Celebren - Heavens Tear Arc User


  • hi malified - sry i'm atm on work. I will logg in the game in around 2 hours from now on. I will whisper you as soon as i have logged in the game, if you still need help then for your fb19 i will help you.
  • who needs those chronopages, grade 9 gems, .... ?? i'm sure NOT A SINGLE player lower then lvl 70. So those mobs should be on this part of the map which is only for lvl 70+ ppl and damned NOT on the normal map, between lvl 30 mobs i.e. So i suggest with next maintenance those mobs go to this map where they belong to. Its…
  • Real Roleplay is not the intention of this game - this game is just a simple run / fly and kill action (shooter) game. nevertheless you can do roleplay in some way. So the environment (reaction of npcs, mobs, locations, ...) cant be changed according / depending to your roleplay, or you take a role along a special…
  • 101% agree questions in common / world chat asked in a crud way i simply dont answer. If asked in a normal / polite way i most times whiper the one and answer him, or sometimes also answer in common chat when i know this ppl is near and can read
  • this quest is simply crud scripted, same as some others also. quest titel should have stayed on "reborn" npc text doesnt tell you much what you have to do. its somehow a bla bla to find a ghost npc, but nothing about you have to die first. the quest disapears from questlog in same second you get it, so it could also be…
  • 101% agreed in lower lvls the equipment you get from rank, DQ and Cultivation / challenge quests is in 99% worthless i.e. my rank 1 equipment i sold to npc cause 4 lvl before i got from normal mob-drop better one lvl 47 challenge quest = killing suzerix the bow you get is much too low for this lvl. you are near lvl 7 gear…
  • so this would mean that when i only do PVE i dont need any accuracy = no need to "lvl" it via shards, armor .... and that there is also no need to "lvl" up evasion, when mobs are on fixed dodge and hit rates vs. us ppl
  • killing those 2 x 8 other mobs is 1st part of call of duty quest - killinf main boss is 2nd part, so i think in this case its important in which order you do
  • for your culti quest: you did kill those 2 x 8 other mobs in dungeon BEFORE you started for boss kill and activating on pillar ? Cultivation: Aware of Principle Dungeon Quest: Level 20+ monsters + Boss (Lvl 23) Average Time to completion: 1-4 hours (Level 20 Party) 1. Speak to Elder (246, 646) - Kill 8 Blackhive Wolfkin…
  • you have to harvest them with a pickaxe. pickaxe you get from npc named merchant xxx
  • fb39 you have to kill 3 bosses so those 2 wine are for each of those i think ? @ velvetacid and btw. for other quests you have to get some quest drops out of gate od delirium the statue quest - quest drop from those servants and a 2nd one (cant remember the name) - mossprites so for me it seems not to make sense to do this…
  • No i dont have / play one, but not again every 2nd day a thread about "overpowered" venos. I really like to have those lurers and tanks (their pets) around me and in my party. I couldnt imagine to play this game without them AND their way of being able to play this game. There is nothing on them to be overpowered.
  • what is so unique on this idea ? didnt we hade this on halloween ? and didnt complain 95% of ppl that duke' spam shouting was annoying ? and didnt complain 85% of ppl that this all was a trap for spending money and they didnt get anything worse for it ? if your post was sarcastic so ok and then forget my answer the idea…
  • @ tenbatsu this would be the best and simplest. This even asian devs / scripters could be able to manage. so every party member and also other player are always on top with which mob is attacked and how far HPs are already down.. I think this would also solve in some cases ksing and being ksed
  • yup - voted for truth to 110% nothing against new "high lvl" bosses and those who are able / in need to kill them BUT damned NOT in areas where lower lvls are even challenged to do their normal quests. its neither fun nore satisfaction or sophisticating to get 1 hit killed and every time loosing 5% xps. Please move them to…
  • there should be major changes to this quest. 1. lower amount of needed items. it ridicolous to want 5 times after the other 10 dull claw, when youre lvl is getting higher then the one from mobs which drop them. Your droprate degreases till zero 2. its also a bit ridicolous if you have to kill mobs with 150k HP (lvl 41+ DQ…
  • i have to agree with Ash in some parts. in the way the game wants cleris to be = mainly supporter / healer - this game is total missdesigned for them. Just one example therefore : what gets a cleri for healing his party members ? --> nothing what gets a cleri for buffing his party members ? --> nothing compared to the…
  • when you are in a party as already said above - i doesnt make any matter if you hit the boss or not and / or if you killed (final shot) it or not. IMPORTANT is that you were party leader when you clicked on the pillar to start the fb / quest. ONLY then those fbs will count for YOU / YOU will get the kill if you are only…
  • there is nothing venos should be hated / raged for maybe they have it a bit easier - maybe not, maybe they have more coins then me - maybe not, maybe they die less then me - maybe not, .. could be continued with all other points ... i dont care about if venos are rich, easy to play, overpowered, able to solo some mobs, ..…
  • except venos - NO other class can tame and use (for luring, fighting, ...) pets in game. The pets other classes have sometimes are, as already said, "all class" pets. That means you have to get from a veno she must tame, "convert" to an egg and sell / give you. You then can hatch pett. Those pets wont get hurt in no way…
  • elfs dont have beards - so elfs with beard --> horrible b:shocked and on a sidenote: they have totall NO hairs on their body except those on their heads and those are most times very long and i agree they are also never dwarfs on steroids
  • only your white lvl 1 wings cost mana. When you hit lvl 30 you can do a small quest for getting those brown, called eagle wings. Those are slower then the white ones but dont need mana
  • as far as i know you cant manufacture those sockets by yourself. Those sockets are cash shop - pw boutique - items. You can buy in the pwi boutique (sun symbol) with real money or from ppl in game. using sockets on an item is easy. Just go to a pwi boutique agent - npc in every great town - and click on him and use…
  • for damage its correct - with mob coming closer to you, you do less damage. Max. damage you only do on max. distance / range. on normal maps - NOT WORKING in fbs (dungeons) - you have a skill for pushing mobs away from you, so you can get them on range again if coming to near, or run some steps away for getting range again…
  • you can also try on ppl vendors or Auctioner - auction house - to get one, if you dont get from quests reward (fb19 maybe) or driop from mobs
  • i dont know on which server you are. On Heavens Tear there are several guilts who recruit ppl regardless of their lvl. For those fb quests its right that you cant solo them - except you are some good lvl higher then quest / fb lvl. But it should not be a problem to find ppl (also if youre not in a guilt) who will help you.…
  • without having the proper quest / mission to kill kunkun, it maes no sense to do it. kunkun is a non aggro mob and never attacks - just running away if attacked. Itself is easy to kill even barenuckled you could do at the lvl you have when getting this quest. 2nd way is to ask a ppl there who does physical damage and squad…
  • its that light blue /green glowing building there called secret pasage. so i dont know on which server you are i can only speak for heavens tear. There are most times higher lvl helpfull ppl around or in the dungeon who will help you if you dont have friends to squad with. cords to know wont help cause cord assistance…
  • hm - still no info / answer what those aerogear tickets are - so bump up if even GMs dont know would be a bad thing - so please an answer from official side to those items
  • in generell its possible to solo, but for sure not with the lvl you normaly have when getting this quest /call of duty (around 19+) I dont know on which server you are, but on heavens tear it should be no prob to go to this dungeon (place) and ask there in common chat for help. Also there are lots of broads from ppl who…