Oh Crimson...



  • Eoria - Harshlands
    Eoria - Harshlands Posts: 6,118 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    The only person with a portal set on server is chaos. Thank you for the conspiracy theories in the morning though.

    "subtraction has the butt of an angel" - Paulrogers
    I <3 Subtraction.
    /blatant sig copy is blatant

    105/105/105 obtained! b:cute
  • Kevyy - Harshlands
    Kevyy - Harshlands Posts: 213 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    This is why small group pk is so much better than tw's. tw's are nothing but server politics and who can outgear and merge the most making it very unbalanced and tbh those cata barbs carry that guild so hard.
  • Crazybladema - Harshlands
    Crazybladema - Harshlands Posts: 425 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    On a side note, when will people leave their mid tier factions and join one of the main ones so they have numbers for wars?

    Because middle tier factions always have the best tws against each other. Instead of the crystal runs and circle jerks top tier factions call "tw". No offense Akira, but not everybody plays for yours and infamous'a entertainment.
  • Born_Free - Lost City
    Born_Free - Lost City Posts: 157 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Not today, Satan. Not today.

    You wonder why we have problems? This is why we have problems.

    ...also Satan is red, and I am clearly purple.

    Like it's not even that you don't have the ability to split up evenly, you just flat out refuse it.

    "People should rise to OUR standards" you say, as you hoarde every bandwagoner with G16+ and the loyalty of a lima bean. How do you expect to have entertaining TW's if you have absolutely no opposition?

    Like, you have the influence and the ability to balance out TW's so it's more entertaining for everybody, and victors actually like...have the rights to brag....But you don't, mostly out of what I've observed is just...greed.

    "Why should we set ourselves up to lose, when you guys could just get better?" you say, as your guild eats up the map for the umpteenth time in a row.
    You've essentially gathered the bulk of the better players on the server. Most high leveled, high geared people think they all know wtf they're doing and won't take advice. People who are experienced, won't give advice because they just assume everybody knows what they're doing.
    So not only do you have the better players and the better geared players in most cases, but you also have those who are willing to teach others how to play, and those who are usually willing to listen. Because why would you not listen to someone who's won TW over and over and over again, as opposed to someone like AsheZ?

    You'd think as much as this subject has gone up through the years, that someone would realise there might be an issue here and try resolving it so the rest of us can shut up...like, actually taking measures to ensure there's a balance between the competing guilds or something.

    "It's not our fault they want to flock to us, people don't like to lose," Infamous says while they're busy stroking their egos.
    No, people don't like to lose. Instead of denying people who flock over to you, you go out of your way and accept only the ones who would add more to your already impassible wall of over-geared TWers--people you KNOW were instrumental in other guilds, but left for some reason or another.
    You COULD deny them, forcing them to either return to their guild or join another that could possibly pose a challenge. Instead, you gorge on them like they were Fallen_Faith's famous potato salad.

    Me personally? I'm guildless, so the amount of personal ****s I have are surprisingly low. But coming from an entirely neutral standpoint, it does seriously suck that you have the balls to openly brag about this sort of thing after knowingly doing what you've done to the other guilds--which is basically make it so impossibly crippling to fight back that they don't even bother fighting anymore.

    Personally I simply believe Infamous, and the people who constantly skitter over to them, simply don't WANT a challenge. They do everything they can to avoid one, and they will continue to do so. I believe TW might be more engaging and entertaining if the collective of Infamous split up into the already existing guilds--when you consider that Crimson isn't too much further ahead than its competing guilds, the possibility for actually exciting TW's suddenly becomes apparent.
    Bladema is correct when he states that "mid-tier" guilds have more fun than "higher-tier". Some of the most entertaining TW's I've ever had have been against equally geared opponents.

    It's not a personal attack against Infamous. I like a lot of people from a lot of different guilds...but this is seriously just getting annoying. People are getting really tired of you guys sitting on top of everybody else and bragging like what you do is difficult.
    PWI: Constantly **** you in the **** so much you can't sit to play anymore. No wonder people are so butthurt.
  • Akira_Green - Harshlands
    Akira_Green - Harshlands Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    You wonder why we have problems? This is why we have problems.

    ...also Satan is red, and I am clearly purple.

    Like it's not even that you don't have the ability to split up evenly, you just flat out refuse it.

    "People should rise to OUR standards" you say, as you hoarde every bandwagoner with G16+ and the loyalty of a lima bean. How do you expect to have entertaining TW's if you have absolutely no opposition?

    Like, you have the influence and the ability to balance out TW's so it's more entertaining for everybody, and victors actually like...have the rights to brag....But you don't, mostly out of what I've observed is just...greed.

    "Why should we set ourselves up to lose, when you guys could just get better?" you say, as your guild eats up the map for the umpteenth time in a row.
    You've essentially gathered the bulk of the better players on the server. Most high leveled, high geared people think they all know wtf they're doing and won't take advice. People who are experienced, won't give advice because they just assume everybody knows what they're doing.
    So not only do you have the better players and the better geared players in most cases, but you also have those who are willing to teach others how to play, and those who are usually willing to listen. Because why would you not listen to someone who's won TW over and over and over again, as opposed to someone like AsheZ?

