Aqualayer - Sanctuary Arc User


  • You don't have to buy anything with real money in Perfect World if you don't want to. Also for me, Perfect World is the best game so far which I have found since it has alot of quests and everything looks really nice in game as well. I have played P2P MMO games before but the only thing which was different from Free to…
  • Thank you for the answers. I do find it strange though how you can tame most of the bug type monsters in the game apart from the spiders. I will have to keep my eye out just in case there is one out there..(A bit of hope I guess) I will not look at spiders under level 30 then..(Thanks for that bit of information) I just…
  • I know that. My question was if anyone knew of any spiders in the game which can be tamed. I said that I have not seen any yet that can be tamed. I wanted to know some information about if there were any spiders which could be tamed. There is no point in me going around everywhere in the game to look at all the different…
  • People do not normally attack the same monsters which I do after I have started to attack them. Sometimes though, I send my pet towards a monster and there could be another person which comes out from my view and starts to run towards the monster as well. So I will normally just click on the stop button to stop my monster…