Best players on the server



  • Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    You forgot to mention that anytime we've met in NW there have also been 6 or more people from your side that have been hitting on me. I have never encountered you alone. Too bad tho. Like I said. Class vs the same class 1on1 is the ultimate showoff on which one is the better fighter and you might think that there is not much to it...but seriously. A single mistake can lead to ones defeat.

    And hot...holy cow. Can I just fight conan again and roflstomp him 10 times in a row so you can finally be quiet about this xDD

    And you people still act as if barbs would have such a major role in mass pvp. And again. I am not a mass pvp, tw barb anymore. I used to be one before eu server but I am solely a DD/APS-Barb and nothing more and hell I stomped so many people with way better gears away since I got full my full r9 +10. I never duck from a challange. Never. Ever.

    Why do you wanna talk me down again and again. I dont need to mass PvP with my barb because its senseless imho. I will do that on my SB tho.

    Mass pvp has always been: "hahaha we killed you...with 4 people hitting on you. You are a nub". that stuff ticks me off pretty badly. Why should I waste my time and health knowing how many **** kids we got on our server. Sure not all are like this but...enough. with purify spell I could at least kite and kill them seperatly...barbs are such massive CC victims.

    Its not that I QQ about not being able to kill 20 people alone that are equally geared. No. It should always be clear that even 2 vs 1 should be in favour of the 2. Always. Its that ranting stuff I mentioned earlier that kills mass pvp for me. People are actually proud of killing you with a whole team. Can you believe that? XD

    Mass PvP Is solely about Teamwork, nothing else counts for half as much as that, not even gear. Crisis shows this point incredibly well in nearly every TW, being severely outnumbered in almost every TW, and even in many NW fights I've seen them in, but teamwork lets them win 10v30 fights more often than not. Every class has it's role in mass pvp, and a barb is meant to be a tank, not a DD. A barb even at 40k+ Physical attack hits fairly low on a full buffed target, and shouldn't take his time to kill an individual target. I understand where you're coming from that 1v1 makes the fight on buffs more fair, but as a 40k attack barb also, it gets almost too easy fighting an unbuffed target, as a barb has the extreme advantage in a 1v1. Any decent combo from a barb to a self buffed target can hit incredibly high, and in most cases, considering a barbs crit rate, a simple combo can win it.
  • Posts: 2
    edited March 2015
    Mass pvp has always been: "hahaha we killed you...with 4 people hitting on you. You are a nub". that stuff ticks me off pretty badly. Why should I waste my time and health knowing how many **** kids we got on our server. Sure not all are like this but...enough. with purify spell I could at least kite and kill them seperatly...barbs are such massive CC victims.

    Its not that I QQ about not being able to kill 20 people alone that are equally geared. No. It should always be clear that even 2 vs 1 should be in favour of the 2. Always. Its that ranting stuff I mentioned earlier that kills mass pvp for me. People are actually proud of killing you with a whole team. Can you believe that? XD

    Uhm Joe, mass PvP is group vs group, not group vs Joe.
  • Posts: 1,299 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    iperen wrote: »
    Uhm Joe, mass PvP is group vs group, not group vs Joe.

    Yes indeed. But even so...I used to rely alot on teamwork back in the day (in other games tho). I had some nice teamwork in PWI too, but always being severely outnumbered (like they always nearly had double the players we had) I skipped it totally. Understandable isnt it? You try as hard as you can and your team never lost on fair conditions but then got laughed at for being killed by twice the number of players. I then decided to go purely for 1on1. there no one could hide behind a big number. They had to face me alone and thus many lost against me. Without rage, falming or anything else. I've always had more or less peaceful fights. I like that.

    That is also why I can't find a liking in Requiem and alot of Requiems open PvPers. They are actually proud in winning (most even just closely vs Crisis for example) by outnumbering the enemy faction by a huge lot. This has nothing to do with sportsmanship. I dont understand how they can even live with that stuff? Heck if I had a 80x endgame-geared player counting faction I would dissolve it. Whats the use in it? If we'd win against other good factions with lets say 30 people then thats no victory. That'd be a forseen victory. No effort needed, no challange there at all.

