If HA venos use both magic/melee, I'm assuming you attack with spells then shift to fox form then melee? Is there a certain level in order to start leveling the fox form skills or just add the skills and get the magic ones immediately?(From lvl1 and beyond)
May I ask a question? I read that fox form skills aren't necessary until 79 since you're a mage... Does that refer to the venos pre-HA or both pre and full-time?
One last thing b:sweat What build should I go off of and do I share armor similar to the barbs?
b:victory I'm glad to know it'll be fun and hopefully I can figure out how to dim down those bills when I go make my veno ;)
Repair bills, eh? Silly question, but are there ways to make money and keep up with the bills/other money consumers? I guess there are downsides to a build that sounds interesting.