Limit Auto Cultivation to 1 hour just like Hyper stones



  • Posts: 712 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Is better that few people use lillegal bots than having half the server using bots.

    Are you happy with gold reaching 4 million???
    with rate things are going this going to happen in less than 10 months.

    Are you happy with items been double priced??

    Most people auto culti to compete quest is fine but abusing it to make coins is getting ridiculous and out of hand.

    not only should they remove auto culti or limit it.
    They should put all DQ items valued at 1 coins like low level DQ items.

    auto culti should be something to help with quests not something to abuse and mess up the economy.

    So your logic is remove the legal botting but never mind the illegal 3rd party bots? That logic is extremely flawed. So those that use a program outside of what we are allowed, they can continue to bot 24/7? The area I use auto cultivation legally there are 3 or 4 other bots I guarantee are using 3rd party programs. I'm the only one in the area that uses the legal system.

    While I agree to some extent that auto cultivation wasn't the brightest addition to our game, the gold prices as stated by a few already is based on what's on sale. MoGs, rep, chip sales always increase the gold cost for those dependent on in game coin and not a credit card. It's also dependent on the amount of people that have the ability to purchase Zen. Fewer Zen buyers, less gold available. Less gold available, the more gold costs. This game may be free to play but unless you have an exorbitant amount of time to sink in it farming, the only way to remain competitive is by a cash sink.
    Malice Leader - Raging Tides

  • Posts: 1,225 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    While I respect your opinion on this, and desire to see the game change for the better, your poll is flawed, and so are your options.

    For the poll, you don't have any options for people that may disagree, or are neutral, so it's biased to begin with.

    As far as making it a CS only item, this would only further increase the difference between a CS player and a F2P player. The bots that give me the most trouble are the R9 +12 archers, not the +5 wizzie or the +6 veno.

    The limitation on it isn't a terribly bad idea, but what about the players whose bot froze, ran into a tree, got stuck in an alcove of rocks, lagged and froze, or whose bot got lured away...or whose bot had a boss pulled to them?...and who do not bot often to begin with?

    Does botting affect the economy? Yes, but even still, there are some other things that PWI needs to adjust first, even before botting. As another player posted in another's convenient how the botting feature was enabled not long after the DQ page was disabled... PWI is using this to its advantage...and upon writing this...I think that I realize their strategy even more.......*ponders.*
    "Male Player using female toon. Please don't flirt with me."

    Need to see the cleric guide for questions, comments, or concerns? Just copy and paste the link.

    (Ignore the quotation marks. URL isn't allowed, so I had to do it that way.)
  • Posts: 44
    edited June 2014
    It is your responsibility to choose a good place where bot would not get stuck. Also you should do repairs and do proper preparations.
    Just like hypers the counter will not be on when you dc.

    Your plenty of coins are going to become worthless if this continues in the next 10 months.
    People who used 3rd party bots were a minority they never messed up the economy as free for all botting.
    Also they were at risk of getting banned now they have no risk since people do not know the difference.

    Not a villian? Read this example then

    Auto Botting destroy the economy.
    In my server before auto cutli was introduced gold was at 2.3m max
    now gold is at 3.3 to 3.5 million. My server even beat morai prices which was the most expensive server.

    People are abusing auto culti.
    If a player use auto culti on 3 accounts they can make 30 million.
    In a month that is like 900 million injected into the economy by a single player.

    Now lets put an example. 100 players does this on a server that equals to
    90,000,000,000 billion injected into the economy montly.

    In a 10 month period that = to 900,000,000,000 billion.

    This actually a small estimate since there are people using over 10 accounts in auto culti.
    Also 1/3 the server population is leaving their character on auto culti every day.

    People do not seen to realize how dangerous this is.

    Now Half the server does auto culti.
    In my faction half the people say before they go to sleep. "I am going to sleep now! and leave auto culti on all night long!
    Coins each day are becoming more and more worthless.

    There are a lot of dumb people now abussing this and because they did nothing they do not care about the true value of coins and they over paid for items.
    That is why GST where at 6 million 2 months ago before and now they are at 9 million.
    Medal of glory where at 25 million and now they are at 40 million each.

    You are one of the few smart people that knows what is going on. Also you did explain it perfectly why auto botting ruins the economy instead of NW. NW just replaced nirvana.

    Yes people gonna have to do some effort into logging into a different account each hour to use alts/quit friends each time an hour passes and that is great!

    Instead now people are using alts/quit friends "At the same time running 5 alts for over 10 hours"

    Some example to make it clear for you.
    5 hour perior:

    Switching alt each hour for 5 hours = Generated 5 million a day

    In an hour running 5 bots with the limitation of 1 hour = 5 million a day

    running 5 alts/quit friends at the same time without limitation! = 25 million a day!