    You'd think as much as this subject has gone up through the years, that someone would realise there might be an issue here and try resolving it so the rest of us can shut up...like, actually taking measures to ensure there's a balance between the competing guilds or something.

    "It's not our fault they want to flock to us, people don't like to lose," Infamous says while they're busy stroking their egos.
    No, people don't like to lose. Instead of denying people who flock over to you, you go out of your way and accept only the ones who would add more to your already impassible wall of over-geared TWers--people you KNOW were instrumental in other guilds, but left for some reason or another.
    You COULD deny them, forcing them to either return to their guild or join another that could possibly pose a challenge. Instead, you gorge on them like they were Fallen_Faith's famous potato salad.

    Me personally? I'm guildless, so the amount of personal ****s I have are surprisingly low. But coming from an entirely neutral standpoint, it does seriously suck that you have the balls to openly brag about this sort of thing after knowingly doing what you've done to the other guilds--which is basically make it so impossibly crippling to fight back that they don't even bother fighting anymore.

    Personally I simply believe Infamous, and the people who constantly skitter over to them, simply don't WANT a challenge. They do everything they can to avoid one, and they will continue to do so. I believe TW might be more engaging and entertaining if the collective of Infamous split up into the already existing guilds--when you consider that Crimson isn't too much further ahead than its competing guilds, the possibility for actually exciting TW's suddenly becomes apparent.
    Bladema is correct when he states that "mid-tier" guilds have more fun than "higher-tier". Some of the most entertaining TW's I've ever had have been against equally geared opponents.

    It's not a personal attack against Infamous. I like a lot of people from a lot of different guilds...but this is seriously just getting annoying. People are getting really tired of you guys sitting on top of everybody else and bragging like what you do is difficult.

    Are you confusing Infamous with BankaiGODS? Because the only person who speaks like you stated in magenta is SyntherosX....And lets hear your opinion then? What would you like a guild of 50 players who beat 80 do about the TW situation? Only show with 40? 30? Maybe you can stop complaining about us and realize that there would be a pretty even fighting force if the mid tier factions just split between the top tier ones. Also, as a little fyi for you, we don't accept everyone who applies to guild, and we've also accepted very undergeared members as well xD.
  • trollerest
    trollerest Posts: 85 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I like the parts where people are well geared take high damage then claim hacks and cheating.
    I bet they dont complain when they hit someone with high damage. Never see a complaint about that do we?

    The highest I have been hit is 84K (soulfeast) and I am r9rr/g16 mixed. I burst out laughing cause it was ridiculously high, next highest was 42K around there. Never claimed cheats, or hacks, it is the way the game is.
    You first need to accept that the game is in fact BROKEN. Not in 1 area but pretty much every aspect of the game is broken in some way shape or form.

    Once you accept that, you either
    A) Continue to play the game the way it is, or..
    B) **** and GTFO
  • Longknife - Harshlands
    Longknife - Harshlands Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Lol this topic again.

    People obtaining sets "strange way" is the serious issue in general without saying any names. Happens on all servers, proves how GMs don't know anything about this game even. Both guilds got players with sets, tho two of them in Crimson are unleveled, as far as I know.

    However, I don't understand the purpose of this topic at all. You all know well that Infamous saying that they want to have fun TW is bs nonse. I was present at 3 hour TW Crimson won; I haven't seen any single Infa person saying GF after it's end. That's kinda contrasting to one which week later Infamous end up winning. I might believe that Eo wants good TWs, but is it really what every member of her guild wants? It sounds like you just satisfying your e-pen here, no offense.

    You can't deny that Infamous is better geared overall. Not speaking about card sets only few people (so far) possess with, but overall refinement/sharding. Yes, Crimson got few end-game toons, but compare gears of BMs, clerics and especially Barbs in both guilds (except wolfbrian). It's hard to keep people encouraged when they get hit for 25k+ without debuffs and having all buffs + buff pot. No1 wants to show just for lop sided win of enemy guild.

    The biggest problem of server is it's low population and overall attitude of players though. Nor Crimson nor Infamous put 80 people in TW, which is kinda sad considering they supposed to be TOP 2 guilds. Mid guilds with big dog syndrome won't merge into bigger guild against Infa moreover. Seen the opposite, some guilds merged into it, lol. I've never said that it's wrong (I have done the same thing while ago myself, when i joined Catalyst because I was tired of losing and playing with ppl who will never learn.) Don't expect fun TW under these circumstanes though lol. Bid Kylin with CJr and TW with your alts instead of you really wish that. :P


    The killer of this? Eo and I basically had a convo where I tried to say "you guys should probably remedy those rumors in tandem with Crimson or the whole server will go under together." Response? Not their jobs, and this is clearly all the fault of chaosbeibei! Hypocrisy be damned!! Then this thread spawns even after I warned her well in advance that Crimson would be no-showing in protest. I've talked to both sides, there's no "we r scurred to show them cause we know we r not as uber leet as dem," it's "we don't like their methods of winning and we're mostly european with 8pm/2am TWs, so **** it, let's sleep in." Wouldn't be surprised at all if this becomes a pattern.

