Is there any guaranteed way to Obtain Rank9 Gear in under a year?
mechabeastmc666 wrote: »So if i went down the List and explained to you Every Variable that Prevents Any of that from happening, You'd call me negative? People act as if You can just get from Point A to Point B, and that's all there is to it. Lets say i wanted to walk though a jungle, Easy Right? You just think you have get tho the jungle on the other side, You wouldn't consider the Snakes and quick-sand or things that could Very well Kill you before you make it though the jungle. Maybe the question should have been, :Is there any full proof Guaranteed way to get R9 gear in under a year without spending a dime on the game starting from a new server. I would love to live in a Problem free world like you do.
Well yes, i assume you are skilled enough to learn how juingle ruins works.
If you take some time to learn it, you will never ever die again -
unless you brain afk or got distracted by your wife nagging at you for putting up the toilet seat.
This is a problem free World, because ALL this that i mentioned is SKILL based, and not gear based.Meaning you freaking focus on the game and whats happening and react accordingly.
If you can't figure out how to not fail terribly at certain points by learning, then yes, there is indeed no hope to reach r9.
I assume problem free World because you can solve all the problems that are game related by playing. AKA trial by error.0 -
I'm surprised any of you are still bothering with this guy.
It's absurd to me that someone would post a topic asking for help and then proceed to (attempt to) shoot down every single suggestion with asinine, unfounded reasons why they wouldn't work (protip: most of them will).
Earning coin is not difficult on this game.
Weekly events are not difficult, and there are guides/helpful players available if needed.
Cube is not difficult, and there are guides/helpful players available if needed.
Merchanting is not difficult, and there are guides/helpful players available if needed.
Botting is not difficult.
Leveling to 101 is not difficult.
If you're incapable of doing those five things, or figuring out how to do those five things -- then I almost feel sorry for you. Almost, because the way you've treated everyone who tried to help you in this thread is pathetic.Current:
TW/NW Videos:
Some people get R93 and become another cookiecutter DD, other people get R93 and get called out as serious threats. At some point, it's just not about gear anymore. - Qui
mechabeastmc666 wrote: »1-10 in 5 minutes is just a "5 second thought" It cant Really be done, And This is what i meant by, "if people had to Pay with their Lives they would have some serious reconsideration's" It's easy to say, But 5 Minutes on the timer, If you dont get to lvl 10, You'd be dumped inside of a shark tank or something, People would REALLY think twice about How long it would take IF that was the case. LVL 10 is Not hard to get at all, But it's just an example of your -push a button and lvl up- ways. It's not that fast.
When core's token shop was going down, I took a moment to make sure every account I have (I own several) had 10 new characters created, 1 of each class, leveled up to 10 for the free achievement points to get EXP scrolls. This was without Dreamchaser gear, a blessing, or any of that. The most it took me to get them up to 10 was somewhere around 10 minutes on a psychic that I wasn't paying enough attention to and wound up doing a 9 dex/1 str per 2 levels build on.... and me **** up the build and wondering why I couldn't equip a new weapon at level 5 only to facepalm when I saw what I did is the only reason why I even remember how long it took.
The most recent character I took to level 10 (when they had the glitched charm promotion that people were exploiting) took just about 6 minutes (I checked via message logs from the time) and that was mostly because I was doing something entirely unrelated to leveling with it and part of that included things that someone actively trying to level quickly wouldn't waste time with.
However my main point still stands: Getting to level 71 is not a huge feat or accomplishment for someone who has the goal of actively and quickly leveling. It really doesn't take that long and the fact that you get overwhelmed with incredibly rewarding quests at low levels simply bolsters the ease with which you can do so.Also, About the bh79, Luck is considered a variable. Variables or pot-holes equals Time expended. For instance, i do a BH79 5 times, and get No gear drops. And then the 6th time, i get gear drops, But it's not for my char, So i have to do it all over again. Where you lucky enough get it whenever you like. Pot-holes in that year, along with other Variables(including in merchandising) Prolonging the time. But you rather act like they dont exist, So yes i would agree that If (which it wont) Everything Goes according to plan, I sell everything i ever buy, i get every drop i wanted with no problems and no pot holes, i assume it would be possible to earn the R9 gear in under a year.Lets be realistic here, Problems happen. Some problems happen more than once, Some problems cause Setbacks, and what turns a problem-free scenario which would have u getting the gear in a few months into a 2 year long one. But other than the 79 gear that drops, Lets take it out the equation, and Just use NPC gear, it's cheaper and the objective is to save money right? Now time to go Bot in that armor, well that didnt Now im stuck with Lesser options to earn Money, which is(problem free Merchanting), and crab-meatless NW, And one is more promised than the other.
Yeah, not everything is gonna go exactly as planned all the time, but if you don't even bother trying nothing will happen at all. The way you've been treating the tried and true advice you've been getting in here is like refusing to step outside your house because of the chance you'll be struck by a meteorite even though plenty of others who are currently outside are telling you that you can do it just fine and that they've been through being outside.
And yes, you're just wasting charm and crabs if you bother burning them all in NW at your level. Unless you were geared to the max in something like this crazy twinked out build you'd be doing nothing but destroying your charm and your supply of crabs. Oh and not only does the build in that calc have costs comparable to (if not well above) R9... but it's also still a 1-shot to the typical R9 third cast folks that run around ruling NW.On a side note, i called you passive aggressive because when i didnt see it your way, i was apparently Being Ridiculous Right? Or was that just conveniently left out lolIm implying that the subject is "how to obtain R9 in under a year" And you, the one who Brought up a lvl-up stash, I was saying that, the chest wont Help the matter in any way Really. The only way it would help the matter is taking away from my Lvl-up cost (that does exist) and R9 funds.Lets say i dont equip the gold charm as soon as i get it, and wait after sunday's NW, I still gotta lvl up Right? FC means the charm will be Either dead or close to dieing by the time next Friday rolls around which is a sure death at the end of NW, and you cant unequip charms.Yes the charm would tick on things such as Boss's aoe and ect, Because after all, im wearing NPC gear Right.At 80, you get 500 crab meat and herb, which will also be gone By lvl 90 if im doing 10 FC's a day to get to lvl 101.But let me guess, Push a button and that solves the lvl up Problem right. Either way, the chest isnt relevant, why you brought it up in a red-link i have no clue.
