/Fox - Harshlands70 Arc User


  • you can get another charm at lvl 19/20 from general summers in archosaur by taking quest to trade your trials weapon that you get from completing your fb19 (call to duty) with him and your reward is to choose between small gaurdian/spirit charm
  • b:chuckle ohh i have nvr acctually tried 2 use them as i use my mouse turn camera and wasd to move i just presumed that the arrow keys werent used.. b:surrender
  • b:pleasedi vote cleric as heals and buffs are allways wanted and the skills that clerics do get are good for both pvp and pve as we have both mag and phys attacks, i agree we dont have to many attack skills but who really needs a lot of attack skills as u will get into the habit of only using certain skills anywayb:bye
  • press k that allows you to change what the keys do..im not 100% sure u can change wasd to the arrow keys though. i dont see a reason why u cant as the arrow keys are not used in the gameb:bye
  • umm aslong as this game is ftp i dont plan on spending any money on the game (mainly because i cant because i think i typed email address wrong when i made account so verification email doesnt get through) but yea..when everything is free i dont see the point in using real money for things that i can take my time to get…