AmorrosColt - Sanctuary Arc User


  • What guy in particular? I assume you mean the guy that wouldn't squad with Ilwyn_?
  • It is in-game racism but, does not imply any real racism(obviously), It's got nothing to do with Skills(Contradicting what I said earlier, I've changed my mind), If it did Have to do with skills, I'd be kicked out of BH squads all the time, I don't use ANY axes or hammers(as a Barbarian), I use swords and yet I don't get…
  • But yet, when you have people being asses about a new race that owns to the point where people won't squad with them ingame, keep in mind there are people you need in stuff like BHs, It makes the game un-enjoyable... For example: BHs are very hard at there set levels, unless you have a cleric or 2, if you don't have those,…
  • Maybe it has to do with him getting owned by an Assassin in PVP (I didn't read the full posts, not sure if this was mentioned), what class was this guy anyway, he may just be jealous because of there hits, I have a friend that's an Assassin, he could do 6.7K criticals at level 40... Or maybe it's just a bad aggro stealing…