Why i prefer to be mystic rather than other classes.

Aziza_Atori - Archosaur
Posts: 312 Arc User
My main is a mystic And though I have tried to play other classes I always end back on her...so I thought it would be fun to express my opinion of mystic as a main rather than other classes, both to inspire people to play mystic and to find out if others feel the same way about it as I do, and it would be fun to hear other people's reason for preferring their mainclasses too. Note that this post isn't exactly a guide..more like an attempt to debate and Mabye inspire ^^
Why a mystic and not a..
Bm: great for crowdcontrole and tanking big mobs but since a bm tend to carry so many different weapons around it takes more time and money to collect gears. There's also the pressure about timing heavens flame to the squads satisfaction.
Wiz: great damage..have some fun skills but a very squeashy class with slow channeling.
Archer: great class..seriously annoying to fight in pk but it annoy me to constantly having to check for arrows and they're weaker if they get too close to the target.
Cleric: the most wanted team mate along with barb I guess. Great heals..can also dd very well but their role is too defined for my taste and even the most tanky and op cleric mostly end up in bb anyways. I like the class as alt though.
Barbarian: to fight a wellgeared barb in pk is like trying to hit a rock. Great tank but a lesser geared barn often need to depend on a healer anyways and these days any wellgeared class can tank with the right strategy.
Veno: my first char ever was a Veno but it Didnt feel completely right for me. Also the really great venopets are expensive and pets need food..And they need to be revived by death..And they need to be lvled too.
Assassin: too much autoattack for my taste..And a sin is seriously squeashy unless it's well played..And then there's apps to think of..And the game is crowded with sins so it's hard to stand out
Psycic: I like this class but their heal skill has cd and I like to be able to heal when I want..also I might find it slightly annoying to either hit high with low deffense or the other way around. And they depend more on soulforce than other classes.
Seeker: tried it and I got crazy from it quick since I felt I had to run after the mobs. I generally like to play caster most of all. And it annoy me that people scream for seekers for fc and delta to get vortex even when other classes can do the job as good.
Duskblade: didn't have the chance to play or see one yet but I prefer magic classes.
Stormbringer: haven't gotten the chance for being on pwi a while so haven't tried one but I'm tempted to at least make an alt. From what I've heard they seem to be a Dd/crowdcontrole class
So why do I play a mystic...
Mystics are very balanced and with high gear a mystic can take almost any role from healer to dd or tank..pretty skills and apperience..Great and fast heals..summons..has traits from several classes but is still unique..do I have to say more..I just love to play mystic..
Why a mystic and not a..
Bm: great for crowdcontrole and tanking big mobs but since a bm tend to carry so many different weapons around it takes more time and money to collect gears. There's also the pressure about timing heavens flame to the squads satisfaction.
Wiz: great damage..have some fun skills but a very squeashy class with slow channeling.
Archer: great class..seriously annoying to fight in pk but it annoy me to constantly having to check for arrows and they're weaker if they get too close to the target.
Cleric: the most wanted team mate along with barb I guess. Great heals..can also dd very well but their role is too defined for my taste and even the most tanky and op cleric mostly end up in bb anyways. I like the class as alt though.
Barbarian: to fight a wellgeared barb in pk is like trying to hit a rock. Great tank but a lesser geared barn often need to depend on a healer anyways and these days any wellgeared class can tank with the right strategy.
Veno: my first char ever was a Veno but it Didnt feel completely right for me. Also the really great venopets are expensive and pets need food..And they need to be revived by death..And they need to be lvled too.
Assassin: too much autoattack for my taste..And a sin is seriously squeashy unless it's well played..And then there's apps to think of..And the game is crowded with sins so it's hard to stand out
Psycic: I like this class but their heal skill has cd and I like to be able to heal when I want..also I might find it slightly annoying to either hit high with low deffense or the other way around. And they depend more on soulforce than other classes.
Seeker: tried it and I got crazy from it quick since I felt I had to run after the mobs. I generally like to play caster most of all. And it annoy me that people scream for seekers for fc and delta to get vortex even when other classes can do the job as good.
Duskblade: didn't have the chance to play or see one yet but I prefer magic classes.
Stormbringer: haven't gotten the chance for being on pwi a while so haven't tried one but I'm tempted to at least make an alt. From what I've heard they seem to be a Dd/crowdcontrole class
So why do I play a mystic...
Mystics are very balanced and with high gear a mystic can take almost any role from healer to dd or tank..pretty skills and apperience..Great and fast heals..summons..has traits from several classes but is still unique..do I have to say more..I just love to play mystic..
Aziza_Atori: 102 sage mystic
Aziza_Amina: currently fail 91 sage cleric
And a lot of alts...
Aziza_Amina: currently fail 91 sage cleric
And a lot of alts...
Post edited by Aziza_Atori - Archosaur on
Reason why i prefer playing a barb rather than other classes:
It is versatile with APS gear, is the most tanky toon, can pull like no other, has AOE skills only rivaled by seeker and BM, has single target damage only rivaled by BM and sin. Does so much damage that it is an excelent self healer with BP. Is usually the one who takes initiative in squads and sets the pace.
Wiz: Have never gotten one to a gear level anywhere near my main so it just felt like a step back and it cant do what my barb can do.
Sin: Have never gotten one to a gear level anywhere near my main so it just felt like a step back and it cant do what my barb can do.
Veno: Have never gotten one to a gear level anywhere near my main so it just felt like a step back and it cant do what my barb can do.
Seeker: Have never gotten one to a gear level anywhere near my main so it just felt like a step back and it cant do what my barb can do.
Cleric: Have never gotten one to a gear level anywhere near my main so it just felt like a step back and it cant do what my barb can do.
Psy: Have never gotten one to a gear level anywhere near my main so it just felt like a step back and it cant do what my barb can do.
Mystic: Have never gotten one to a gear level anywhere near my main so it just felt like a step back and it cant do what my barb can do.
Archer: Have never gotten one to a gear level anywhere near my main so it just felt like a step back and it cant do what my barb can do.
Bm: Have never gotten one to a gear level anywhere near my main so it just felt like a step back and it cant do what my barb can do. Theoretically it should do pretty much the same as a barb though. So i kinda like them on paper.
Stormbringer: Huh whats that ?
