Bordeaux - Lost City Arc User


  • This may sound noobish, and flame me if I'm wrong, but what if there were more auctionhouses and all trading was done through there. That would fix the problem, maybe?
  • Unofficial bump. also, another thing I love about Nostalgia, is that lvl doesn't matter. You could be lvl 1 and want to join and you can. It's really really awesome. I have a newbie friend, and they let him in with only one word from me. I simply told Leskin 'I have this friend who's pretty cool...' and he asked 'Want me…
  • I checked Nostalgia's thread and... This looks interesting. A sort of survey, if you will. Name (in game or out): Level (25+): Gender: Location (optional, of course): Why you want to join: And it wouldn't be fair if I didn't fill it out... Name: Stephanie or Bordeaux Level: 32 Gender: Female Location: NJ So there ya go.…