BloodFeast - Harshlands Arc User


  • LOL. Funny that you guys think im banned and that i even used this exploit. I was never banned, nice rumor, the fact is ive been working pretty hard last few weeks not much time online. Check worldchat sometime ill give yall a shout out. I never even used this exploit btw, just good ol fashioned FC skills. How bout we talk…
  • Holy mother of... lol 4 pages? when the heck did all this happen LOL... amazing... umm lol im speechless... ok well just a few points lol 1. I love you brave young men, who for some reason are using lvl 1-2 alt names and not their mains, to insult me...well trying to insult me. 2. I love how people try to get their two…
  • Why doesn't pwi give us sins some sick wings? :/ all the ones so far are girly :/ lol would look weird on a male char.... I really hope they give us some sick looking wings, like barbs/venos have :D
  • if its annoying why did you start one Divine_Death? :D nevermind that.
  • Not really, you see the ppl who QQ to me are players a +3 sin would not kill, and I have never actually seen a sin with +12 even kill these players in 1 v 1s... im talking about names like wolfo, Banzzork (with a huge list), players that 1 shot me...but when i do take them on, and even when they die without me doing it…
  • ^^ Damn wrong name... oh well I LOVE YOU CURSES, i love you man, till death man! love you bra!