    To be fair, I've heard A LOT of rumors and stuff and Eo rightly highlighted most of that stuff as hysterical, exaggerated rumors. The keyword though is "most," and that's the problem. The problem still exists at it's core and it's not pure fabrication. If anything the exaggerations could be seen as a symptom of how outraged people are.

    The most bitter irony of all is that the accusation has always been that Infamous is TOO ambitious and TOO deadset on winning, to the point where the guild prioritizes being built to win over anything else. Lord knows how much trash talking towards guildies behind their backs (or to their faces) goes on within that guild. Anyone who doubts that, kindly go read Curses' congrats thread to Eoria for hitting 105. It can basically be summarized as "once upon a time there was a loser who I was gonna slaughter like all other losers who aren't as good as me cause I'm so awesome, but then the loser came forward and recognized how awesome I was and wanted to learn to be awesome from me and learned to recognize the wisdom of my guidance and ways, and now she knows to follow my guidance and therefore I guess she's ok now and not quite as much of a loser all because she learned the value of recognizing how awesome I am." The story is more about him than about her even when it's supposed to be her congrats thread. Debated calling both Curses out on that **** and Eo for not having a spine enough to speak up about it, ultimately kept my mouth shut because it'd only stir drama and honestly you guys are strangers on the interbutts, so I didn't care enough to get involved with drama just to call out little disfunctional "friendships" for what they are.
    And mind you, I'm not throwing him under a bus here. I've been in that guild, he's not the exception to the rule. Entire guild is filled with people like that, constantly trying to prove their superiority to others in an online game as if they've never had an ego stroke in their whole damned lives. I promise you every archer in that guild either partakes in trash-talking fellow guildie archers or gets trashed on when doors are closed. Normal folks in that guild too, of course, but I'm just saying the quota of people who don't care about anything or anyone beyond winning and stroking their own ego within that guild is especially high and leads to some especially poor "relationships" where the foundation is nothing but a common desire to win, not so much the "we also get along" part. Most successful disfunctional family ever.

    The claim has always been "that's ok because winning is the goal, so all we're doing is playing as we're supposed to!" ....Almost correct.

    To me, the goal has always been fun. I was in competitive guilds, absolutely, but that's because I personally get fun from pushing myself and trying to see just how much I can achieve before it's too much. This? This is no longer about what Guild A or Guild B can achieve, but what cards can achieve or what absolute no-holds-bar, all's-fair ambition towards winning can achieve. The overall goal is fun. A thousand times over I tried to stress that with CJr TWs and I can proudly say I don't think there was a soul involved with a CJr war who didn't refer to them as fun as hell. Also tried stressing that with recent guild hops; Bankai and Mayhem have their quirks, sure, but at the end of the day THIS IS A ****ING GAME and none of us are mortal enemies. If you think you have mortal enemies in this game, congrats, you're going to be heartbroken when this server finally dies. Congrats on your dependency.

    But here we are now and the same claim still exists: Infamous is TOO deadset on winning. Except this time? They're so deadset that the methods and the hypocrisy is absolutely sickening to some players and driving them to give up or quit. And all this during an already rocky time where inactivity is common. RedBetty's just one example that showed his face stating he's ready to quit, I promise you there's others. And no I'm not one of them. I quit after discovering communities in other games that REMEMBERED the goal is fun, resulting in stupid Shrek cosplays or random conga dances in fire fights. I'm voicing my opinion not cause it affects me personally but because it's absolutely maddening to watch all the little personal problems everyone on this server has and how so few of them ever seem self-aware; having flaws is fine and normal, being unable to acknowledge them and not being true to yourself? Worst thing you could do to yourself, makes you incapable of adapting or improving. But now here we are with this all going on and it's rocking the server (rightfully so). It's this weird little situation where yes, the community seems flimsy enough that if this continues, the community is just gonna fall apart....
    ...And they still can't control themselves. Winning on a server with no one left is more important than being vulnerable on a server that's active. Lol, GG, good show. You guys don't look pathetic at all. The worst of it is, I know there's at least a handful of people who'd wind up sitting at home staring at the wall with their mouths hanging open catching flies were this server to go offline, not knowing what to do next or how to move on. Of course no one will admit to that; that's the common insult we throw back and forth at each other and constantly hear when we're upset. And yknow I don't neccesarily think there's anything wrong with loving this game or anything else THAT much, as long as you can be honest and straightforward about that obsession and admit to it. But unfortunately that's not the case, and the very people jeoprodizing server stability...? Actions speak louder than words here, and I can't quite imagine what they'll do once the server's completely except flock to another game and try to run it all over again, resulting to the very same tactics.

