Sins more broken than ever before?
Can some GM pls close this useless Thread ? Its just a bunch of ''ppl'' QQing abt an equalizing update.They liked it better when sins used to need 4-5 skills just to tick some ones charm and depend hugely on zerk crits ,instead if QQing on this thread go figure out how to beat assassins .I said this befor and ill say it again GMs IGNORE THIS BS and fix game bugs0
Hmmmm..The dimension i have been living in..hmmm..I guess its the one where you wrote a 4 page worth QQ abt some BS you picked up God knows from where.I wonder how much time it took you to write all that **** lol but good job trying to make it sound legit o.o.....0
HideYoHubby - Archosaur wrote: »Using focused in PvP is just absolutely idiotic outside of +3 refines at which point you dont really matter to the enemy anyways.
Its completely idiotic yes, fighting a caster that can completely oneshot you with perfect accuracy and not only surviving but taking the kill is really idiotic.
EVERY NW i attend at some point what i said before happens, if its not +12 jaded, with focused i have a chance, i dont have to run away at being out geared. tidal will not protect you from a squad raining down on you when you get a random lag spike and ig doesnt cast fast enough, tidal wont save you when a mystic drops an absorb soul on ya when youre ig'd, at least in my experience tidal wont save ya from the barbs knockdown, etc etc.
You should use it more, maybe not if youre demon (which if i remember correctly you are, but i could be wrong), i only started respecting it once i saged it.
In my honest opinion focused is the overpowered one of the two, if you dont believe it too bad, works amazingly for me, you can call me an idiot, but im stupidly happy with it b:victory0 -
SeaGinger - Archosaur wrote: »tidal will not protect you from a squad raining down on you when you get a random lag spike and ig doesnt cast fast enough
Neither will focused. Assuming the squad isn't TT90.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] - Assassin PK/TW/NW videos0 -
Toraah - Archosaur wrote: »Neither will focused. Assuming the squad isn't TT90.
i TW against ya almost weekly, unless my squad is sent to defend a lane from you and your band of merry archers (which hurt A LOT b:surrender ) it works quite a lot, going in suicide subsea runs and walking out with a tail of 1s and a kill or two is pretty cool, im not saying it always works, but sure beats the hell outta dying, which would be a certainty if i did it on tidal. b:chuckle0 -
Longknife - Harshlands wrote: »He's just pissy because my alt guild has massively embarassed his main guild multiple times in TW. Ignore him.
Not pissy at all (I laughed when we lost cause I found it funny), just pointing about that you are wasting time in crying over something you can't change and that won't be changed, and that all this crying is making you look like a *****. Live with it or stop playing.
PWI has become the game of unequal. Nothing works the way it is supposed to, nothing works the way we want to.0 -
Not pissy at all (I laughed when we lost cause I found it funny), just pointing about that you are wasting time in crying over something you can't change and that won't be changed, and that all this crying is making you look like a *****. Live with it or stop playing.
PWI has become the game of unequal. Nothing works the way it is supposed to, nothing works the way we want to.
Crying in what sense? I'm not a BM, nor a barb, nor a seeker. None of this effects me as a Psychic, I shoot at all four all the same.
I only bring it up to confirm I'm not the only one thinking "hey is it just me or are sins suddenly key" and because I think we can expect a crash in class diversity with BMs/Seekers/Barbs rerolling sins. I mean this last update (before Primal) sins didn't really get much of anything and a lot of sins rerolled archers simply because archers were more NW, TW and teamplay capable. Noticeable, but the sin population was already sky-high so it held out. Now? Now I expect those three above to lose population, and lord knows those three were never exactly common to begin with.
But that you insist on crying and complaining "HOW DARE YOU VOICE AN OPINION INSTEAD OF SITTING THERE WITH YOUR THUMB UP YOUR ***!" Well one, this would explain why I'm constantly moving and trying different guilds while you sit in a corpse of a guild for all eternity, and two, why are you voicing an opinion about me voicing an opinion then, Imeanwtfsrsly. If it doesn't interest you, go post in a thread that does.IAGOREY
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SeaGinger - Archosaur wrote: »Its completely idiotic yes, fighting a caster that can completely oneshot you with perfect accuracy and not only surviving but taking the kill is really idiotic.