Because you're still getting free useful things every five levels. I've shown how your use of the charm and foods sucks and what you can do to make them last. On top of that you have divine contracts for more free pots and at 100 once you start doing them you won't need crabs or herbs again because the level 100 divine pots are on par with them... and free. Level 75 gets you 4 free immac cits + 2 garnets (or sapphires) you can save to put in your better gear. That's a few mil saved right there. 500 crabs and herbs? Assuming you don't just blow them all ridiculously and learn to conserve their use properly they will last you quite some time. Potentially long enough to get to a free alternative.... though at 90+ you can also start running cube for profit anyways, so even if you do run out you have a new daily source of income! Plus free refine aids throughout that level set means getting a quick +5 on gears you want to use becomes that much easier and while +5 isn't a huge refine it's still very beneficial to have.Ludicd doesnt always give a charm, any charm he gives is gone Before nw even starts.In reality, What money are the lvl-up-chest and lucid saving me?So what your telling me is that, all i have to do to obtain R9 gear Quicker, is to be nice and caring and make Friends that will potentially help me out with the gear. As if those type's of people are Easy to come by. "Make friends and they will help you getting your r9 gear" if that was true, then everyone on the server would have the gear by now. Surely Everyone has at least One friend Right? Where is everyone's Rank 9 gear. Oh yeah thats because it's Not as Easy as you say it is. Not every Best-friend is ganrenteed to have the funds to help you get your R9 gear.Not every Friend has a 100+sin to run me though FC to avoid the cost of lvling up to 101.If they dont have the money to do so, does that make them less of a friend?
Let me put this in small words and a list so hopefully you read it this time.
1) Be decent to others.
2) Eventually bump into others that are also decent.
3) Form squads frequently with the above people for various dungeons, farming or so on.
4a) Eventually join a faction with people that are active in it.
4b) Potentially bring some of the people you've met into said faction or join theirs if it's active.
5) Get active within your faction. Talk to people, make friends, do stuff.
6) Start forming squads for stuff. This is easiest done in a faction because of the large amounts of people to do stuff with.
7) Once you get active as someone who does runs of stuff (be it TTs, Warsongs, Lunar, BHs, whatever) work with those you've noticed you squad with often (you HAVE been paying attention to this so far and not blindly ignoring people, right?) or those who invite you to squads frequently/form squads often as well.
8) Go farm regularly with the above people. As in farm. Not tag behind the level 100 sin through frost or beg the faction leader for money for R9. Put forth your own damn effort towards trying to get stuff you can sell for profit or that will be used for the gear. If nothing else, at least doing lunars/warsongs will get you coin splits from when the EoD/EoO is sold!
9) Congratulations! You're now a recognized farmer who should have a decent group of people who are either calling you for stuff or that expect you to call them for stuff (as in instances you people run together. Not you begging for items and vice versa).
10) If there's enough mutual trust and friendship between you and them. They may occasionally give you things to help you and you can potentially do the same for them. Good people appreciate other good people and will respond to things like wanting to help a friend out. Whining about things being impossible constantly or begging/demanding things often will have the opposite effect and cause people to not want to help you.
Seriously dude. Stop acting like everything is completely impossible and there's no alternatives. Every time someone's given you advice or help here you've been utterly determined to shoot it down and talk about why you shouldn't even try. If you're going in with that mindset you're dooming yourself to failure from the offset and nothing anyone here says is gonna be able to help you or change that.(Insert fancy image here)0 -
I dont understand. Are you here to learn if a new player can get R9 in 1-2 years maximum or are you here to show ppl that is imposible?
Anyway give it up. With the attitude your having for you would be imposible to get R9 in 10 yearsb:laugh0 -
Can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink.0
mechabeastmc666 wrote: »The tt80 and the Bm is metaphorical i said. And also even if i had been here 5-6 years, Rank 9 doesnt come in like a customer appreciation email.
But about the merchanting, I was really hoping someone would address that. I see the point, But consider this. Whatever is Gaining popularity Isnt typically going to be sold at a Low price is it? And the things that are Loseing Popularity would be Harder to sell Right? I Could see this working over time, But to gain R9 type of money in under a year, i just dont see this as an realistic option. Unless i merchant SoT's or emperor tomes, that is lol
come on now, read. im not Rebirth and i spent every dime i've earned from NW to Lvl up my metaphorical blademaster to the requirements of R9, Which is 101. i also cant create some lvl 71-80 char, i have to create a lvl 1 char and use Money to Lvl him up to 71-80. and after i magically find the Money to lvl my Two Other Characters aside from my bm, I can still only have 2 chars, and the grinding stone isnt alway's ganrenteed. so i gotta reduce that number by a ton, and Increase the timespand, therefore i have no R9 to talk about Rerolling with.
About the Jungle Ruin, What exactly is that about, and can it contrubitue to my R9 set?
I'm not a BM, but I'd guess that G16 + rebirth 2 = R9 101 no rebirth.
My question would be why do you feel you need R9, and what are you trying to accomplish?0 -
My flat answer: I don't know.
That said. As "ImNotFeelingIt said, why do you want to obtain R9? If pvp is your goal, then I can see why, but it would make more sense to use your new character on a pvp server then...unless you specifically want to stay on dreamweaver.
I also want to point out, that to obtain the gear, you're going to have to make sacrifices...whether its time, real life money, in game money, or whatever else. You're going to have to sacrifice. I'm a pretty well known cleric. I'm not R9 at all. I literally just hit R6 after four years, two weeks ago. *Pats self on back.*
Pve wise, a lot of things are doable with Nirvana G16. You can even go toe to toe with evenly geared Vanilla R9'ers. I've literally one shotted a normal R9 player, and I have no gear pieces that are even +8. The reason that I'm saying this is because I'm playing as a cleric, and I can do a lot myself...many of which are things that a bm would have an even easier time doing.
Leveling: Does take time. The time is variable, depending on how much you play.
Gear: As OPKossy said, dreamweaver codes do take care of gear worries. (When I first started, I have White npc gear up until level 70/80. I play a cleric though, so avoiding hits is part of my class's role. A bm needs to charge in, so you will need to gear up.