    I dont care if its mass PvP or TW or 1on1. I want that only the best win. Not those with the highest numbers or any other unfair advantage. No. The. Best. Shall. Always. Win. Maybe then...and only then, there might be a chance that most people would actually focus on learning how to play instead of banding together like a bunch of kids. Damned Winning-Team-Joiner. We should have ranked PvP-Arenas here where everything is set. Gear, Cards, buffs. Everything. That would bring alot of fun back into the game.
    My Barb:

    My SB:
  • Posts: 2
    edited March 2015
    Joe ... you must have understood by now that 1st grade rhetoric doesn't get me to agree with you. In mass PvP you will never find "fair" by your definition. Nothing in life will ever be. If numbers are the same, gear will play, then classes, then ping, then the hour people had to get up that day, their emotional state, the time they can hold without needing to pee, ... And guess what ? I don't care. I don't need to win or the acknowledgement of others to be satisfied with my own actions and draw conclusions on what my side could improve. I've done my share of research where you need to factor out odds and all that, but it's only useful if it's brought to face the odds afterwards.

    You may say people are hiding in the crowd ... whatever. I'm rather happy with the crowd then lonely at the top. When you're at the top, you can only go down anyway.
  • Posts: 1,299 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    iperen wrote: »
    Joe ... you must have understood by now that 1st grade rhetoric doesn't get me to agree with you. In mass PvP you will never find "fair" by your definition. Nothing in life will ever be. If numbers are the same, gear will play, then classes, then ping, then the hour people had to get up that day, their emotional state, the time they can hold without needing to pee, ... And guess what ? I don't care. I don't need to win or the acknowledgement of others to be satisfied with my own actions and draw conclusions on what my side could improve. I've done my share of research where you need to factor out odds and all that, but it's only useful if it's brought to face the odds afterwards.

    You may say people are hiding in the crowd ... whatever. I'm rather happy with the crowd then lonely at the top. When you're at the top, you can only go down anyway.

    Exactly...but that is not my point. People can do whatever they want, seriously. But if they think they really can be proud especiall if they are aware that its not really then this really ticks me off. Of they would just **** about their fights and take it as just "fun" then everything would be great and I could also find enjoyment In it.

    The moment anyone is proud about achieving something in unfair terms w/e the friggin means are then I instantly get the need to destroy them, one way or another. This roots in something far above of video games and I just can see quite some similarities.

    The world we know today is crowded with blind-folded human puppets that do nothing cept following the lead of someone they shouldnt. Taking anything as granted and not wasting a single thought on most things They nearly buy anything as truth if someone presents it in a decent, believable way.

    You also really do think that its about being the best For me. Its not. I have never commented to anyone that I am the best after a fIght. I always gave a "gf and ty for pvp". Thats all. You should all have noticed by now that my "I am the best"-trip gets triggered by something special. That something is when other people announce themselves as being "the best" and I friggin know that they are not. So I put myself over them just to see their reaction and to meassure if they really are the best or just talk. You can see the results immidiatly. Most are just talk.

    This is my way of resistance in this game and in other ways I'm doing the same in rl.

    Let me clear something up: I don't believe in a god or something. I only believe in myself and as I am a human being I also believe in humanity. Any human being can achieve anything they really want to achieve if they put enough effort into it. We all got the same chances. Some are just not using them and focus on other things which is great too. In the end of the day no one can really say that they are the best in something because each and every human being could achieve the same with enough time. There is no best, we are just mere specialists at best.

    BTW: I am also aware that people who dont know the context actually must think that I am a person just like the ones I'm trying to go against. True. But I have no choice and besides that I dont really care. People who actually care know that I'm not the worst person to hand around with.
    My Barb:

    My SB:
  • Posts: 2
    edited March 2015
    And just why do you care so much about other's judgement and judge others all the time ? Proclaiming what others should or should not be happy or pride off, just why is that any of your business ?

    Your actions don't match what you say. Everything you say to dislike about others is directly applied to you as well. Your opinion doesn't allow the existance of other visions and tends to not acknowledge anything outside your own box. All I see from you is disrespect towards others that don't go by your values. Values are something you should have for yourself, not to bind others.
  • Posts: 1,299 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    iperen wrote: »
    And just why do you care so much about other's judgement and judge others all the time ? Proclaiming what others should or should not be happy or pride off, just why is that any of your business ?

    Your actions don't match what you say. Everything you say to dislike about others is directly applied to you as well. Your opinion doesn't allow the existance of other visions and tends to not acknowledge anything outside your own box. All I see from you is disrespect towards others that don't go by your values. Values are something you should have for yourself, not to bind others.

    So you think it is ok for others to badmouth you while being the ones that play unfair themselves? Lol, what kind of logic is that.

