BloodyThor - Heavens Tear Arc User


  • ah alright thank you verymuch for answering my question
  • well I saw one lvl 85 TT armor, and at the forges theres only 70,80,90,99 lv armors that you can make. But those question marks are there so im guessing he found a way or something
  • Last year's snowmen were much better than this year everyone is confused and some IN their lvl range cant kill the mobs they should! this years event is just dumb!
  • is anyone conserned that after lvl 59 seekers have absolutly NO NEW SKILLS!!!!! theres an obvious shortage on skills for seekers plus the first new skills you learn is at lv 9 whille barbs and bms already have at the leased 3 new skills by then? like seriously!!!!!
  • i believe that seekers do not have enought skills, the first new skill you learn is at lvl 9!!!! ususaly there are at leased 3 new skills before than with every other class! i realized that the programers are not done yet since the skills end at lvl 59 of learning new ones and that there will 'hopefully' be an update for…
  • did anyone ever think that some ppl dont want to pay REAL money for a game that is suposudly free? get the objects in the store with coin prices as well, keep the number high for your prfits of course but seriously im dying to get some stuff from there but im not gonna pay huge amounts of money for a game, the reason i…