    My idea is an excellent Idea. If you think hard enough you will see why. If not then I can explain to you just ask. The real reason is if they add this premium feature less people will abuse it and people will think twice before leaving auto culti all night long on multiple alts

    10 acounts in auto culti? Who the *** is trolling with you? Wat kinda of supercomputers they have? And if they afford more than 1 computer why the hell they dont use real money to buy gold and make their gear.It will be faster than auto cultivating.
    10 acounts in same time is imposible. I have lag wen i dual client. And as far as I know only 3 acounts in same time is alowed.

    30milions per day on 3 acounts? 900 mil in a month? Again who da *** is troling you?
    The only ones that can make that amount of coins are full R9RR+12 PLAYERS.or Full T3+12. But only a few of them use boting.The majority of players that use auto culti are T1 or T2.
    In 6hours( that the time it takes my weapon to reach 0) i barely make 2milions.
    in 12 hours thats 4milions. in a month thats 112 milions. On 1 acount. Let ssay i use 3 acounts. that will be 336 milions i a month.
    And dont say that ppl are using auto culti 24hours per day, 7 days per weak cause even the greatests computers need to be shut down or else they will become over heated and you ll need to buy a new computer every 3-4 months.
    Plus some ppl are doing dailies and bh first and then botting. Takes between 1-2 hour sper char to do those and that if you are lucky to find ppl for bh fast enough.On 3 acounts it will take between 3 or 6 hours to finish all of them

    My math above was done assuming that only 1 person is botting in a limited zone. Most of players are auto cultivating in zones with 5-10 players arounnd that are using auto culti. And trust me wen there is more than 1 person botting in a zone there are less coins that you get.
    And also is a anoying cause sometime wen the other player has the inventory full and the mob that he killed drops an item, your char will stop in the middle of fighting a mob to go and pick that item. And they cannot pick it immediatly. Is also anoying wen 2-3 ppl attack the same mob and only one gets the drops.

    The GST and Mog are not 9milions and 40milions cause of the auto culti.
    Those are 9 and 40milions wen they are not on sale cause they are very rare items to get. Wen they on sale they are 6-7 milions and 25-30 milions.But most of ppl dont have the patience to wait till sale period.

    The cash shopers have raise the prices on wat they selling casue some of them like you think ppl using auto culti are making insane amount of coins daily. And thy go: ''Wat the ***? if they make 10milions per day they can afford to buy something with 7milions'' Wen normaly that thing is worth 3-4milions( was an exemple. not talking about gst)
  • Posts: 661 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Anyone with 8~16Gb+ system RAM can open 10 accounts at once. But according to game rules you can only have 2 game clients running.

    Also, someone with 10 accounts would have to level 10 characters AND equip them well enough to sustain auto-cultivation. Even like, it would be out of the rules.
    Synthetic Electronic Variant Calibrated for Hazardous Exploration, Nullification and Kamikaze Observation[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
  • Posts: 2,281 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Tbh, talking about fixes to the economy is useless if PWI isn't willing to first acknowledge that the economy is bad.

    If they think things are working as intended, then even if we make a 100,000 posts thread, it would be useless.

    What should be done first is to try to learn if PWI, whoever that may be, agrees with the way things are now.
  • Posts: 2,106 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Tbh, talking about fixes to the economy is useless if PWI isn't willing to first acknowledge that the economy is bad.

    If they think things are working as intended, then even if we make a 100,000 posts thread, it would be useless.

    What should be done first is to try to learn if PWI, whoever that may be, agrees with the way things are now.

    The post by sparkie at the very least implies it, let me see if I can find that thread real quick. (Will edit the link in)

    EDIT: Found it
    Ah, Mistakes are so easily made. ~ laura resnick

    What kind of message are you sending when you insult my intelligence? ~ Me ~ 5/29/2015 (Yes it is possible someone said this before just no idea who/where.)
  • Posts: 1,984 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    My option:

    Create an instance editor for the game so that players can make their own instances.
    Let the instance creator have as many tools available as he can. Allow him to use pvp as well as pve aspects, keep scores, have friendly AI mobs fight at the players side etc etc.

    People will create every type of stuff imaginable. Some will remake DOTA, some will attempt to make rts games, and a few will create truly good instances that will blow PWI's own instances away in awesomeness.

    Let there be a general reward for playing player made instances be something per hour. Not too much, similar to botting. This is just a little incentive to make people play them a bit, and as a side effect it will move the botters from the worldmap into instances where they dont bother anyone.