    But ya sure. Lets follow this. Let the ISIS kill as many people as they want. Thats part of their values and belief. Or why does anyone pick on Hitler, he just did what he thought was right! NO, sir. NO!!!

    It is the inability to think or pure ignorance of people that makes them do such terrible things and yes, what I mentioned before is also a part of this. Any human being that is unable to think on its own is a threat to the whole humanity.

    If all humans would just think about everything they do...if they would know themselves...know why they like this and that and why they do vertain things...if they could explain themselves in every detail, ya then my friend the world could be a better place. Childish reactions like the ones I mentioned above in PWI show me directly that those brats are just pathetic scum. They don't think, they just act out of pure randomness or due to manipulation.

    Some people actually wanna argue with someone and said to have put thought into something. Hell how could they if they not even know themselves perfectly. But ya, it is totally too much to ask to think about oneselve a bit. Heck look around you guys. You can see billions of people everyday that wonder about why they arn't happy...what it is they ar emissing to feel joy. It is because they don't know anything about themselves and thus are unable to believe in themselves causing endless circles of misunderstandings, hatred and pain.

    You might think that this has nothing to do with the topic but let me assure you, it does. Hope I dont have to explain why cause its pretty obvious.
    My Barb:

    My SB:
  • Posts: 1,246 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Exactly...but that is not my point. People can do whatever they want, seriously. But if they think they really can be proud especiall if they are aware that its not really then this really ticks me off. Of they would just **** about their fights and take it as just "fun" then everything would be great and I could also find enjoyment In it.

    The moment anyone is proud about achieving something in unfair terms w/e the friggin means are then I instantly get the need to destroy them, one way or another. This roots in something far above of video games and I just can see quite some similarities.

    for example why shouldn't conan be proud of yesterday tournament?

    he 1v2s an endgame sin and an endgame deity cleric on his self buffs vs their full buffs + base buffs + full nightshade buffs

    he made it then he won the gold prize.

    and he beat you in 1on1 with his **** gears, you can claim you can beat him 10 times in a row,
    yea you are supposed to do such thing,
    he isn't supposed to kill you not even once!!! but that happened!!!

    for what i've seen yesterday you should not make any claims about being the best or what not

    start to pull **** like this, instead of pointless 1on1s and maybe i will change my opinion about you

    on the other instance me and Yousuckk 2v4d another room filled with endgame requiems, after all their big mouthing and insults on the world chat...

    why shouldnt i be proud of us and even brag about it?
  • Posts: 1,595 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    @Joe : As I've already told you, you should just attach less importance about what people say or even think.

    I'm a little like you on some points when you talk about fairness but I really don't deal with it the same way...

    I myself like mass PVP but couldn't go in NW with too many (strong) teamates anymore. I try from time to time (maybe once a month) because this is different and can be a good learning experience. But I find it boring... so I usually go in a duo or solo. And I find it surprising if people manage to have fun in NW with huge teams but why not... everyone is different anyway...

    Now, I must say that I don't like dieing. I really don't think I'm the type of player who rages a lot when it happens, but still I don't like dieing. But well... if I die in a "fair fight" because I did a mistake (which happens really more than I would like) then I'm mad against myself. And if I died because the opponent was stronger, then I just remind it to try to do better next time. However if I think I was ok but just died pretty fast because there were, for example, a full R9.3 squad on me, purging, debuffing, assisting, well... I won't be mad against them. And I will probably not insist if I consider I have no chance at all to challenge them. And if they are happy to get the kill, then good for them... and if they are proud because I had to leave, then good for them (in a way I will at best feel sad for them because they had no competition, but if they feel happy then it's perfect I guess).

    I personnally don't like ganking but this is part of the game. It happened to me as well to gank someone on a map, just because it was necessary (I usually try not to join that, especially if I respect the guy) but if the personn carries a flag, or try to destroy a tower then... I have to do it, but I won't get any satisfaction from that. But once again if some people can be proud to kill someone 8v1, then nevermind... and if they even laugh at the guy who died this way well... this is weird but shouldn't tick you off.

    (Obviously when I talk about ganking 8v1, i'm talking about people with same or better gears than the 1. 10 G16 vs 1 R9.3 with good cards is not unfair and the overgeared guy is even suppsoed to win, so the G16 guys should be happy for the win in this situation even if they are 10v1 because this requires teamplay in this case).

