Wow, someone is pissy...and its not me for a change b:pleased Take it easy on GohRaL, hes been a demon barb purist for a long long long time now and still tends to get a bit excited when these topics come up. There are many many many topics about the lack of balance in this game that has become ever more glaringly obvious…
Wow dude, just got your guide, and I have to say its awesome. It almost makes me want to go back and dig up or re-test my threat numbers, ALMOST. Unfortunately I'm a very casual player here anymore and don't wanna do it all over again lol. However, if memory serves, most threat skills added about 1~2k damage worth of…
Roar/Alpha Male: Sets aggro to caster only with a skill level determined amount of threat. Devour/Penetrate Armor/Stream Strike/Untamed Wrath: Adds a skill level determined amount of threat towards the caster in addition to any damage/debuff threat generated by the skill. Flesh Ream: Sets the casters threat level to that…
*once upon a time* Used to be that barbs enjoyed one of the most balanced cultivation decisions in pwi. (on paper, at least) But its not the skills that have have changed to **** this up, it was the onslaught of ever more OP gears becoming available, combined with the relative lack of mob/boss challenge. Barb threat skills…
retracted, due to edit in above response. Oh hell, have a hug anyway. Sorry about your money, but that was also your choice. Still, it sux. And I agree, pwi2008/2009 totally kicked pwi2010's mother luv'in ****
Cool breakdown of the past few years, and pretty spot on too... now that being said, I just gotta quote this, sorry... "Now, this brings me to my main point: Is it my fault I'm so negative? Or is it my fault that I display my negativity in such a way?" Well yes, yes it is you Jack-Wagon. O F C it is. Who the hell's 'fault'…
Lunar armor is relatively quick to farm and the top costs a fraction of the tt99 top.
Oh, we CAN out dps several classes, assuming similar level, gear grade, refines etc... As a semi-strenght axe barb I can out DPS most clerics, wizzies, venos (not sure about veno+pet though) BM's (with the exception of high -int fist) and can go toe to toe with ranged archers, psys and non int sins around my level. Demon…
Honestly u could do worse...and you could also do much better. If you are just looking to support DPS, FF or lunar fists would serve you better, especially because you already have so much DEX. (Both of those can aslo be sold when u come to your senses) but with you being sage I would recomend restating strength and get…
Doing fine, dont worry about the magic restat till later, or when u can afford it. You wont likely find one in kitty shop, so that leaves buying gold (either with zhen or from auction lady) and getting cheap scroll. You can also restat the magic down to 3 min, giving you 7 points for vit/str/dex.
Makes you a 1 trick poney, cause all u got is arma. I suppose you could pull cata pretty well too, but most cata barbs go min str for pan gu giant axe.
Yup, merchanting is great. I have a few items i concentrate on in the auction houses. If those items are being sold below a certain amount, I buy them and resell for a modest profit. It only takes a few min to set it up before I go off playing, and makes a few mil in a few days. As you get into TT, just go go go. Yes the…
Barb casts? Barb slow? What kind of place is Lost City anyway? I wanna be a magic casting slow walking mage that looks like a barb b:cry
^unfortunately this is how they finished lunar. By nerfing it, yay.
Ive had many times when the cleric dies from a bosses aoe without a rez scroll (doh!). I always ream the boss one last time, pop an apoth pot and holy path to a safe corner with boss chasing after me, all the time screaming at squad mates to run like hell while I take one for the team. For some masochistic reason I love…
Wait, fuzzy, u do know that hp per hp demon arma hits 10% harder than sage, right? It may SEEM the other way around sometimes because sage barbs generally tend to focus more on hp than demon barbs do, but in the end arma is humanoid form skill, and neither culti has an hp advantage in humanoid.
welcome to communist china.....ijs
Lunar deffo got nerfed. I dont know WHY because its not like people were over-farming it all the time. Hell, most people never even go in there. P.S. please take away entry fee if u are gonna nerf drops....pweeeeze? b:sad
*Ducks before epeen exceeds max capacity and explodes, spraying veno juice all over this thread b:avoid
a 5k arma crit/zerk on an unprepared lvl 100+ barb? A hyper/oracle poorly equipped barb? A fist barb? Not so difficult to believe.
Wow, was changed looooooong time ago, during the tideborn expansion when they upped skill and effect resolutions. Where u been?
demon_ea is most fail, duh Yulk is a GOD among trolls.
Would you all please kindly **** about this? You sound like a bunch of hobos in the soup line bitchin about the lack of corn in todays free meal. Does it suck that dq drops are worth less? Sure. Do the GM's have to do anything about it? No. So quit screaming at them like bratty children FFS. If I were them, at this point…
How does nerfing veno pets make sins less powerful? b:question
For helm either make or buy a good grade 12 OHT helm. Same with cape unless you have tauren. For the rest of armor, just farm tt. I know the beast armor mats are difficult to obtain right now, so u might want to consider tt90 gold chest instead. If u do, you can mix it with gold arms or legs to get the strength bonus.…
Shield of chi always seemed to proc a little more often for me, but that could be due to it having a good duration. As for usefulness, its very situational. HP regen works better for grinding/solo runs as u regen some lost hp, chi shield works better in tanking hard hitters where a little less damage can mean life or…
i just did a lunar run, was super easy. even if u dont want to farm ttgold mats for lunar gold gear u could make the grade 13 oht gold pretty fast and cheap. how good it is depends on luck though
Update* -mobs now have 'week' 'sac assault' 'increased def' etc... They can also summon more mobs, yay -Drop rate took a huge dive, yay -Masaca Seben has aoe seal, and uber buffs himself a little before 50%, and buffs himself more frequently as hp drops, yay -Drake Fling dropped 2 chromatic tinders just 30min ago for me,…
No, no...thats where he wants you to...'beat the drum' b:spit
Shield of chi only overides itself, it stacks with invoke, BB, solid shield and beastial rage. Revenge attack increase is 10% of total phys attack.