Duskblade: Huh whats that ?Everything i write is from PvE perspective unless mentioned otherwise.0 -
I only like the wizard class because it is the highest damage per hit class and it is the only magic class that user fire spells... and I like fire spells. With the wizard you can nuke other players which is fun and you can one shot other people easily. Fun.. fun. I don't like the other classes because they are not like the wizard.
Blademaster: When I first play this class I was surprised as how tanky it was. I am used to being squishy.
Cleric: I don't like healing and supporting. Being on BB all the time isn't fun either.
Archer: I don't like the whole doing less damage at close range thing or having to have to worry about buying arrows all the time.
Barbarian: This class doesn't seem to ever die. I Loved it but the wizard is still my favorite.
Veno: It's not my playing style.
Assassin: I always said that I wouldn't play an assassin then I tried it one day and was surprised at how fun it was. It does lots of damage, you can kill people in stealth and be sneaky which is fun and it has aps which is fun for me as well.
Psychic: Didn't like it.
Duskblade: Haven't tried it yet.
Stormbringer: I tried it but it isn't high level enough for me to have a decision on it.0 -
I have a wiz alt because well..I really don't like the thought of doing bb unless on dual client..there's so many op psys..tried Veno..wiz seemed fun to try but it's sooo squeashy though x.x I know a wiz can be awesome though if played right...I wonder if stormbringer would be fun though ..it looks like itthough I didn't get the chance to see for myself yet..but it won't take my mystics placeAziza_Atori: 102 sage mystic
Aziza_Amina: currently fail 91 sage cleric
And a lot of alts...0 -
I tried a variety of classes... my E 0.02:
Barb: Fast moving, nice to solo with and farm with due to it's speed, especially with sage/demon tiger form or higher. Easy to self-level on physical mobs once you got Sunder. Not hard to find a party with one... I'm told that APS Demon barbs are friggin' energiser bunnies when it comes to farming. Haven't tried one though...
Veno: Haven't tried one and likely won't ever.
Archer: Squishy ranged DD, does a good bit of damage at high range though. I kept one as a jolly alt - cheapish eventgold flier speeds that up. They kill fast and get killed fast.
Cleric: Strong support character, fun to play. They're not as fast at solo killing but they're not really intended for solo play anyway. However, in a pinch they can dish out a large amount of metal damage, especially with primal Cyclone. To put it in perspective: My cleric, G16 lightarmor and +7 G16 glaive, has successfully tanked and held aggro on Vile Incarcerate and Prince Mushi - rare but it does happen.
BM: Frontline support character - but slowly becoming obsolete in pvp and mass pvp scenarios due to lack of direct damage output, range and mobility. Good resilience though... I'm keeping one as my main character. Versatility is it's major plus (big debuffs and lots of CC skills), but expensiveness is its drawback (4 weapon paths means 4 weapons to refine to make full use of the class).
Wizard: Just plain DD, no real buffs for the party other then frostblade. Kinda meh, tried one but didn't go far with it.
Seeker: Interesting AOE and midrange HA damagedealer. But like the BM, it suffers from not having it's prime stat as dex, so lower crit rate means much lower damage then the dex classes. Having both metal and phys skills at range is handy though...
Mystic: Fun class to play! A weak summon can still distract or lure, and in general play the class is more or less mana neutral (spark and Clear Thoughts offset skill mana cost). Nice party buffs too, 'though you need to grind Morai to get them. Lucky Break is extremely powerful for onehitting groups after a pull. The only disadvantage is that the majority of your damage is wood-based.
Assassin: Prime damage dealer of PWI, and it shows. The class is very popular, and with proper gear can solo just about anything that isn't phys immune. Suppose they're a little less popular now that drops are nerfed, but still... they're the primary TT farmers. Stealth makes nuema grinding a piece of cake too.
Psychic: Much like the wizard, arcane DD. Unlike the wizard, the psy has some useful contributions to the party, and more versatility with the black/white voodoo, giving it some control over resilience versus top damage. I consider the psy better then the wizard as a result.
Duskblade: Only seen them thus far, haven't played them. Seems a highly mobile class, probably will rival sins for damage. Mobility plus high damage... powerful combination in mass pvp. I could see an overpowered dusk make the NW un-fun for lesser geared players.
Stormbringer: Haven't played one yet. From what I've seen this class will need some balancing, or render playing most melee classes pointless. Time shall tell... but if they end up as overpowered as I see people predict, I reckon I'll find something else to play at that time.I'm so P.R.O... I Press Respawn Often.
Ulsyr 103/103/104 BM. Working on the last R9 part (Axe).
Khelvan 103/103/103 LA Cler. LA? LA. Deal with it.
Evryn 103/102/101 Sagely Mystical Myst of Mystiness.
Gromth 102/102/102 Sage Panda.
StoneSnake - Snakeshop for everyone's common stones.0 -
Mystic: Useful buffs (ress and invigorate), pets, debuffs, healing, good damage. That's probably the class I'll choose for r9rr, unless I fall in love for SB first. =p
Wizard: It used to be my main, but it's much less useful compared to mystic. It doesn't have useful buffs, single target damage is lower and even in aoe mystic is not much behind with gale force, primal swirling mist, lucky break and cragglord (against [?] mobs).
Psychic: It seems better than wizard, but I didn't lvl up one because I'd have to make another T3 weapon, so I chose to lvl up cleric and veno instead.
Barb: One of my favorite classes. Like it was said you will determine the pace of the run and it's easy to find squads. However when I first reached lvl 100 instances with low lvl gear (TT90/G15 armour, G16 axes) I felt useless. Most of the times there was a high dd who would tank instead of me, I couldn't pull in many instances (like FWS) and the gear repair is much higher than the other classes I have tried.
Stormbringer: I'm lvling up one yet (almost lvl 70), but it seems really interesting. Being able to walk while casting skills open up many possibilities. This might become my main soon.
Cleric: I don't have a high lvl cleric yet, but it's in my list. However I don't know if I'll like to fill the healer role too often and just stay in BB in some instances might be boring.
Veno: I made a crystal baby veno and I didn't get used to it yet. I think her cast time is too long compared to mystic. Having to lvl up pets and buy good ones is also annoying.
Archer: It was one of my main characters in other server long ago, but I didn't find any reason to roll another one, except that their long range is nice in TWs.
BM: It's an interesting class for me, but since I have T3 AA gear, I'm focusing on lvling up arcane classes to avoid more expenses.
Seeker: It seems interesting, but I don't have a high lvl one for the same reason of BM.
Assassin: It seems interesting for farming, but the server is already so crowded with sins...