    As for the big factions, you're kinda extremist as well. If I had to leave my faction, I would never apply to the top faction of the moment, pretty much like you I guess. I always prefered underdogs than the big favorite. And even though I like winning, I prefer losing a fight closely being on the underdog side, rather than winning easily with the top one (that would also be the top one without me).*

    That's why I'm always surprised as well when I see people brag on WC about "their" faction win, even though they decided to join this faction only because this was already the top faction. Some people are champions for that and are also known as real mercenaries that joined almost all the big factions when they were on top, and are the first ones to leave when the faction suffers a bad moment.

    That being said, if you're the leader (or any important people that played a role in building or rebuilding the faction), it's normal to be proud of winning in a way. Even 80 vs 30. Because being able to get 80 people for a TW can be seen as a success. Obviously this is easier to do if you're already at top because people are what they are, but I still respect that. This is not easy to satisfy people so that they don't leave.

    This is why I couldn't join Requiem for example (at least in it's current state, even though this seems not that easy for them on Revision recently and I like when I see them trying). But I have some respect for Requiem management, and this was probably not easy as it seems to be the Requiem leader, when they had no competition at all. I wouldn't like to be in a situation where you're happy to be at top but frustrated not to have interesting fights. When you shouldn't continue recruiting because TW would be even more unbalanced, but have to it if you don't want to start from scratch if .
    some people leave because they have no fun.

    Note : But there is also a big difference between feeling proud of one's self or bragging about it. I don't like braggers even when they can have some reasons to brag....
    ~ Sage Mystic 105-105-105 ~
    ~ Sage Sin 103-103-102 ~
    ~ Sage vita Barb 103-102-101 ~
    ~ Sage BM 102-101 ~ Demon Archer 102 ~
    ~ Sage Cleric 102 ~ Demon Wizard 101 ~
    ~ Sage Seeker 101 ~ Sage Psy 101 ~
    ~ Sage Heavy Veno 101 ~ Demon Storm 9X ~ Dusk 6x ~
    Started playing this game in 2007 on Oracle (PW-MY) : Demon MG 101 - Sage EP 99 - WF 89
  • Posts: 2
    edited March 2015
    @Joe : I shouldn't have to tell you to not make the kind of arguments you just did. Those are just made to derail, offend and get threads closed. They are wrong in so many ways that I will not go there to point it out.

    You want an example of what I meant :
    That being said, if you're the leader (or any important people that played a role in building or rebuilding the faction), it's normal to be proud of winning in a way. Even 80 vs 30. Because being able to get 80 people for a TW can be seen as a success. Obviously this is easier to do if you're already at top because people are what they are, but I still respect that. This is not easy to satisfy people so that they don't leave.
  • Posts: 1,299 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    for example why shouldn't conan be proud of yesterday tournament?

    he 1v2s an endgame sin and an endgame deity cleric on his self buffs vs their full buffs + base buffs + full nightshade buffs

    he made it then he won the gold prize.

    and he beat you in 1on1 with his **** gears, you can claim you can beat him 10 times in a row,
    yea you are supposed to do such thing,
    he isn't supposed to kill you not even once!!! but that happened!!!

    for what i've seen yesterday you should not make any claims about being the best or what not

    start to pull **** like this, instead of pointless 1on1s and maybe i will change my opinion about you

    on the other instance me and Yousuckk 2v4d another room filled with endgame requiems, after all their big mouthing and insults on the world chat...

    why shouldnt i be proud of us and even brag about it?

    It seems like you dont really understand me. What you just stated is exactly what I am looking for. Big Gratz to you guys for pulling that stuff off, this is indeed what I am looking for myself and what I have no problem with to respect.

    Not to talk down what you've achieved but lets face it, most req members , no matter the gears, suck so bad. Sure there are some good players there...but not all that many.

    But cmon. Anyone does mistakes, I am no exception. I dont think of myself as an unfailable god or something. I do mistakes sometimes which might lead into me getting beaten altho I shouldnt be able to lose a particular fight. That's human xD Altho I might give the impression of taking all this soo serious I don't really do that. I play sloppy so often because I don't really care or am just fooling around. I will play as good as I can if I challange someone or if I get challanged. Anything else is just having "fun" and hell that is no excuse xD because I'd take a challange to prove it anytime.

    Another thing I beat so many groups of people alone during NW. People that have good gears. Once I won a 20vs1 capture the flag with many r9 players in it with very good refines/shards. the problem is that I could tell you so much and you wouldnt believe it anyways xD

    @ip: Those arguments are very valid but I will accept to not ride on that anymore. There is sooo much more to it...I could cluster pages of pages on this forum with the stuff I trully believe in, how humanity works and what the consequences will be if mankind doesn't move their arses and change something.
    My Barb:

    My SB:
  • Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    and reward for server containing most of/biggest idiots goes to Morai server......
  • Posts: 1,299 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    and reward for server containing most of/biggest idiots goes to Morai server......

    how can one be considered an idiot if he is solely driven by honour and pride. Values that are mostly gone in todays society.

