I have a storm too and she was wearing a full g16 (with g15 weapon) for while. I could easy do any pavs at warsong, so i think for now, it's best way for you make money is farm warsong and sell gear or badge services. You can also farm some low level TT, i don't know your server, but at mine, those mats sell pretty good…
I got it twice already, also 3-4 sabers but still no luck with r9 mold that i want qq
I already tested all pavs, they were all easy and my sb is g16 yet, with g15 weapon +5 weapon.
I like bramble for all my class but mystic b:surrender i don't mind if a veno brambles my cleric, just please don't do for my mystic lol As a veno, I understand your point and thats why when i am playing my veno I don't bramble anyone, just the tank. (thats and because i am lazy, where is our aoe bramble?b:cry) So tired of…
LoL yeah, but i think everyone wants to play and get stuff done. If we never let weak ppl join, they won't ever be strong b:surrender
I am too nice to kick ppl just because they have low hp b:surrender
I think its easy, if you are forming, you already say alts won't get drops, so if they join, they will already know. If you join someone else fsp, then u just accept what the person who formed think about.
I don't mind alts in party. Most time i kick my own alts for random books or pages. But lets be honest, my alts have better gear than many ppl that join, like some 4k hp sins. I also form my own fsp, so who joins already knows will have my alt and my in game hubby's alts too.
There is a guide for this quest: I made both (veno and barb) using this to guide me and worked. But, i saw many posts at forum about some issues if you reborn before do this quest. It seems after reborn you can't complete it anymore, but i can't tell you for sure that…
"A wizard is never late, nor is he early, he arrives precisely when he means to" Keep waiting qq it will come someday.
Isn't hard for cleric, pious blessing has 45 sec cd. Can use pious + one other thing (spark, apo, ad, etc) and pious again ... For veno you also have feral, but that cd is big, so probably can use just once or twice. And btw, i once tanked with my g16 psy with a +7 weap \o/
Depends your gear. I can solo any TT or lunar with my cleric. If your cleric is still working with gear, few things u can do: -> FSP: a good way to get some coins is FSP. You can get 2-3m everyday with that. -> AEU: you have chance to get books and some worth a lot. Also can sell apos and if get lucky, even few shards.…
I used 85 gold buying an orb (not charge) and got around 4k points, so i would say it's half. If you use 20 gold you will get 1k points.
Or just buy a bind note and bind your gear. I did that.
Because people like that i don't do more bh with random squads or invite people to join mine. I rather solo for my alts than get someone that makes me waiting 10 min for a simple turn. I don't like stack bh, doesn't take me 1 min to go out, turn and get back inside. And i really hate wait for people that takes more than…
When i did for veno reborn wasn't in game yet. Barb i did few days ago, but also before reborn him. So maybe it is a bug for reborn players.
There is a guide for both quests. I already made both and they worked fine.
I made some search and found this: "The time he spawns is random, it can be any time between 24-48 hours after server restart or after being tamed the last time" So, yeah, it seems its all random and i was lucky to get at same time. And also it looks like wont help you find out last time it was tamed, once it will be…
I dunno if it's random or not. Maybe i was just lucky to get them at almost same time. One thing i know, it dont spawn right after maint like world boss. At least i never saw it.
Oh no xD it was while ago. I got 2 pets doing that. For me was around same time. Server is back for me at my 8 am. I got pet around 10 am (but 2 days after).
Get both and see which one you like more. With veno instance, its kind easy level pets. I never had a scorpion, so i can't say which one between them are better =\ And i like bear XD, i used mine for long time. About that archer, try expel him until him get stuck XD i do that with annoying bots.
I had to camp for few days to get mine, if I recall its spawn time is 24 or 48 hours, so after maint, i couldn't find either. So i waited 24 hours, nothing. Then another 24 hours and pet was there.
I would put TroubleIsMe (mystic-Equinox) and Asag (bm-unsure faction) at this list too. SickoPsy and SICKOSYCTHE are on Devoted.
If I recall, we were at same party, i got the item (and other person at party got too) but he didn't that is the weird part, even he had started the quest and had lead. So we did something wrong? I never did that quest before, so I don't know how it works.
I did once with a r9 squad, was hard, but most because its new. Once we figured out what to do, wasn't that bad, was actually fun. Pretty sure when all know what to do it will become easier. Problem is, i don't see many people forming runs, so I think will take while until people knows what to do there in all paths and…
I can't find Fashionista Wang. Npc was removed or moved? Couldn't find any info either.
Stream of rejuvenation > wings of protection > spirit's gift > siren's kiss (faster channel) and all dead. If some survive that i finish with razor feathers. I only use base buffs for channel. Also, i am demon, that's why i use stream and not ironheart, to get def buff.
I also have a veno and a mystic, and i was just like you when i was making my R9. Once i like more veno, i did for her and i can tell i very very regret. Today i would pick mystic for many reasons, but special for 2: my veno was pretty good with g16 armor already and my mystic is pretty much stronger. Someday i may go R9…
Sweetiebot, report server status please?
I don't think that happens or at least not often. 100% of my FSP I open and pass lead and never had this bug.