Duskblade: I don't know much about it yet, but I don't want to farm LA gear, so I didn't choose it.0 -
In general I prefer playing a mage rather than a melee class..playing melee just don't appeal much to me and it's also more simple to build up a mage..all points in mag except what you need to wear your gear..practically impossible to mess up on that one..and a mage don't need accuracy eitherAziza_Atori: 102 sage mystic
Aziza_Amina: currently fail 91 sage cleric
And a lot of alts...0 -
Let's see.
My barb will always be my main because I just love him the most. I'm demon str and my damage is excellent yet I'm super tanky. And sundergeddon + demon BO make anyone fall in love. b:dirty APS-barb seems to also turn out awesome, I can't wait to play him more.
I also play all other classes.
Blademaster has great CC and I love their debuffs - HF and GS ftw! I also like how they can do pulls with ease and imo are better at it than seekers. They're versatile, complex, never boring.
Wizard is what you call a pure magic DD, enough said. Dem nukes!
Venomancer uses pets which can be quite fun, I also like their debuffs and mobility. I hardly ever find myself dead on a venomancer.
Cleric is considered THE heal/buff class but for me it's much more - I love DDing and NWing on my cleric. Violet dance mode forever! Throwing heals when needed.
Archer goes pewpewpewpewpew and kites well, that's all I know.
Assassin is the god of 1vs1 in PVE and PVP - all those hax abilities like tidal make it very fun class, besides tanking some bosses on a sin can be challenging yet fun. Perfect class to duo TT with on my barb.
Psychic has nice AOEs for a caster, I like DDing on them very much and their skills are fun.
Seeker AOE side was actually bit disappointing to me, only like gemini after blade affinity. Vortex is meh since it hurts your mobility. Edged blur can be OP but situational. I mainly like seeker for their unique debuffs.
Mystic is God. They're just not as cute as my barb.
Duskblade seems to have sick AOEs and sick CC, looks fun!
Stormbringer is the LOLWUT U CANT CATCH ME -class, also nice for trolling.Leader of Cyanure on Valonsurma and a proud member of Vertu
Demon Strength Barbarian 103/103/101
Demon Pure Mag Cleric 102/102/101 | Demon 4 APS Assassin 102/102/101 | Demon Pure Mag Mystic 102/101/101 | Demon Pure Mag Psychic 100/100/93 | Demon 4 APS-Barbarian 100/100 | HA-venomancer 100 | DPH Assassin 100 | Pure Mag Wizard 100 | Demon Pure Mag Stormbringer 96 | Demon DPS Archer 94 | Sage Vit Barbarian 93 | Demon All-Path Blademaster 93 | Str Seeker 86 | Pure Mag Venomancer 81 | Pure Mag Wizard 81 | Pure Dex Duskblade 470 -
WannaBM - Archosaur wrote: »Reason why i prefer playing a barb rather than other classes:
It is versatile with APS gear, is the most tanky toon, can pull like no other, has AOE skills only rivaled by seeker and BM, has single target damage only rivaled by BM and sin. Does so much damage that it is an excelent self healer with BP. Is usually the one who takes initiative in squads and sets the pace.
Wiz: Have never gotten one to a gear level anywhere near my main so it just felt like a step back and it cant do what my barb can do.
Sin: Have never gotten one to a gear level anywhere near my main so it just felt like a step back and it cant do what my barb can do.
Veno: Have never gotten one to a gear level anywhere near my main so it just felt like a step back and it cant do what my barb can do.
Seeker: Have never gotten one to a gear level anywhere near my main so it just felt like a step back and it cant do what my barb can do.
Cleric: Have never gotten one to a gear level anywhere near my main so it just felt like a step back and it cant do what my barb can do.
Psy: Have never gotten one to a gear level anywhere near my main so it just felt like a step back and it cant do what my barb can do.
Mystic: Have never gotten one to a gear level anywhere near my main so it just felt like a step back and it cant do what my barb can do.
Archer: Have never gotten one to a gear level anywhere near my main so it just felt like a step back and it cant do what my barb can do.
Bm: Have never gotten one to a gear level anywhere near my main so it just felt like a step back and it cant do what my barb can do. Theoretically it should do pretty much the same as a barb though. So i kinda like them on paper.
Stormbringer: Huh whats that ?
Duskblade: Huh whats that ?
Mainly this. ^^ (Except substitute barb for cleric.)
But, I'll elaborate for myself.
I like playing a cleric. I'm celestial sage, and have all skills learned. What originally drew me to the class was flight from level 1, and the ability to heal. I like having some of the best buffs in the game at hand, and still being able to dish out damage. My repair cost is relatively low compared to other classes, my single target dps is lovely with UV mode, Great CC's, reasonable debuffs, pretty good physical defense abilities, reliable purification, and even more...I barely use any earning time. I also like the fact that you don't necessarily have to have great gear to do your job as a cleric...so long as your armor is enough to allow you to survive in an instance, your weapon is strong enough to heal your squad, and you're observant enough to not get unnecessary aggro. With appropriate gear, a cleric is actually pretty tanky, with a hp and mp charm this is even more true. I also like it's importance in squads, and how easy it is to get into squads. For this reason, I almost never have to spend coin on teles. b:laugh I also like that when I join a squad, it's very rare that we have to wait for another class. I also like helping people, and being able to attack things without worry of xp loss. SerenityCNB is my main.
Now....for the rest of the classes....They're undergeared and underleveled. I'm not doing meridan, primal blood farming, morai farming, WS farming, TT farming, coin for refinement, wings, etc farming again. Too many things are based off of luck and time for certain reasons that I theorize, but won't get into so as to not go off topic. Yet it's for these reasons that my alts are not leveled/geared, and because I end up missing Serenity's damage. LOL.
Venomancer: I have one...she has a full pet bag, and I used the pill on her. Useful debuffs, purge, and amp + her CC's...though outshined by her debuffs aren't to be underestimated. I don't like the process of leveling pets, nor the idea of spending that much coin for a legendary.
Wizard: I LOVE it's aoe's. I'll be honest. I made one because blade tempest hurt my feelings when I get hit by it. Also, seeing a wizard's AOE's is a great show of their power. They have the highest dph of any class in the game. What I don't like is the fact that they're squishy at lower levels, have SLOW channeling, a SLOOOWWWW Heal, and a buff that doesn't even help them.
