Aeliah - Dreamweaver Arc User



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  • Ah, forgot about the 'no-mention-other-games-rule'. Lol. Anyways, valid points by all. Some comments though. Ok, many comments. Incoming wall of text, not for the faint of heart. Perspective. Perspective is a quality you can only gain by taking time away from an activity. Immersed as I was in PWI, I had no perspective. I…
  • Don't be fooled by the 21 vs 20 lands thing. Dynasty and Tempest aren't even remotely close in power anymore, and strategy doesn't have much of anything to do with it. The balance of power went back and forth for most of the season, as Darskiesx described, with Dynasty usually having the edge. However, since the Tempest…
  • Thats brilliant. I support 100%. So if sin is getting focus fired, he'll be stripped of his chi, at least tidal then has a cost. Mind you, won't stop him from killing with elimination... but it would be a step in the right direction I think.
  • Spirit of defense. If the opposing team to the 3veno/3sin squad has lower purge power, spirit of defense is all veno needs to do to survive in today's modern gear. Also with both venos and sins having extraordinary burst speed, telling me that they'd have difficulty 'chasing down range' is absurd. Also I really appreciate…
  • Tsy, most of what you said is invalid, due to the fact that you haven't actually played PWI in a while... I've seen nobody assassins do over 25k dmg to me with the combined damage of this skill, and this isn't even particularly unusual---its more the norm really. With crit of assassins approaching 70-80% without power…
  • Certain squad combinations are hard to combat... the nastiest I've seen so far is 3 venos, 3 assassins vs (anybody). The rolling veno purge on a single target plus sins who can't be stopped mows down people 1 by 1 with high efficiency. Venos with high speed, antistuns, and purify proc are very hard to pin down, and the…
  • DionDagger... You endlessly attempt to defend the assassin cause on these forums. However, should you be? Can you look at your gameplay, your character, and say you know what it is like to be an experienced endgame assassin fighting experienced, endgame characters from other classes? Think about it. IMO, its pretty simple.…
  • I think the battle at endgame can still go either way, with a slight advantage to barbs, and here is why. Why assassin can win -markedly improved dps with life hunter and elimination -improved attack level with chill of the deep -extra stat points = more damage, so more killing power Why barb can still win -new amp is…
  • Shouldn't be possible to 2-shot, IF the barb simply puts in auto potter and has defense charm in. 1) the first hit will be blocked by defense charm. If we are talking a zerk crit, its still only gonna do half damage, and it'll be double sparked at best (assuming from stealth) so unlikely that barb will be near half hp…
  • Hmm... as the 2nd healer class, mystics have a lot of goodies to make up for their lack of a guaranteed purify. Their instant heal is twice as fast and three times as strong as a cleric's spot heal, and their heal over time activates automatically upon being attacked. Already an endgame mystic is as hard or even harder…
  • On ? bosses a fully specced cleric and mystic have about same dps I'd say. In terms of debuffs, a cleric can contribute stronger and longer lasting debuffs for single target, while mystic debuffs are weaker but also aoe, a significant advantage in many cases. On non-? bosses or in pvp, cleric dps is slightly superior (it…
  • When they are close to you, a demon barb is a lot more deadly, no question about that. Way more crit, usually more damage (though sage still has the highest spike, they reach the spike way less often). However, there is an interesting difference in how sage and demon barbs gain chi. A demon barb spams beast kings…
  • I think Walpurga's point is that you may be able to land 2 or even 3 hits into one single, massive hit that could have incredible charm bypass potential. Toxic torrent's dmg is well known to be delayed, similar to plume shot for clerics, or stunning arrow for archers. I refer to these types of skills as 'projectile'…
  • Well there is the possibility that the other team really does suck that bad. I don't know any of these people so I'm just speculating lol. The only thing I can think is that Ulq is doing so poorly that he brings his team down? He flies in often without tidal in from the AIR and gets stun locked and doesn't genie out or…
  • Hmm lets see. Yeah, HESOKA does well here, there's no doubt about that. But it seems that watching this there must be more to the story. 1) hardly anybody targets him, why the hell not? With his 22k hp barb buffed, he can't be that tanky. If I were on the opposing team I'd designate somebody to triple spark and unload on…
  • The only class that can really cancel out a cleric is another cleric---or sometimes, in a pinch, a mystic or an assassin. A cleric is a bit to tough to kill outright, its a lot easier to control them and kill the other person in a 2vs2 first. (This changes in larger group fights, when it becomes easier to kill the cleric…
  • Its how seekers have always operated. It isn't necessarily OP in the grand sense of things. Its just... very disturbing and unsettling. When an archer purges you then hits you 5 times and you die, it makes sense... its a death you can accept. When a bm hfs you, then unleashes several attacks and you die, well, ok I can…
  • If I were a psychic I may have even known that! Fortunately I'm a cleric instead, so I'll depun you as fast as I can.
  • The issue people have with seekers goes something like this. Yeaaah... everybody can kill each other in some fashion. Archers will pew pew many arrows into your hide till you you are bag of crit mush. Arcanes will fire spells and do great damage in several hits till you are dead. Sins will go swish swish many times with…
  • Ah Adroit... you are right but not right. I already ran into all the problems you've talked about already fighting my server's best-geared wizard. The way I end up killing the top-geared wizard is essentially the same way I end up killing anybody really well geared---I take big risks with my genie and chi while executing a…
  • I'd say that would create major problems, Algiz. It would be a lot easier to have the TW leader change from one TW to the next. Or, the 4 leaders could vote for 1 leader from amongst the 4, using whatever criteria they want. The point is, debating a course of action is improper for TW, where snap decisions are necessary.…
  • Look Tempt, its like this. As DarkSkiesx hinted at, there are a lot of really experienced, really well geared psychics. If you were a veno, or a wizard, or an assassin, and possessed similar gear and experience in that class as you do on your psychic, you'd automatically be on the list. But for psychics, I believe you…
  • Elimination makes Life Hunter look like childs play. Easily hardest hitting total damage skill sin's have by a long shot, scales incredibly with double or triple spark. Life Hunter is good, yes, but Elimination is even better. Life Hunter has spammability, but when Elimination is off of cd, you use it first instead of Life…
  • I definitely know of some people like this---people who I don't really know, who occasionally I encounter and I'm like... hullo, who are you, you have good gear, you play well... but I swear I've never seen or heard from you before. Most recently for me was Philco, a wizard who I've been noticing doing some really good…
  • Woops did ATouch skip the boat? I was using Core Connect, I wasn't logged onto my cleric at the time I made the list lol.
  • Anybody from Bootycamp want to chip in before we start combining the lists together?
  • Dreamweaver has progressed the furthest towards answering this question, check out our subforum for ideas.
  • Nice list... I can definitely tell what you have in mind by who you've picked. A couple notes: -switch Tahimara with SkyIIa; EX_tacy and SkyIIa have been working together for years in the same squad, don't split that up -Re_Animator and PG in same squad is a mistake; neither of them heals as much as they aught to; consider…
  • I was on the fence about you, Seduction, and Empathize---I'm not saying anybody left out isn't good, but I'm also taking gear into consideration here when looking at the server level. And yes some of the people I posted could be trumped by people in other factions. Its like when 5 highly qualified people apply for a job,…
  • Lol I was speaking in the most general terms, nigelus. I'm afraid you are the first to discuss actual TW events for this topic ;o though you know I'm not particularly fussy about whether the enemy knows our strategy, because if it makes them better, I say bring it on. While you may find fun in just winning, I personally…
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