POL, was it right to remove FC hypers ?



  • Posts: 771 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    matthew4 wrote: »
    all 105 lvl vote on Yes, it is good they removed it. b:laughb:laugh
    Why would 105 lvl care? b:chuckle Some of them lvl alts and for alts there is nothing better than frost.
    pw art ◊ tinyurl.com/q6ca7ar ◊
  • Posts: 373 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Why would 105 lvl care? b:chuckle Some of them lvl alts and for alts there is nothing better than frost.

    lvl 105 no need FC fixed= vote on no fix fc
  • Posts: 771 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    matthew4 wrote: »
    lvl 105 no need FC fixed= vote on no fix fc
    Meh, read again, they have no reason to vote against hypers. And at least 1 reason to vote for.
    And 2 reasons to support hypers if they sell frost.
    pw art ◊ tinyurl.com/q6ca7ar ◊
  • Posts: 978 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Removing the ability to use Hypers in FCC only hurts the community of PWI more.

    The damage hypers in FCC was able to do it already did, taking it away only hurt the
    new characters from not being able to utilize that same method and widens the gap
    between the "Elitist" and more casual type players.
  • Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    3rd option. 80 to 100 is doable, apparently, just takes quite a while and for what the end-game content is, I thought the speed was okay with hypers. I went through rb1 with fc, and through rb2 without - quests didn't seem to compensate enough with 3.5x exp... so I can imagine with base exp. there's just not enough content between 80-100 to make it appealing, imo.

    I made an alt still, trying to see what it's like.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    matthew4 wrote: »
    all 105 lvl vote on Yes, it is good they removed it. b:laughb:laugh

    Exactly you hit the point.
    They do not want others to reach 105x3 so they can have more unfair advantages.
    Do you want PWI to fix the economy before is to late?
    please support Perfect World International Forum > Suggestion Box
    > Limit Auto Cultivation to 1 hour just like Hyper stones
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    If you want to stay competitive in PVP, 105x3 you need r999 at any rate. The people who can't make PV viable, are mostly people who aren't going to be competitive in PVP.

    And I don't have a lot of 100+ alts, in fact I don't got any. Neither do I have endgame gear. Doesn't stop me from being able to grab a friend and duo with him to get in multiple PVs. If you can't do the 100+ ones, then do the 95+ one until you can get that alt up to 100. Are we able to do as much as r999, no. It would take us longer than a r999 player to reach 105/105/105 if we wanted to do that. That's for darn sure. No if ands or butts about it. But still though, you aren't going to get there by standing around and doing nothing. Ask around and see if you can make a friend with similar interest in doing PV a lot. Work on you gear in the meantime.

    Duo PV sucks you only get half exp it is not efficient at all.
    Getting R9r3 is not hard at all even in this messed economy.

    Ok now tell me how can I compete at all now???

    I got another friend that makes 6 FSP runs per day duel client.
    That = 12 FSP rewards per day.
    12 x 280k(If you sell them to catshop) = 33 million per day.

    Another friend I have gets 10 cog per day that = 35m per day if you sell to catshop.
    He double cube and does it 5 times a day.

    My friend is 105x3 and told me that the doing PV is easy that the only hard part is switching alts.
    The friend has 12 level 100 characters plus a friend helped my friend with other 4 alts and can do 8 pv runs per token easy that = 16 runs per day

    4) BH
    Very obvious I know people that duo BH every day and do multiple runs too.
    Do you want PWI to fix the economy before is to late?
    please support Perfect World International Forum > Suggestion Box
    > Limit Auto Cultivation to 1 hour just like Hyper stones
  • Posts: 11,177 Community Moderator
    edited September 2014
    Exactly you hit the point.
    They do not want others to reach 105x3 so they can have more unfair advantages.

    The 105s have the most reason to want it. They can sell it for money, they can use it to level alts for free ****, and they've already reached 105s by more efficient methods so letting people keep thinking FCC is the best place to level keeps them up top longer.