Blademaster: Good, resillient class. Good off tank, good debuffs. I don't like having to time HF/GS. It used to be that blademasters had to type it in squad chat each time they used it, so that put me off from the class. I also don't like having to get so many weapons for the different weapon paths. More inventory space used, and more coin dropped...
Seeker: I love it's AOE's, and it's use of metal and physical skills. I also love it's range as well. I love the defense/attack levels it can gain. I had fun playing my baby seeker...but at the end of the day...Serenity is still my main.
Archer: Crits for days. Good range. I don't like it's deadzone...and with most mobs being physical based melee style, and most bosses being the same...they tend to enter an archer's deadzone....which nerfs their damage considerably. I also don't like having to purchase arrows.....
Assassin: Crits for days. Has the longest range of any class...bar none. (Death chain hits for 45 meters.) Has stealth, tons of CC's, aps, good amp, can raise attack level for skill spamming, high damage, interrupts, the ability to use water damage...though minimal, high speed and mobility, anti-stuns, anti-death, is a fountain of chi, has a self heal that increases with the amount of damage they do, does more crit damage than other classes via wolf emblem, can dictate when a battle ends and begins. I don't like the fact that it's squishy without the gear, with not many other defensive skills.
Psychic: Second only to the wizard in terms of spell damage. Faster channeling that a wizard by far, a better heal, can adjust it's versatility for attack or defense, has soul skills that can really get to an opponent. I like this class. It's just at the end of the day, SerenityCNB is still my main.
Mystic: It's versatile, and an interesting class for sure. I love invigorate, and it's pets are versatile and you don't have to level them. It's role in a squad is sometimes hazy however. I don't like that it's a mana hog...no....it's THE mana hog. Overall, I feel that it's a good class. But I'm far on Serenity, so yeah...
Barbarian: This class is tanky, has a plethora of defenses, and can hold aggro. It is the tank class of the game. I don't like that holding aggro to other classes got to such a difficult point where they had to make barb only bosses to keep barbs from going extinct. Overall, I actually would play this class, because I'm used to being the tank in other games...ironic that I'm the healer here....
Duskblade: Haven't tried it yet.
Stormbringer: Attacking while moving is a wonderful ability. She's a deadly combatant, and one that I could really play, since I play another class where I can attack while moving in another game. Were I new to this game, she would have likely been my main for this reason...but I'm far on Serenity and experienced on her, sooooo...she gets pushed to the side. I do like the stormbringers...and even their meditate is awesome.
In the end, I'm still a cleric. I'm not going to switch classes and do all of that work again just to make a new class. I'm the healer of the game, and my single target dps is nothing to sneeze at. I do wish they'd give me anti-stun, a speed skill. (I don't count guardian's light), and another additional non-chi aoe skill. Overall, I feel that my class is pretty balanced and solid. We could use some love and get a new meditate though...all of us old original classes could...."Male Player using female toon. Please don't flirt with me."
Need to see the cleric guide for questions, comments, or concerns? Just copy and paste the link.
(Ignore the quotation marks. URL isn't allowed, so I had to do it that way.)0 -
Barbarian: This class is tanky, has a plethora of defenses, and can hold aggro. It is the tank class of the game. I don't like that holding aggro to other classes got to such a difficult point where they had to make barb only bosses to keep barbs from going extinct.
That is purely trough gear difference. When the whole squad is equally geared the barb probably doesnt even need any agro skills b:pleased (On the bosses where APS is made irrelevant)Everything i write is from PvE perspective unless mentioned otherwise.0 -
In coming sob story lmao..
All melee classes are exempt I just never really liked the idea of having little to no ranged capabilities.
Veno: my first class and no matter what happens o can never delete her. They're so diverse and while people shove them into the typical Arcane Armor and Build role they're so much more than that. Personally mine is built as LA and I'm leaning towards going Ha upon her second reawakening. They're just such an amazing class to explore and I love the amount of debuffs we've been given, our ability to switch between magic and melee despite what others may say about put melee DPS and what not. I remember someone saying we're the weakest magic class due to our damage being split between pet and whatnot. Anyway that aside I'd never hit thw delete button on her.
Cleric: Started one due to lack of healers on our server at one point. She only jumped as high as her first reawakening because clerics get everything. Nonetheless I don't like how defined their role is once you're in a squad you're immediately pished to heal, to dd is a sin like eating a kitkat with a fork and knife.
Psychic: Worked one to 86 it was fun but there's a monotony to it. The same combo over and over again. Idk maybe it was just me but wasn't my sort of thing.
Mystic: Really fun melting pot of class traits a true jack of all trades the multitasking class. Thought it was my golden class at one point and even stoned one to 95 after manually leveling it to 60. I think I still need more time to really feel the class but there is a feeling of power in solo healing a dungeon with a psychic tanking in white voodoo. It's a very diverse class s and one I keep close.
Wizard: I feel a resonating vibe from this class. Depsite the well announced fall backs of the class rhwres something about them I can't deny. It calls me to create one and I plan onanually leveling one. If it turns out thw way I sense it I won't hit delete on my veno but she won't be my main anymore. Can't wait to jump in.
Stormbringer: the new kod on the block. I don't find moving and casting all that game breaking but it does make questing a little easier. I only say that because a lot of the melee classes while not 'mobile' have ways of making one stand still(sin being the best example upon successful stun locking). Nonetheless leveling one slowly along side a wizard.
Overall I'm all. Over the place but hey all things in due time. I figure once I resonate with my go to class all yhings will click into place and I can finally sail through thwgame.b:victoryThe three L's Love, Life and Light! Love those who love you back unconditionally. Live life the way you envision. And light a path that others would want to follow.
I've done two of them...don't try to guess xpb:kissb:cute0 -
Aziza_Atori - Archosaur wrote: »
Assassin: too much autoattack for my taste..And a sin is seriously squeashy unless it's well played..And then there's apps to think of..And the game is crowded with sins so it's hard to stand out
Wait wait wait. Too much auto attack? Are you too stupid for a DPH playstyle? This post....I don't even. And it's easy to stand out on a sin. You just have to follow my pro tipb:chuckle.
Pro tip: Stop being **** bad.FloraFang - Harshlands wrote: »In coming sob story lmao..
All melee classes are exempt I just never really liked the idea of having little to no ranged capabilities.
Archer aren't melee, and not on your list.....And seekers have a plethora of ranged attacks...Illyn - Raging Tide wrote: »Assassin: It seems interesting for farming, but the server is already so crowded with sins...
