The Chicken Psy BM and Barb are just pounding away on Rankar, cleric is standing back near the psychic just casually healing because everything is going fine. Then ... Psy (with black voodoo) hits a macro on Rankar, and of course grabs aggro. Psy freaks out and starts running away while BM and Barb are madly trying to get…
I don't really like the idea of dressing up pets, but I think it would be cool if we could dye the saddles on mounts.
Hasn't this topic already been covered a hundred times in the forums? b:chuckle
I don't think you can turn that off, but you can blacklist them if they're being jerks.
Did you happen to do a search before you decided to start this thread?
This was the one I was going to enter.
I'm assuming you plan to use a reset note? As far as I know, you can't lower any of your attributes below 5.