    Of course, so many people here seem to think the fastest 105x3s here got it from Frost instead of PV that it's absolutely laughable. And before you say that you need gear to PV... if you don't have the gear to do that then you're not gonna be competitive anyways. Leveling is the easiest part of becoming competitive in PvP here.
    (Insert fancy image here)
  • Posts: 449 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    was it right? NOPE

    did PWE already admit it wasn't right? YEP

    was it just a petty cop-out of an excuse they gave (which was pretty much as close to the truth as we will ever get? ABSOLUTELY

    will any of our complaints be actually seriously answered? NOPE

    Will any of us care once the new experience normalizing/enhancing is introduced? NOPE!

    are ppl still going to QQ about it? OH HELLZ YES!
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    OPKossy wrote: »
    The 105s have the most reason to want it. They can sell it for money, they can use it to level alts for free ****, and they've already reached 105s by more efficient methods so letting people keep thinking FCC is the best place to level keeps them up top longer.

    Of course, so many people here seem to think the fastest 105x3s here got it from Frost instead of PV that it's absolutely laughable. And before you say that you need gear to PV... if you don't have the gear to do that then you're not gonna be competitive anyways. Leveling is the easiest part of becoming competitive in PvP here.

    You mean selling big room? That is not profitable at all b:laugh. especially for a level 105 player.
    OP can complete FC in 20 minutes = 3 times = only 3 million per hour. I can farm 10 million+ in that time on TT.

    Its not laughable at all. Indirectly they reached 105x3 with FC.
    Having multiple alts at level 100 give you an insane advantage when doing PV.

    The secret to PV = multiple alts openers.
    Minimum 10+ level 100 alts.

    Yeah you could wc for someone or could ask help in faction but will they always reply on time?
    That token is timed and by the time you find someone in WC or faction you would lose half the token time if lucky.

    Yeah leveling is the easiest when you have multiple alts.
    Even my faction leader did it that way.

    The way most 105x3 did it.
    join shroud for second token
    Be full R9r3
    charm + pot spam.
    Do 1 big full till boss then use immunity potion do aoe damage.
    get out of pv switch to alt open PV again.

    Repeat same steps 5-8 times per tokens = 10 to 16 pv runs per day.
    16 runs per day needs 16 openers.
    16 runs per day = level 105x3 in 3 months.
    Do you want PWI to fix the economy before is to late?
    please support Perfect World International Forum > Suggestion Box
    > Limit Auto Cultivation to 1 hour just like Hyper stones
  • Posts: 346 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    You mean selling big room? That is not profitable at all b:laugh. especially for a level 105 player.
    OP can complete FC in 20 minutes = 3 times = only 3 million per hour. I can farm 10 million+ in that time on TT.

    Its not laughable at all. Indirectly they reached 105x3 with FC.
    Having multiple alts at level 100 give you an insane advantage when doing PV.

    The secret to PV = multiple alts openers.
    Minimum 10+ level 100 alts.

    Yeah you could wc for someone or could ask help in faction but will they always reply on time?
    That token is timed and by the time you find someone in WC or faction you would lose half the token time if lucky.

    Yeah leveling is the easiest when you have multiple alts.
    Even my faction leader did it that way.

    The way most 105x3 did it.
    join shroud for second token
    Be full R9r3
    charm + pot spam.
    Do 1 big full till boss then use immunity potion do aoe damage.
    get out of pv switch to alt open PV again.

    Repeat same steps 5-8 times per tokens = 10 to 16 pv runs per day.
    16 runs per day needs 16 openers.
    16 runs per day = level 105x3 in 3 months.
    I don't isn't Laughable either, FC was an instance that gives a Added EXP Advantage over PV any day of the week. PV is only done once a day, Or lets say you could get some openers, and you could do it 3 times per day, or in a Unrealistic situation, 6 times a day. It still Pales in comprehensions to the 20+ FC runs you could do Non-stop in a day or until your hypers ran out. Also, if you were able to Buy Bigrooms, that's even more exp in that day because you would have used less hypers, so 20+RUNS or 30+ bigrooms is more EXP then 3-6 PVs,Also that was just an example, the point being, FC gives more combined amount of exp then PV100. It's completely Logical to think that the instance that Gives the Most EXP is where the 105's came from. Ofcourse they could have did Both instances. Either way FC was used.
  • Posts: 6,695 Community Moderator
    edited September 2014
    Duo PV sucks you only get half exp it is not efficient at all.
    Getting R9r3 is not hard at all even in this messed economy.

