Buffs_R_Us - Lost City Arc User


  • and a lot of them have never even set foot in nirvana.
  • Actually I believe that KD alts were booted after the KD emo raging started because zulu was stacking a war with kylin. If the server can not support more than 2 strong guilds then why doesn't KD disband and join you can all join in the other 2? KD is the sinking ship anyway why should zulu members go back to your inept…
  • Wow you are not very intelligent either. The point was that cube neck and warsong belt explain where they come from in their names. They were not asking where they came from.
  • Seriously...you are an idiot. Even a 5 year old could have understood what was being said. NVM I forgot you are one of those know-it-alls so no point explaining anything to someone as mentally challenged as yourself. On a side note it will never happen. PWI only cares about how much cash they can bleed out of its players.…