And this matters because?....We got a special snowflake folks!
On another note, I'm pretty much with Wanna_BM on this. None of my other toons come close to being geared like my sin, and now that I have 20k+HP buffed, I've kinda only just starting to explore the other classes. I know a lot about all of them from playing them before and researching/pvping them, but i don't have the same amount of time put in, except maybe on my barb. I got a soft spot for barbs and I'm on my 3rd one past 100.
Also mystics are quite fun. Just finished most of the g16 for mine.0 -
DionDagger - Dreamweaver wrote: »Wait wait wait. Too much auto attack? Are you too stupid for a DPH playstyle? This post....I don't even. And it's easy to stand out on a sin. You just have to follow my pro tipb:chuckle.
Pro tip: Stop being **** bad.
APS is much more viable option for an undergeared assassin, not everyone go r9. Shoo troll.And this matters because?....We got a special snowflake folks!
It matters at least on certain servers. Many sins = no sins wanted in squads because there's already an overload of them.Leader of Cyanure on Valonsurma and a proud member of Vertu
Demon Strength Barbarian 103/103/101
Demon Pure Mag Cleric 102/102/101 | Demon 4 APS Assassin 102/102/101 | Demon Pure Mag Mystic 102/101/101 | Demon Pure Mag Psychic 100/100/93 | Demon 4 APS-Barbarian 100/100 | HA-venomancer 100 | DPH Assassin 100 | Pure Mag Wizard 100 | Demon Pure Mag Stormbringer 96 | Demon DPS Archer 94 | Sage Vit Barbarian 93 | Demon All-Path Blademaster 93 | Str Seeker 86 | Pure Mag Venomancer 81 | Pure Mag Wizard 81 | Pure Dex Duskblade 470 -
Mystics are pure awesomeness, especially demon ones!
Pros: demon verdant shell: +90% pdef, also mini-tidal that is near spammable (so awesome when doing towers in NW), insta-healing with fantastic chi gain from summons and heal spam, 35% puri proc with comforting mist (admittedly not as useful or practical as sage BiTC, but still rocks when you puri half or more of the squad sometimes), more channeling with rapid growth allowing for increased DD power and stackable channeling after spark, 5 minute falling petals, and 25% chance for wood debuff on swirling mist.
Besides my love for demon mystics, mystics in general can do anything in pve. Their natural defense and instant heals make them excellent tanks (though most any class can tank anything now in pve with appropriate gear), excellent pullers (I do large pulls solo in PV 95+ and 100+), adequate healers when clerics are disabled or not available, excellent squad buffs: verdant blessing, rez/mass rez, and of course invigorate to increase the squads DD power significantly). Mystics also have the option of glitching world map bosses with their pets if they want to save repairs (kind of like venos), etc.
In mass pk, mystics are versatile, we can near instantly sleep/debuff invididuals/groups with plants+instant lysing, throw a few heals around/rez buff clerics and tanks especially, or we can go full out DD. With lucky break we can crit aoes and mass seal/freeze who ever doesn't get oneshotted so we can add a lot to damage and controlling groups. This versatility is one of the main factors as to why a good mystic is valuable in mass pk. Also, we can see nearby stealthed sins/archers and unstealth them if they are of equal level or lower. Finally, in NW, with rez buff we can be very very obnoxious and keep coming back to kill after we die.
Lesser known facts:
Bramble tornado is an interrupt and can be used to interrupt healing on bosses like succubus in FS and mask in SOT. It will 100% work too if timed correctly, unlike melee skills that interrupt. Also, note that wiz's force of will does the same.
Mystic's power to crit is underrated. We not only have a crit whenever we like with lucky break, we can sacrifice devil chihyu and a spark to gain +30% crit rate and +100% pdef for 20secs. With primal passives and G16/R9+ gear that is over 50% crit for 20 secs. I have 51 or 52% at the moment and I am lacking my lvl 10 crit passive. Crits many times end pk fights and that is something that we have in abundance in terms of casters.
There are many reasons to love good mystics in pve and mass pk. I say good mystics, because there are few in comparison to other casters and even fewer good ones, at least on my server. I have seen some mystics who will not heal when needed or will only heal and not DD, who don't rez buff when they can etc (people begging for rez buff and not realizing that we have a substantial CD is also annoying, but that's beside the point). b:surrender
-Toriano~ Toriano ~ Demon Mystic 102-102-101 ~
Sage Cleric 101-101-100/Sage Seeker 100-100-100
Demon Sin 102-101-8x/Sage Wiz 101-101-100
Sage Psy 100-100/Demon BM 101/Demon Veno 960 -
I agree with a lot Of What you said Toryni. Prefer sage mystic though for the sage spark and some of the sage skill benefits. I love tanking on my mystic but at same time I always keep eye on my squads hp. Before a run I check their hp and based on class And hp I know who to keep more eye on. A mystic is a multitasker. We are not just a dd or a healer..we are both and we are supports too...debuffers..thanks ..our true role is to fill out any role needed as far as our gear and talent allows. That's a reason I'm very dedicated to this clas and once I get myself pulled together I'm going to post a mystic guide I am working on..mostly pve oriented and also including some handy tips..some of them are also mentioned in torynis post. Mystic forever!<3Aziza_Atori: 102 sage mystic
Aziza_Amina: currently fail 91 sage cleric
And a lot of alts...0 -
Colum - Raging Tide wrote: »APS is much more viable option for an undergeared assassin, not everyone go r9. Shoo troll.
b:chuckle TOTAL troll. True, but aps isn't the ONLY viable option. Im tired of the notion that all non-r9 sins are aps, it's just not true. Or that the 'playstyle' of sins is only APS. And I have actually heard people say these things. I lose faith in humanity when that happens.
It matters at least on certain servers. Many sins = no sins wanted in squads because there's already an overload of them.
b:chuckle Not really, you have a point, but if you aren't a garbage sin, you should have no problems getting squads. Even before I was r9, i had no issues getting squads due to my class, mainly because I don't just stand around or macro apsing bosses. Any decent sin can easily make themselves stand out, especially because most players are just bad. Anyone disliking or refusing to play a class just because a lot of other people play it is exactly as stated, a special snowflake :P.
The only place i see an exception for this is FSP, because you kinda need mag DD.