    Really, because I know forum goers here have also posted how they got 105 by duoing PV. You get the half the exp but you will likely be able to double the number of runs you could have accomplished on your own for those who need it.

    The main issue is the alts but you can always get friends to help you. And if you get them to help you, don't WC looking for an opener while your timer is running. Seriously if you're excuse is "I lost time on my timer" then I've no sympathy. Get your stuff together and decide on how it will go down before the run. That's why friends are best.

    PV is the instance used because if you can run it multiple times, it's very efficient.

    Thanks to MikoTenshi for the Avi and Kritty for the Signature.
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  • Posts: 73 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    really PV is better than FC i can get 60-70M of exp per day doing solo pv, is so easy...

    FC is not needed stop qqing about FC is gone or trying to get it back cause devs wont do it again... b:bye Do pvs and stop qqing about FC
    Assassin: http://mypers.pw/8/#355157
  • Posts: 2,532 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Think about what you're saying.
    PV isn't the answer to all your exp questions. It is severely limited in that it only allows each character to open it once a day.
    This means you need multiple openers. Multi PV runs= no problem right? All you need are openers! Except, how will you obtain openers once you hit 100's PV? OH THATS RIGHT, Fcc was used to level PV opener alts, or you had to be "lucky" enough (in the crappyest sense of the word) to have a ton of friends quit(yippee!) and leave you their accounts...which isn't even legal.

    So to answer the question of "should they have removed FCC?" with "Oh but we have PV!" is kind of stupid. You need FCC to really reap maximum benefit from PV w/out taking forever just to get an alt to PV opening level. Not that this is a problem for most older, richer, established players with tons of characters of their own and of friends who have quit, which is another way of reaffirming how removing hyper use in fcc widens the gap between the emerging and the established. You couldn't possibly argue that to be a good thing in this stage of the game.

    Personally, I hate FCC. I leveled by grinding and spamming TTs. Around a 10 hour day's worth of grinding was about the same as triple bh exp reward(least at higher levels), but the thing is, we can't grind like we used to either due to earning time. One or the other wouldn't really be so bad, but to place such a limit on both at this stage in the game (which isn't doing nearly as well as it's chinese counterpart)? It's a bad idea.
  • Posts: 157 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Think about what you're saying.
    PV isn't the answer to all your exp questions. It is severely limited in that it only allows each character to open it once a day.
    This means you need multiple openers. Multi PV runs= no problem right? All you need are openers! Except, how will you obtain openers once you hit 100's PV? OH THATS RIGHT, Fcc was used to level PV opener alts, or you had to be "lucky" enough (in the crappyest sense of the word) to have a ton of friends quit(yippee!) and leave you their accounts...which isn't even legal.

    So to answer the question of "should they have removed FCC?" with "Oh but we have PV!" is kind of stupid. You need FCC to really reap maximum benefit from PV w/out taking forever just to get an alt to PV opening level. Not that this is a problem for most older, richer, established players with tons of characters of their own and of friends who have quit, which is another way of reaffirming how removing hyper use in fcc widens the gap between the emerging and the established. You couldn't possibly argue that to be a good thing in this stage of the game.

    Personally, I hate FCC. I leveled by grinding and spamming TTs. Around a 10 hour day's worth of grinding was about the same as triple bh exp reward(least at higher levels), but the thing is, we can't grind like we used to either due to earning time. One or the other wouldn't really be so bad, but to place such a limit on both at this stage in the game (which isn't doing nearly as well as it's chinese counterpart)? It's a bad idea.

    i agree whatever red rice said
    As Above, So Below MementoVivere
  • Posts: 449 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Think about what you're saying.
    PV isn't the answer to all your exp questions. It is severely limited in that it only allows each character to open it once a day.
    This means you need multiple openers. Multi PV runs= no problem right? All you need are openers! Except, how will you obtain openers once you hit 100's PV? OH THATS RIGHT, Fcc was used to level PV opener alts, or you had to be "lucky" enough (in the crappyest sense of the word) to have a ton of friends quit(yippee!) and leave you their accounts...which isn't even legal.

