AngelOf_Dusk - Lost City Arc User


  • I love my Cleric, because: It's the first character I made in Pw, and she always been my main. I like how she looks like. It's fun knowing people need me, and I do enjoy hearing others say about what great job I'm going. Though. Sometimes being needed becomes annoying, when people are desperate for some help, and you are…
  • When I first learned CHB I was really excited about it, and I was using it everytime I was in a squad, even though it wasn't really necessarely to. Though, as I kept leveling my skills I realised how much MP I'm wasting for nothing, and how much better is IH, for example. CHB is good to use after barb buffs your squad, or…
  • I totally agree with you. I`ve been playing Pw since more than two years now, and I know what you mean. BH first came up when my character was level 60 and yes, I did frosted. I started frosting at level 96 mainly because all friends were frosting and outleveling me. Before frost was up leveling was way harder, yes, but…
  • This is how my cleric used to look, This is how my cleric looks like now