
  • Posts: 1,235 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    obvious troll is obvious
  • Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    nah believe me, clerics suck.

    LOL if u think Clerics suck at Duels u obviously never dueled a pro cleric before. b:laugh
    I'm very responsible, when ever something goes wrong they always say I'm responsible.
  • Posts: 1,235 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Lol duel >.>
  • Posts: 436 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    In duels clerics are even better than in PK, where they are already good too.

    Fish is fish, who cares if they have toothpicks or love balls.
  • Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I guess only wizards and psychics have trouble killing clerics then ;o
    but from my point as sin/veno, clerics suck big time.....
  • Posts: 10,466 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    sowwy but the OP will suck at pvp no matter what class he plays.
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  • Posts: 87 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Cleric has only few attacks, most of their skills are buffs and heals, high channel and cooldown time makes cleric bit fail in Pk, one more thing Pk is not the same as duel :D
  • Posts: 269 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    yeh inorite? some of the best pkers i know are clerics o.O
    exactly sis


    I'm the only Harpy, Who's Psychic and knows all!b:chuckleb:pleased

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    Is currently working on Wizzy (imo better than my Psy)b:surrender name: SaphiraGione
  • Posts: 977 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    One word.... Soulburn. I've already heard rumors about it taking out a LOT of OP classes (Barbs, Clerics, Venos).

    If you want to PvP as a Psy, your best bet is to go for it. Yes, levels 30-48 you will die. You will die a LOT. You will die a whole lot. You will die a whole lot from Barbs and Clerics.

    BUT! Once you hit 49, you learn Soulburn. It's unpurge'd (boo hoo boo Clerics, get over it, you can't OP ALL the classes it seems.) and if your enemy so much as decides to attack you, they take damage. If they run, they take damage. If they decide to attack someone else, they take damage.

    It hurts monsters.

    It hurts PKers.

    What's not to love? Sure, Clerics can purge our voodoos and some of our barriers (Soul of Vengence being one of those) but they can't purge some of the other effects. And, if you're PKing alongside a tank class....your enemies can forget it.

    Psychics are also useful for taking out Venomancers. If you use landslide on the pet, it should force it back and deal some nasty damage, since most veno's use Hercs, Nixes, or Magmites, all of which take nasty damage from Earth elements. Then, a few hits later the pet should be down. Merely cast Soulburn on the Veno, and she literally takes care of herself. If you've buffed yourself with Soul of Vengence in the first place, she should have taken some serious damage already.

    So really, you could say Psychics are the "Overpowered Slayers". We can easily take out Barbs if our skills are used right. Diminished Vigor makes fighting Clerics easier. (by the way, they can't purge that either.) If an Assassin tries to take us out, it's difficult to recover, yes.

    Assassins are cowards, though.

    They hit.

    They run.

    When the player finally realizes where the Assassin is and hits them...

    They turn invisible.

    Run around.

    Come back for more.

    This is cowardly and annoying, and Assassins think they're invincible...and not just invisible. You have to remember, a good tank can always take out stuff if you can heal them right. I always pair up with a Wizard, Archer, Barb, or BM when I go PKing. Overlooked as far as PvPing, yes.

    But paired up with our skills, any party gets better. That's the beauty of being a Psychic. We're adjustable, and we do it fast. (Despite the slow cooldown, that's another story entirely.)
  • Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Cleric has only few attacks, most of their skills are buffs and heals, high channel and cooldown time makes cleric bit fail in Pk, one more thing Pk is not the same as duel :D

    You need to go re-read some cleric skills. Preferably after you get 1-shot by a triple sparked Wield Thunder that you couldn't do anything about since you were b:sleep.
  • Posts: 79 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Whoo, lady I think your really confused about clerics. Clerics don't have purge, they have PURIFY, and I'm pretty sure we can purify soulburn AND diminished vigor. Not that we'd need to to kill you xD.

    To the OP, I think that clerics can have it rough in PVP, because we just dont hit as hard or fast as most other classes. Clerics are far from fail at PVP though if you know how to play them right. Unfortunately I can't really answer you question completely as I've just started my own psy, but like all classes they will be good at PVP if you can play your char. They probably wont be as overpowered as those stupid stupid irritating sins are.

    *hate for devs for making sins * xD
  • Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    a lil of topic but what is /10char not up with the lingo:(
    "In case you can't do the math, as you stand there alone and consider fighting me, you'll be facing an army of over 30,000 hollows!" - Aaroniero Arruruerie, Novena Espada

  • Posts: 798 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Cleric has only few attacks, most of their skills are buffs and heals, high channel and cooldown time makes cleric bit fail in Pk, one more thing Pk is not the same as duel :D

    *blink* b:laugh



    Apparantly your server's clerics don't know what they're doing.
    Whoo, lady I think your really confused about clerics. Clerics don't have purge, they have PURIFY, and I'm pretty sure we can purify soulburn AND diminished vigor. Not that we'd need to to kill you xD.

    Neither can be purified, I believe it's intended to be the case on diminished vigor, and soulburning a cleric that pays attention is useless, they just switch to healing themselves through the 8 seconds as soul burn only triggers on damage dealing actions. Triple spark also does not purify these debuffs.

    However not waiting out a soulburn for any damage dealing if you're facing a well geared psychic is dim...
    Lypiphera 101 Cleric
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  • Posts: 1,235 Arc User
    edited May 2010 wow you sux , do you even pk in your psy? anyway wrong answer, try again.
  • Posts: 660 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I never did like fish sticks. But, fish is fish...Just play whatever class you enjoy more.
  • Posts: 79 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    You really can't purify soulburn and diminished vigor? wow.... thats **** why would you make a skill that specifically undermines one of our skills >.< We don't have a ton of high lvl psy's on Lost city, most of the fishies are sins, so I've never had experience fighting psys. So how is that logical, that one classes debuffs are an exception to all other classes in that they cant be purified? thats just so stupid. *rage*


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