    So to answer the question of "should they have removed FCC?" with "Oh but we have PV!" is kind of stupid. You need FCC to really reap maximum benefit from PV w/out taking forever just to get an alt to PV opening level. Not that this is a problem for most older, richer, established players with tons of characters of their own and of friends who have quit, which is another way of reaffirming how removing hyper use in fcc widens the gap between the emerging and the established. You couldn't possibly argue that to be a good thing in this stage of the game.

    Personally, I hate FCC. I leveled by grinding and spamming TTs. Around a 10 hour day's worth of grinding was about the same as triple bh exp reward(least at higher levels), but the thing is, we can't grind like we used to either due to earning time. One or the other wouldn't really be so bad, but to place such a limit on both at this stage in the game (which isn't doing nearly as well as it's chinese counterpart)? It's a bad idea.

    bloody taco be dropping that knowledge for the next generation!
  • Posts: 1,600 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    clokey8 wrote: »
    really PV is better than FC i can get 60-70M of exp per day doing solo pv, is so easy...

    FC is not needed stop qqing about FC is gone or trying to get it back cause devs wont do it again... b:bye Do pvs and stop qqing about FC

    Ask yourself how a NON-RB player levels now?

    Answer - very, very slowly. I made a new archer and its 77. I cant solo pv and with a group we get maybe 40-60% of a level if we can fit two runs in.

    I've also been out questing again. OMG its so unbelievably slow - 10 quests will get me 5-10% of my level.

    I even bought a super teleport bell to do paperclip - at least I get 10% xp from that which takes about 15mins with the bell.

    Removing FC hypers has some advantages, but for non-rb chars it has making levelling an absolute nightmare.
  • Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Thats true, its kinda hard to lvl for the new characters, dont even consider RB chars would have any problems without FCC at all. I love the idea of hypers gone in FCC, though they shouldn't rush it, or make it happen all of a sudden like they did.

    Atleast make it able to use for non rb 85+ chars (maybe 100+ RBs), since 85lvl is needed to spawn bosses, take quests.

    This thing should come with the new expansion, when the quests and dailies are revamped, also with revamping some of the instances, since they're mostly just dead now. (Nirv, FCC, etc.)
  • Posts: 3,181 Arc User
    edited September 2014

    Removing FC hypers has some advantages, but for non-rb chars it has making levelling an absolute nightmare.

    you know there was a time before pv, bh, hypers, daily check in right?

    now just bh+check in is a lot of XP, you can even reflect or autoculti and lvl up
  • Posts: 1,998 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    you can always get friends to help you

    That's pretty inaccurate, some people can get friends to help, however when a single person requires up to 16 openers for PV the amount of people available to do so becomes a bit... low.

    If you care about leveling with PV best shell out that dough or find friends with a lot of 100+ alts. Or bot. That works too.


    Thanks to the beautiful and talanted Zheii for the sigb:dirty


    I read the forums naked.
  • Posts: 1,600 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    you know there was a time before pv, bh, hypers, daily check in right?

    now just bh+check in is a lot of XP, you can even reflect or autoculti and lvl up

    Yep that true. And how does a non rb char do bh without an rb char helping, since there's so few people around of the right level to group up for bh.

    With that archer of mine I've done all bh's of course. When I get ready to do it with my sin, I wc and offer anyone else to join. In two weeks I think on two occasions someone else asked to join, so without my rb chars I couldn't do bh.

    Reflection is a joke for levelling and shouldn't even form part of the discussion. Check in gives a few %.

    Hyper botting is good for an hour anyway. So my 400k coins and whatever my chars/pots cost, worth of botting gives me what 20% of my current level - again for a new player this is very cost restrictive. Once I'm say 85 its going to be painfully slow.

    Overall result - levelling sucks.