EVERY NW i attend at some point what i said before happens, if its not +12 jaded, with focused i have a chance, i dont have to run away at being out geared. tidal will not protect you from a squad raining down on you when you get a random lag spike and ig doesnt cast fast enough, tidal wont save you when a mystic drops an absorb soul on ya when youre ig'd, at least in my experience tidal wont save ya from the barbs knockdown, etc etc.
You should use it more, maybe not if youre demon (which if i remember correctly you are, but i could be wrong), i only started respecting it once i saged it.
In my honest opinion focused is the overpowered one of the two, if you dont believe it too bad, works amazingly for me, you can call me an idiot, but im stupidly happy with it b:victory
Listening you talk I cant place you on any gear tier. If you were geared we wouldnt be having this convo, using tidal is so obvious nobody who has any relevant experience would argue against it. Only exception is when you get 1shot by everything. My gear has been outdated for over a year now and I dont find situations where focused mind is more useful too often. I did get to outgear people in NW in some battles when it was new and I can tell you sin that can shrug off dmg with tidal is scary poppins, winning 1vs10 battles isnt even hard with right gear gap. When you require focus fire to drop, ability to avoid CC and purges is pretty amazing.
Ps. If you honestly trade ability to avoid CC for 33% less dps taken, good for you, there arent many others like you.__Sami__ - Archer - 105/103/102 - - Active
HideYoHubby - Assassin - 105/101/101 - Inactive
WnbTank - Barbarian - 103/101/101 - Catshop0 -
i play a seeker on DW server, and the thing i fear the most to meet is a full r9rr sin, i mean 75% of all my phy skills miss, my metal skill do hit for like 3k, but now that sin have 20k+ hp.... dont really do much and with Deaden Nerves and tidal
sin are the class that can kill me the fastest right now and i have 29k P.def as base and like 44k buffed0 -
Ms_Sinister - Archosaur wrote: »Errrrrrrrr all this QQ about sins being broken is liek wtf?
why do u people tend to forget that ALL classes have their strengths and weaknesses
before u challenge a class jsut cuz they "BROKEN" as ive seen quoted a little too much why dont u tell yourself what makes a class strong?
i mean sure you have ur gears and **** but 2 people same geared fighting eachother who gonna win?
last i check pvp involves technique whne you fight?
if your complaining about a sin's sage tidal and their dmg and w.e else why dont you just upgrade ur pk fighting style to penetrate that?
Ms_Sinister - Archosaur wrote: »
Dont you have primal skills too?
Last i check i fought a cleric with new cyclone and she jsut constantly ripped me with no cooldown
THATS OP AS **** DAMN IT if i had a skill like that constnatly that WONT miss due to evasion and shiit i think id be satisfied?
learn ur class please enouf QQ
you should know better, if you cc a cleric effectively with silence and elimination, then there isn't much you can do. the chi building skills for a sin allow for and effective cc on most classes.0 -
Assasins have been balanced a few times before, if they are so OP then i expect for them to get a slight nerf once again. Assassins do not look very effective in TW to me![SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Auerlius - Archosaur wrote: »you are so lost with this point? no crit no zerk? friggin impossible with crit rates of 100% no being possible. purify is no where nerf as powerful as tidal but hey take away the one thing that would help a cleric stop being stun locked.
Purify is the only thing stopping a cleric from being stun locked? LOL b:chuckle
Ever heard of a genie? Did you know they have skills you can use?
Skills like Faith or Badge of Courage or Fortify?
Ever hear of apoth?
Vacuity Powders / Shadowbinders...
Longknife - Harshlands wrote: »Crying in what sense? I'm not a BM, nor a barb, nor a seeker. None of this effects me as a Psychic, I shoot at all four all the same.