    That is however of course only a stupid little detail. I want this because this game gets so boring when your gear reaches something near end game. A few NW/TW per week, maybe some pk. And other than that ? boring dailies.....
    Even if these instances dont provide a considerable reward, im sure there will be good and challenging ones that would be played. In fact, the biggest risk of this idea is probably that many people will forget about PWI and just play the player made maps.
    But PWI could select the best of them and make them part of the game by adding usable rewards to them.
    Lots of finetuning needed of course :)
    Everything i write is from PvE perspective unless mentioned otherwise.
  • Posts: 3,162 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Its coming. Someday "soon", they will implement Earning Time everywhere as their final "solution".
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Remember: OP may be a duck|OP/GMs/Devs may not deliver|Search function is your friend|Lurk more|Be wary of Mods: they can't be trusted|This place isn't a hugbox|Your tears sustain me|Know what Bait is|"Soon" may never come|Postcount, Dubs, and other GETs are important|Don't revive long dead threads|There is a section for everything|You can be banned for anything|No Fun Allowed outside of OT|Sweetiebot rules OT|"Circlejerks" are inevitable|Threads can be derailed and saved|Those who use"XD" should off themselves at their earliest convenience|
  • Posts: 1,595 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    This kind of limitation will just be one more advantage for people that own several 100+ toons. The richest ones getting richer. I don't really care, new players would (if there were some).
    ~ Sage Mystic 105-105-105 ~
    ~ Sage Sin 103-103-102 ~
    ~ Sage vita Barb 103-102-101 ~
    ~ Sage BM 102-101 ~ Demon Archer 102 ~
    ~ Sage Cleric 102 ~ Demon Wizard 101 ~
    ~ Sage Seeker 101 ~ Sage Psy 101 ~
    ~ Sage Heavy Veno 101 ~ Demon Storm 9X ~ Dusk 6x ~
    Started playing this game in 2007 on Oracle (PW-MY) : Demon MG 101 - Sage EP 99 - WF 89
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    It's cute that you think it would be a few people. lol

    I rarely saw illegal bots before but now I see them the everywhere.....
    Places where were always empty just go to hell or heaven in the middle of nowhere and you will find 5 people doing auto culti.....
    Many people had made alts to auto culti daily.

    robert205 wrote: »
    When people start out in the primal world, they would need the auto bot to be able to get enough aquametal (I think it is) to get the flyer and/or mounts. Those are @ 4,999 and 9,999. If they only could bot for an hour at a time or it is taken it out, It wouldn't be worth doing the quests in there. In other words, it would be a waste of time. b:thanks

    the flyers there look nice but are worthless they so slow.....
    Mounts too.
    The Mount is slower than my level 80 barb.
    Maybe the bot should be limited to level 100 players.
    Just because they got used to it, doesn't mean they'd break the rules to have it back. Some of them would probably quit. Lots of people wouldn't necessarily trust handing over money to illegal software. And many of them play the game by the rules because thats just how they play games. Those same people often feel cheated because they refuse to break the rules, and want people who do, punished. But there are still tons of players who are sick to death of seeing cheaters prosper, that do not cheat themselves. There would almost certainly be a reduction of the bots in any case. And the less bots, the less coin being generated out of thin air, which combats this rise in inflation.

    People might be rolling around with more coin in their inventory now, but the value of that coin has decreased by a lot. This is why the higher price of gold has not been met with more gold available to buy from the auction house. Nobody wants the coins anymore, it's been devalued at such a rapid pace that you are better off holding onto the gold instead. That's not good for the cash shoppers. That's not good for the free to play players on a large scale. It's not good for PWI. Have you ever heard of the tragedy of the commons? It's what's happening with the bots in an economic sense.

    People in this game have no idea what inflation is....
    You are one of the only few smart people that have posted here that knows what is really going on.
    I am a merchant and I watch the market very closely every single day and the way things are going coins going to become useless.
    Auto culti is destroying the currency. This has never been so bad before.

    You're wrong person.

    Next step is to remove gold cap and watch gold reaching 10m, 20m. That's how PWE wants things to be, high gold prices are exactly what they want.