    I should maybe point out I really don't care. My archer is doing quests on my second client while I do stuff with my main, but for a new player .... well we know what it makes them do - they leave.
  • Posts: 373 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    they leave. sure leave ppl and on server only players from alt or credit card no new ppl is bad
  • Posts: 3,181 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Yep that true. And how does a non rb char do bh without an rb char helping, since there's so few people around of the right level to group up for bh.

    With that archer of mine I've done all bh's of course. When I get ready to do it with my sin, I wc and offer anyone else to join. In two weeks I think on two occasions someone else asked to join, so without my rb chars I couldn't do bh.

    Reflection is a joke for levelling and shouldn't even form part of the discussion. Check in gives a few %.

    Hyper botting is good for an hour anyway. So my 400k coins and whatever my chars/pots cost, worth of botting gives me what 20% of my current level - again for a new player this is very cost restrictive. Once I'm say 85 its going to be painfully slow.

    Overall result - levelling sucks.

    I should maybe point out I really don't care. My archer is doing quests on my second client while I do stuff with my main, but for a new player .... well we know what it makes them do - they leave.

    i see plenty of lower lvl bhs daily.. maybe find a faction
    reflection is no joke for lvling, its a significant amount of xp you can get overnight/when afk
    hyper..BOTTING? what.. such a waste of hypers especially when youre picking those drops..

    overall ..lvling is made 20x easier than it was before, and lvling before 101 in PW is not hard/slow at all for a mmo scale, especially an asian mmo

    new players that find it too hard to lvl to 100..maybe they should be playing a mmo/rpg, till 100 PW really does not have high xp required, maybe you/they could spend some of that daily time making some coin/getting gear
  • Posts: 323 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    i see plenty of lower lvl bhs daily.. maybe find a faction
    reflection is no joke for lvling, its a significant amount of xp you can get overnight/when afk
    hyper..BOTTING? what.. such a waste of hypers especially when youre picking those drops..

    overall ..lvling is made 20x easier than it was before, and lvling before 101 in PW is not hard/slow at all for a mmo scale, especially an asian mmo

    new players that find it too hard to lvl to 100..maybe they should be playing a mmo/rpg, till 100 PW really does not have high xp required, maybe you/they could spend some of that daily time making some coin/getting gear

    One can level easily to about 80, then quests don't get you much per level. The key here is to save all those scrolls and fruits you get from Lucid and Quartermaster till you get in the 80's. Once you hit 90, well pretty much no quests till hit 95 and go to Morai.

    But on a bright note, there have been a lot more BH 69/79 parties since they took out hypers in FC. However getting anyone to do FC for the quests is nil.
  • Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    That's pretty inaccurate, some people can get friends to help, however when a single person requires up to 16 openers for PV the amount of people available to do so becomes a bit... low.

    If you care about leveling with PV best shell out that dough or find friends with a lot of 100+ alts. Or bot. That works too.


    I dissagree with you.
    Friends does not equal to pv openers. Everyone needs pv. When you`re a person that needs 16 ppl to open pv, you are way out of your fking mind to think ppl will just stand in line to let you do yours while you don`t give a flying f about them and getting their pv done.

    Maybe i said it harshly, but i made my point.

    That`s like me saying that everyone that doesn`t buy me something for my birthday is not my friend. You need to give to get, while mainly ppl are focused on getting and not giving. I`m sure if there for a year you would be openning pv for a friend of yours that has 16 alts, and would get him/her to 105/105/105, and you`d be the only person that would do so, on daily basis, they would have done the same for you when you`d need to lvl to 105.
    That`s how friendships work. Sadly not many actually remember ppl and what they`ve done for them to get them to where they are at now. But it is a good way to learn who is ur friend and who`s not.

    I`ll try to make this as short as possible,
    *don`t hate if it won`t be short at all*.

    So, fc taken out, stupid? - Check
    What has this change done for the new players, a major f*** up? - Check
    Will there still be ppl that will get new class alt to 100 fast? - Check
    Will it benefit pwi, cus actual new players and the existing ones will cs more? - Check
    Will the actual new players love and have fun in the game? No ? - Check
    Are people in general happy with this change? No? - Check
    Are the only people that agree with this change, ppl that lived in fc for days upon days w/o taking even a nap? Yes? - Check

    List goes on and on.

