cool story bro
lol yeah its def interesting choice of coords o.0
lmfao never noticed that, but yes thats fine ~_~
this game offends me too with all the sexual innuendos, mystical meat? a boss named slitt? complete sacks? merchant wang song? mobs called steelhide puss? ok thats all i can think of so my sarcasm ends for now. b:bye
lmfao i love you guys, i was cranky all day then i went thru all the posts on this thread and i laughed hard out loud for like 10 mins, this thread is full of win.
generally, if my pet had bash i put flesh ream on it too, or if it had flesh ream i added bash, you dont need both really but i like doing it that way
and sorry for double post but are you sure those are your stats? if so your build looks like its in serious trouble.
Glacial Walker is the best pet for all around land situations, for questing/grinding dark wanderers are pretty damn nice too, but theres also instances where the range of my eldergoth comes in handy, so overall, gw, but theres many pets for many different situations. forgot to mention, those are best free pets, otherwise…
well, youd be surprised how many ppl lack common sense, its almost scary.
at the end of the day, its personal preference, la works til 90, wudnt recommend it after that, im pure mag 1 str 9 mag and i kill most mobs with them only gettin 1 hit on me, and if i really need to, i can kite with with whirlwind, but if u dont like kiting then la prob fits ur play style better, but like i said, after 90…
its not terrible, but you really should go with magic rings over might, specially if ur gonna do as much tt as u say, better heals never hurt.