For mystics I tried demon before, the skill inserts didn't match my playstyle. Im good at micro managing, but i hate doing it, and demon has a lot of debuffs on the plants (like thicket). I just end up not using them, Sage mystic is more straight forwards for me, and has a lot of brute power.0 -
FSP you only need mag dd at one point - even with 9 sins and a cler you can manage that if one or two sins use apoths for ele dmg. I agree that a sin - if played with brain engaged, doesn't need to be R9 to be effective. It DOES need some refines however or it's too fragile.
My own mystic is sage as well. I did it initially since I intended it to be an autoculti drone - sage NV plus spark is kinda obvious for charmless autogrind. Stuck with it, no regrets, it's nice to have either a mana neutral char (if sparking) or a pretty nifty straight damage machine (use chi for thicket/cragg/gale/rapidgrowth).I'm so P.R.O... I Press Respawn Often.
Ulsyr 103/103/104 BM. Working on the last R9 part (Axe).
Khelvan 103/103/103 LA Cler. LA? LA. Deal with it.
Evryn 103/102/101 Sagely Mystical Myst of Mystiness.
Gromth 102/102/102 Sage Panda.
StoneSnake - Snakeshop for everyone's common stones.0 -
DionDagger - Dreamweaver wrote: »b:chuckle Not really, you have a point, but if you aren't a garbage sin, you should have no problems getting squads. Even before I was r9, i had no issues getting squads due to my class, mainly because I don't just stand around or macro apsing bosses. Any decent sin can easily make themselves stand out, especially because most players are just bad. Anyone disliking or refusing to play a class just because a lot of other people play it is exactly as stated, a special snowflake :P.
The only place i see an exception for this is FSP, because you kinda need mag DD.
For mystics I tried demon before, the skill inserts didn't match my playstyle. Im good at micro managing, but i hate doing it, and demon has a lot of debuffs on the plants (like thicket). I just end up not using them, Sage mystic is more straight forwards for me, and has a lot of brute power.
Most non r9 sins are aps because it's faster to farm that way. At least I haven't ran into non-r9 dph sin who would solo TT faster than the average demon aps sins. Thus usually as non r9 the most viable way is the aps way. Most sins who PVP will either go r9 or have two sets - one for aps, other for DPH. Some rare cases have only their full g16 or r8r set. This is how it works on RT.
My own sin has aps set and g16 set. I can DPH in FSP and PVP but aps in FWS and TT. Efficient, not too expensive, just suitable for a sin alt.
I think that getting into squads is more of a server thing than anything else. Known garbage sins will always be ignored, but so will be most of the good non-r9 sins because they're not r9.
This is how it works on RT in FSP, many FWS runs "we NEED r9rr sin for mobless!!!) and many other instances. I see "no sins" messages for BH AEU and EU, for example.
Those "no sins" requests will make people think that it isn't a needed class, especially as people do not very often requiest for sins specifically anymore when forming squads (mostly due to them getting PMs from sins anyway).
Leader of Cyanure on Valonsurma and a proud member of Vertu
Demon Strength Barbarian 103/103/101
Demon Pure Mag Cleric 102/102/101 | Demon 4 APS Assassin 102/102/101 | Demon Pure Mag Mystic 102/101/101 | Demon Pure Mag Psychic 100/100/93 | Demon 4 APS-Barbarian 100/100 | HA-venomancer 100 | DPH Assassin 100 | Pure Mag Wizard 100 | Demon Pure Mag Stormbringer 96 | Demon DPS Archer 94 | Sage Vit Barbarian 93 | Demon All-Path Blademaster 93 | Str Seeker 86 | Pure Mag Venomancer 81 | Pure Mag Wizard 81 | Pure Dex Duskblade 470 -
Evryn - Morai wrote: »My own mystic is sage as well. I did it initially since I intended it to be an autoculti drone - sage NV plus spark is kinda obvious for charmless autogrind. Stuck with it, no regrets, it's nice to have either a mana neutral char (if sparking) or a pretty nifty straight damage machine (use chi for thicket/cragg/gale/rapidgrowth).
Nothing to regret since sage mystics are more efficient than demon ones in most situations.
But stop using thicket or cragg~ Sage Mystic 105-105-105 ~
~ Sage Sin 103-103-102 ~
~ Sage vita Barb 103-102-101 ~
~ Sage BM 102-101 ~ Demon Archer 102 ~
~ Sage Cleric 102 ~ Demon Wizard 101 ~
~ Sage Seeker 101 ~ Sage Psy 101 ~
~ Sage Heavy Veno 101 ~ Demon Storm 9X ~ Dusk 6x ~
Started playing this game in 2007 on Oracle (PW-MY) : Demon MG 101 - Sage EP 99 - WF 890 -
I love being sage mystic. I'd like the demon mystics channel and thicket but since I like to do pulls I believe sage spark is more useful for me. Also I like having longer antistun because of sage leech and I love having purify chance on break in the clouds.Aziza_Atori: 102 sage mystic
Aziza_Amina: currently fail 91 sage cleric
And a lot of alts...0 -
Nothing to regret since sage mystics are more efficient than demon ones in most situations.
But stop using thicket or craggAziza_Atori - Archosaur wrote: »I love being sage mystic. I'd like the demon mystics channel and thicket but since I like to do pulls I believe sage spark is more useful for me. Also I like having longer antistun because of sage leech and I love having purify chance on break in the clouds.
I think that sage does have some nice perks with purify, chi buildup while DDing, and the longer antistun (demon leech's speed add-on is not all that useful I've found) but I don't see how they are more efficient than demon ones in most situations. Could you both, as sage mystics, give some examples?~ Toriano ~ Demon Mystic 102-102-101 ~
Sage Cleric 101-101-100/Sage Seeker 100-100-100
Demon Sin 102-101-8x/Sage Wiz 101-101-100
Sage Psy 100-100/Demon BM 101/Demon Veno 960 -
Sage does more damage overall, with sage mastery being much better than demon (especially since Primal crit upgrades), and Nature's Vengeance gaining chi faster for more sparks. If you're a pve only mystic there is no reason not to go sage. For pvp both cultis are good. Sage for the reasons given above and demon for the fast channeling and extra "tricky".0
CapnK - Sanctuary wrote: »Sage does more damage overall, with sage mastery being much better than demon (especially since Primal crit upgrades), and Nature's Vengeance gaining chi faster for more sparks. If you're a pve only mystic there is no reason not to go sage. For pvp both cultis are good. Sage for the reasons given above and demon for the fast channeling and extra "tricky".
^This. Plus the fact that sage mystics have a better survivability.
