AuralSlave - Heavens Tear Arc User


  • umm well...NO!! its a gender change...not a class change venos will stay venos and barbs will stay barbs..b:laugh
  • If not the respective wolf turnin into a wolf or the others...all models shud turn into one whole new beast...some UBER PWNZOR white tiger is so boring now..thats better actually..
  • I dont know if anyone has suggested this...But please bring in a Gender change scroll..I really dint have the time to read all 600+ posts...I dont know why I made a female char in this game,mayb coz I like the idea of female I came to know later on that u can carry female chars and even marry I hate…
  • Well I havent PvPed much but all I know is that Archers shudnt be looked down upon...All the PvP's I have had with players around my level, believe u me..I have won them all...Since Archers use Light armor, their Pdef and Mdef is about they dont take any bonus damage from the other classes..With Archers its…