DW - Hypothetical cross server TW



  • Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    I really didn't want to speak up but the constant repetition calls for it. What is the big deal with giving TW advice or talking about squad formation? It doesn't matter if people know how you do things theoretically, it comes down to the execution.

    For example, when Aeliah made the PK guide for cleric, not every single cleric suddenly became god-tier. Sure they know how to PK as a cleric theoretically, but for most of them, their execution is still below par.

    This goes for TW as well. If the other side knows your strategies, it doesn't mean they can execute it as well as your faction. It doesn't mean they can counter it completely. If you or your faction values your strategies so much, you should know how it works, how it can be countered, and how to counter the counter.

    With that being said, while I respect your choice of not wanting to share information, there really isn't a need to constantly passive aggressively tell or remind others; it is their choice.

    Back on topic, I will try and form a list of top tier people from all major factions some time this week, for I am too caught up with university for now.
  • Posts: 1,087 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Zsw, provide a situation where it would be better to have a smaller squad rather than a squad of 10A?
    The thing is, it absolutely depends on how you define your squads. Are you just gonna make it "a general attack squad"? If so, then there's no downside to having 10 people. But what if you want to define a squad more specifically based on their positioning and priorities? Then it's worth considering:

    Are all 10 people needed to perform the role of the squad, or are there some just sitting there looking pretty because their class isn't necessarily suited to the squad's role? Or maybe people just die too fast?

    When do you ever need all 10 people to AA?
    When do you ever need more than 1 AOE Stuns on a group of people?
    When do more than 3 DD ever need to attack one person in order to kill them?
    When do you ever need more than 3 zhens on a group?

    Is it difficult for 1 person to coordinate 9 other people as opposed to 7 or 6, keep them in formation, together, buffed and do the things they're supposed to be doing? Bystander apathy (in a way) is a thing.

    Wouldn't it be better for the TW Coordinator to have more control over how many people they send over to reinforce a lane, working with multiples of 7 or 8 as opposed to 10? I mean sure, you could split a squad of 10 in half, but isn't that more effort than just having 2 squads?

    It's a matter of Microcontrol and Macrocontrol I'd say.

    There are two valid arguments for 10 people squads though.

    1. Clerics can heal/res other clerics.
    2. More DD attacking one person increase their chances of dying, rather than running/immuning.

    I draw no conclusions from this however. That's for the up-to-date people to decide.
    Zsw -104 Sage Assassin
    TehZsw - 100 Demon Archer

    All Luck No Skillz PvPer: youtube.com/user/zsw007
  • Posts: 109 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Defensive 2
    1/5, would not bang.

    I guess since I'm bored, I might as well post a list of Tempest people.

    Archers: - 11 candidates, 14 asked for

    Clerics: - 10 candidates, 16 asked for

    Venomancers: - 8 candidates, 8 asked for

    Barbarians: - 4 candidates, 10 asked for

    Blademasters: - 7 candidates, 8 asked for

    Wizards: - 5 candidates, 12 heavy magic dds asked for
    DerpProof O:

    Psychics: - 5 candidates, 12 heavy magic dds asked for

    Assassins: - 4 candidates, 4 asked for

    Mystics: - 5 candidates, 8 asked for

    Seekers: - 4 candidates, 8 asked for
  • Posts: 6,118 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    The main reasoning for a 10 person squad is making sure everyone is buffed as barbs/BMs kind of a rare commodity these days and buffs are extremely important.

    "subtraction has the butt of an angel" - Paulrogers
    I <3 Subtraction.
    /blatant sig copy is blatant

    105/105/105 obtained! b:cute
  • Posts: 253 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    :P U might know, i might know, others might know. But i am sure ur tw squads leads dont know,at least not all.

    Not trolling just thanking u for the clean list of ppl i always had in mind couse i know them.

