Balance_life - Lost City Arc User


  • There exist people (including me) who enjoy PvP because it can be a close competition. PK's are necessary sometimes (b:thanks) but if nobody fights back and makes things close and competitive, well, it gets pretty boring pretty fast.
  • Item drop rate is significantly lowered when a mob is killed by a higher lvl character, which is why you saw only coins: And they probably left the squad so you can pickup everything and the "random" distribution wouldn't put it in anyone else's inventory so they'd have to trade it.
  • No wonder it always seemed like I'd "make it back" so fast... my bad b:chuckle
  • It was just an idea. Why does everyone think I mean "this is the exact way I think it should be with no modifications"? Why not 30 mobs then for the 1st pk? Whatever, people are quick to flame and hardly try to contribute something useful. Oh and I kinda don't care about high lvl PK'ers anymore. I make the exp back in 5…
  • Don't worry about it. I didn't know about the 100 kills reducing 1hr. Although we are just doing alot of speculating, wouldn't like.... 10 kills for 1st pk, 20 for 2nd and so on be better (if red wore off ONLY by exp gain/loss?) create more interesting PvP situations with same lvl players instead of…
  • You didnt even read my whole post did you? And aren't there already drop penalties for being red so you would be hunted anyway? Might I actually suggest no drop penalty for some small number like 1-5 PK's or whatever, but you have to come out to a grind spot and kill a few mobs. OH NO now you are the hunted ! Sucks to be…
  • Wow. Isn't there already a drop penalty for being red? And this kind of system works just fine in Lineage 2, people still PK don't worry about it. Also I don't get your argument with the lvl 99. You say you kill him and he keeps coming back, and you can't keep PK'ing him because..???? I suggested having to kill a FEW mobs…
  • LOL WAT MORE quests?? b:surrender I'm lvl 31 and I am so SICK of 2394739258345 quests that make me go all over the place just to kill 10-30 mobs or whatever. So what if the reward is good? This is an MMO, but the way the early game is designed makes things anti-social and defeats the whole purpose of an MMO. I play cleric…
  • This is the exact reason I think there should be multiple hp mobs (not just the random 'increased life' mobs) but lots of places with consistent 2x, 3x, 4x, etc hp mobs to encourage squad play. Then again, I'm only on my first char lvl 28 so I might be totally wrong but from what I've been reading it doesn't seem that way.
  • Well, seriously, what did you think lol b:pleased There are so many other MMO's that are really grind-fests. PWI actually gives you (at least at the lower levels) lots of well-rewarded quests. I come from Lineage 2 so trust me on this ;) To be honest, however, I would much rather prefer fewer quests (especially with all…
  • Thanks for the answer.
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