That leads me to this. If you don't have dreamchaser codes, equip gold gear drops from bosses in bh's.
Work on nirvana. I know you don't want to hear this, but the fact is that its the second best overall gear in the game. The better your gear is, the easier the farming will be.
Costs: Gear. Morai gear (Optional for pve, but time consuming.) Nirvana Gear. (Optional, but more costly than Morai. This also has a luck factor, and a time consuming factor.)
Again, you will make coin, and LOSE coin. Its all a part of getting your character strong enough to do it. You do have to make some sort of financial (in game/real life) sacrifice, and a sacrifice of time.
My gear is full G16. My belt is a G15 WS belt. (120 inscriptions and 60 million coin for that belt alone.) However, having that gear set will allow me to get better gear (should I desire) as the time goes on.
Refines: IF you're lucky, this can be done cheaply, and with mirages. If you're unlucky like Serenity is, you'll need refining aids/orbs. This does cost coin. You don't want to be a TT80 bm with +0 refines and no sharding.
Sharding: Fact. You're going to get hit with magic and melee, and more than your blademaster's marrows can handle alone. Being able to shard to augment weaknesses helps a lot. Again, that's another cost. I recommend Morai shards, for farming gear/low endgame gear. However even flawless and immaculate are noteworthy competitors. This costs money though, so be prepared for it.
Good ornaments. They're not cheap. They do cost. OHT Map 4 belt is the tried and true one, and free. But it takes time to do this. Alternatively, WS belt is 20 mil, and 40 inscripts. (Time and coin again.) Rings: Lunar Rings offer outstanding defense, but at a cost. Cloud Stir type rings offer better offense, but at a steeper price. Perfect Attendance rings are free, but time consuming. Frost gold rings are a decent option here too.
Necklace: Ideally, you'll want a cube. Or to go for a TT/Legendary one to hold you over until then.
I'm saying this to point out that you're going to be gearing up during your pursuit of R9, and picking up materials to help along the way...especially if you find them on sale.
If you're going R9rr to compete with the most elite endgame players...then you have other factors to consider....
Time to farm badges and molds for R9rr. Time to farm cannies and raps for R9r, and time to farm necessary mats for Vanilla R9.
You need to consider getting an emperor tome.
You need to consider +10/+12 sharding.
You need to consider JOSD, Diety, Drakeflame, Icebourne, Stone of Gaia, and other super endgame sharding.
I know you didn't ask for all of this, but I'm pointing this out to you because if your goal is to compete with the most elite of players in pvp, then you need to consider the other costs and investment as well. I don't want you to go through all of the work of getting to R9, only to remember you then need R9rr, the refines, the shards, the rebirth, the S cards, the tome, the ornaments, the rerolls, a strong genie, with strong ornaments, sage/demon skills, primal/morai skills, the time and cost that all costs...even getting a 3.3 flyer is useful in pvp.
All that said, I'm a lazy farmer. I'm here sometimes. Sometimes I'm gone. My class isn't even an exceptionally good farming class, but here is what I can tell you.
Do FSP Daily: Profit.
Do NW: Profit. (Note that if you plan to wander around always in TT80 with no crabmeat, you're going to get smoked by your competition.)
Sell FC if you know how to do it: Profit.
Sell WS molds if you know how: Profit.
Sell TT/Lunar Drops: Profit.
Run Cube if you know how: Profit.
Autocultivate (Hate to say it, but it is a method.): Profit.
More people can give you better ways, including better ways to merchant.
If you're not willing to go G16/Rank 8/G15/Morai 101, then you're going to get smoked in a lot of aspects.
Something that my father taught me in life: Sometimes you've got to lose to win.
You'll have to make sacrifices to get to where you want to go.
Running around in TT80 at endgame, and hoping for R9 is a pretty preposterous goal. Squads will overlook you on purpose. Clerics won't be necessarily fond that your gear level is making their job harder, and when it comes to those last few spots in bh's, you won't be considered. I'm not saying that to be mean. I'm saying that to advise you to actually gear your character to prepare for some way, shape or form.
I'm going to interject my own personal story with G16.
I left years ago, due to wifi, irritation with the game, and real life situations. When I left, I was full TT90 green. (Considered the lowest possible endgame, but still endgame during that time.) When I returned, Rank 9rr had been introduced, and Nirvana gear had a third cast. My friends whom I've helped in the past, came and helped me back then. (Mind you, I've been factionless since day 1, four years ago, and still am to this day. So I didn't have a faction to help an old returning cleric. I had my friends list, and people to give me a hand.) It was help from my friends that helped me to get to where I am. Without disclosing names, so that no one tries to use their kindness, certain people helped me farm my TT 99 mats (You know who you are.) Certain people gave me coin, cannies, and raps to help me G15 it. I still RAN these instances with them. Its because I helped them in the past, that the helped me with my issue. I still ran TT when I could in the hopes of getting mats. I still ran bh's for the hopes of getting good rewards. I still did NW in the hopes of supply tokens...where getting 30 was considered a good night for me. No one is just going to hand over their coin. They have THEIR OWN GOALS. You don't have to have a 100+ sin run you through FC. You can form a squad.
As Kossy pointed out, you really don't even need a charm for FC.
Things you will need as you level:
Gear (Decent gear at the least)
Refines. (Decent refines at the least.)
MP/HP food.
These are all sacrifices that you're going to have to make if you want to make it. I've seen G16 bm's die on rocks in Abba. A TT80 bm will die even quicker.
I wish you well in your goal, but I stand by what I said. You've got to lose to win.
Sidenote: You might want to learn to talk better to OPKossy and the others in this thread who have been giving you useful advice. It may not be what you want to hear, but its useful advise nonetheless. They didn't have to take the time to write all that information down to help you. They did it because they felt that it could help you. Not because they had to.
Also, however that cleric obtained her gear is really of no concern to your own topic. And I don't see how you could know it as a well known fact, when she herself would be the only one posting in this forum that would know. Her cleric is R9rr, and not to be rude, but that's more than you need to know.
Also, leveling in this game is really easy to be honest. Leveling to 5 isn't hard at all. The gold chests that we get. They helped me, so I don't see why they wouldn't help you. The lucidsilver/lucidgold chests? Having a chance at rare items, or even a good chance of xp is useful to your goal. As a level 101-101-101 cleric, I still do it. I don't see why you don't consider them to be useful to you.