    As for a paying user, R9 was 1500 USD yesterday, last month, last year, ALWAYS were the same damn price (but now raptures are much cheaper) gold is much higher, 50 USD today = more coins than 6 months ago), TT items, FC runs, Raptures/Uncannies (and other nw items) are all each time cheaper, so, For cashing users things are each time better. (Except the ridiculous 50g ocean orb)

    Not all items that cashers wants are in boutique.
    For example many females in this game cash a lot of money to have the latest fashion.
    they sell gold and buy the packs fashion with coins
    Other items are Vit and JoD for example and rare flyers and months.
    Things really aren't that much better for the cashing user, if it was you'd see an increase in demand of gold. Which would result in an increased supply of gold available in the AH, since more people would be converting their gold to coins. Coins are depreciating in value at such a rapid pace that most people are simply hoarding their gold now instead of selling it. They aren't getting much of a value from the coin. This has been coupled with increased prices on almost all boutique items, such as new packs costing 100 gold. Or dragon orbs costing 50g. Or the new fashion being 10 gold in the AH. Why? Because the botting discourages cashing. Why would you cash if you don't like farming/grinding, when you can simply leave you bot on all night and accomplish the same results? Since people aren't cashing as much, PWE's response as been to raise prices. Why? Because people are still spending gold, that gold is coming from coins though. Look at all the spend rewards we have been having. PWE wants people to spend that gold, obviously. A lot of their strategies have been geared toward getting people to spend gold, lately. Look at the gold raffles, the increased prices on everything, the greater frequency in charge rewards and spend rewards. It's like every week now.

    Exactly I know cashiers in my faction they got archers with +12 bows and they use auto culti every night before going to sleep.... So now they got no need to sell gold to get coins since they get coins for free...
    Nope, people cash 1000 USD, use them all directly on gshop, consume for their own purpose bam. Gold never enters game economy.

    That's how things have been.

    That's why coins are worth nothing, because, there are nothing to be bought with coins, only with gold and no one buys zhen to trade for COINS which serve for absolutely nothing. In the end, we have lots of poor people begging for 1g or 2 to make their "Free to play Rank 9", that! is the point where economy turns into this ****ball.

    People buy coins to buy things in game like emperor tomes/DoT/JoD/ Cube necklace/SoW/vit stones/ G16 gear for their alts
    The problem is people do not need to buy gold anymore from auto culti they just leave their OP r9r3+12 archer while they sleep...
    Also half the server is getting coins from out of nowhere no effort at all.

    I for one believe they dont really care what the gold prices are as LONG as it sells BUCKETS loads of it.

    If gold was selling for lets say 5m a piece, and they sell 5000 gold per week, I am sure they would be happy with that. However if gold was 20m a piece, and they were only selling 1000 gold per week, they would be extremely displeased with that. Though for that scenario to happen demand of gold would have to be lower than it was at the 5m price tag.


    As for the original topic, I have to agree with what venus has been saying the bot is indeed adding coins into the game with quite a bit of ease, albeit the only class that can generally get away with not using any hp/mp food (depending on mobs attacked) are sins, and maybe archers (not 100% on archers)... though aye barbs and bms are capable of doing it to depending on the mobs attacked. Barbs and bm are definitely more capable of killing mobs that are actually going to get them a little bit of money without using cash shop items, than casters are.. though aye even casters could actually resort to the >highly unfeasible< action of attacking mobs that deal dildy squat to them and just whack the mobs to death with a pataka... rawr!

    If pwi could keep the demand for gold high, while keeping the supply high, or in other words find a healthy balance to it all we probably wouldn't be seeing the price hikes that we have been seeing.

    The problem is half the server are adding coins into the economy not just a few.
    most of the use 2 characters same time while others use more than 5+ same time.
    A R9r3 +12 archer can one shot mobs lol so they the best one for botting right now.
    you made me laught XD haahahahah with "just whack the mobs to death with a pataka... rawr!
    The way to put these things in a fine line is add Medals of Glory, General Summer's Token, Dragon orbs 5~10* and HP charms to be also attainable from COINS within the game. This will make people more interested into selling their gold for coins, will decrease the demand on poor people gold and might get gold prices easily better.

    But wait, thats not what PWRD/PWE wants for the game, they want this black aura around poor people saying: Spend money, spend money!

    This will never change.

    Another way is put all DQ items worth to 1 coins like lower level DQs and reopen a new DQ system so if players want to make money of DQ they can just trade them and get coins from the current market and not injecting new coins into the economy.
    Do you want PWI to fix the economy before is to late?
    please support Perfect World International Forum > Suggestion Box
    > Limit Auto Cultivation to 1 hour just like Hyper stones
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I rarely saw illegal bots before but now I see them the everywhere.....
    Places where were always empty just go to hell or heaven in the middle of nowhere and you will find 5 people doing auto culti.....
    Many people had made alts to auto culti daily.

    the flyers there look nice but are worthless they so slow.....
    Mounts too.
    The Mount is slower than my level 80 barb.
    Maybe the bot should be limited to level 100 players.

