Liar!!!!!!!! You gotta be lying! I'm sure you tamed It, you hatched It and you summoned It. Everyone has! Even if you npced the egg afterwards (which is exactly what the majority does).
Who hasn't ever tamed a ninetailed firefox? WHO????!!!!
Apparently, if you skip the cage quest you can ultimately get the extra 2nd slot with the lv 7 veno quest, but if you use the cage the taming quest wont give you an extra slot. Its a little confusing tbh...
Oh excuse me mr smarty, but the cage disappears once you leave Primal, the quest to extend your extra slot as a venomancer is not giving you the extra slot and the hay quest shouldnt even appear in case you've used a Zen cage to unlock the extra slot. (3rd in the venos case). This thing is so bugged... Lol.
Oh, that probably explains why the lv 7 veno quest didnt unlock the extra slot o.O
Why don't you test It? It takes like 5 minutes... I'm kinda not in the mood LOL
okay, the cage disappears as soon as you leave primal and it's not stasheable as there is no stash in primal, so it's better to use it before leaving. Secondly the quest to get another slot in the mainland is gone so... I guess you gotta use the cage after all, otherwise you'll lose a slot.
We'll find out soon enough!
there's a quest in primal world to get your 2nd slot unlocked. Now, i dopn't know if you can get your unlock at perfect world too... and that would be kinda cool, roght? another free slot! Anyways, i just sarted over as soon as I reached perfect world... i was just lv 6 anyway and this time i made sure i didn't equip the…