    Crimson is literally giving you a hint of what your future TWs might look like if things continue as they are, and you STILL only take that as an opportunity to get up on a pedestal and give a speech about how amazing you all are....

    Luckily though, in the end it's all a game. If this gets fixed, you all can enjoy a game you all love a little longer. If it doesn't? Well, honestly...some of you truly DO need an excuse to move on, so that does some potential good aswell. In the end though, I only hope Harshlands can learn to stop pointing the finger all the time and learn to be critical of oneself, cause to me, that's the problem that sums up Harshlands in a nutshell.
    I <3 AGOREY
  • SpellStormer - Harshlands
    SpellStormer - Harshlands Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    The only person with a portal set on server is chaos. Thank you for the conspiracy theories in the morning though.

    What would you say is the highest hit your best wizzie can land on me? Him fully buffed, me fully buffed. I got 16k base pdeff and 30k base mdeff , 505 spirit, 46 deff lvls in black voodoo, and of course using pdeff and mdeff charms.

    I will try contact said chaos and let him spark me to see if even he can land that hit on me.

    I will make the test and if numbers are the same, mea culpa.
  • Eoria - Harshlands
    Eoria - Harshlands Posts: 6,118 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    What would you say is the highest hit your best wizzie can land on me? Him fully buffed, me fully buffed. r9rr +10 armors, +12 best ornaments, 505 spirit, of course using pdeff and mdeff charms.

    I will try contact said chaos and let him spark me to see if even he can land that hit on me.

    I will make the test and if numbers are the same, mea culpa.

    He's not going to land as high a hit as her due to class difference. Archer damage will never hit what a geared mage can produce even if the archer has a portal set. Anyone could tell you that.

    "subtraction has the butt of an angel" - Paulrogers
    I <3 Subtraction.
    /blatant sig copy is blatant

    105/105/105 obtained! b:cute
  • Longknife - Harshlands
    Longknife - Harshlands Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    He's not going to land as high a hit as her due to class difference. Archer damage will never hit what a geared mage can produce even if the archer has a portal set. Anyone could tell you that.

    This is blatantly dancing around the issue. You're arguing she misunderstands the damage capabilities and is naming the wrong overpowered card set. This is irrelevant as her overall point stands.
    I <3 AGOREY
  • SpellStormer - Harshlands
    SpellStormer - Harshlands Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Pointless in pursusing this further. I posted stats for a reason and asked a question.

    Totally unrelated, nice vid to watch, of an octopus scrambling out after shooting some ink:
  • Born_Free - Lost City
    Born_Free - Lost City Posts: 157 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    ...I seriously just picked magenta because...reasons. I've been gone from the game a year and a half, how the hell am I supposed to keep tabs on what font color SyntherosX uses? Furthermore...why in the hell would I *care*?

    Twelve or twenty lower geared players doesn't balance out monster hitters, Akira, and I know you know that. Just because you accept them, doesn't mean everybody else who'd +12'd their RR9's goes away. They're still there, they still TW, they still effect the system.
    Even 5 of me in my G16+7 isn't going to be able to do much tickling to a fully recasted Barb with +12 and shards out the ****.

    Do I agree that people need to pull their heads out their collective anal cavities and push together? 'Fo sho. But you have so many TRUSTWORTY PEOPLE--like AsheZ! Or Evangelos! Or better yet, let's rally to Syntheros!
    Oh yeah. My confidence in all these people is so.....SO high right now.

    And you KNOW the mid-tier guilds aren't going to split up. They have their little setups and how things are run, and that's what they cling to. People are so afraid of being left behind because they're not "up to snuff" when it comes to a potential merger. Who would support merging with another guild if you're just going to get left behind in the dust, or lose what authority and power you had?

    That's just the way those people think. I practically BEGGED Evangelos to talk about having Afterlife and Omerta merge with us, and he just flat out ignored me. It ended up being that most of them left and merged with us anyway!
    But people don't want to deal with all the "messy details" of mergers. People will feel betrayed if others leave them behind. That's how tightly knit groups like Bankai and Mayhem function--they're extremely emotional creatures because of how close they are to one another. For "stronger" guilds that's a lot less, because more people are more "self-centered", rather than caring for the group as a whole. They're less inclined to get stuck to people in the group, they don't care as much who gets left behind, etc, because at the end of the day it's all really about them in their opinion.

    That doesn't mean they're blameless, but there is a REASON behind why they're so hesitant to merge. They're not thinking about the server's benefit, or beating Infamous--they're more focused on their groups as individuals: their friends, their guildmates, their positions, etc.

    At the end of the day it's up to both sides to agree that TW's right now are fuqin' boring, and figure out some way of splitting up the cake so everybody can take a slice home. Is everybody gonna win? Hell no. There's always going to be losers, and that's part of how the system works. But if EVERYBODY but ONE GROUP is part of the losing side...

    Seriously, how is that even entertaining to anybody? Do people just get off on facerolling so much that they can't play this game with sides that are at least close to equal?

