Anashra - Heavens Tear Arc User


  • Guild Name: Cerberus Leader Name: Anashra Website: None
  • I use blazing scarab and noxious gas constantly. I would recommend maxing blazing scarab, ironwood scarab, venomous scarab and noxious gas. The 2 spark AOE is good too and has its uses, but it's not used all that often because of the spark thing. Definitely don't level frost. There's one other that does a stun too that I…
  • I'm a level 81 veno and yes, they are great after 60. In fact, they keep getting better, especially when you start really skilling your pets and juicing yourself for damage. As for zhen parties, venos can be pullers as long as you have a fast mount. I personally have done DD a few times using AOE and my tank pet and it…
  • Oh I read it just fine. Basically what you're doing is whining about getting pwned by a pet skill, yet if it was one of your skills pwning people you wouldn't be whining at all. You'd be talking smack to other people who had the utter nerve to complain about your pwnage skill. Well, since you obviously have no clue how a…
  • Wow, another "nerf the venos" post. How about you just stop the whining and actually learn how to fight instead of expecting a class that's already vulnerable in many ways to be nerfed. Every class has it's strengths and weaknesses. We could ask for all the melee classes to be nerfed as well so they don't hit us poor…
  • Yeah I got a "Folding Fan" after step 1 in the quest the other night. Was wondering what it was too.