And some demon advantages are gear related (I consider that demon bonus for thicket is useful, for low geared mystics playing support for example, but still a waste of spark for endgame geared ones) or situationnal (demon falling petals might for example be useful sometimes but is not a lot better if you're hit just after "buffing" yourself) and are not a big deal for me.
In my opinion, the only real situation where I would maybe prefer being demon is if i'm in 1v1 versus and endgame AA, because some of those fights can be endless but while being demon you will be able to use AS quicker (faster channeling) and maybe the crits might help you to finish the fight (but as said above, this advantage is less important with the passives from primal and sage mystics do more constant damage)
I would really like some pro-demons people explain me what they prefer (and detail their gears) but well... I had that friend who got a well known demon mystic on RT, then came to Morai and got another (almost) endgame demon mystic (R9.3+10, weap+12 with deity or josd). He finally choose to switch to sage because of me, and the only thing he did regret was not having done that earlier. And this was before New Horizon update.~ Sage Mystic 105-105-105 ~
~ Sage Sin 103-103-102 ~
~ Sage vita Barb 103-102-101 ~
~ Sage BM 102-101 ~ Demon Archer 102 ~
~ Sage Cleric 102 ~ Demon Wizard 101 ~
~ Sage Seeker 101 ~ Sage Psy 101 ~
~ Sage Heavy Veno 101 ~ Demon Storm 9X ~ Dusk 6x ~
Started playing this game in 2007 on Oracle (PW-MY) : Demon MG 101 - Sage EP 99 - WF 890 -
BM- Too complicated for me and when I play a class I want to have its all skills and seems a little bit expensive and getting all skills means buying or making different weps.
Wizard-Too squishy for me, I can handle long channeling but its AoEs costs chi and it's irritating.
Archer-I don't wanna buy arrows >.< and its deadzone makes it hard to play.
Cleric- I like clerics. I abondened my mystic for a while and played cleric. BUT when you're playing a cleric everyone expects healing and buffs and stuff and when you don't do it they start blaming you and tbh I do that to some clerics sometimes xd Also squishy.
Barbarian- It has too little skills on early level and I find it boring to play.
Venomancer- I love venos. I despise them tbh. Evolved pets are the best thing. I'm waiting for the day I will decide to make my veno my main. Its too costy tho with all that cages and pet skills and whatnot. Limited pet bag makes me uncomfortable as I want to tame so many pets >.<
I love bramble.
Assassin- I love stealth but I love it when I'm the sin. It's damage skills are a joke save for the aoes and CC ones (they crit a lot tho, so I guess that works). Relies heavily on tricky ***-saver buffs and I don't like it.
Psychic- I love psy too. Short channeling, insane damage, and their female models stands so cool and serene. Summon sounds fun. I will play one as my main one day. I hope...
Seeker- I liked it. It's a tank with nice aoes. Able to solo pv, which is nice. It has some tricky skills too. But I guess I don't like tanking so...
Mystic- My first toon in the game. I knew about mystic class before downloading the game and res-buff is probably the sole reason why I choose this class as in the first mmorpg I ever played you didn't need to go back to town to res. And it was a main tragedy for me xd
Oh and I love summoner classes so it was a good coincidence. If there wasn't no mystic, I would have been a veno.
Duskblade- I'm liking it. It's damage is good. Very fast. The only class that I use macros (well I macroed single buffs on cleric but anyway).
Stormbringer- My new darling. Mobile skills are sent from the heaven. It's tricky and keeps you awake while running around because sometimes I feel soooo bored when playing an another class as only thing I do is stand and hit.
Scythes are the coolest thing ever.0 -
Mahidevran - Archosaur wrote: »Assassin- I love stealth but I love it when I'm the sin. It's damage skills are a joke save for the aoes and CC ones (they crit a lot tho, so I guess that works). Relies heavily on tricky ***-saver buffs and I don't like it.
Sins have some of the best damage skills o.0. Elimination, Life hunter, and Curse Jail can do extreme amounts of dps.0 -
Colum - Raging Tide wrote: »Most non r9 sins are aps because it's faster to farm that way. At least I haven't ran into non-r9 dph sin who would solo TT faster than the average demon aps sins. Thus usually as non r9 the most viable way is the aps way. Most sins who PVP will either go r9 or have two sets - one for aps, other for DPH. Some rare cases have only their full g16 or r8r set. This is how it works on RT.
My own sin has aps set and g16 set. I can DPH in FSP and PVP but aps in FWS and TT. Efficient, not too expensive, just suitable for a sin alt.
I think that getting into squads is more of a server thing than anything else. Known garbage sins will always be ignored, but so will be most of the good non-r9 sins because they're not r9.
This is how it works on RT in FSP, many FWS runs "we NEED r9rr sin for mobless!!!) and many other instances. I see "no sins" messages for BH AEU and EU, for example.
Those "no sins" requests will make people think that it isn't a needed class, especially as people do not very often requiest for sins specifically anymore when forming squads (mostly due to them getting PMs from sins anyway).
I've never seen a request for r9rr sins for mobless. I run with g16 or g15+12 sins sometimes when i do do it, and we burns bosses in 1 sec. RT must have some nab sins.
For FSP on DW i have noticed people requesting sins and getting pissed for not finding one. People finally learn to do their sin alt dailies earlier i guess lmao.0 -
DionDagger - Dreamweaver wrote: »I've never seen a request for r9rr sins for mobless. I run with g16 or g15+12 sins sometimes when i do do it, and we burns bosses in 1 sec. RT must have some nab sins.
For FSP on DW i have noticed people requesting sins and getting pissed for not finding one. People finally learn to do their sin alt dailies earlier i guess lmao.
90% of RT ppl are sins.
If a player main is not a sin be sure he has a sin as an alt.0 -
Zoldi - Morai wrote: »I would really like some pro-demons people explain me what they prefer (and detail their gears) but well... I had that friend who got a well known demon mystic on RT, then came to Morai and got another (almost) endgame demon mystic (R9.3+10, weap+12 with deity or josd). He finally choose to switch to sage because of me, and the only thing he did regret was not having done that earlier. And this was before New Horizon update.
I'm demon mainly for stylistic reasons (my character is based off of Matthew Patel from the Scott Pilgrim movie). But I enjoy it very much for pvp. Demon Rez and Falling Petals is an immense help before TW. I buff all clerics and barbs in my faction with both before TW starts, so they have it going in. Healing-wise I get massive chi while healing catabarbs in enemy base so I can spark frequently and still drop other stuff like Gaia's Blessing.