Best of luck in obtaining your gear. Its a long haul, and there is no simple cookie cutter answer on how to do it. Others have given you their tactics. I've given you my tactics...despite myself not being that you had more to work with, and I've shown you more options to consider during your travels. Best of luck in your pursuit of it.
"Male Player using female toon. Please don't flirt with me."
Need to see the cleric guide for questions, comments, or concerns? Just copy and paste the link.
(Ignore the quotation marks. URL isn't allowed, so I had to do it that way.)0 -
And I thought I was negative...Leader of Cyanure on Valonsurma and a proud member of Vertu
Demon Strength Barbarian 103/103/101
Demon Pure Mag Cleric 102/102/101 | Demon 4 APS Assassin 102/102/101 | Demon Pure Mag Mystic 102/101/101 | Demon Pure Mag Psychic 100/100/93 | Demon 4 APS-Barbarian 100/100 | HA-venomancer 100 | DPH Assassin 100 | Pure Mag Wizard 100 | Demon Pure Mag Stormbringer 96 | Demon DPS Archer 94 | Sage Vit Barbarian 93 | Demon All-Path Blademaster 93 | Str Seeker 86 | Pure Mag Venomancer 81 | Pure Mag Wizard 81 | Pure Dex Duskblade 470 -
mechabeastmc666 wrote: »At 80, you get 500 crab meat and herb, which will also be gone By lvl 90 if im doing 10 FC's a day to get to lvl 101. But let me guess, Push a button and that solves the lvl up Problem right.
Why 10 FCs a day? Do you not actually enjoy playing the game at all? I don't hyper at all and it doesn't take that long for me to get to 101. Heck, run some Paperclip dailies and multiclient an alt to level 70+ (which, by the way, does not need to be funded... with the low level quests giving nice monetary reward now and so much free gear, I haven't put a cent into my multiple alts) while you do it. You seem horrified by the prospect of spending a small amount of extra time in order to make more money, but I can't understand why. Do you hate playing the game that much? The only thing you want to do at all is be high level and in R9 to what, PvP?
My suggestion? Find another game. You don't seem to like this one and I doubt you will find it entertaining at lvl 101+ in R9 for long either.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Annalyse (veno) - Melosa (cleric) - Glynneth (archer) - Pickerel (sin)
Florafang (wiz) - RubixCube (barb) - Laravell (psy) - Diviah (Mystic)
Torchwood (BM) - Sataea (Seeker) - Wystera (Sin) - Allissere (SB)
Looking for a mature faction on HT? -
In response to those that say it is unlikely to get r9 in less than a year. I did in a little less than 5 months leveling and buying 4 pieces of armor r9 armor, it would be about 6 if I had continued to farm for the weapon and neck. Even though I made this sin a little over 2-3 years ago, the time to level(rough estimate 4 months) and actual time farming(one month) for r9 gear was not long at all.
I have also seen people merchant for 6 months then level and out right buy a pve and r9 set with decent refines. It is not easy, but you have to have the will power and time to do it. You don't need packs and you don't need gold, all you need is some common sense.Marine - Marshall - Raging Tides - Retired
DEMHEALSMAN - Dreamweaver
Yes, because people really need 900+ dex or 1000+ magic just for the lulz0 -
if you do every event, every daily, every weekly, and farm tt and/or lunar daily, you might be able to do it. you'll pay with irl. merchanting can lower the cost of irl signifcantly. but it requires an insight to the market and seed capital. you lack both when you start at zero.
i got my r9 gear without spending a penny, maybe even within a year (there was no r9 when i started). but well-gered friends helped me farm, gave tips and insight, monopolized worldbosses with me for months (they spawned daily back then), and the economy was not hyperinflated as it is now.
nowadays i would say that getting r9 within one year, from scratch and without cashshopping, or sacrificing your entire life, might be almost impossible.
in pvp you will NEVER EVER be able to compete with cash shoppers. you might come close, but no matter how much time falls pray to this e-crack called pwi, you cannot - by design - compete with paying players.
in pve r9recast is insane overkill anyways. tt99 (or now even free EU gear) is more than enough.gear and genies:
pan gu loves cash shoppers as much as he loathes pure farmers. that's why he cursed me with the lowest luck-index possible. my weapon needed 21 recasts for those meh adds, and the r9 ring refine ate over 10k mirages before i capitulated and orbed it from 0 to +11. you won this time pan gu! b:sad0 -
Jarkhen - Archosaur wrote: »I'm surprised any of you are still bothering with this guy.
It's absurd to me that someone would post a topic asking for help and then proceed to (attempt to) shoot down every single suggestion with asinine, unfounded reasons why they wouldn't work (protip: most of them will).
-snipped to reduce quote-size-
If you're incapable of doing those five things, or figuring out how to do those five things -- then I almost feel sorry for you. Almost, because the way you've treated everyone who tried to help you in this thread is pathetic.
I felt the same way when I first saw this thread but I thought it was just one page-thread, then I looked and couldn't believe it reached 3+ pages on the very same day.
Why do people still bother trying to help OP who clearly isn't interested in, seemingly, any response at all?
Every page is a repetition of:
- OP asked question
- Players respond with realistic and do-able options with constructive reasons as to why;
- OP bashes on everything to create an non-existing loophole;
- People wall-quote OP and explain realisticly how it is possible;
- OP bashes more including insulting at some point (saying "no offense" is not a free-pass card for still offending people. If you have to say "no offense" before something, simply don't say what you're about to say)
This thread gives me a headache, and not even bothering to read the wallsized speeches prepared on some of these pages, so:
Yes it's easily possible to farm/work enough to achieve full R9 within 1 year. Plenty of ways are possible and more than plenty have been discussed.
