when using the lvl95 stone does the character recieve stat points foreach level passed by?
Frustrated with the massive lag spikes that have been occurring since the migration to" new hardware" repeated unable to connect to server issues. Rubberbanding nearly half the distance in an instance during pulls or even outside of instance gets a toon killed quickly. Will this ever get better or are we to just deal with…
I voted no to rollback simply because I did not intend to abuse award redeem code if I clicked redeem once if there was something going on that wasn't supposed to be wasn't my fault I was just after what i thought was free dragon orb Thank You
Nation Wars are fun but these disconnects before and during the start of them keep preventing me from being in squad I intend to start with forcing me to solo most of the war if your going to fix it fine just do it soon please.
Cashops are otherplayers stores you can buy their items or sell items to them depending if they are buying item you have. You can set up catshop by clicking E and going to trade button click and set your price on what you want to sell