    The one people I consider idiots are the ones not thinking about what they're doing and thus being an easy victim to manipulation.
    My Barb:

    My SB:
  • Posts: 995 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    how can one be considered an idiot if he is solely driven by honour and pride. Values that are mostly gone in todays society.

    The one people I consider idiots are the ones not thinking about what they're doing and thus being an easy victim to manipulation.

    You are driven by your values of honor and yours alone. This mixed with pride, which in your case is just ego and nothing more. You are unable to see or accept any views outside of yours, least I cant remember a single time you have admitted to being wrong. You are stubbornly wrong, this thread is perfect example of it. You clearly have no clue bout large scale PvP and yet you argue like you are some god given gift to mankind regarding it.

    Ps. I have never seen easier target to troll for reaction than your ego.
    __Sami__ - Archer - 105/103/102 - - Active
    HideYoHubby - Assassin - 105/101/101 - Inactive
    WnbTank - Barbarian - 103/101/101 - Catshop
  • Posts: 1,299 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    XDD you could say that you can easily troll me but you could also say that I am forcing those reactions out of people. Maybe, maybe not. Who knows :p

    And read through this thread. All anyone has ever written to me is that its useless to argue with me But you cant find even a single counterargument to what I have said in the whole friggin thread. So excuse me. I am not a gods-given gift but I am here to remind people of something. Something you just accused me to do.

    they are unable to see or accept any views outside of theits, least I cant remember a single time they have admitted to being wrong. Sound familiar?

    Why do you think people dont use arguments anymore? Because they dont have any. Because havnt thought things through beyond the point where they just follow the majority. Ofc you cant have arguments if you cant think on your own.

    I wrote a while back into this thread that this kinda thread serves my purposses. One way or another. I am just eagerly waiting for someone to finally discuss with me about the threads topic instead of cycling through the same damned statements again and again and again. If you dont feel the need to prove your points people then thats just fine But then dont participate in a discussion. Sure its fun writing something and watching people react to it but man I'm doing this since forever now...nearly my whole life. Cant just once someone show up and actually discuss with me decently with all possibilities being thought through in the process. damn.
    My Barb:

    My SB:
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Before the merge the best players were

    Mystic: ?
    Seeker: Akan,Esoldur

    Wizard: ?
    BM: Gaara, Meesonator was good too without r9

    Veno: ?

    Cleric: ?

    Pyshic: Psycholanka

    These where the people that knew how to play unlike now with heavy cashshoppers and everyone that pks is r9

    most of the people did not have r9 but they had skill.


    my momaganon character was Cooling the seeker
  • Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    The posts in here are funny to read, i beleave that every player that does alot of pvp has its own 'profile' of positive and negative points, situations where they shine and situations where they are trash. A truely good player knows how to adapt to the situation: 1 using max potential in tw with people backing up and rebuffing 2 good in nw/tourney due to sticking to a plan, staying togethere, knowing when to do what 3 PK/rw PK where the real skill to play the class comes out ranging from escaping out a gank to ganking others as efficiently as possible to encountering balanced 1v1's. Personally (my opinion) i shine in situations of being ganked, solo playing, and strategic open world pk (if there is pk on our server lol) and my negative side is because of solo playing i die alot in tw with suicidal barrages etc.
    Based on these points and what i have seen in every form of pvp il make my list with + being active players and - being unactive/quited/another player playing the toon/doesnt pvp anymore.
    Gears will matter alot since its the best way to show gameplay nowadays.

    +Krissie metal mage #MouseOnHeartOfSteel
    +Dyeena best cleric no doubt

    -Saeber demon and deity what else to say b:dirty
    there are no other archers i consider skilled or stand out on our server. except the gear they are wearing.


    +Elari pro shotcaller in tw, most anoying veno to be targetted by
    +Eziekiel good in pk, only veno that takes on 1v1's in pk

    +Zoldi expirienced good mystic, healing machine
    -Alexis didnt seen any mystic with his gear that can be so effective in pvp
    +Devilspirit plays his class well

    -Zypern doesnt pvp anymore but best skilled seeker i knew b4 the merge
    +Ray only endgame seeker i know to fear in pvp
    +Nexes this guy is a wall
    Alot of other less geared seekers out there who know theyr class well but didnt seen pking.