0 -
i farmed my archers R93 .. farm coin for first cast .. Warsong, Lunar and NW for 2nd n 3rd cast .. in about -6-9 months .. it CAN be done in total RL money .. spent $35 to finish off my rep .. rest was Farmed
as far as how i earned coin .. TT mats Sold ALL my fashion, Extra mounts n flyers, farmed made n sold raps cannies n SoW from NW tokens .. only allowed myself 2-300k per day spending money .. Auto Culi-ed my *** Off .. ect ect
It Absolutly Can BE Done! dayzy iis proof .. the hardest part for me was getting it all refind up.. ive Never Been So BROKE lmao0 -
All you dudes and dudettes so slow in getting r9. It took me 20 seconds, would have been less if there was no lag on my internet b:angry. Now i just need to rob a bank to pay off the credit card company and +12 josd the set, easy peasy stuff.
To OP and negative posters: If you are going to spend that much time, effort, negativity in getting your r9, you better make sure you computer/laptop, net connection can handle the game. No point strolling around r9 +12 josd, with lag of 30k each time you play. Might have been better to use that effort to get better net connection.
Once the hardware, bills are all taken care of, now you can start thinking about playing a game, otherwise stay away from games.
Once you start playing games, learn the mechanics of the game if you want to progress further. If you don't, don't learn the mechanics, simple as that.
Refusal to learn the mechanics = hindrance in progression.
The ball is in the negative court b:victory.
This seems like another thread of similar nature, where the person refused to believe r9 was possible. They kept on confusing r9, with r9 3rd cast and r9 3rd cast +12 josd. The costs for those 3 sets are different.0 -
You have a life outside of this game (real life full time job).
You play the game as entratainment and do not treat it as a full time job.
Your real life time is more valuble to you.
Your answer is NO.
The game is designed by a company to make money not to give money away.
Think of it as going out for entertainment. You don't earn money by going to the movies. The same principal applys here the only difference is you are in the confort of your home.0 -
Actually pw gives away plenty of profit to you cry babies.If you can figure it out then uninstall.
But yeah farming r9 in under a year can be done and i can say that without working my *** off like others describe.I myself really dont have no need to spend coin that much so i tend to pile coin mainly from bh and selling random **** and having major assets to sell for just incase i need massive coin.0 -
I just skimmed a bit all the replies and see yes or no discussion.
Once you are experienced in the game and have a strong toon capable of farming. You can farm/merch R9 for a whole army of toons. You could probably outfit a toon every 2 months. (Every single month in theory, but in practice.. nah. You dont want PWI to be an 80 hours a week job where youre constantly so busy that you have to tell people to stop PMing you or you cant make your target)
If you have to start out on the game however and you start from scratch. It takes a long time to get to know the game and obtain a toon even capable of farming anything. In the beginning it is hard to even get your TT99 gear. Heck, it can be hard to get the coins to buy your skills while you are on your path to level 100. Then when you are level 100, you'll have to get a few mil per day from cube/jolly/BH to gear up your farming toon. After getting 100 - 200m into it, you can start selling FC rooms for 2-3m per hour or so. When you got 500m into it, you can start farming TT2-3. Now it starts to progress better, youll easilly get 5m per hour or more.
Then you start building up basic merchanting budget. You could also do that before the farming toon, depending on your gaming preferences, but it sucks to have no toon to play with. Of course youll always make a bit of a compromise. Even before you are level 100, it is a good idea to start doing micro scale merching even if its just to get familiar with it.
A basic merching budget would be 100-200m or so. This allows you to play around in the token market or to buy boutique items and sell them imeadiately. Everything at a micro profit and large tunover. You want to turn over your whole 100-200m budget every day if you can for 5% profit. (type IV merching)
Then you get to choose, you can make a large merchanting budget or a better farmer. Large budget merching means investing for longer term profits. (Type V - VI merching) You can expect like 20% per month on your money or so. If you put another bil in your farming toon, it will make 10m per hour instead of 5. So if you farm more 40 hours a month, that might be more profitable. Depending on what your goals are. My main is a good farmer, so the invested money was never wasted. If however you have a farming sin but you are working to R9 your mystic, then its probably better to make a big merching budget instead.
Now with the combined income from merching and farming, things really get rolling and you can start to save money. (dont spend it, merchant it to make it grow exponentially) When you reach 3bil, you can spend it all on bare R9, or you could wait to make it 5bil, then spend 3 on R9 and keep merching with the other 2.
I myself did it in 2 years. I spend a lot of time on the early phase though, made 3 different toons before i decided what toon would become level 100. When i was level 100 and G16, i made a new one because it was sage and i wanted demon. I also was stuck for a long time type IV merching because i kept spending the surplus instead of going to Type V - VI. So it could have been much faster. If i started on a new server now, i could do it in a year with ease, half a year maybe if i'd challenge myself to it. On the other hand, i am pretty much a no-life gamer though who puts all his time in PWI. So it could also be a lot slower if you want to enjoy real life too. Then again, while i am online ilke 80 hours a week, i am not very productive those hours. I can do 5 hours or TT in a day when it is 2x sure, but only 2-3 days at best and only if 2x is like once a month at most. I am however constantly aware of how lucrative everything is and avoid the worst ones. So i spent lots of time in FW which was fun and still makes about 3m per hour or so.
google warrenwolfy to see what Type IV, V and V1 merching means. You will learn a lot there if you are serious about getting free to play R9. I advise against it though. When you did it, the game becomes more boring then ever before and you will feel like you wasted 2 years of your lifeEverything i write is from PvE perspective unless mentioned otherwise.0 -
WannaBM - Archosaur wrote: »I advise against it though. When you did it, the game becomes more boring then ever before and you will feel like you wasted 2 years of your life
So true b:surrender.0 -
to OP
cant it be done? Yes
more pertinent question is can you do it? you're post suggests if you even took time to stop crying on forums you'd fail0 -
Why do people still bother trying to help OP who clearly isn't interested in, seemingly, any response at all?
Every page is a repetition of:
- OP asked question
- Players respond with realistic and do-able options with constructive reasons as to why;
- OP bashes on everything to create an non-existing loophole;
- People wall-quote OP and explain realisticly how it is possible;
- OP bashes more including insulting at some point (saying "no offense" is not a free-pass card for still offending people. If you have to say "no offense" before something, simply don't say what you're about to say)
This thread gives me a headache, and not even bothering to read the wallsized speeches prepared on some of these pages, so:
Yes it's easily possible to farm/work enough to achieve full R9 within 1 year. Plenty of ways are possible and more than plenty have been discussed.