I only bring it up to confirm I'm not the only one thinking "hey is it just me or are sins suddenly key" and because I think we can expect a crash in class diversity with BMs/Seekers/Barbs rerolling sins. I mean this last update (before Primal) sins didn't really get much of anything and a lot of sins rerolled archers simply because archers were more NW, TW and teamplay capable. Noticeable, but the sin population was already sky-high so it held out. Now? Now I expect those three above to lose population, and lord knows those three were never exactly common to begin with.
But that you insist on crying and complaining "HOW DARE YOU VOICE AN OPINION INSTEAD OF SITTING THERE WITH YOUR THUMB UP YOUR ***!" Well one, this would explain why I'm constantly moving and trying different guilds while you sit in a corpse of a guild for all eternity, and two, why are you voicing an opinion about me voicing an opinion then, Imeanwtfsrsly. If it doesn't interest you, go post in a thread that does.
your crying in the sense that you are complaining about it over and over, on a topic (broken classes/skills in game) that has been done a millions times before. You can sum it up with 2 sentences, where are you feel the need to keep going on about it for 1000s of words.
I understand you are voicing an opinion, but you can still do that without sounding like a cry baby. Every class at some point has become OP. It switches from 1 expansion to the next. First psys, then sins, then archers, seekers etc.... Everyone knows this. People adjust to this by either living with it, or making a new char. It is what PWI wants. More chars more chances of people spending money. This game is free to play but it is generated by money. They make their decisions based on that.
And I am in the faction I am because its not about what they do, the people it in are what keeps me in there. I have had offers to join other guilds, but I choose to stay where I am at for as long as I have because of the people there.0 -
Shi- you're right! Let's never discuss anything ever!I
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You post quite a few compelling arguments, but it's important to keep in mind that there's "broken" aspects to every class, and most (not all, but most) of those aspects are based on a % chance system. how OP a sin is, how well it can use the skills you mentioned, depend entirely on the individual. As a veno, sins don't pose me much of a problem I find, *unless* they oneshot me, or stun/sleep/seal and the such lock me, or IG and go all out. Sadly, 95% of sins aren't that OP/smart, and even the ones that are, it's a delaying measure for them most of the time. usually in a fight, I'll manage to come out on top, and even in a group setting, I remember 1 NW in which it was me vs. 6 sins, and not a one was OP enough to do more then inconvenience me by popping out of stealth. (for the record, every single one died on bramble, and then would run at me again and die on bramble again. To their defense, I don't think they understood veno mechanics very well.)
the point is, a lot of your arguments are based on assuming the sin has AMAAAZING gear, and OP daggers, vs. an averagely geared group of 5-7 people. Lets be honest here; ANY class with that much advantage could do as well. And, in reality only a small percentage of sins have gear like that. When you take that and extrapolate it into even gear, lets say, +7 armor, +10 weapons, it's a lot less to do with either classes "brokenness" and more to do with who knows their class better, vs lag. for myself, I'm glad sins have gotten something that might pump some life back into a class that once was filled with mindless twitchers, and then seemed to go nearly extinct in the NW movement days.
I myself don't play a sin anymore, but here's to hoping for an improvement overall in sins general performance in game.0 -
EIayne - Dreamweaver wrote: »the point is, a lot of your arguments are based on assuming the sin has AMAAAZING gear, and OP daggers, vs. an averagely geared group of 5-7 people. Lets be honest here; ANY class with that much advantage could do as well. And, in reality only a small percentage of sins have gear like that. When you take that and extrapolate it into even gear, lets say, +7 armor, +10 weapons, it's a lot less to do with either classes "brokenness" and more to do with who knows their class better, vs lag. for myself, I'm glad sins have gotten something that might pump some life back into a class that once was filled with mindless twitchers, and then seemed to go nearly extinct in the NW movement days.
I myself don't play a sin anymore, but here's to hoping for an improvement overall in sins general performance in game.
The problem with your counter argument is that you are basing it off of cases where you or other people outgear the sins they encounter, but even an outgeared assassin has the tools to pull off pretty imbalanced kill on someone who outgears and out plays them.
The fact that many assassins are too stupid to play properly doesn't take away from the fact that the class is imbalanced. A class's potential should never be judged by it's idiots.