    I know for a fact, that EVERYONE, that is walking the server of HL, and is 2 times rb 100+ used fc to get there. That is a BIG FAT FACT.
    Everyone that is welcoming the *no fc* thingy, is cus they already have a main that is 2rb 100+, and has atleast 1 or more alts that are also rb 100+.

    These very people are happy that fc is gone, because they feel that they have a certain *advantage* on everyone else that missed it, and ppl complaining about it, is fueling their inner satisfaction. Why? Cus they are not very mature. And those very ppl will do absolutely nothing to help any of the new players to level up. Another BIG FAT FACT

    I on the other hand, i admit i`m 2nd rb 100+ and have alts that are rb 100+ and will have more everyday. But i`m willing to help ppl, and i don`t stomp on those that complain, because i know how it was with me when i reached lvl 97 w/o fc and oracles. I know, so i don`t stomp on low ones and belittle them. I think it`s time for others to do the same.b:pleasedb:pleased
  • Posts: 458 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    proof of your BIG FAT FACTS?

    I am proof that your big fat facts are bull.....b:bye
  • Posts: 1,396 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    scruncy wrote: »
    proof of your BIG FAT FACTS?

    I am proof that your big fat facts are bull.....b:bye

    And where is the proof of the "fact" that you never set foot in FC for XP even once?
    You are proof of your own contradiction when asking for proof but not providing proof to support your own statement.

    Everyone could claim they never did FC.
    Well, maybe later, semi-retired.
  • Posts: 1,246 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    scruncy wrote: »
    proof of your BIG FAT FACTS?

    I am proof that your big fat facts are bull.....b:bye

    yea and you are the proof that slowly leveling up\not powerleveling to scrupulously learn the class, doesnt actually improve your gameplay nor make you a good player on said class
    and as an endgame josd barb with full buffs and +12 psy buffs getting oneshotted in tws you should ask yourself what you are doing wrong

    this game is 6 years old, the majority of players that are starting from fresh\rerolling on PWI already have played the game on other servers or private servers,
    preventing them to powerlevel doesnt actually help them in achieving a good knowledge of the class, that btw they most likely already have, it just prevents them to plain play the game

    the no FC could've been a thing 6 years ago, now its pointless and it's just a huge wall for the new players to reach endgame content

    and i am saying this that i don't run nor i need an fc run since months

  • Posts: 458 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    yea and you are the proof that slowly leveling up\not powerleveling to scrupulously learn the class, doesnt actually improve your gameplay nor make you a good player on said class
    and as an endgame josd barb with full buffs and +12 psy buffs getting oneshotted in tws you should ask yourself what you are doing wrong

    omg , so much hate b:cute

    how can you oneshot me? you didnt show for tw last 3 month...
  • Posts: 1,246 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    scruncy wrote: »
    omg , so much hate b:cute

    how can you oneshot me? you didnt show for tw last 3 month...

    last time we met in a tw you ate a oneshot or maybe even more than once, i really can't be ar.sed to go look into my youtube channel and dig it for you, ofc we didn't show up do you expect us to show up in 30 vs 80?
    actually how many players from your faction quitted after your past 3 months of wined tws? :)
    and perhaps should i report you for doing tw with your bm on Templer aswell? but honestly i really don't care else i would've get suspended few players already, since you are just moving assets from faction to faction to just take control of the whole map (http://pwi-wiki.perfectworld.com/index.php/Rules_of_Territory_Wars)

    tho you didnt show for any pk for last 3 years

    and yet thats not the point of the topic,

    the point is that the players that begin to interface themselves\reroll on PWI, the large majority of them already has a good knowledge of the class they are playing, that doesnt justify the removal of powerleveling option

    this is me playing a cleric that i rolled powerleveled to 3x105 and endgamed (@ current retail endgame)


    this was like my third day of playing cleric in my whole PWI experience... judge yourself.

    I repeat that to disable powerleveling is pointless now, it should've been done when the game was brand new,
    now it just prevents playerbase to reach endgame content \ makes fresh playerbase quit the game

    and this is also a damage to the company since as someone else already stated, 90% of the C$ comes from endgame content



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