You read my mind completely! I don't have R9 yet But even I could see the value of the information given and plan to put it to use. The OP apparently just wanted some place to moan and cry in a toddler style tantrum b:chuckle0 -
I will give you the best possible "Easiest" answer"
We also play on same server.
I will tell you the story of my friend she started pwi in February because I invite her to the game.
She has never played a MMO on her life.
She currently makes 100+ million a month just 4 months from playing the game
All I did was send her this link and tell her to level 5 characters to level 71.
Level 71-80 - Reward 158,000 coins and 7 Bounty Order upon taking quest, 88,000 coins each Bounty Order completed
88,000 x 7 = 616000
158,000 + 616000 = 704,000
704,000 x 5 accounts = 3,520,000
All months have 28 days
3,520,000 x 28 = 98,560,000
98,560,000 x 12 = 1,182,720,000
That is a billion a year.
No merchanting, no farming just doing same quest so easy a person who never touched a MMO in her their can do it.
There is no other easier way in PWI to make money for a new players especially someone who never touched a MMO before.
Want to be more ambitious?
704,000 x 10 accounts = 7,040,000
7,040,000 x 28 = 197,120,000
197,120,000 x 12 = 2,365,440,000
There you got almost R9 in a single year no money spend.
BTW I never FC her characters she level up them doing BH daily and doing quests.
It takes like 2 weeks to reach level 71 if you do your daily quests and BH for casual player. Just remember to Stack them to get the exp of 3 BH in a single day.(It can take less than a week with FC)
If you can't do that then quit the game seriously.b:bye
If a girl that has no MMO experience or video games experience can do it why you can not?
If killing the magical cobras too hard for you just trash the quest and you will get the easy ones that is go to the crater flying or dig the machine next to the Jones npc.Do you want PWI to fix the economy before is to late?
please support Perfect World International Forum > Suggestion Box
> Limit Auto Cultivation to 1 hour just like Hyper stones0 -
jwillson123 wrote: »If a girl that has no MMO experience or video games experience can do it why you can not?
Because that would require clicking a mouse button. People who complain took an arrow in each finger, so they can't click or use keyboard.0 -
I guess the OP really wanted to read someone say "yes it is, if you charge zen". To which case, yes it is, and depending on how much you make, can be done in under a month, because zen daily limit/card limit and stuff.
While I made the 1500(this doesn't include refining and sharding) I spent on R9 back years ago, I don't recommend going this route. Farm it, you wont regret it and the power the gear gives you is time well invested.0 -
Whether you think you can or you can't, you're right. Nothing has ever been accomplished by giving up before you've even tried.0
Problems that Alot of people Conveniently Leave out
If your going to Skim though it, Dont read it at all.
Also, Doing all of them together still wont earn you the R9 gear in under a year.
Merchanting: There is No guaranteed Buyer for any items you may Buy, Other then the NPC. This is Not a way to earn R9 in under a year unless you Deal in Emperor tomes.
Farming FC: unless you have a already 100+ Sin with 100+ Gear, or another super-geared class, This cant be done to the extent of farming money for RAnk 9.
Bounty hunter: People love to say you can make 5m a day from BH, But it's not the truth. The Head Hunter is NOT guaranteed to give you 5m Every day, or 2m. This is Not a way to farm coins from R9.
FSP: unless you already have a 100+ Character and then Lvl'ed him up to 100 Again, with i guess "White NPC Gears, because you never spent any money on Gear because your saving up for R9" Then this is not a way to earn money. People Leave out the Lvl'ing factor way to often, as if it's not a factor at all. Like lvl 100s Rb's comes with the account.
Nation war: This is a way to earn money. Around 5m every week. If im in the winning nation than More.i would go so far as to say this is a Guaranteed way to make money. Not R9 money, But money none the less.
Farm TT: Same as FC.
Jolly Old Jones: Dont make me laugh, nearly 200-300k a day if you do it on One character, toss a coin inside of the Ocean, And whatever i make from JOJ is being tossed inside of the Vast R9 ocean, It's not noticeable. However It's guaranteed. i dont want to give a Time-frame on when you'll be able to get the R9 gear if this was your only method. Or even if it was Part of it.
Added Notes:
Leveling: At least Read this. Lvl 1 from scratch. New server, You dont plan on spending any coins. Leveling Is Not Easy. No Hypers, Nothing But Quest to lvl up from 1-30. This will not take a few hours like some people would Lie to you, and have you believe. 1-30, Your biggest friend is the lucid agent, This is NOT guaranteed, But if you are lucky enough to get fantasy fruit at lvl 5, you can get to lvl 11 if you eat all 5, Very easily. Not in 5 minutes if you calculate the time it took you to even Run to the city. But still quickly None the less. You are NOT, i repeat NOT promised to receive the fantasy fruit. But if you do, It'll make things alot easier. 1-30 Will take you at least 2 or 3 days. Why is this important? Because the time frame is a year. Therefore any time consumed is calculated inside of the Year as well, which some people just seem to leave out. 30-101, No Hyper "Because you cant afford them saving up for R9" doing only BH quest and Normal quest, 5-6 Months. It's not magical.
In the end, Im not convinced it can be done in under a year. Once you calculate the human biology in as well, such as" who would sit here for one whole year in a game receiving beatings from Mobs/players alike just to have a bunch of "MAYBE" work methods to obtain R9 gear" If you have a stone-will, and those thoughts never cross your mind, then You still Wont get the gear. It's to many variables that goes into it. Anyone that tells you otherwise Bought their gear, even if they tell you they farmed it though "another mythical method that they wont reveal".
Tittle" Is there any way to earn R9 gear in under a Year"
Not the tittle " Is there any possible ways that you can maybe earn R9 in under a year"0 -
mechabeastmc666 wrote: »Problems that Alot of people Conveniently Leave out
Jolly Old Jones: Dont make me laugh, nearly 200-300k a day if you do it on One character, toss a coin inside of the Ocean, And whatever i make from JOJ is being tossed inside of the Vast R9 ocean, It's not noticeable. However It's guaranteed. i dont want to give a Time-frame on when you'll be able to get the R9 gear if this was your only method. Or even if it was Part of it.