    I bet Dynasty ppl are gonna write a nice list of the ppl ur squads leads should start killing first.b:bye this post is too boring.

    ah noob nige...
    TW's are not won by having more info on the enemy, is all about teamwork and being smart with what u have...
    Gear matters, ability matters, having enough of each class matters....
    But is mostly being smart as a group, not having more info on the enemy, with that thinking... we should lose every TW since we post TW videos showing our chats, squads and all, cause we dont give a **** about who watchs or no... what can they learn? who is the lsquad eader? who goes with who? squads change always due to not all the same peopl TW'ing every week, if u ask me, if that helps someone, please watch!!!
    Same with squads setups and all... they are a joke, the idea is everyone doing what told during TW... how many times a TW is 90 min 80 vs 80 in right-left-middle lane, no squad setup matters there, all the people are at eachother on same spot

    Also if u think we are going to make a list or something... LOL

    Like Dark pointed, if anyone wants to see who is in a faction, u can check, and i know who is good or bad just by TW'ing against them a couple of times, also NW or simple pk....
  • Posts: 109 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    but but.. Calamity

    Red Crabs...

    Owned all lands

    All your Ironguard is belong to us!
  • Posts: 124 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    I'll post just for fun.

    Candidates from Spades.

    CrittyCat - Sin
    Pretty/S_Psy - Psy
    Kijinka - Mystic

    And... I think that's it.
  • Posts: 81 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Wth Aeliah!?!?!

    Were are me and Sun QQ

    I wana be in svs war to:(

    Wait... how much we going to be payed for that? b:laugh

    don't feel bad, i never get mentioned in these things either qq

    but yeah, this is some interesting reading. My big question though, could everyone we pick work together as a unit. I know in the past there has been some friction between some of the people listed, so i wonder if say Harshlands and DW were going head to head, could they put the petty stuff behind and stand as a unit. Good discussion though
  • Posts: 784 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Anybody from Bootycamp want to chip in before we start combining the lists together?

    CLERIC PV GUIDE (complete):

    CLERIC PK GUIDE (Incomplete):
  • Posts: 1,355 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Thanks DeathProof for the Tempest candidates. Also lol cheers Kijinka! Dreamweaver I'm impressed with the collaboration so far. Let's keep it up!

    For example, from Dynasty:

    Archers: - 10 candidates, 14 asked for

    - ATouchOfEvil

    I guess since I'm bored, I might as well post a list of Tempest people.

    Archers: - 11 candidates, 14 asked for

    Umm.. awkward.
    DarkSkiesx - Demon Archer

    DarkSeasx - Sage Assassin

  • Posts: 784 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Woops did ATouch skip the boat? I was using Core Connect, I wasn't logged onto my cleric at the time I made the list lol.

    CLERIC PV GUIDE (complete):

    CLERIC PK GUIDE (Incomplete):
  • Posts: 1,400 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Thanks DeathProof for the Tempest candidates. Also lol cheers Kijinka! Dreamweaver I'm impressed with the collaboration so far. Let's keep it up!

    Umm.. awkward.

    this made me giggle xD

    Anyways, yah hes not Dynasty anymore
  • Posts: 97 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    but but.. Calamity

    Red Crabs...

    Owned all lands

    All your Ironguard is belong to us!

    Exactly!! b:pleasedb:pleasedb:pleased
  • Posts: 396 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Really? Is PWI really the 1 shot fest that I imagine then? That's a pity.

    So, as you may have noticed, since the 3rd staging of Rank 9 and G16 and all came out.
    There was a huge buff to attack, but much less to defense; thus making 1shotting a pretty common occurrence. And the only way to really achieve a balance of offense and defense, was to invest in Vit-Stones or JoSDs; as substantial expense for the average player.

    But, over time, a long time, people acquired full G16 and some refines and shards to level out the playing field a bit more.

    But, not to long after, the New Horizons expansion came out with many more attack buffs.
    1. Diety Stones
    2. New skills; dealing much more powerful damage than previous skills
    3. War Avatar Cards + Nuema Tiers
    4. Rebirthing for extra stats
    5. And Most importantly: SPIRIT

    With the arcane and mirage sky levels, Spirit has gotten players, who diligently did/do their dailies since the expansion came out, a significant advantage over other players. And now, for any new player, for them to be effective, must rebirth atleast twice to acquire the spirit levels. Else, any players, no matter how nominal their gear is, can essentially wreck them, simply because they have 250+ Spirit; essentially like 125 Extra Atk lvls or so (not sure how the damage math is calculated).
    So ya.... at the moment.. PWI is a 1 shot fest for a lot of people. And players, who, before the expansion, used to be a fair match up, such as Naberis and I (gear wise), now he has an insane lead and advantage over me simply because i was gone for 1.5 months for vacation and health since the expansion came out. I'm not complaining; all the power to him, but just stating an example that shows the imbalance.