    People in this game have no idea what inflation is....
    You are one of the only few smart people that have posted here that knows what is really going on.
    I am a merchant and I watch the market very closely every single day and the way things are going coins going to become useless.
    Auto culti is destroying the currency. This has never been so bad before.

    Not all items that cashers wants are in boutique.
    For example many females in this game cash a lot of money to have the latest fashion.
    they sell gold and buy the packs fashion with coins
    Other items are Vit and JoD for example and rare flyers and months.

    Exactly I know cashiers in my faction they got archers with +12 bows and they use auto culti every night before going to sleep.... So now they got no need to sell gold to get coins since they get coins for free...

    People buy coins to buy things in game like emperor tomes/DoT/JoD/ Cube necklace/SoW/vit stones/ G16 gear for their alts
    The problem is people do not need to buy gold anymore from auto culti they just leave their OP r9r3+12 archer while they sleep...
    Also half the server is getting coins from out of nowhere no effort at all.

    The problem is half the server are adding coins into the economy not just a few.
    most of the use 2 characters same time while others use more than 5+ same time.
    A R9r3 +12 archer can one shot mobs lol so they the best one for botting right now.
    you made me laught XD haahahahah with "just whack the mobs to death with a pataka... rawr!


    Another way is put all DQ items worth to 1 coins like lower level DQs and reopen a new DQ system so if players want to make money of DQ they can just trade them and get coins from the current market and not injecting new coins into the economy.

    All of you that want the auto cultivation be limited, removed and so on maybe you can tell me a weak player another way I can make fast money.

    I cant ****** solo TT for mats without burning lots of potions, **** my charm, and thats on TT 1-3. And i ****** need to invite 3 ppl which i have to pay them 100k each to come.Then I have to put mats in AH and wait for them to be sold. Sometimes they sell fast , but most of time i have to wait a weak even i sell them at the lowest price posible.
    I can solo FC but now is useless to sell FC since most of ppl are reborn and can make sqauds for FC. And wen a person sells FC waste like 30 teles to find those 5 ppl in lvl range. I can solo FC but i cant do big pulls and most of the players want the soloer do big pull in the last room.
    +6 ORB AND 2 +4 ORBS.

    I will tell you now.
    To properly sell FC you need to have a list of clients.
    i would watch on WC people that wanted to buy FC rooms.

    Then I would add them as friends and offer them to do 5 to 10 big rooms for them.
    5 big rooms to that person = 7.5m
    10 big rooms = 10.5m
    Its easier to sell again to a person you sold room that to find a new buyer.

    TT you can farm solo mode and get good Green matts check price markets.
    solo mode has lower drop chances but takes way less time to complete.

    Opening TT ask faction members join a good faction with helpful people.
    Or use an alt.
    Even a level 1 alt can be used to open TT so now you only need only 2 people instead of 3.

    Try merchanting the TT items instead of putting them in auctioneer.
    If you put your bot all day and night why not put merchant too?

    Actioner is bad because of the fee.Catshopping better you can get more money and sell item for highest cost.

    Jones can make you 700k per account.
    My friend had 5 accounts and she new to the game and always have coins to buy things she likes even fashion. She makes 3.5m a day that way. Jones also not good for the economy but atleast people have to do effort to do it and actually play. Also a rich cathopper will not even bother doing jones but they will use auto culti since they just need to go to location press F12 and go to sleep and when they wake up they got over 5 million to 10 million coins....

    What you gonna do when gold becomes 5 million coins???
    how you getting r9?
    By auto culti for a whole year??
    Because coins becoming more worthless?

    auto culti is destroying F2p Players ability to get R9. Since now People who invested 1000$+ on their gear can farm harder and faster than you using auto culti and will buy gold with coins instead of buying gold again.

    You can get free 4100 Rep a day.
    Morai = 1600
    FSP = 2500

    in 10 days that = 41,000 rep
    in a month = 114,800

    FSP is great method to make coins too.
    you can get 100 rep pack a day and sell them for 2m+
    They sell really fast and you can get them for free.
    I cant calm down wen they are saying the auto culti ruins the economy wen its actualy the greedy players that ruins the economy. The players that buy something cheap and then sell it 10 times or more its value. For exemple those cat shops that are buying oils for 1k and sell it for 30k.