Level 71-80 - Reward 158,000 coins just talking with npc and 7 Bounty Order upon taking quest, 88,000 coins each Bounty Order completed
You get 158,000 coins and if you do the 7 bounty orders each pays 88,000 coins.
88,000 coins x 7 = 616000
158,000 + 616000 = 774,000 coins per day.
People can make 5 million a day in BH but those people have over 10 level 100+ characters in the game.
They do BH 10+ times a day. They usually players who have play perfect world for 5+ years.Do you want PWI to fix the economy before is to late?
please support Perfect World International Forum > Suggestion Box
> Limit Auto Cultivation to 1 hour just like Hyper stones0 -
mechabeastmc666 wrote: »Problems that Alot of people Conveniently Leave out
If your going to Skim though it, Dont read it at all.
Also, Doing all of them together still wont earn you the R9 gear in under a year.
Merchanting: There is No guaranteed Buyer for any items you may Buy, Other then the NPC. This is Not a way to earn R9 in under a year unless you Deal in Emperor tomes.
False. There isn't a guaranteed immediate buyer, but you don't need an immediate buyer to be able to sell something at a profit. Just because you want it NAO, doesn't mean merchanting isn't a feasible option. Plenty of people earn a lot of money merchanting.Farming FC: unless you have a already 100+ Sin with 100+ Gear, or another super-geared class, This cant be done to the extent of farming money for RAnk 9.
Meh, it's totally unnecessary for getting r9 to be able to do this anyway. At any rate, if this is the avenue you want to go, you can do it in a mix of tt99 and g15. Which you can achieve in much less than a year. The coin you start generating once you hit 100 should make up for lost time.Bounty hunter: People love to say you can make 5m a day from BH, But it's not the truth. The Head Hunter is NOT guaranteed to give you 5m Every day, or 2m. This is Not a way to farm coins from R9.
While it true you won't make good money everyday, once you average out your monthly income you can expect on average about 650k per day on just BH. BH is a good way to earn some extra money and every bit helps.FSP: unless you already have a 100+ Character and then Lvl'ed him up to 100 Again, with i guess "White NPC Gears, because you never spent any money on Gear because your saving up for R9" Then this is not a way to earn money. People Leave out the Lvl'ing factor way to often, as if it's not a factor at all. Like lvl 100s Rb's comes with the account.
You can get 95+ morai gear for free, by doing BH you should eventually end up in g13 morai gear (similar to rank 8 in terms of PVE strength) for free as well. This is more than enough to do many BH type things on an alt, although you should be taking time to get some farming gear if you plan to supplement your income with farming. Which is the main reason people don't go this route, since by even doing auto culti you should have the money for g15 or better gear pretty quickly. But this gear is more than enough to get your auto-cultivation income coming in. And to be doing instance type things with others in the meantime.Nation war: This is a way to earn money. Around 5m every week. If im in the winning nation than More.i would go so far as to say this is a Guaranteed way to make money. Not R9 money, But money none the less.
Yes r9 money as well. Once you get some base level of gear for which to farm, all money becomes r9 money and it all helps assuming you have the time. Unless you choose to spend it on something like packs or fashion.Farm TT: Same as FC.
[B]Jolly Old Jones[/B]: Dont make me laugh, nearly 200-300k a day if you do it on One character, toss a coin inside of the Ocean, And whatever i make from JOJ is being tossed inside of the Vast R9 ocean, It's not noticeable. However It's guaranteed. i dont want to give a Time-frame on when you'll be able to get the R9 gear if this was your only method. Or even if it was Part of it.
It's like 158k for picking up the quest. 88k for each order. That's 774k per character. Multiply that x2 (the number of accounts a new person is allowed to have.) That's 1548000 per day. Or 565,020,000 in a year. Add that to say 5 mil a day from auto-culti, which would be 1,825,000,000 from a year of auto-cultivation. That's 2,390,020,000 in a year. Just from doing auto-cultivation and JJ for a year. That's quite a lot of money. You're probably looking at a couple months over a year if we assume a year of auto-cultivation. Let's say you can get to level 71 in 2 weeks. And to level 100 in 3 months. 3 months, assuming 30 day months, is 90 days. That's 275 days of auto-cultivation, so in a year's time you'd have made 1,375,000,000 actually. And there 14 days in 2 weeks. That's 351 days of jj or 543,348,000. That's still 1,918,348,000 in a single year doing only auto-culti and JJ. You're telling me that isn't a damn good dent in the amount of money it would take to make rank 9? Ignore JJ if you want to ignore JJ but that's quite a lot of money you're brushing off for no real reason.Added Notes:
Leveling: At least Read this. Lvl 1 from scratch. New server, You dont plan on spending any coins. Leveling Is Not Easy. No Hypers, Nothing But Quest to lvl up from 1-30. This will not take a few hours like some people would Lie to you, and have you believe. 1-30, Your biggest friend is the lucid agent, This is NOT guaranteed, But if you are lucky enough to get fantasy fruit at lvl 5, you can get to lvl 11 if you eat all 5, Very easily. Not in 5 minutes if you calculate the time it took you to even Run to the city. But still quickly None the less. You are NOT, i repeat NOT promised to receive the fantasy fruit. But if you do, It'll make things alot easier. 1-30 Will take you at least 2 or 3 days. Why is this important? Because the time frame is a year. Therefore any time consumed is calculated inside of the Year as well, which some people just seem to leave out. 30-101, No Hyper "Because you cant afford them saving up for R9" doing only BH quest and Normal quest, 5-6 Months. It's not magical.
1-30 quests are very quick, come with free gear, and if you do the quests come with guaranteed levelling aid from the perfect quest master After 30+, there are more things you can do to level. Why would you only do normal quests and BH. You can do things to speed it up such as PV, realm of reflection, Guild Base Quests, world quests, and botting. The botting might not net you that many coins but it can net you materials to sell off to pay for repairs. You'll probably just break even but at least you leveled faster. These are all things you can do for free, without the need for hypers. Even without hypers that's still a lot of exp you're throwing away each day if you don't do it. If you purposefully gimp yourself by not doing what you can to level, then yes it will take longer. But that's an asinine reason to use that time frame.In the end, Im not convinced it can be done in under a year. Once you calculate the human biology in as well, such as" who would sit here for one whole year in a game receiving beatings from Mobs/players alike just to have a bunch of "MAYBE" work methods to obtain R9 gear" If you have a stone-will, and those thoughts never cross your mind, then You still Wont get the gear. It's to many variables that goes into it. Anyone that tells you otherwise Bought their gear, even if they tell you they farmed it though "another mythical method that they wont reveal".