    Think back to like the most fun TW you ever personally had. Mine were Mayhem, Dark, and CrimJr. Even when we lost, it was never really a horrible thing--I always had friends in those guilds (I still do) and so helping them out even at a loss, still made me feel like I was doing something helpful.

    I remember how big a deal Crimson vs. Zulu was, and how the whole WC freaking EXPLODED when Zulu finally lost. It was a huge thing. That excitement was so palpable you could practically taste it! People were flipping the hell out. There were people shooting off fireworks in like every major city it was so nuts. Sure there was that whole back-and-forth drama bullsh*t that always comes from ZuCatamous vs Crimson, but the rest of us were so excited we ignored it. It was the most activity and power I'd seen in world chat since I'd joined the server.

    THAT is the sort of **** we're missing--REALLY gritty, REALLY challenging, REALLY nail-biting TW's that make people freak the hell out when it's all over--and honestly, it's everybody's fault.
    Something needs to change, and it can't be just a handful of people who contribute.
    PWI: Constantly **** you in the **** so much you can't sit to play anymore. No wonder people are so butthurt.
  • Temeilion - Harshlands
    Temeilion - Harshlands Posts: 256 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    It all comes down to Greed and Ego`s

    At a certin point i realized i was in rank 9 3rd cast +10 armor and a +12 weapon...yes i was happy i made it to this point..then i started looking for fights to get into...

    What i found was that rank9 3rd cast +10 is still a one shot to these Fully JOSD S carded players

    Not to mention on Harshlands everyone one of the best players huddle together into a 10 man group and very seldomly leave or do anything solo..

    It is as if the Better peoples gear gets..the more they clump together with like Equiped players so they dont have to compete with these "others"

    Its not too late

    We can fix this ourselves..its not that hard...

    Lets do a Draft..I know this would require some people forgiveing others.

    Part of this would be having more Fodder to support the 3-4 different OP squads that roam from faction to faction

    Crimson wont fight Infamous
    Bankigod wont fight Mayhem
    Mayhem wont fight Infamous or Crimson(well not without a stack)
    People are leaveing these factions daily to join factions like Troll , HappySock ,GodaWar,Stalkers..simply on the hopes of a decent TW they can participate in.

    Well the ones who dont leave to join Infamous that is...people get sick of trying to compete,half run off to join the auto-win team..half say **** it and join lower tier factions.

    Becomeing OP is not the end of the game..and it doesnt make u a better or Pro person

    Ive said this before...want to impress me ? help some newbs

    All this bs smack talking when your all doing the same **** is upsetting

    Forget the Big fights..they are dead..come join the scrubs and have some damn fun
  • trollerest
    trollerest Posts: 85 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Dont blame infamous. Blame everyone else for not banding together to try and fight them.
    Thing is this wont happen. There is too much ego and e-peenor envy. So please continue on with the QQ and rage.
  • Crazybladema - Harshlands
    Crazybladema - Harshlands Posts: 425 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Nobody In their right mind cares about beating infamous anymore. You all act like middle teir factions are trash, simply because they don't merge into some "super guild" for crimsons and zucatamous tw entertainment. At the end of the day, these guilds have the best tws. They are the ones having fun.
  • Akira_Green - Harshlands
    Akira_Green - Harshlands Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Nobody In their right mind cares about beating infamous anymore. You all act like middle teir factions are trash, simply because they don't merge into some "super guild" for crimsons and zucatamous tw entertainment. At the end of the day, these guilds have the best tws. They are the ones having fun.

    I'd like to ask 2 things.....firstly, why do people keep referencing Zulu and Catalyst? I'd probably say 90-95% of the people who are in Infamous currently weren't in those guilds while they held the map.

    Secondly, why does LongKnife think Infamous got reawakened card sets o.0, no one reawakened their cards except 1 card. And if you're being picky about it then Eclipse has 2 or 3 cards that are reawakened...
  • Viktorian - Archosaur
    Viktorian - Archosaur Posts: 746 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    What i have learned from this thread:

    1.) Akira_green would not know a joke if it jumped up and bit him on the ***

    2.) Infamous is massively OP and refuses to admit they are massively OP.

    3.) Many of the higher geared people on HL are either leaving the big factions and joining smaller ones to have fun in TW's, or they are leaving their faction and joining Infamous so as not to be rolled over as if they dont exist.

    Please correct me if im wrong.
    Servers: Archosaur(PvE US West) and Harshlands (PvP US East)
    Chars: Viktorian(100 2Rb Celestial Demon BM) PurpleHealz (100 Celestial Sage Cleric) DagsAway (95 Assassin)
  • Crazybladema - Harshlands
    Crazybladema - Harshlands Posts: 425 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    What i have learned from this thread:

    1.) Akira_green would not know a joke if it jumped up and bit him on the ***

    2.) Infamous is massively OP and refuses to admit they are massively OP.

    3.) Many of the higher geared people on HL are either leaving the big factions and joining smaller ones to have fun in TW's, or they are leaving their faction and joining Infamous so as not to be rolled over as if they dont exist.

