Aislaria - Heavens Tear Arc User


  • suresure. thing is, while you and bm buddy are 'running up' to the mobs to att, don't forget archer & wiz dont need to spend the time running up and can just attack outright. not tellin you what to do, just one thing i've learned over time is to never ever discount a class.
  • so sorry i'm excited to go demon. not like everyone has felt same way at one time or another. besides, wasn't qqing, was wondering if it's possible the stones are supposed to be this way.
  • i am experiencing a similar problem. i guess my main question is, are hyper sessions only supposed to be used once per day? (and it just doesn't say that in hyper xp info) or is it an actual bug? i understand that at 4pm server time the 'day' for hyper session will hopefully reset, im just wondering if hypers were actually…
  • actually, here i am searching forums, and what you suggested is exactly what i'm looking for. as i haven't dyed clothes before, i'm extremely upset to learn that i won't be able to see the end color of an item before i actually USE the dye. i'm actually surprised pw doesn't have this already. considering how much it can…