    So you think greedy players not using auto culti?
    Go to the desert area south of thousand streams and count how many archers you find there.
    Check their gear too. You will see many are R9r3 +10 players...
    Killing faster and earning 10 times more coins than you can especially for archer.Also they can buy more gold than you can and easily outbit you since they can make almost 10 millions a day with they R9r3 character.
    Also I am sure if gold ever reach 10 million they will still be buying what do they care? if they got it while they were sleeping.
    Do you want PWI to fix the economy before is to late?
    please support Perfect World International Forum > Suggestion Box
    > Limit Auto Cultivation to 1 hour just like Hyper stones
  • Posts: 661 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    No this is stupid. Leave auto-cultivation alone.

    - Not everyone can sell FC.
    - Solo TT is ridiculous unworthy (for substance costs).
    - Not everyone has patience to level 5~10+ alts for jolly.
    - Not everyone can have 2 or more bots autocultivating (takes good gear/skills to have sustainable bot)
    - Many people use Auto-recovery stones with their bots.

    Before, I used to do nothing, now I do leave my character botting and making $$$. From 0 to something. Same chances everyone. Gold prices raise since ever, that never changed.
    Synthetic Electronic Variant Calibrated for Hazardous Exploration, Nullification and Kamikaze Observation[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
  • Posts: 4,887 Community Moderator
    edited June 2014
    You know what im gonna suggest that on April the 1st next year they set all gold prices to 500k.

    Your work out the point if you read the first line again.

    On a side note still interested in how this is going...

    One thing I do have to comment on tho is the fact in the poll their is no option - Do not change. - kinda one sided that poll so I wont be able to use it when I call it.

  • Posts: 44
    edited June 2014
    No this is stupid. Leave auto-cultivation alone.

    - Not everyone can sell FC.
    - Solo TT is ridiculous unworthy (for substance costs).
    - Not everyone has patience to level 5~10+ alts for jolly.
    - Not everyone can have 2 or more bots autocultivating (takes good gear/skills to have sustainable bot)
    - Many people use Auto-recovery stones with their bots.

    Before, I used to do nothing, now I do leave my character botting and making $$$. From 0 to something. Same chances everyone. Gold prices raise since ever, that never changed.

    I agree with everything you said.
  • Posts: 169 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I don't agree with this. However, forcing botters to go PK mode would be nice. Annoying botters (archers mostly) makes doing dailies more timeconsuming. Also pisses me off to the max when apparently the bots HAVE to be set on daily mobs (BQ/Morai timed quest mobs) for some reason thats beyond me. If they we're in PK you could just kill them.

    Bot all you want but please take others into consideration.
  • Posts: 44
    edited June 2014
    Another way is put all DQ items worth to 1 coins like lower level DQs and reopen a new DQ system so if players want to make money of DQ they can just trade them and get coins from the current market and not injecting new coins into the economy.

    I will tell you now.
    To properly sell FC you need to have a list of clients.
    i would watch on WC people that wanted to buy FC rooms.

    Then I would add them as friends and offer them to do 5 to 10 big rooms for them.
    5 big rooms to that person = 7.5m
    10 big rooms = 10.5m
    Its easier to sell again to a person you sold room that to find a new buyer.

    TT you can farm solo mode and get good Green matts check price markets.
    solo mode has lower drop chances but takes way less time to complete.

    Opening TT ask faction members join a good faction with helpful people.
    Or use an alt.
    Even a level 1 alt can be used to open TT so now you only need only 2 people instead of 3.

    Try merchanting the TT items instead of putting them in auctioneer.
    If you put your bot all day and night why not put merchant too?

    Actioner is bad because of the fee.Catshopping better you can get more money and sell item for highest cost.

    Jones can make you 700k per account.
    My friend had 5 accounts and she new to the game and always have coins to buy things she likes even fashion. She makes 3.5m a day that way. Jones also not good for the economy but atleast people have to do effort to do it and actually play. Also a rich cathopper will not even bother doing jones but they will use auto culti since they just need to go to location press F12 and go to sleep and when they wake up they got over 5 million to 10 million coins....

    What you gonna do when gold becomes 5 million coins???
    how you getting r9?
    By auto culti for a whole year??
    Because coins becoming more worthless?

    auto culti is destroying F2p Players ability to get R9. Since now People who invested 1000$+ on their gear can farm harder and faster than you using auto culti and will buy gold with coins instead of buying gold again.

    You can get free 4100 Rep a day.
    Morai = 1600
    FSP = 2500

    in 10 days that = 41,000 rep
    in a month = 114,800

    FSP is great method to make coins too.
    you can get 100 rep pack a day and sell them for 2m+
    They sell really fast and you can get them for free.

