you kjeep making this about an attack on you isn't. i am saying they could have balkanced things better. you gonna argue that too?
k getting past that and The Dion's suggestions...i fully understand you can survive if you play fast and well enough. that was never my digruntle. it is what is and honestly it's a game. why am i on here posting? as soon as i came back people all over the server are complaining about not wanting to finish their toons and…
what burns is so many people flock to what is easy. easy mode class=easy mode players=lower chances for any respectable pvp=dead pvp=how it is now. so while it's ok to dish out the smug comments from your ez chair think about this, would you be as sucessful with another class as your main? and if you put time and effort…
Which kills your genie for the other CC's they have, while with one click their chi is back and the CD is so low that they will recharge the skill before you recharge your defense. Vs. the OP zerk crits this doesn't usually work given even gear. Sage has an easier time than demon though.... Tried this, the recharge times…
ok thank you that's a honest suggestion. i will learn how to play, or at least try to. however since you barely pvp how do you know that i am wrong? if you ask the people who pvp ALOT they are saying now what i said months ago. honestly speaking i am serious about having their input put on here. tsy and OP too, but from…
i tried to say this months ago cause i play tested it from both sides, but l was told to shut up and that i don't know how to play by the people who are supposed to be the nuetral arbiters of the forum. OPkossy and Tsy in particular were aggressive champions for trhe game and eager to insuilt and discredit me, but anyone…
thanks for setting me straight but i neither said that they were OP or any statement about archers in this post. when i said arch i was refering to archosaur the server. for that matter, i simply asked how do people feel now... and thank you kossy for running to prove the the mods do care.....about the…
wow a few months ago i put all what people are saying now into play, and i was savagely attacked for it. ofc a skilled player beats a non skilled one. thing is, let's say there's a skill chart with 1 being a nab and 10 being a pro. someone with skill 3 can a sin can beat someone with a skill of 5 consistently on most…
anyone who duels with me often knows i used to gear down all the time. but you sir, like tsy are amazing players and i am glad that your words have made an impact. i am the root of the problem. so clearly i do not belong here. this will be my last post. and yes i am thick headed, but i also know when there's no point. the…
woot epic win. no excuses anymore will be gving away the account. ty for explaining it so well to me. peace all.
maybe if you read his post you would see why i took the tone to exclude him from this discussion. ty.
no but telling the truth goes a long way. and i am referring to him being a factor in this conversation. troll elsewhere please if you have nothing to contribute.
um you are on the same crack pwi and the devs are is i see. i play ALL toons. as a competitive player game balance was intrinsiclly important to me. if i play as the david too, how do i know if i developed true skiil at playing david, if compared to me all the other classes are like goliath? also i don't even wc for squads…
pvp in nw/tw is determined now by sin gear/build, barb gear/build, archer gear/build. who has has the better of those three classes wins, with seekers thrown in for sesoning. [pre=primal that is, if you traded your stances in then you screwed up lol]. and the topic was about 1v1. but thank you for your opinion on the…
you sir are a liar, that never happened [unless you count when i went afk, so if that is your reference then not only are you a liar, you are also pretty sad]. the video was not meant to impress, it was meant to demonstrate a point, so trolling me won't get you anywhere. it's okay i get it, you spent so much time on your…
enough time has passed anyone convinced yet?
check out the veterans question thread, some other views are on there as well.
ok, we just gonna gloss over what was said earlier: [use sign language] the cd's are too fast for all the disables. if you can keep up with a sin's cc on your genie, then that sin is worse than me on mine. or maybe just better than you.
they recently did an explanation on the web site news of how pvp work s like a rock scissor paper sorta deal to try and cover up how unbalanced things are. they ***'d up their own system. um you forget about the sin spamming silence then sleep and then elimination lifehuter combo. the resources availbke cant keep up with…
you're a troll i see. if you were pro you would know a sin's cds are way low. and with stealth and/or the new and improved defenses you can wait it out, then try again after the other players resources are expended. but you're not so you make pedestrian comments on strategy that anyone with a brain can counter. maybe…
i see and agree with all of what you have said. i have considered these things as well and my concern is out of two reasons. 1: as is everyone has a sin. it's arguably the best class in the game. with the current defense buffs and skills added, one of the weakness sins had were basically shrunk. if an already OP class was…
i expect my cleric to follow the chart pwi provided for us. but since you know it all you prolly knew that too. my bad.
you sir are on crack. vs a sin with tidal up that means nothing...bersus a barb in end game gear that means nothing.....yes i admit clerics a great at pvp. especially 1v1...i play one as my main. but with debuffs taking a serious hit, defenses getting a serious buff and crazy tick bypass skills and super crit super zerk…
um check out the other post on how broken sins are. toraah is arguably the best sin on our server. check out what he has to say.
make a toon on archo then ask for me. i'll come show you.
such bs. BARBS>SINS>ARCHERS>PSY>SEEKERS>TRASH [er, i mean the other classes] that is the order, they try to lie about a a->b->c system. but it is not balanced that way now nor has it ever been.
you should know better, if you cc a cleric effectively with silence and elimination, then there isn't much you can do. the chi building skills for a sin allow for and effective cc on most classes.
you are so bugging, you disagree with me, you disagree here. you talk down to people and have no valid points to support your arguement beside the old philosiphcal standbys of mmo gaming. wake up please. you are a sin. haven't you noticed how easily you are killing people that you could not before. is it possible that you…
you are so lost with this point? no crit no zerk? friggin impossible with crit rates of 100% no being possible. purify is no where nerf as powerful as tidal but hey take away the one thing that would help a cleric stop being stun locked.
silly rabbit, tricks are street corners.