they do have protections and stuff, however i guess the person or persons responciable for the DDoS attacks is smart/ skilled enough to penetrate them
it is compleatly down for everyone teleporting is messing up in west servers as well this happened starting with the event in Arch when there were archers in the wall
this sucks balls, grrr why is it crashing DOSing is what im thinking
Uploaded with
my seeker
i agree with that, also i like the idea of the post above that, there should be a % failure chance of shadow teleport even if just 10%, steath isnt magical its an ability learned though practice
Ya i gotta agree the blessings were good for a short time but stacking them.... destroys balance. At least you guys should remove the ability to account stash and stack them... as well as deleting stacked ones ppl have. And i really hope the rumors about shutting the game down are false, this is a good game and I enjoy…
yup me too 5/5, first fash looks best on her i think
nice, good job with with making the colors go together and perfect lighting
yup me too
This is me click on the #1533 me - Today, 01:39 PM part (the #'s) to see te full images
no sleepiing not allowed XD
i know how to fix... well it worked for me u go to pw website (like how ud get to forms) and select the charge zen button then do the normal process
EDIT ALSO URL FIX: ALSO recruiting 60+ ALSO we do TW Thanks
First KD will take over... Then they will fall cause they will be only one to attack
GUILD NAME: Disciplez LEADER: Wildeagle WEBSITE: EXTRA INFO: Level 70+, Vent is mandatory, only join if you want to stick around to change the PvPing on server. RPK but do not QQ or make drama
Im srry that this happend to you
Thanks, ur sister is very good at photoshop, ive used it before and can do basic stuff but nothing like that
WHAT they should do is then sympally increase the cool down by .05 seconds per lvl that the stealth skill increases, and also increase mana or someting. they should not delete skill because it is this what really makes an assassin an assassin. Another thing they could do is allow wizards to target the ground when they cast…
I arch with bow and id say your right, dex applyes to fast footwork and practaly hand to hand combat, or dagger to dagger combat. STR is best used for bows and swords, have u ever tryed to draw a powerfull bow? No weakling can do it I think that they say the dex applyes to ranged because of hand eye cordination.
Its simple why close ranged wepons would use dex, daggers bing the close ranged weapons, 1) They are small and require much fine movements and speed/ subtel movement to use. (ive used before in real life) 2) As for stuning, assassins aim for vital/pressure points. it is these points that kill or disable ones prey. so it…
Id say one thing, the green road in adrousaur will be gone!! for a few days at least, also most of the other pking regions will be empty for a while.
can someone please tellme what theyh do?
Srry i was in math class when i did this
any ideas on Ael?? I like the veno and wiz i give both 4/5
i agree 5/5 what do u think? and what abt mine?
The only way for pwi to please all , for a VERY short time, would to lower prices, but they would have to make the game P2P and nobody would like that. At first people would be happy and just focus on the low gold prices, but pretty quickly they would probably quit because it would be P2P not F2P. Personally the aspects of…
YA I like that idea it makes sence to me
how do u make a signature like that?