    So you think greedy players not using auto culti?
    Go to the desert area south of thousand streams and count how many archers you find there.
    Check their gear too. You will see many are R9r3 +10 players...
    Killing faster and earning 10 times more coins than you can especially for archer.Also they can buy more gold than you can and easily outbit you since they can make almost 10 millions a day with they R9r3 character.
    Also I am sure if gold ever reach 10 million they will still be buying what do they care? if they got it while they were sleeping.

    1 The number of ppl that wants to buy Fc per day is less then 3 players.To solo Fc you have to get good gear or else you ll burn a lot of potions, charms and in final you ll get half then you have normaly get with a good gear.Less ppl are buying Fc cause most of them have realised that is better to slow lvl till 80 then go in Fc with 6 ppl squad. The ones that dont have the patience to slow lvl till80 use their mains to solo Fc for their alts.And others are reborn ppl wit T3+10 Or R9rr+10 that can solo Fc at lvl60-70.

    2.TT solo mode is useless and dont worth the time. The drop rate is 0.00000000000000000001% . You spend more money on subs.Asking ppl in faction doesnt work all time. With 20ppl online, half are busy and half of the other half are afk. You are lucky if you find 1-2 player and most of time you ll have to wait a lot of time for them to come.Thats why ppl that can solo TT pay 100k each for 3 players to open TT.

    3 I will rather sell some mats in AH and put the char on botting than set a catshop.The chance to get mats using catshop is 50%. Wen you let char on auto farm you sure that you get money.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I don't agree with this. However, forcing botters to go PK mode would be nice. Annoying botters (archers mostly) makes doing dailies more timeconsuming. Also pisses me off to the max when apparently the bots HAVE to be set on daily mobs (BQ/Morai timed quest mobs) for some reason thats beyond me. If they we're in PK you could just kill them.

    Bot all you want but please take others into consideration.

    I think the reason most of the bots are set on those mobs is that the DQ drop rate with those mobs tends to be the highest. Bad coincidence or something.
  • Posts: 2,281 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I don't agree with this. However, forcing botters to go PK mode would be nice. Annoying botters (archers mostly) makes doing dailies more timeconsuming. Also pisses me off to the max when apparently the bots HAVE to be set on daily mobs (BQ/Morai timed quest mobs) for some reason thats beyond me. If they we're in PK you could just kill them.

    Bot all you want but please take others into consideration.

    That's because those mobs happen to have the some of the best drop rates, and they are in abundant quantity in a small area: perfect spot for botting...

    Someone said that bots should be forced to go in Pk mode, and I think that's a pretty good idea. At least last time I checked on my server, no one bots on those areas, and the few that dare to go against the odds are 90% of the time dead on the botting spot.
  • Posts: 5,369 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I don't get how anyone thinks forcing bots into pk mode is a good idea. You would just have the typical people go through map and get free kills. Might as well remove botting altogether then, ijs.

    Licensed tail brusher of ƙɑƙʊɱɑʊ ~ only the fluffiest
    Outrunning centaurs since 2012~
  • Posts: 661 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I never had problems with bots in daily areas, many times the areas are very wide so I can just go far away from the bots and kill uncovered mobs. OR, if there is really no room, I just need to hit a mob once and take half its HP, even though the bot finishes killing the mob but I still get the count.

    Other simple trick is: Bots will lose time trying to pick items up, meanwhile you're killing the mobs.

    Really, bots are no problem when doing dailies, if someone's outsmarted by a bot they should probably seek medical help.
    Synthetic Electronic Variant Calibrated for Hazardous Exploration, Nullification and Kamikaze Observation[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
  • Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    why to bother to eliminate something nice just so u get rich from us cause ur a cat shoper ...go auto culty like everyone else and stop complaining about this things .we rly dont like u noob catshopers with ur way over price stuff and buying and selling things way more then they worth .
    you noobs are ruining the game and not the auto culty .
    if i where about something i would go about eliminating entirely the cat shops and see you how you will earn your money.PWI SHOULD USE ONLY AH+COMMISION !!! see how u like that !!!
  • Posts: 2,281 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I don't get how anyone thinks forcing bots into pk mode is a good idea. You would just have the typical people go through map and get free kills. Might as well remove botting altogether then, ijs.

    That's only so bots stop botting in daily areas.
  • Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited June 2014

    Not just botting, but sheer human greed-

    My Fixes b:victory

    Limit botting just like hypers and all drops give "event silver" instead of coins

    Gold prices need to be capped!!! (2 mil max)

    Put all shards available at NPC for coins (coin sink) Vit stones 50 mil, DOT/DOD 100 mil, etc.)