    So, until all players, at minimum, catch up to Mirage Sky X (10), there will continue to be a lot of 1 shot-ing.

  • Posts: 1,355 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    With the arcane and mirage sky levels, Spirit has gotten players, who diligently did/do their dailies since the expansion came out, a significant advantage over other players. And now, for any new player, for them to be effective, must rebirth atleast twice to acquire the spirit levels. Else, any players, no matter how nominal their gear is, can essentially wreck them, simply because they have 250+ Spirit; essentially like 125 Extra Atk lvls or so (not sure how the damage math is calculated).

    Hey LP. The PvP calculation :- for every spirit point you have over the opponent you get a 0.1% damage increase/reduction. Though this really only hurts, as you stated, players that have yet to reawaken, gain war avatar cards.

    I.e.. someone that has kept up with the dailies but didn't obtain the S versions of the cards that I have, but stuck to the one not requiring catalysts, (A version - 13% chance to obtain one per day from doing FSP) I would have around a 53 spirit advantage so 5.3% damage inc/reduce as it stands. The passives also are pretty decent, what's making the biggest impact to damage atm, is all the extra dex I have, coupled with the attack from the cards, I think my top end p-att has jumped from around 35k pre- expansion to 44k top-end atm.

    Also last friday's Nation Wars that you wc'ed I hit you 11k point blank, I posted the video (17:58), you popped out in stealth next to me and I kited exactly 5-6m then attacked so the 50% damage reduction didn't apply.

    Anyway, do your dailies, reawaken and get the passives!

    Whilst we have your attention, seeing as you are a marshal in BootyCamp, would you be as so kind to post a candidates list in line with the current format so we can progress with you guys in mind, I know there are quite a few good ones there.

    DarkSkiesx - Demon Archer

    DarkSeasx - Sage Assassin

  • Posts: 301 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Woops did ATouch skip the boat? I was using Core Connect, I wasn't logged onto my cleric at the time I made the list lol.

    Yes and Apocalypto doesn't play anymore.
    Blademasters: - 4 candidates, 8 asked for
    - EX_tacy
    - Aelicia
    - RockStar_
    - Jckstn

    Where is nigelus?
    Mystics: - 6 candidates, 8 asked for
    - Xaner
    - Tato_
    - Asthariel
    - _Tara
    - \Influence/
    - Countessia

    Algiz missing.
    don't feel bad, i never get mentioned in these things either qq

    That happens when people using Core and don't have clue about peoples gear, how they play, how long they play, how experience are they in tw and so on:)

    Anyway its not serious thread, just another "who has bigger peee peee" contest, but lets see how that will end up... although its not hard to predict the outcome:)
  • Posts: 97 Arc User
    edited February 2014

    Where is nigelus?

    nigelus is in the kitchen

    wasnt this my english class?
  • Posts: 266 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    *hugs Temptation*
    Aeliah didnt put me in that list too QQ

    Funny cause he put Spec and we have exactly the same gears, same stats and same gameplay style
    Weird o.o

    Maybe Aeliah doesnt like me lmao xD


    youtube.com/Hunkary - PWI Videos!

    TW, NW, PvE and PvP videos :D
  • Posts: 301 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    *hugs Temptation*
    Aeliah didnt put me in that list too QQ

    Funny cause he put Spec and we have exactly the same gears, same stats and same gameplay style
    Weird o.o

    Maybe Aeliah doesnt like me lmao xD

    nah think he dunno you are in faction b:laugh
  • Posts: 1,355 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Considering the slight disputes with the Dynasty candidates I propose we await SonH's list, sounds like the fairest option.

    He may have a better/alternative idea of a) who is actually in the faction b) the best candidates from each class in Dynasty for a hypothetical cross server TW.
    DarkSkiesx - Demon Archer

    DarkSeasx - Sage Assassin

  • Posts: 566 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    I could imagine a few people who would be good for the lists other than the "known" ones from the "big" factions, i'm sure you people can come up with that too since there are some people running around that are either in smaller factions or are even factionless, sure that wouldn't make up 80 people, but it adds to the list.
  • Posts: 462 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Updated: 2/27/2014 1:11 AM.