The cards are simply stacked in their favor, it has been that way since they were released. Post-NW update was legitimately the only time the assassin class has ever had to struggle...or has ever been challenged in pretty much any aspect of the game. They had a long reign of domination over almost all areas of the game in which the only answer any other DD class had to them was, "well at least I can TW". Realistically, if the sin class suffered years of being completely outshined by everyone else in every way(which, has never actually happened for them), then it would still be fair, considering what most other classes had to endure before the devs realized they should have pulled out before giving birth to these abominations...figuratively speaking.
It should be assumed in any PvP-related argument that all classes being compared are equally geared/skilled.
In any case,these new skills do not require any performance improvement whatsoever. It almost might as well be aps all over again. It does not take any skill or enhanced ability to use a no cost 5 in 1 spammable kill skill. Neither does it take any skill to use broken buffs.0 -
LostPoet - Dreamweaver wrote: »Purify is the only thing stopping a cleric from being stun locked? LOL b:chuckle
Ever heard of a genie? Did you know they have skills you can use?
Skills like Faith or Badge of Courage or Fortify?
Ever hear of apoth?
Vacuity Powders / Shadowbinders...
you're a troll i see. if you were pro you would know a sin's cds are way low. and with stealth and/or the new and improved defenses you can wait it out, then try again after the other players resources are expended. but you're not so you make pedestrian comments on strategy that anyone with a brain can counter. maybe that's why you play a sin, so easy.0 -
_blood_rain - Sanctuary wrote: »The problem with your counter argument is that you are basing it off of cases where you or other people outgear the sins they encounter, but even an outgeared assassin has the tools to pull off pretty imbalanced kill on someone who outgears and out plays them.
The fact that many assassins are too stupid to play properly doesn't take away from the fact that the class is imbalanced. A class's potential should never be judged by it's idiots.
The cards are simply stacked in their favor, it has been that way since they were released. Post-NW update was legitimately the only time the assassin class has ever had to struggle...or has ever been challenged in pretty much any aspect of the game. They had a long reign of domination over almost all areas of the game in which the only answer any other DD class had to them was, "well at least I can TW". Realistically, if the sin class suffered years of being completely outshined by everyone else in every way(which, has never actually happened for them), then it would still be fair, considering what most other classes had to endure before the devs realized they should have pulled out before giving birth to these abominations...figuratively speaking.
It should be assumed in any PvP-related argument that all classes being compared are equally geared/skilled.
In any case,these new skills do not require any performance improvement whatsoever. It almost might as well be aps all over again. It does not take any skill or enhanced ability to use a no cost 5 in 1 spammable kill skill. Neither does it take any skill to use broken buffs.
This is ironic because most of the archers QQing on their forums are in fact idiots, yet people (other archer mains especially) seem to agree with them pretty often.
Tell me how archers are more challenging to play than a sin. Tell me how barbs are more challanging to play than a sin, or even seekers. You can't, because I play all 3 of those classes on a regular basis and any idiot can be a decent player in this game, to be a good sin you have the be anything but an idiot. Even with the herp-derp aps, they do have some kind of thought process, because well, they out smarted you didn't they? Sins didn't rule the game, aps did. Simple semantics really.0 -
You endlessly attempt to defend the assassin cause on these forums. However, should you be? Can you look at your gameplay, your character, and say you know what it is like to be an experienced endgame assassin fighting experienced, endgame characters from other classes? Think about it.
IMO, its pretty simple.
Life Hunter is strong, but not broken. 5 more attack levels on chill of the deep? Ok.... breaking up head hunter into 4 hits and increasing the total damage? Nerf on mages, great on light armors and heavy armors. If the devs had stopped there, that'd have been just fine by my books. These sorts of upgrades would have been comparable to the upgrades other classes got.