    Lower all prices in boutique by 1/3rd (permanently)

    Offer a "premium" option (subscription) - giving discounts on charms, pots, boutique items.

    give us more regular updated content - all levels from newbie to uber pro

    Fix the lag/ DC problems

    Allow people to jump servers for a fee
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    PWI going to hell....

    This my server prices:

    Morai prices:

    Morai is the future of the economy and where we are heading....
    Do you want PWI to fix the economy before is to late?
    please support Perfect World International Forum > Suggestion Box
    > Limit Auto Cultivation to 1 hour just like Hyper stones
  • Posts: 5,369 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    PWI going to hell....

    This my server prices:

    Morai prices:

    Morai is the future of the economy and where we are heading....

    So what's new? We were going there before botting, just at a slower rate...

    Licensed tail brusher of ƙɑƙʊɱɑʊ ~ only the fluffiest
    Outrunning centaurs since 2012~
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    So what's new? We were going there before botting, just at a slower rate...

    Yes and botting has accelerated the rate by over x10 times.

    PVP servers do not have this problem just look at their prices.
    Lost City


    PVE servers prices
    Raging Tides


    Morai prices:

    Santuary your server

    Achosaur which was the cheapest server was beaten by all PVP servers

    Its very obvious that Auto cultivation destroying the economy in pve servers.
    Soon all PVE server will reach 4m cap just like morai did.
    When I came back to perfect world gold was at 2.4m by the end of february and now the price has jumped to 3.4 in 4 months...
    Do you want PWI to fix the economy before is to late?
    please support Perfect World International Forum > Suggestion Box
    > Limit Auto Cultivation to 1 hour just like Hyper stones
  • Posts: 5,369 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Interesting. Still no proof it's auto culti doing the damage though. b:chuckle

    Licensed tail brusher of ƙɑƙʊɱɑʊ ~ only the fluffiest
    Outrunning centaurs since 2012~
  • Posts: 6,695 Community Moderator
    edited June 2014
    Interesting. Still no proof it's auto culti doing the damage though. b:chuckle

    It's the same principle that governs our real life economics. Go research things why we can't just print more money to solve economic problems in the real world, and look at some of the arguments from various successful lawsuits against botting providers. It's also a fact that inflation has increased at a drastic rate. Whether or not you care, it's happening. It's what happens in economies when money is generated out of thin air. While PWI is more controlled and has many differences from an economy IRL, it still operates under many of the same principles as any other economy. Money being generated rapidly out of thin air causes inflation. The price of goods rises and falls according to supply and demand, etc.

    Thanks to MikoTenshi for the Avi and Kritty for the Signature.
    Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
  • Posts: 2
    edited June 2014
    It's the same principle that governs our real life economics. Go research things why we can't just print more money to solve economic problems in the real world, and look at some of the arguments from various successful lawsuits against botting providers.

    I don't want to be offensive, but please take your own advice. Take any economic newspaper and read about inflation to notice how much you're off the hook. The closest rl thing to compare it to would be an exchange rate issue.
  • Posts: 6,695 Community Moderator
    edited June 2014
    trands wrote: »
    I don't want to be offensive, but please take your own advice. Take any economic newspaper and read about inflation to notice how much you're off the hook. The closest rl thing to compare it to would be an exchange rate issue.
    Suppose an economy produces £10 million worth of goods. e.g. 1 million books at £10 each.
    If the government doubled the money supply, we would still have 1 million books but people have more money. Demand for books would rise and firms would push up prices.
    The most likely scenario is that if money supply was doubled. we would have 1 million books sold at £20. The economy is now worth £20 million rather than £10 million. But, the number of goods is exactly the same.
    We can say that the increase in GDP is a money illusion. – True you have more money, but if everything is more expensive, you are not any better off.
    In this simple model, printing more money has made goods more expensive, but hasn’t change the quantity of goods.

    The gold rate is causing exchange rate issues, but you can't deny that this is also happening. The gold rate isn't just higher because of the exchange rate issue, it's also because the sale prices of thing has been increased as well. Which you expect in the type of situation where too much money being printed is having a negative effect on the economy. PWI has responded by raising the prices of items, as one would expect. Like for example, we haven't had a good d.orb or pack sale in a long time. Go look at China's (PW) economy too where they don't have many of the problems with sales that we have, and the same thing is happening there. All that money generating out of thin air causes inflation.

    I'm not saying it's the only thing that is causing it but there is a lot of coin being dumped into the economy.

    I'd say go look at the some of the successful lawsuits as well with companies that have sued the making of bots. Bots cause inflation in any MMO they flood.

    Thanks to MikoTenshi for the Avi and Kritty for the Signature.
    Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
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