Tittle" Is there any way to earn R9 gear in under a Year"
Not the tittle " Is there any possible ways that you can maybe earn R9 in under a year"
Having this attitude causes you to fail before you even begin. That's the real reason you don't have r9. You aren't even trying. I'm woman enough to admit that the reason I don't have r9 gear is because I didn't try to get it because I don't care about it. At all. I didn't bother to save up for it, and spent money on things I would enjoy instead like fashion. I even rerolled servers when I had run out of stuff to do besides get r9, rather than actually start saving up for it. I have been totally uninterested in it, and it's my mindset that has caused me to not have it. I'm not gonna sit here and pretend that it's anyone's fault but my own that my gear is only average. You seem to want to justify your own failure to get it by whining about how it's not worth trying because success isn't guaranteed. Tough. Success isn't guaranteed to anyone but if you don't even try, failure is guaranteed.0 -
OP: I see you clearly neglected to read my post.
I'm not the one to typically do've asked for help, and people gave you their opinions and methods. All you did was spit it right back out in their face.
Fact is, with that mindset, specifically....cannot do it.
Its not going to be easy for anyone to do it. No one is saying that you'll have guaranteed buyer[ either. You want to advance...then fact'll have to work on it."Male Player using female toon. Please don't flirt with me."
Need to see the cleric guide for questions, comments, or concerns? Just copy and paste the link.
(Ignore the quotation marks. URL isn't allowed, so I had to do it that way.)0 -
Can't never could.0
oVenusArmanio wrote: »
False. There isn't a guaranteed immediate buyer, but you don't need an immediate buyer to be able to sell something at a profit. Just because you want it NAO, doesn't mean merchanting isn't a feasible option. Plenty of people earn a lot of money merchanting.
Meh, it's totally unnecessary for getting r9 to be able to do this anyway. At any rate, if this is the avenue you want to go, you can do it in a mix of tt99 and g15. Which you can achieve in much less than a year. The coin you start generating once you hit 100 should make up for lost time.
While it true you won't make good money everyday, once you average out your monthly income you can expect on average about 650k per day on just BH. BH is a good way to earn some extra money and every bit helps.
You can get 95+ morai gear for free, by doing BH you should eventually end up in g13 morai gear (similar to rank 8 in terms of PVE strength) for free as well. This is more than enough to do many BH type things on an alt, although you should be taking time to get some farming gear if you plan to supplement your income with farming. Which is the main reason people don't go this route, since by even doing auto culti you should have the money for g15 or better gear pretty quickly. But this gear is more than enough to get your auto-cultivation income coming in. And to be doing instance type things with others in the meantime.
Yes r9 money as well. Once you get some base level of gear for which to farm, all money becomes r9 money and it all helps assuming you have the time. Unless you choose to spend it on something like packs or fashion.
You will need quite a decent investment to make this worth doing, I'll admit. But again, once you past the original investment you can make for the lost time by farming your butt off.
It's like 158k for picking up the quest. 88k for each order. That's 774k per character. Multiply that x2 (the number of accounts a new person is allowed to have.) That's 1548000 per day. Or 565,020,000 in a year. Add that to say 5 mil a day from auto-culti, which would be 1,825,000,000 from a year of auto-cultivation. That's 2,390,020,000 in a year. Just from doing auto-cultivation and JJ for a year. That's quite a lot of money. You're probably looking at a couple months over a year if we assume a year of auto-cultivation. Let's say you can get to level 71 in 2 weeks. And to level 100 in 3 months. 3 months, assuming 30 day months, is 90 days. That's 275 days of auto-cultivation, so in a year's time you'd have made 1,375,000,000 actually. And there 14 days in 2 weeks. That's 351 days of jj or 543,348,000. That's still 1,918,348,000 in a single year doing only auto-culti and JJ. You're telling me that isn't a damn good dent in the amount of money it would take to make rank 9? Ignore JJ if you want to ignore JJ but that's quite a lot of money you're brushing off for no real reason.
1-30 quests are very quick, come with free gear, and if you do the quests come with guaranteed levelling aid from the perfect quest master After 30+, there are more things you can do to level. Why would you only do normal quests and BH. You can do things to speed it up such as PV, realm of reflection, Guild Base Quests, world quests, and botting. The botting might not net you that many coins but it can net you materials to sell off to pay for repairs. You'll probably just break even but at least you leveled faster. These are all things you can do for free, without the need for hypers. Even without hypers that's still a lot of exp you're throwing away each day if you don't do it. If you purposefully gimp yourself by not doing what you can to level, then yes it will take longer. But that's an asinine reason to use that time frame.
Having this attitude causes you to fail before you even begin. That's the real reason you don't have r9. You aren't even trying. I'm woman enough to admit that the reason I don't have r9 gear is because I didn't try to get it because I don't care about it. At all. I didn't bother to save up for it, and spent money on things I would enjoy instead like fashion. I even rerolled servers when I had run out of stuff to do besides get r9, rather than actually start saving up for it. I have been totally uninterested in it, and it's my mindset that has caused me to not have it. I'm not gonna sit here and pretend that it's anyone's fault but my own that my gear is only average. You seem to want to justify your own failure to get it by whining about how it's not worth trying because success isn't guaranteed. Tough. Success isn't guaranteed to anyone but if you don't even try, failure is guaranteed.
Aside from that, the points above, I learned my lesson on the other forum about Disagreeing with you specifically. It's useless as long as you have moderator rights. Not implying anything ofc.
But in short, out of all of the post, i haven't seen one Guaranteed way to get R9 gear in under a year. alot of Maybe's. If it came down to it, I'd live longer in life than most of you would. I dont have the mindset of "Put your mind to it with a happy attitude and you can do it!" i know it's some things in Life you just cant do no matter the mindset you have, This gear without Paying for it or having a headstart (aka 100 SIN with 100 gear) in under a year is one of them. Unless pwi takes the price down it wont change. Problems and variables do exist people. lol0
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