    Please correct me if im wrong.
    You sir are correct
  • ChevaIier - Harshlands
    ChevaIier - Harshlands Posts: 300 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Holy god Long's essays are always a good read b:chuckleb:chuckle

    Laughed especially at the "I AM SO AWESOME - Curses" part b:laugh

    Oh yea to the sins: Why SoulFeast has such high dmg? Because she triples way more than all of you....except for Syntheros (he triple's ALMOST the near amount). Hence, both of you guys hit hard, so stop qqing.
    What i have learned from this thread:

    1.) Akira_green would not know a joke if it jumped up and bit him on the ***

    2.) Infamous is massively OP and refuses to admit they are massively OP.

    3.) Many of the higher geared people on HL are either leaving the big factions and joining smaller ones to have fun in TW's, or they are leaving their faction and joining Infamous so as not to be rolled over as if they dont exist.

    Please correct me if im wrong.

    I want to join infamous too.....to be famous

    yaw or naw?
  • Wampirewoman - Harshlands
    Wampirewoman - Harshlands Posts: 269 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    b:thanks Yay the hax, qq thread again. Missed this .

    About 1 shot situations , really guys ? I know that i am not top geared atm since i miss the cards but i still got close to 40k mdef, around 35k pdef and 22k hp full buffed i can add also 400 spirit and 60+ def lvl or 90+ def level depending on the weapon i use . With these stats i got 1 shot in TW even by a seeker , not to mention sins or Eclipse that hits like a truck .^^
    Tho i never scream hax or cheats or w/e , this is the game and the damage it's way higher compared to defenses we can obtain .

    About comparing chaos' damage that is an archer with a wizz it's beyond stupidity and shows the lack of knowledge about the damage output between classes . A small hint for who wanna do this type of comparison from pwi damage calculation . Physical damage has a factor of multiplier of 1.0 and magical classes have 1.5 .
    Before u scream hax just to fit in the sheep hoard that scream hax check what spirit means and on pwi wiki how to calculate damage using basic damage , def level and attack level . It's quite easy and requires IQ above 0 .

    b:dirty And now for the good part .

    Crimson cleric shouldn't SoG Fenris when he is a cata barb and on the tower or crystal . This happens every war . When me and Fen started to count , he got 12 SoG in a TW and i got 5. Don't get me wrong , i really appreciate it since it saved my life more than once and for Fen was enough to chill till he got Invoke or solid shield again , but this is just to help Infa , it's like playing for enemy team , you would help more by afking than using Sog on a cata barb or a cleric .

    Another tip : split push and kamikaze barb with a cata can't work for Crimson ever . It works for Infa once in 20 pushes and i think you know u can compare our cata barbs with yours .
    But i have to say GZ to 1 barb in Crimson that is not OP but know how to play a barb 10 times better compared to some r9's : Nanaki .

    And for the fact we start to win .... duh we brought 60-70 people after we had less than 50 in the loss wars . Ofc u will feel more damage . Similar situation was when chaos and Eclipse didn't come for TW on Crimson side . I died only a 3-4 times compared to 15+ times .

    Oh and no freaking way i should hear a cleric qq-ing about chi , sage or demon , since i always i got chi for Sog and even for some Tempest cos i am full chi . If you can't manage chi pls reroll , it makes it easier for all .

    b:thanks Hope i didn't forget anything .
  • KuruTu - Harshlands
    KuruTu - Harshlands Posts: 158 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Lol, a cleric who PMs us to kill Barbs first instead of Clerics spam healing them is going to give advices now

    Are you trying to tell us that Archers have higher damage than Wizards? Let me tell you, that multiplier applies the other way around as you said. Magic weapons gain 1 multiplier per 100 magic points, while melee weapons, daggers and ranged weapons gain 1/150 DEX/STR. Every class besides an archer is compensated with zerk for that, while archers were given purge which is much less useful now since everyone gets unpurgeable Sage bell buff (considering lvl 10 def passive) and 40% buff from NW 105 pot.

    You should prolly read skills of both classes aswell; I'm not aware that archers or psys have skills which use 800% of weapon damage.

    Noone complains about getting oneshot in general which would u know if u bothered to read what has been said here. It's about getting oneshot while u full buffed and don't have any amps/defense debuffs on you. If u get purged and seeker ZC you, you may die, but that's nothing out of ordinary

    Some Crimson clerics SoGing barbs is legit criticism that really happens though, been complaining about that aswell lol. To be fair, it's not just gear difference why lost so quick; could have done much better, problem wampire mentioned is just one of those.

    But again, this thread purpose is pure flamebait and I don't see it being closed after more than 50 posts for some reason. Mods might wanna treat everyone same way if they stick to their rules so precisely. Everyone who wants fun TW has more than enough opportunity to do so; there are mid guilds which gladly welcome everyone who wants to participate. If you really wanted that, you would have done that already though instead of making these pointless threads imo. Either do that or enjoy your no-show wins on a server which becoming emptier daily just because it's community which apparently forgot that main purpose of game is to have fun.
  • trollerest
    trollerest Posts: 85 Arc User
    edited August 2014

    3.) Many of the higher geared people on HL are either leaving the big factions and joining smaller ones to have fun in TW's, or they are leaving their faction and joining Infamous so as not to be rolled over as if they dont exist.

