Well i see a Little animation for the Psychics so heres my question. will the Psychics/assassins have the same type of armour as the Wizard/Archer? In the animation it doesn't seem like they will. WIll they be able to wear the current gear??
Now he wonders..
Yeah lols everyone would have stone barrier on, That'll really get the other classes attention. but it'll be OP.
Maybe he dont want one =(. Maybe he makes enough money as it is and just sits around playing games all day.
I do the same thing lmao thats why i dont make female characters. It makes me feel weird. Only because when your a female character im sure some guys talk differently to chicks then they do to men. and im a guy on a female character and a guy is talking to my character like im actually a girl. Thats creepy then u blow…
Instead he got...
The What? Winner? Not you ma'am ^^
Ball up into...
haha i respect that.
Tra La-La Just passing by.
I wanna to see 100k posts in this thread thats about summer time to see that.
No Way! 6.2k posts and this your first =(.
Thats our speciality. Waiter, Theres glass in my soup.
Thats not how you make Orange Oatmeal. Waiter, There's [removed] in my soup.
But mah post is after yours xD
Get's in the
17 - Pro Age
A little small...
Client Vaseline
Now whos winning//
Oh yea faster leveling +1
That then got...
Page 1000 o.o I dont know random guess.
Hehe, he said you were going to be better xD
*Takes a huge bag of Swedish fish* Best candy alive xD
^ Is Not cheating on his girlfriend!!
the mount thens...
are about to...
^ Really has no idea who they are -I Dont