I'd write a series...Here are my ideas. V0lume 1:R9 0r gtf0 V0lume 2:R9 Recast 0r gtf0 V0lume 3:Stage 3 r9 0r gtf0 But in all seri0usness. 'Perfect W0rld Pushed t0 the Limits' 0ne thing this games st0ry is bent 0n, is each race gr0wing str0ng as p0ssible t0 defeat the wraiths, but with each acc0mplishment they make in…
If thats my sister I can 0nly fear what her children will l00k like...
It just had t0 be a p0ny related b0t.... Request:Make a anti br0ny b0t next.
Indirect pr0m0ti0n 0f bestiality. Barb 0n elf l0l? T0tally n0rmal.
If y0u're asking which 0f the 2 is m0st effective defensively at end game, I w0uld say Mystic.
1)Where did I even disagree and say they are n0t easy t0 play?0r have an advantage due t0 buffs? 2)If y0u analyze my resp0nse y0u will see what I am actually talking ab0ut and what part 0f y0ur p0st I was resp0nding t0. 3)I never disagreed either that they are hard t0 master. Th0ugh again that is debatable because every…
It has n0thing t0 d0 with the class it's just the pers0n behind the pixel. Given the same gear scenari0 any0ne can be 'unbeatable' with en0ugh skill. Are s0me classes a little m0re 0p in certain areas? Yes. But that is all.
Then r0ll G0F 0n r8r sw0rd if y0u're t0 lazy t0 farm r9.
All h0pe is l0st. And I dunn0 h0w this thread c0ntinues t0 be entertaining. N0w that it is being abused even m0re, it seems t0 have l0st it's amusement.
My m0m is all0wed t0 play this game.
S0 n0w that this thread is being 0penly manipulated. (s0me pr0bably because they realize they w0nt be getting anym0re v0tes). Is this even legit anym0re?
Then again specifically what ideas 0f manipulati0n did y0u have in mind?
L0l it's easy to manipulate this p0ll...Y0u can literally just l0g y0ur alt acc0unts and v0te 0n it. Which I am sure has been d0ne already. Besides w0uld still be nice t0 kn0w what every0ne is basing their v0tes 0n.
Y0ur right, it was p0sted t0 see which m0d was m0st p0pular am0ngst the c0mmunity. But this type 0f thread is basically flame bait f0r any0ne wh0 wanted a chance t0 state why they hate a specific m0d....0r all l0l. And if n0t in actual w0rds simply just v0ting/n0t v0ting the 0nes they like. Then again like I said this p0ll…
He is als0 free t0 state he d0es n0t like any 0f them either. In all fairness I think his 0pini0n c0unts as much as any0ne wh0 v0tes 0r d0es n0t v0te.
M0ds have n0thing t0 d0 with the game.
@Fr0d0teabagg I w0nder h0w many pe0ple here actually suck up t0 the m0ds.
Thank y0u, h0pefully in the future y0u will d0 just that.b:victory
I d0n't see h0w I am being defensive n0r was y0ur resp0nse able t0 0ffend me.I am simply asking y0u t0 p0int 0ut where in my p0st I said I did n0t like y0u 0r like y0u. Which I am n0w under the impressi0n y0u are unable t0 d0, n0t surprised 0f c0urse. b:bye
Pe0ple like me? Where in my p0st did I ever say I did n0t like y0u pers0nally? I stated a general view that was p0rtrayed by users 0f this f0rum in the past. But I applaud y0ur eff0rt in actually analyzing my reply bef0re y0u resp0nded. But like I said based 0n this p0ll I guess y0u are still n0t a fav0urite am0ng the…
KrKris has few v0tes due t0 the thread l0ck war that happened when he was initiated as a m0d. And I can say he was very much hated in th0se times. Seems t0 still h0ld true t0day. And 0h...naturally p0nyfails gr0up t0gether anyway.
W0w I see to be a m0d these days they d0n't require y0u t0 be pr0fessi0nal in y0ur resp0nses 0.0.
If bramble w0rked in PK, what w0uld bec0me 0f all th0se p00r n00b sins that d0n't kn0w what the bramble ic0n l00ks like v.v.
They all are trash t0 be h0nest.
Well I am the 0riginal, but it's fun t0 see 0thers getting 0n b0ard with it.
What was negative ab0ut my p0st? Actually n0t really, I l0st interest in p0st c0unt after I g0t banned. N0w I am kind 0f just watching t0 see if Skai g0es f0r rainb0w text title.
S0 is this the new thing 0n these f0rums?' 0mg L00k at me I just dinged 1k+ P0st!!'b:surrender
W0uld I even be taken seri0usly if I applied?
Yah w0uld be nice t0 c0ntinue it t0 match my p0sting style f0r like a year n0w l0l.0h well *F0rever 0riginal*
<--Real rainb0w ZZZZZ