    I think those (some) higher geared people that are leaving the big factions for lower level ones because they actually want to 1 shot people who arent as geared as well. People get mad when they spent money on this game and arent godly because someone spent just as much and in some cases more than they did.

    "I am well geared and refined, I should not be getting 1 shot. **** this, I am joining a lower lvl faction to I can 1 shot people" This justifies the amount of money they spent on the game.
  • Wampirewoman - Harshlands
    Wampirewoman - Harshlands Posts: 269 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Well maybe i ****ed up with multiplier , i would have to check those stats again , pretty sure it has more logic as u said .

    Uhhh me pming people what to kill? I am/was in charge only of cata 2 lol.
    The opposite cata barbs are not my concern . I take decisions only for my team and i am still shocked how u get this info , like me saying to kill barbs 1st ?!?!?!?! Da hell? Or you mistake me for someone else . For that thing i should be in defense , thing that never happened . ^^

    And the part with "PMing us" confuses me even more , just cos i think u r not in Infa and if u were u would know we use Vent and not pming system during TW .

    Again the 1 shot thingy , yeah it happens even buffed . Why do u assume we get 1 shot only debuffed or purged and the thing that someone gets 1 shot buffed it's sooooooo outrageous ?
    It happened and not only to me but oh well , this is the game , u ress, rebuff and move on .
    Or let's all act like : QQ cheaters , i got 1 shot buffed , i give up , we throw wars , let's all gather our toys and go home . - I know this doesn't apply to all Crimson members , i know people there that are actually cool , but maybe who is in charge of TW must rethink the entire strategy and reduce the mistakes done in TW by talking with people and explaining them what is wrong .

    Infamous does mistakes in TW too , but when we saw the big ones we pointed out and said what people should or shouldn't do in TW . I am pretty sure if u solve some of this issues this 2 guilds can have good wars .

    In the end i don't blame anyone for this situation , it's up to officers and people in charge with decisions to know how and what to do , considering Crimson is more of a "family" and friendly guild with the average age higher than Infamous and more focused on socializing than Infa , and it's harder to tell someone : hey u do it completely wrong - risking to hurt his/her feelings .

    Tbh i hope Crimson can improve and gets back the numbers for good TW's .
  • KuruTu - Harshlands
    KuruTu - Harshlands Posts: 158 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    You're missing the point why Crimson no-showed war entirely (or gonna speak for myself instead). It's not about getting oneshot, that has been happening always. It's alright that Infa does everything they can do to win, it's a game after all and everyone wants to be on the winning side. However, after trying any other MMORPG, I realized that community there want to have fun and people there aren't obssessed with winning that much (Like, you're literally willing to kill this server because of that)

    Compare it to HL: Infamous gets wined TWs, because Crimson people finally get sick of it; it's pointless to repeat gear difference between these two guilds (especially when you look at support classes). Or, as you correctly stated, Crimson is a lot more about socializing than Infa, so those derps that have been done would probably repeat, because - let's be honest about it - improving in tw isn't the top priority there. So imo truth is somewhere between, being both guilds fault.

    Conclusion? You get wined TW, and you well know why. If you're satisifed with being in guild that controls everything and provides no challenge at all, it's your call and alright, enjoy. But, if you really want to have competitive TW/PK (which I really doubt), last thing that will change it is creating flamebait threads and stating how awesome you are. With this, you discourage people even more and eventually you gonna end up winning on empty server. As I said, you can help some mid guilds or make new one, w.e If you keep it like that, u might won't be getting any TW in the future, which is pretty contrasting with what are you trying to say. Actions > words.

    About damage S card sets do, it's problem of this game in general, War Avatars was one of the most stupid things they released. S card sets are broken, regardless of what guild use it lol, I still remember chaos being to able 1-shot 80% of Infamous and having big mouth about it. Mage with 4 card set hits way harder than archers though. I can tank chaos and jekel in plume shell well (unless I get purged), however from magic class (WizSoul or Eclipse) i get random oneshots which are unpredictable because it doesn't even require Undine or amps, good job pwi.
  • Tinkertank - Harshlands
    Tinkertank - Harshlands Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Last season Crimson had Mayhem and Dark at their side to stack Infamous.
    Infamous showed at least for 2 out of 3 wars.

    This season Crimson is on its own and we can see the true nature. Not showing against Infamous, but attack Champs, a faction mostly filled with alts.

    In pvp the same thing. I see Crimson attack lower geared people and if they meet someone on their way that keep standing more Crimsons get called in.
  • Longknife - Harshlands
    Longknife - Harshlands Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    however from magic class (WizSoul) i get random oneshots which are unpredictable because it doesn't even require Undine or amps, good job pwi.

