ArchSeraph - Dreamweaver Arc User


  • Sad to hear that there isn't as much mischief nowadays. Where's Goddess when you need him?
  • Ha. Volf, Lieal, MageFizban. As if I needed any other reason to post here for memory's sake.
  • I'd have to agree with using the main. I currently farm an easy 500k in an hour with double drops, which is more than enough to craft several things, getting some EXP and free pots all the while for use during the more intensive TT runs and the like. Generally, if you grind hard enough you can easily purchase the mats…
  • So what you've said, in so many words, is you utilize certain moral views when they fit your needs. Cool story, bro. May as well change religions based on which ones are better tools for you in the moment.
  • Early on, BMs will not compare to Barbs, as early play is based mostly on the composition of your stats, while equipment isn't as important. Early BMs lack the HP, defense, and aggro-control skills that Barbs have, which make them ineffective tanks. Later on, the game shifts to a focus on gear over level, and it is indeed…
  • Could also be the TT99 Green Monarch Axes.
  • Like most items added to the Cash Shop outside of 'Sale' status, I'd assume this is permanent unless it gets hated out like the Perfect Horns were.
  • Nothing to be concerned about, it's just a Venossassin. It can use a 'nix and Stealth skills as well. As I said, nothing major.
  • He's busy making Easterversary Packs, which will be available for a limited time only.
  • Females can't carry guys, which means females can't help him get back to safety. PWI doesn't think we're allowed to be useful like that.
  • Generally, people choose to play certain games because of their behaviors, not the other way around. You can see this in action by trying to get someone to play a game outside of their normal genre, which often leads to them playing it only to appease you before returning to their games or becoming open to a new way of…
  • If you can't see anything wrong with WQ providing more experience over time than Grinding, there is no hope left for you. I lament for your poor soul. WQ should be something that is done because it provides a method of getting decent experience while you're busy working on homework, not because it is better than killing…
  • This is coming from my experiences thus far, which I think meet your bill. How is perfect world's item mall design? The item mall's design is really nice. Items are categorized so they can easily be located, there are frequent sales, and many of the items early on are entirely unnecessary and only exist to make your gaming…
  • I dislike BH. I'm not going to stretch for who's the problem, because ultimately, it can easily come from the fact that BH didn't start until I was 8x, and 3x BH didn't start until I was late 9x. Now that I'm 100, I do BHs more than before because of the nice items they provide me. Now, I'll be blunt, there is no reason as…
  • This thread gave me a happy :3 On a more serious note, even though x2 exp/spirit/drop events were rare back when I was lower level, I do support having more of them (or just adjusting the rate as it is). It's quite nice to see money being able to pour back into the economy because people can do things outside of instances…
  • If by too lazy to think it over you're meaning that I'm basing my analysis on the state of the economy and personal spending as a result of people dropping their time and money into daily quests instead of quests that could be used to obtain gear or obtain coin (what an idea), then yes I am far too lazy to think it over.…
  • I'm not saying that all barbs should under all circumstances be the tank. But when I say "looking for Tank to do TT2-3" and a Barb whispers me only to show up with a pair of fists and light armor, my temptation to find a way to put this player in a computer-induced comatose a la the .**** series rises exponentially. When I…
  • I always try to max out the number of venos on my FC runs. With high level runs, I try to go 1 BM for stuns, 1 Archer for STA and BOA, 1 Cleric for cleric-ing, and 3 venos for boss raep. It really speeds along the second half of FC with all of the unadjusted pet damage against the [?] bosses.
  • I'm being entirely serious. I remember when I used to scoff at "newbs" for wearing their quest gear because they were too thrifty to sport majority TT gear. Now I'll find people running around with gear they were able to scrounge off of mobs during their BH runs that don't even have the full ring of resistances to make…
  • I'll be honest, I would not be displeased in the slightest if they tweaked the BH system to offer less experience or only one quest per day again. As if our **oracles weren't bad enough, we now have to deal with the up-and-coming Bounty Babies as well. Soon enough, the entire server will collapse on itself from lack of…
  • As the person that developed this post originally on the Calamity faction boards, I'll ask that it be locked or deleted. There is too much naming going on here, there is too much that is said that is not meant to be openly displayed. Thanks ;3 EDIT: I won't be partaking in future endeavors in the Calamity/Equinox TW…