    I don't think it's so much about which squad could do better with less people, the question itself leads to an obvious answer... you're just not asking the right questions. Nigelus is worried about sharing strategies, so that's all I can really say without revealing all my secrets b:chuckle

    Nigel, I love you, you're my mexi bro, but you're exaggerating and ruining a good discussion on the forums, Dynasty rules strictly forbid the misrepresentation of the faction name with poor actions.
    4. When you wear Dynasty's name, you represent the faction as well as yourself. Do not behave in a manner which may damage your personal reputation sufficiently that you damage those of Dynasty and fellow members by association. This includes insults to other factions or players, harassment, scamming, and excessive ToS violations.
    Please, if you don't like the argument, just don't contribute to it. To mock another faction's temporary leader is unnecessary. To belittle yur guildies contributions is bad too... This particular thread is a breeze of fresh air in the forums over the past 8 months I've been reading, it even drove me to post again.

    Personally, I don't understand the fuss about sharing a list of names. Or even a squad list. As long as you're not sharing my lane pushes. My current goals, my current squad leader orders... it doesn't take a genius to figure out who's squadding who. A better question is why? Why are they here, why are they together. or even What? What are they trying to do? And nothing we can post here can reveal any of that. Even so, when y'all left Regenesis, and went to all the 20 different factions you spread to, all that TW knowledge we developed went with you. There's no secret setups anymore. We've seen them all. There's only strategy, and no one is stupid enough to share that.

    I'm pretty sure I've made a list like this a little over 3 years ago. But obviously things change, new classes arise, they become r9rr full S cards and wreck your face, every strategy, every tactic needs an upgrade.

    My 80 are split (ordered as I was listing them, not a ranking) like this:

    10 archers:
    I believe that Relic archers are the most well geared, Dyna has a really good amount of >=10+ r9rr bows, which makes it look more even. I'd chose any of this 10 archers before myself even, they've all good good communication skills, they know their class pretty well, they can assist their targets efficiently and they understand their role to a great extent.

    Heartz - Relic
    RedMouse - Relic
    DarkSkies - Relic
    Peachies - Relic
    Lidstrom - Tempest
    TSTrike - Tempest
    TruWarz - Dynasty
    Maximo - Dynasty
    Rydia - Tempest
    RottenKitten - Dynasty

    Vaud - Shattered
    Merangelus - Currently AFK.
    ExMP - Dynasty
    Ojimaru - Dynasty
    Andres - Relic
    iScarlet - Dynasty
    The_Duke - Tempest
    joseefus (sp?) - BootyCamp
    Kenji_ - Dynasty

    13 Clerics: Some of this clerics are purely support, some of them are purely attack. When slotting a cleric to a TW squad I usually looked to make sure that if they were not gonna be healing a lot because of their playstyle, their squad shouldn't need much heals.

    One of this clerics is a base cleric, by the way. I nominate SonH. b:angry
    Adibelle - Relic
    Cure - Relic
    Racquel - Relic
    Yuunnie - Relic
    Anmori - Tempest
    Gwendollyn - Relic
    Divine_Blade - Dynasty
    Tamrood - Skunkyard
    Temiko - Relic
    Aeliah - Dynasty
    SonH - Dynasty
    Lechi - Dynasty
    FistToDeath - Dynasty

    Tegge - shattered
    NigXiang - tempest
    Restorz - Tempest
    The__SKy - Tempest
    Velona- Tempest
    Re_Animator - Relic
    kisma - Relic

    7 Venos: Just like the 7 deadly sins. These are in my opinion, the 7 best venos this server has. All of them are damn scary and damn legendary. All other venos are in KOS thanks to this 7.

    LadyCatt - Relic
    Pepoash - Tempest
    AiwenLyra - Tempest
    Draal - Tempest
    _Raszagal_ - Tempest
    Anonome - Dynasty
    WackyTaffy - Dynasty

    davalentine - Factionless
    kattywompus - tempest
    Fiyah - Dynasty
    SkyStorm - Tempest

    10 Barbarians: 4 of this barbs are purely cata barbs, even if they don't like to see themselves as that. The rest are well versed in PK. So even though they may not be the greatest geared barbs, they know their roles in the wars.

    Plague - Relic
    Deadwake - Relic
    KaminariSama - Relic
    CHUM - Relic
    Jay - Relic
    Jans - Relic
    BigCojones - Dynasty
    MelonHeads - Dynasty
    KingRock - BootyCamp
    Morrier - Tempest

    fenrir wolf - Dynasty
    Natta - Tempest
    odinsghost - Dynasty
    kicksumbutt - Dynasty
    DangerousDan - Dynasty

    6 Wizards: This was a hard choice. I feel 6 wizards is already way too many wizards in TW, but I've been in factions my entire life where there's not that many wizards wrecking havoc. I always fought against them. Wizards is the reason why I had to add fillers to all the classes. because I didn't know how to fit just 6, and I didn't want to raise the number I wanted.

    Tche_BR - Relic
    Philco - Relic
    DeathProof - Tempest
    Dragslave - Dynasty
    Antics - Dynasty
    Sarisama - Dynasty

    Drakira - Dynasty
    GimmeSnuSnu - Tempest
    fallonswiz - Skunkyard
    ForceSpark - Tempest
    Eziquil - Tempest

    8 Psychics: This was an easy choice. Apocalypto is perhaps the only psychic I sat out of the main group for being AFK. Psys are a class that relies heavily on their gear over skills, all you need to do is sort them by survival index and soulforce and pick your top 8. Although I do believe most of this psychics are the best at their class, I'm just saying, they wouldn't really need to.

    Anjumara - Relic
    Evangeline - Relic
    The__Sun - Tempest
    AznBloodV - Dynasty
    Raffiel - Relic
    SuperLambo - Relic
    Tahimara - Relic
    Mezk - Dynasty

    Drakoveuz - God
    Temptation - Dynasty
    PsychoPsy - Blacklist
    Apocalypto - Currently AFK
    Presents - Relic
    FnBaronhero - Relic
    SpectreBR - Dynasty
    Hunkary - Dynasty
    The__Fish - Tempest
    _NoMorePain - Tempest

    5 Sins: Hard choice. Zsw was definitively up there in the list but he now just trolls us in spirit. I havent seen NoobzKiller in a while, but still leave him up there because his PK background would be of great use for me.

    AlonaWorld - Relic
    bigknockers - Dynasty
    Kemushi - Tempest
    JohnDoe - Tempest
    ehop - Dynasty

    NoobzKiller - Dynasty
    Sword_Tammer - Dynasty
    sean - Tempest

    7 Mystics: all great, all active, all pretty much godly geared.
    PG_Junior - Relic
    Cherriies - Relic
    Dulcesito - Relic
    Xaner - Dynasty
    Countessia - Dynasty
    Damny - Tempest
    Thicket - Kindrid

    A_Raft - Currently AFK.
    Snoekjie - Relic
    Asthariel - Dynasty
    _Tara - Dynasty
    \Influence/ - Dynasty
    Kaley - Tempest

    6 Seekers: same as above.
    Kalopsia - Relic
    ShadeWarden - Relic
    Iceblade - Dynasty
    Ebrithalia - Relic
    K/\N - Tempest
    Cinnumon - Relic

    Livboree - No Faction
    Breezy - Relic
    purpleseeker -Relic
    Nit - Dynasty
    Bob_Roberts - Dynasty
    Tizanos - Tempest
    anita - Tempest

    8 BMs: This was the trickiest choice. I feel like Relic has better BMs, which are all fillers because Dynasty BMs while undergeared in comparisson have so much more TW experience and awareness that outweigh the gears that we have in this class. I believe and hope that 6 months in, this group could be re-assessed after we gain more TW experience. Remember, Relic is not that old as a faction. Their core is not as old as most other factions in this server, not just Dyna, that's whats motivating about this group.

    slewdem - Relic
    WangZi - BootyCamp
    Buddha- Dynasty
    nigelus - Dynasty
    RobMyth - Tempest
    Vengueance - Tempest
    Aelicia - Dynasty
    Ex_Tacy - Dynasty

    Drac - Relic
    Archaius - Relic
    Tsukiyumi - Relic
    Naturion - Tempest
    LordRomeo - Tempest
    _LoneWolf - Tempest
    Rockstar_ - Dynasty
    We came, we saw, we painted it red.
    10/10/10 Calamity
  • Posts: 266 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    nah think he dunno you are in faction b:laugh


    And Dark nab that's not a dispute I'm just kidding around xD
    I don't deserve to make the list with all these OP people indeed

    Just thought I'd post something QQing for the lols since Spec is there too lmao b:laugh


    <3 Andres included me... in the fillers... but that's already something yay! hahah

    @Edit 2

    You all are too serious about this o.o


    youtube.com/Hunkary - PWI Videos!

    TW, NW, PvE and PvP videos :D
  • Posts: 784 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Look Tempt, its like this. As DarkSkiesx hinted at, there are a lot of really experienced, really well geared psychics.

    If you were a veno, or a wizard, or an assassin, and possessed similar gear and experience in that class as you do on your psychic, you'd automatically be on the list. But for psychics, I believe you still have some catching up to do.

    That being said, its not like I check people's gear and playstyle everyday. There are people on each list that I"m not too familiar with. If you can demonstrate that you think you belong, in terms of gear, experience, or other factors, well then, this is the place to say why!

    Also, I'll nitpick your list a bit later when I have more time Dark.



    CLERIC PV GUIDE (complete):

    CLERIC PK GUIDE (Incomplete):
  • Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    I think Andres's list is pretty spot on, nice to see KAN made this list, coming from another seeker id say he's one of the top skilled in server.

    Other considerations: (not sure of all the factions or name spellings)

    Archer: Vaud (shattered)
    Cleric:Tegge (shattered), NigXiang (tempest)
    barb: fenrir wolf (dynasty)
    Psy:drakoveuz (?), temptation (dynasty) PsyckoPsy (blacklist)
    Sin: Naberis (?)
    Mystic: Algiz (dynasty)
    BM: Bubba_Z (equinox), BAMBAM (blacklist)
    wiz Deathproof (tempest)
    Veno:davalentine(?), kattywompus (tempest)
  • Posts: 462 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    <3 Andres included me... in the fillers... but that's already something yay! hahah
    I'm on my own list filler list b:cry
    We came, we saw, we painted it red.
    10/10/10 Calamity
  • Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    I'm on my own list filler list b:cry

    At least your name is spelled right b:sad other than that, good list, and having yourself on the fill list isn't bad, i don't know if i would even include myself if i was to make a list b:laugh
  • Posts: 253 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Dark... your list is terribleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
    how come FlyDSranger is not number 1 archer?????? b:laugh

    joke joke...

    I would say i agree with 80-85% of list.....

    Clerics i pretty much agree, but maybe i would include reanimator as main, not cause his ability to heal, but as a tankish DD cleric that can come in handy....

    venos are fine, only artymis doesnt play anymore, and personally i might add EmiXX, hes really good has good gear but goes unnoticed sometimes, since he plays a more supportive veno style

    Barbs i would add reactionist, idk how his gear is now, but hes great cata barb, and Fenrir_wolf, hes great as well ( i woluld take maybe a couple of names off, but maybe idk them so much)

    wizards, well u put Philco twice, as main and as filler, i hope he's main... Ofc i would add deathproof, and eziquil should be main as well

    Psys, hmmm.... the class that plays alone... i agree on all, maybe adding lordbosk hes good....

    As for sins, Noobzkiller doesnt play anymore, and to me ehop is definitely main, he's one of the few sins i struggle killing XD

    Mystics, a couple have awesome gear but to me they dont make the most of the class, also i have noticed that many mystics forget that they can heal others too, but thats maybe my playstyle on mine....

    Seekers, hard to choose since many many seekers are endgame nowadays, some of fillers deserve main as well

    and last BM's idk if buddha is that experienced, maybe i would switch for lordromeo for experience, but he must be outgeared by now idk

    Overall nice list.... but it would be a pain to make the squads and see who the SL should be hahaha

    i cant imagine half this people following orders and working as a group... b:pleased
  • Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Thank you Andres for compiling the list. I didn't have the time during the week to but since you already did it, I will tweak it a little bit. My choices are from what I've seen first hand and from the gears they possess. After all, gears do make a difference when you fight against other servers. This list is subject to change as names start coming back to me.

    10 Archers:

    Heartz - Relic
    Ojimaru - Dynasty
    DarkSkies - Relic
    ExMP - Dynasty
    Lidstrom - Tempest
    xRedHoodx- Dynasty
    Andres - Relic
    RYDIA - Tempest
    RottenKitten - Dynasty

    13 Clerics:

    Adibelle - Relic
    The_Cure - Relic
    Racquel - Relic
    PetalaRubra - Dynasty
    Anmori - Tempest
    Gwendollyn - Relic
    Temiko - Relic
    Tamrood - Skunkyard
    Thrine - Relic
    Aeliah - Dynasty
    SonH - Dynasty
    Lechi - Dynasty
    FistToDeath - Dynasty

    7 Venos:

    LadyCatt - Relic
    Pepoash - Tempest
    AiwenLyra - Tempest
    Draal - Tempest
    _Raszagal_ - Tempest
    Anonome - Dynasty
    WackyTaffy - Dynasty

    10 Barbarians:

    The_Plague - Relic
    Fenrir_Wolf - Dynasty
    KaminariSama - Relic
    Kicksumbutt - Dynasty
    Jay - Relic
    Jans - Relic
    BigCojones - Dynasty
    Melonheads - Dynasty
    KingRock - BootyCamp
    Morrier - Tempest

    6 Wizards:

    DeathProof - Tempest
    Philco - Relic
    fallonswiz - Skunkyard
    Dragslave - Dynasty
    Antics - Dynasty
    Sarisama - Dynasty

    8 Psychics:

    Anjumara - Relic
    Evangile - Relic
    The__Sun - Tempest
    AznBloodV - Dynasty
    Raffiel - Relic
    Skylla - Dynasty
    Tahimara - Relic
    Mezk - Dynasty

    5 Sins:

    AlonaWorld - Relic
    bigknockers - Dynasty
    kemushi - Tempest
    MrJohnDoe - Tempest
    ehop - Dynasty

    7 Mystics:

    PG_Junior - Relic
    Cherriies - Relic
    Anaara - Dynasty
    Algiz - Dynasty
    Countessia - Dynasty
    Damny - Tempest
    Thicket - Kindrid

    6 Seekers:

    Kalopsia - Relic
    ShadeWarden - Relic
    Iceblade - Dynasty
    Ebrithalia - Relic
    K/\N - Tempest
    Cinnumon - Relic

    8 BMs:

    slewdem - Relic
    WangZi - BootyCamp
    LordRomeo - Tempest
    nigelus - Dynasty
    RobMyth - Tempest
    Vengeance - Tempest
    Aelicia - Dynasty
    Ex_tacy - Dynasty
  • Posts: 462 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    No problem master SonH, the list looks pretty clean. And I agree that tweaking was necessary, I like all the names that Drag, SonH and Kalo added to it. The amount of people I picked per class follows my TW setup and tactics though, others with different TW backgrounds or ideas picked different numbers.

    Drag, I do think you can put many of this people together, maybe just not on the same squad. I feel the "NW Approach" is probably the best. We all contribute a fixed number of squads from our factions. Like I count enough Dyna cleric, barbs, bms and support to make a cata squad, and Relic players to provide a second one. I can certainly see both cata squads with their squad leaders right there.

    SonH, myself, DP, DarkSkiesx, Aeliah, Wacky, Dragslave, Plague, Biggy, Kicksumbutt, PG, Kalopsia, WangZi, Nigelus, Romeo, Damny. They all have squad leading background, they've all led squads, or currently still lead squads. I think that putting the squads together and providing them with a squad leader that they will listen to wouldn't be an issue.

    The real issue is, who do you have leading us? So many different leading styles for wars, some of us are very agressive in their pushes. Others are very conservative. Pick up 80? ezpz... What style would suit us best is what's hard to tell.
    We came, we saw, we painted it red.
    10/10/10 Calamity
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