    At least we know one of the card set is in the hands of one of Harshlands most honest and well-meaning citizens and is therefore only being used in the name of righteous justice!
    I <3 AGOREY
  • Cytte - Harshlands
    Cytte - Harshlands Posts: 1,044 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    At least we know one of the card set is in the hands of one of Harshlands most honest and well-meaning citizens and is therefore only being used in the name of righteous justice!

    Honestly it bothers me that anyone would intentionally help gear up a wiz with that.
    Isn't undine still useless?
    Can't Absorb Soul deal as much damage as BT now?
    Isn't any class able to do more damage than a wiz at this point?
    Wouldn't this money have been better used on a Psy/Mystic?
    Why do Wizzies feel like inefficient magic tanks rather than the hardest hitting class?
    I <3 A lot of people
  • Born_Free - Lost City
    Born_Free - Lost City Posts: 157 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Kuru and Crazy make excellent points, and I agree with them both.
    But we have to talk about these "mid-tier" guilds, too. Let's be honest. Most of them blow goats.

    Mayhem has their heads so far shoved up their bums that they still haven't figured out Crimson's been using them as a TW meat shield for the last five maps, or worse, they just don't care 'cause they're such good buddies. (Such good buddies in fact that I watched Crimson attacking their Guild Resource Storage in Tusk Town yesterday! Ain't they just swell?)
    They've lost a TON of their heavy hitting players (Stormi_Daze, Adalgiso, Rebel, /Theia/, gomba, etc.) since the time I've been gone. Sure they've gained people like prixilla, but what's that honestly going to to against Infamous?

    Nobody is going to take Syntheros seriously. Nobody with two braincells to rub together would take him seriously. I simply can't do it. Everything he says makes me laugh way too hard. I would never be able to accomplish anything. The guy acts like playing an assassin is some form of ancient lost art, and that a level 7 guild base upgrade is the greatest thing since Da Vinci.

    Watchers hasn't been relevant since the last time I left. I can't remember any of their member's names, I barely see any of them around--not in PvP, not in PvE, not in world chat...nothing. I'm starting to think they're either aliens or ghosts. .....or ghost aliens....or alien ghosts?

    Troll is basically Dark. It's choc full of alts from about 20 different factions, and the only difference between the two is that one weird psudeo-German guy at the helm. They're just so small that it's kind of hard to really see if they're going to be capable of doing anything, and as with all mostly-alt guilds, there's gonna be TW conflict, "spies", and all sorts of sh*t.

    ...and then there's Kylin. Let's not talk about Kylin.

    I am noticing a swarm of AfterLife people coming back all of a sudden, so there may be more hope for the mid-tier groups. I recall them being very entertaining in TW as a Mayhem (albiet a little d0uchey from time to time,) with decent enough gear to be a threat.

    Hell, it's almost at the point where we have to consider CRIMSON itself a mid-tier guild! They have a higher chance of beating ZuCatamous, but let's be honest here, it's not even really that much higher.

    So what we have here, is one high-class guild...and that's it. There's a problem with that. Fault goes to both sides.

    Overall, Mid-Tier is a fustercluck. There's no real direction with any of these people. I have zero confidence in most of these guilds, which is why I'm currently running around with no logo over my purple face--no love for Infamous, no want for Crimson, and no hope in everybody else.
    But Mid-Tier does at least do something right--they fight each other. In terms of power they're all pretty well rounded--I'm convinced if Mayhem and Bankai stacked on Crimson we'd have ourselves a pretty damn good battle between the three.

    ....but Infamous itself is in a league that is so out there that nobody WANTS to fight anymore. Everybody is BORED of losing to you. Your wars are BORING. Your trash talk is BORING. It's been the same sh*t since the Rising Tide expansion.

    We need to change something up, for real.
    PWI: Constantly **** you in the **** so much you can't sit to play anymore. No wonder people are so butthurt.
  • Yuyi - Harshlands
    Yuyi - Harshlands Posts: 79 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Bla bla bla bla bla who cares.

    WTB Spider Silk Fashion set/box b:thanksb:sad
  • Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands
    Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    ....but Infamous itself is in a league that is so out there that nobody WANTS to fight anymore. Everybody is BORED of losing to you. Your wars are BORING.

    It's not losing that is boring, it's totally possible to have fun even if you lose, except for Infa, you would give them the choice of having a fun losing TW or a boring winning TW they will all chose the winning one cause winning is more important for them than having fun, but it's the 5-10 minutes one push that is boring, not the losing.
    We need to change something up, for real.

    Why? I kinda love see Eoria complain they don't have fun TW while they are actually the cause of their boring TW. They are too powerful to get any challenge, the only real option would be to split Infa in 2 guilds, but Infa are too scare of losing their in game power to take a risk to get some fun TW.

    @Cytte: Hai , I think it doesn't really matter which class got the set, it just suck that it's someone that suck at her (his) class that have it, that's why it's a waste.

    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute