Blade_aether - Lost City Arc User


  • Quick Claw is missing a bit, I successfully managed to purge Fisga TWICE with 100 skill, and I was last man standing, I outlasted Calvin by about two minutes. Although, not going to lie, once I was the only one left, I ran for my life. Blade_Aether Last man standing
  • 35 versus 10... It also doesn't mention the +20, just says 50% more to party members in range. I would be fine if it was 15 to EVERYONE in party, including the barb... But this way a barb can pass a party of 10 people 1 spark faster than a Veno can pass 1 person 2 sparks... Anyone else smell something fishy? Blade_Aether…
  • Certain HP bonuses? Which ones? Anyone have clarification on this? Also, looking further into it I tested Sage Arma... It is less than level 10, but not by the % dictated... Is this like the demon Beast King's Inspa? It gives 35 chi to the user regardless of how many people you buff with it. Description says it gives 50%…
  • Sorry for quoting in a second post, but the description for SAGE Armageddon says that it: "Sage version reduces HP and MP cost to 35% of your current total." That is taken straight from, I consider it to be reliable. 18738/100X35=6557.25 That means that 6557 is 35% of your maximum HP, when full. Assuming I am…
  • So I ran that armageddon test on my friend's barb, who has sage armageddon. (I don't have it because I had been informed on live chat that it was still bugged) He went from 17825 HP to 8913 HP roughly, I was not able to exactly screen shot it. (Nor did I check his mana >_> ) His is for sure sage. How long ago did you learn…
  • "The Best Barbarian" Because let's face it, I am. Blade_Aether Lololololol
  • No you boob, I mean when it is down, like now, and I cannot get one, I don't feel like logging into game. Sheesh, can't you recognize a QQ thread when you see it? Blade_Aether Reply_Preview
  • So basically I TL;DR'd a lot of this BUT! Let me go and burden you all with my opinion. Remove Assassins and Psychics. Make weapons that can hit over 2 APS not able to have GoF or Sac Strike. CAP APS at 4.0 (Honestly, without S.S. and GoF 4.0 is not so scary) I can honestly say that even if you neglect these awesome…
  • So hurr durr 35 chi instead of 10? Honestly, that is a little unfair? Especially considering that Sage onslaught cannot zerk... Especially considering that it gives 15 chi, as opposed to 10, just going to make it give 20 more? I am pretty sure that was not how it was designed to work... Just like how the Demon Highland…
  • More votes please b:bye Blade_Aether My Shift key is so messed up.
  • BOLOGNA, Demon HP BUFF is like 70 gazillion times better than sage specifically for the 35 chi instead of 10 chi. BOLOGNA! Blade_Aether Despises the demons...
  • Uhm, I initially thought of this as well, but it is false. So if you have a Demon barb HP buff itself while NOT in a squad, you still get 35 chi, but even in a party of 6 people, you still get 35 chi. Speaking of lag, I would estimate that about 3/10 that I don't even get chi for using my Sage HP buff due to lag. Can we…
  • This, plus 70. Blade_Aether Warming up to Sakubatou
  • RAGE, I TRIED OPERA, FF 7.0, CHROME, NETSCAPE, AND IE, NO BLESSING!?!?!? No error message either, the log in link button is broken??? FIX IT!?!?!? Blade_Aether WHERE IS MY JONAS BROTHER BLESSING?
  • If you give us reliable stuns/paralyzes we turn into a BM... Keep the stuns and paras to a low, and amp the damage? Melee spike class? The role of barb has always been 'meat shield'... Not sure if a paradigm shift is in our near future, or future period... Anyways, as for the canceling of fly mounts... Does it prevent you…
  • Because 5.0 Poleaxe Archers is totally legitimate? Okay, I understand the likelihood of getting 3 or even 2 minus interval mods is unlikely on the rank 8 recast, but I have seen a BM on Lost City with 2x -0.5 on her R8 recast chest. (The extra 8 atk lvl and -.1 on the wrists are from…
  • +1, +1, +1!!!!!!!!!!!! Rising Dragon Strike is a complete joke, you have to be kidding me. Blade_Aether Approaching spam...
  • A-Ballsack, more stuns on a barb make it a BM. B-Ballsack, demon barbs get 300% accuracy, is that not enough for you? Sage is 225%... Pretty sure that my 60 dex sage barb has 4590 accuracy with buff on... C-Never miss in tiger? Hello unreduced damage in tiger form for demon barbs, thanks for trying to encourage cultivation…
  • Barbarians are incredibly outdated. Sage onslaught cannot 'Zerk' plus the increase channel means that 2 auto attacks in range are higher damage, and chance to zerk if 'zerk' weapon is available. Addon damage on skills is virtually negligible with the increase defenses, defense levels and HP standards, % weapon damage is…
  • I did a test forever ago, using 300 auto attacks, and 300 uses of each skill in a close tally, it is somewhere in the barb section. Sac Strike worked out to 19%, GoF worked out to 38%. These are rough, but for each being used over a 1000 times for the test, it is fairly accurate. Blade_Aether Moobs.
  • Me genie pro because he have more HP than my barb, me pretend he ma best frand. Also, +12 545 str zerk crit always makes me lolololololol x days. Blade_Aether Sad Panda.
  • Nosredla know I suck most at barb, lose to all I do. Me have 3 vit for lolololz yes yes. Also, how else you know who is good barb? Levii must make list now right? Blade_Aether Feeling BRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
  • Do you read my posts? Obviously not. I said there are ways to balance, like sack the -int if you want the atk lvl. Herp derp. Actually, let me carry this out a little bit further: Someone brought up the novel idea of the account stash, rank gear is not account stash-able. Seriously, for people who wish to share several…
  • Me love Q_Q There were a couple sides to the ideas I brought up that people missed. I was not saying make NV 2nd cast straight up equal to rank 9. I think that adding ways to farm to improve second cast, whilst making it equivalent in price and offensive/defensively to R9 would not be unfair. Take the weapons for instance,…
  • Honestly, you are more than likely right Bliss, 30 would be more appropriate, I am just super jelly because I want my pretty axes to at least compete with R9. Between HH NV and CV NV I had 8 cosmetic options, between Poleaxe, Polehammer, Dual axe, and Dual Hammer. All effecting doing the same thing. With R9, I get one…
  • Pro tip, improve gear. I literally started in Closed Beta, so I got to level before hypers existed and also before Frost was an EXP instance. Did I mention that BH's did not exist either? I had no will to cash shop, and farming seemed boring, and so did questing, so I would PVP the day away. Now albeit I leveled using…
  • GOSH DARN IT, ME USE 2nd CAST MAGIC SWORD NOW, MORE DMG WITH +20 ATK LVL! Blade_Aether Deals magic damage.
  • Sage, because it matches my mount, fash, and wep. Blade_Aether Fashionable.