The channeling bonus from demon spark and demon Rapid Growth is a huge difference. I can rez in NW and drop most any one enemy in range with Rapid Growth + a macro combo before the invuln wears off. Both spark and rapid growth together make even absorb soul fast.
Also you guys seriously underestimate Thicket in PVP. It's well worth the two sparks against archers, our mortal enemy. They can't run if they're frozen and can't use their invuln **** when they're sealed. You're not going to get close enough to Gale Force them. Thicket also totally destroys sins. With four chances to proc it gets through tidal very well. I have my way with the top sin on server (full +12 JOSD) with that skill.
It is slightly annoying that I can't beat our top sage mystic at pve stuff like Tigers or City of Abominations, but I hold up very well in PVP. b:victory0 -
You're right regarding Rez and FP, especially in mass PVP (even though rez might be less interesting than before since main factors in TW die only if purged). I did often miss demon FP in TW, because this is really smoother not having to give it at the last minute. Still, I now mostly go in NW as a duo or solo, and in this case one minute is ok.
Regarding ticket, I might eventually retry in NW against a big sin/archer, but well... two sparks for "disabling" an opponent is not cheap... The range of action should be larger, or the skill should deal some real dammage or maybe cost only one spark... I'm not saying we need it, 'cause mystics are already really strong as they are, but I'm reallt disappointed with that skill so far... (and cragglord is even more a joke).~ Sage Mystic 105-105-105 ~
~ Sage Sin 103-103-102 ~
~ Sage vita Barb 103-102-101 ~
~ Sage BM 102-101 ~ Demon Archer 102 ~
~ Sage Cleric 102 ~ Demon Wizard 101 ~
~ Sage Seeker 101 ~ Sage Psy 101 ~
~ Sage Heavy Veno 101 ~ Demon Storm 9X ~ Dusk 6x ~
Started playing this game in 2007 on Oracle (PW-MY) : Demon MG 101 - Sage EP 99 - WF 890 -
Originally Posted by CapnK - Sanctuary View Post
Sage does more damage overall, with sage mastery being much better than demon (especially since Primal crit upgrades), and Nature's Vengeance gaining chi faster for more sparks. If you're a pve only mystic there is no reason not to go sage. For pvp both cultis are good. Sage for the reasons given above and demon for the fast channeling and extra "tricky".
^This. Plus the fact that sage mystics have a better survivability.
And some demon advantages are gear related (I consider that demon bonus for thicket is useful, for low geared mystics playing support for example, but still a waste of spark for endgame geared ones) or situationnal (demon falling petals might for example be useful sometimes but is not a lot better if you're hit just after "buffing" yourself) and are not a big deal for me.
In my opinion, the only real situation where I would maybe prefer being demon is if i'm in 1v1 versus and endgame AA, because some of those fights can be endless but while being demon you will be able to use AS quicker (faster channeling) and maybe the crits might help you to finish the fight (but as said above, this advantage is less important with the passives from primal and sage mystics do more constant damage)
I would really like some pro-demons people explain me what they prefer (and detail their gears) but well... I had that friend who got a well known demon mystic on RT, then came to Morai and got another (almost) endgame demon mystic (R9.3+10, weap+12 with deity or josd). He finally choose to switch to sage because of me, and the only thing he did regret was not having done that earlier. And this was before New Horizon update.Zoldi - Morai wrote: »You're right regarding Rez and FP, especially in mass PVP (even though rez might be less interesting than before since main factors in TW die only if purged). I did often miss demon FP in TW, because this is really smoother not having to give it at the last minute. Still, I now mostly go in NW as a duo or solo, and in this case one minute is ok.
Regarding ticket, I might eventually retry in NW against a big sin/archer, but well... two sparks for "disabling" an opponent is not cheap... The range of action should be larger, or the skill should deal some real dammage or maybe cost only one spark... I'm not saying we need it, 'cause mystics are already really strong as they are, but I'm reallt disappointed with that skill so far... (and cragglord is even more a joke).
Okay, these are some good examples! Here are some of mine: I would agree that fast chi build up with NV is great, I do envy that on my demon mystic but...in TW where I am throwing heals and 5 min FP and 100%hp rez as noted, I gain chi very fast (as well as outside/between fights), also the mini-tidal (20% chance and nearly spammable) on verdant shell has saved my butt many a time, it is really awesome. The faster channeling lets me wipe enemy AA people of equal or lower gear very fast. I think the higher base damage is nice, especially considering primals as Zoldi said, so no arguments there. Thicket on certain people ROCKS in TW. It is a high price to be sure, especially if you target an OP person cause it is then pure CC, however, on archers and sins this plus the + damage debuff lets one drop them very fast or keep them still for other teammates to do so (as someone else mentioned we have a LOT of sins in RagingTides). Besides, once you drop them, you can spam heals between fights and gain more chi. Chi management, I find is great on demon, with 30 chi from each summon, assuming you are going to spend a spark to sacrifice it, it helps you maintain chi levels. The mana saving on sage pets is null in my opinion, that's what herbs are for. b:laugh Also, I know sage break in the clouds is great, but there have been times in NW/TW I have purified my squad comforting mist and that is cool when it happens. Also, whether in pk or pve, with primal swirling mist, I very often have an aoe wood debuff which is cool before I gale force, doing even more damage. Absorb soul's interrupt is also very useful and has an 80% chance to proc. All in all, I find that sage/demon is pretty balanced! Both have very nice perks but I prefer demon as it rewards more for those who multi-task/support versus full out DD and in TW I tend to split my time fairly evenly.
Background: I am r9.3+11 wep/10 gear, half garnets/half citrines at the moment, rb 2, lvl 9 primal passives with all other primal skills, all A and S cards (no set yet) b:sad. I don't often do 1v1 pk and much prefer to do TW/NW or pve things. In Pve, I haven't really met anything yet that I have trouble tanking or even soloing and pulls are very easy.~ Toriano ~ Demon Mystic 102-102-101 ~
Sage Cleric 101-101-100/Sage Seeker 100-100-100
Demon Sin 102-101-8x/Sage Wiz 101-101-100
Sage Psy 100-100/Demon BM 101/Demon Veno 960 -
skullterror wrote: »90% of RT ppl are sins.
If a player main is not a sin be sure he has a sin as an alt.
Citation needed.0
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