god is that the truth. I remember this one I was in that I actually had to shut faction chat off from damn smiley icon usage. Also 21 wiz lf faction. At least I think im 21, the ave could be messed up again.
I love my sorcerer to solo. Cast that long nuke followed by the half long nuke, then the quick nuke. Usually dead before they even get to ya.
leeeeerooooooyyyy YAAAAAAAAA
but the graphics card is up to date with the latest drivers.
I just sold mine off for a quick 3k. Also if you want to gte a guardian, theirs always people yelling in world chat that are selling them off. One guy on my server was selling em for 50k undercutting the other people who were selling them for 60 and 65k. I had enough grand total but, you know id just be to pissed if the…
to me you use any tactic available to kill something for a quest. If a games coders don't want that tactic being used, then it's their job to rewrite the coding so that a tactic can no longer be used. Other then that, if you have the means kill away, and flip other weaker people who don't have the means for the tactic off.
well the hell with that. Thats ****. lol I'll just keep to the reg talk.
lol. I was actually kind of disappointed. I mean I just started the game yesterday, almost lv 11, and the 3 free things I got I couldn't even wear cause I wasn't 20. I was also expecting some sort of neat quests to do that had a cool reward from all the advertisement, but all the guy wanted was cash or dolls. I mean any…
lol selling out good loyal guild mates.
I looked at all the classes when I started and I decided to make a wiz first. Honestly, I love the class. I mean they aren't complete pansies for hits, and they can just nuke the heck outa everything. Quests go by quickly. I like to keep hp potions on me though for when I take on the tougher mobs. No downtime really. I see…
well that answers my guardian angel question. Though I wonder if anyone was able to get a midnight yet. I could see people paying cash after cash trying to get that sweet ride.
everquest 2 FF XI I don't play that many games at a time