    +Kaizuko he plays very well, especially in 1v1's
    +Sibyllin he tanks and stuff lol..

    +PREIST very expirienced sin
    +YouSuckk not even near endgame but very skilled
    there are no other sins i'd consider pro in Morai server lol

    +MinGo < low gears but seems a good wiz to me

    -Zanryu doesnt play for a long time now but apart from his worldchat spam he actually played well
    +Xiyie best bm, do you even leap?
    +Jacenty low gears but he knows how to stunlock and beat people with way better gears in duel

    +Reapa=Joe only storm that pk's and is noticable in pvp. he plays his class well

    +OnyxBlade seen him in nw, seems good geared and play not bad
    +SoSinFull= my alt, im half r9/g16 gear so far not the strongest geared dusk on our server but the strongest that pvp's. but same for storms.. not much competition to compare with. alot of new classes walk around with op gear but just dont pk or stand out in nw or tw yet.
  • Posts: 109 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Thats my opinion !


    + Albdruid
    + Krissie Epic dmg ! doesnt know how to heal sad part abt it.
    + Deliyah if i wrote her correct ... Really good cleric !

    No1 else worth to mention.


    + OfficerDiick High dmg, very skilled, hard to kill !

    No1 else worth to mention.


    + AlmostEvil
    + Serga
    + Ticosan
    + Bradien
    + Oblivion

    No1 else worth to mention.


    + Rangiku .. or how she is called.. Amazing skilled Veno !
    + Elari Always knew his class !
    + Eziekiel this guy does even 1vs1 .. Celebrate him.. decent player !

    No1 else worth to mention.


    + Zoldi skilled !
    + TouchOfDeath ( doesnt play anymore (gone))
    + Sixth ... that guy healing like crazy tanking like a barb.. amazing !

    No1 else worth to mention.


    + Ray His dmg is INSANE !
    + Nexes Sure he is a seeker not a barb?!
    + XxNirvanaxX
    + Physico
    + JackoPumpkin same as ray epic dmg

    No1 else worth to mention.


    + Sibyllin most skilled psy
    + Crunshy

    No1 else worth to mention.


    + Crixxy barley saw him but when i saw him decent skills !
    + Repanzu tanky ... and damn skilled !
    + YouSuckk sorry for that ego XD
    + PRElST

    No1 else worth to mention.


    + Elahrion
    + xXHotXx
    +MinGo that guy got pro with his class !

    No1 else worth to mention.



    No1 else worth to mention.


    + I give it some time till we have more storm players white named and geared up!


    + SoSinFull

    No1 else worth to mention.

    Open your mind, let it **** you in kind :-)
  • Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Since I came back to game after like 6 months break, I dont know if there are any new OP players out there, so Ill write what I remember.
    Im also sorry if I forgot anyone! b:surrender

    Oblivion, Ticosan, xdogx, Bradien

    Rangiko, Zaneki, Elari

    Akan, Ray, JackoPumpkin

    Zoldi, Ieeas, iDux

    PREIST, Trinity

    sibyllin, jolly, Rhahiki

    Xiyie (there are few more, but I only remember their faces from NW >__<)

    Hot, Azeyhil

    AlbDruid, Dyeena, XDaryanX

    DikkeJonko, Saeber, Paralysed, Johannah

    I might edit this after few more NWs b:pleased
    ~ Deliylah (previous xDeliciousx) ~
    Sage R9 cleric, lvl 105-105-105, 949 magic *_*
    My YouTube channel:
  • Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    @ Deliylah : YOU DARE TO WRITE MY NAME WRONG ?????????????????????b:angryb:angryb:angry
  • Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    laikiraski wrote: »
    @ Deliylah : YOU DARE TO WRITE MY NAME WRONG ?????????????????????b:angryb:angryb:angry

    oh **** Im in trouble >__<
    ~ Deliylah (previous xDeliciousx) ~
    Sage R9 cleric, lvl 105-105-105, 949 magic *_*
    My YouTube channel:
  • Posts: 305 Arc User
    psychic is the bestz
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2015

    Rangiko, do i say the purge bot mermi......


    Ieeas every other mystic dies to me

    PREIST, Trinit, Elo

    sibyllin no others come close

    Xiyie is there any more BM on server who are not trash?


    Dyeena when she was active

    Archers are so bad i cant pick a good one

    New class has to be Joe and Dikk as they out gear people


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