Elimination is not just strong, its probably the strongest skill in the game atm. Its total damage is higher than any other skill in the game---possibly arma is an exception but I haven't had the opportunity to test yet, though keep in mind that arma has 30s cd and costs 2 sparks. With elimination, 5 hits are crammed into 2.5 seconds (previously you'd have been able to get 2 attacks off in the same period of time). The number of attacks ensures that defense charm will always been off of cooldown when the final, 120% base damage hit lands. Elimination, being based off of base damage as it is, spikes to insanely high amounts with double and triple spark---skilled and unskilled assassins alike are killing bms and barbs with THIS SKILL ALONE. And finally, it can be done every 15 seconds, and not only costs no chi, it gives 30 chi. THIRTY.
Every class has gotten way higher damage, way higher crit, and somewhat higher defenses, though the overall effect has been more of a skew towards damage than ever before. This combined with elimination has made assassins into easy mode the likes of which hasn't been seen since the days of the aps assassins.
Longknife's arguments are completely valid imo. In the days of said aps assassins, the argument was that 'at least they can't do much in large groups cuz their gear lvl is too low'. But now we can't say that can we. Life Hunter, elimination, and headhunt altogether make modern day assassins into monstrous dps machines that are anything but squishy in their fully tanky r9rr armor. Just as Longknife says, with spirit of defense + tidal protection, assassins have the ability to always be buffed, and buffs are more important than ever before due to the increased base defenses (primal passives) and the increased damage everybody has (no buffs, you die real fast).
So we get to this conclusion. Assassins are superior in solo pve (nobody comes close to their dps), 1vs1 pvp (nobody else comes close to their dps and control ability), AND group pvp (buffs + tidal means they are extremely difficult to lock down long enough for focus fire to drop them, and without ability to easily purge, they have bm or seeker level tankiness).
Basically, assassins are now superior at EVERYTHING due to class advantages. Yes, there are idiots of every class, and since there are a lot of assassins, there are a lot of idiots. But the good assassins like Rinc clearly show us through their videos that assassins are now completely, insanely broken. Check out his videos, and remember as you watch---those are endgame players he is dropping left and right.
Yeah... thats about it.
CLERIC PV GUIDE (complete):
CLERIC PK GUIDE (Incomplete): -
Just last night in NW I encountered a "squad" that was effectively a sin +7 buffers/healers. All 7 of the support were basically oneshots. Know what happened?
This sin would seek out Bridge battles. In them, he would 5aps the towers. Try to stun him? NOPE. Try to kill him? Trip spark spam and a final IG.
By the time he'd die, three towers would wipe. Yes, we killed him. Yes, we even had him on his last life. We STILL lost, simply because there was no way to outdo his damage output, nor any way to disable him, nor a way to quickly stop him. Yes, he died. Again, the issue isn't that sins never die, the issue is that killing them is SOOOO time consuming that the resources spent on one singular target is far too costly. Every single time we attempted to attack towers was a time he'd pop out and APS a tower. Even if we reacted immediately, holy pathed back, landed a stun and killed him, that tower would lose 50-70% of it's HP. Basically, we HAD to full defend. We HAD to full defend because of ONE. SINGULAR. SIN. And we STILL lost. He got tossed out as the final tower had a sliver of health and some oneshot cleric killed the tower.
So let me ask, how do we counter this? The answer? Bring another sin lolololol. When the solution is to combat a problem with the problem itself, that's a balance issue.IAGOREY
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Sins are kind of hilariously broken in bridge battles since they can just full-on trip spark->APS the towers to death in IG. This would be sorta fixed if they put the anti-aps buff on the towers.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
"subtraction has the butt of an angel" - Paulrogers
/blatant sig copy is blatant
105/105/105 obtained! b:cute0 -
Lol at people saying this is a qq thread.
Sins have always been good at 1v1s. I think it's fair if they really are the best at them and I agree with you Longknife - I couldn't care less about 1v1s.
But at end game if a non ranged class is out performing those that have that range advantage in group pvp events and such - the devs were clearly smoking some good ****.
It's not just that they avoid all form of cc or debuff possible while that damn tidal is up, you can't even get rid of it?
Now add cards and passives and you got a zerking crit based class with balanced defences bich slapping other end game classes.
The way I like to think about it is - if you could cash your account in for how much it was worth if you cash shopped everything and were able to spend it on one single class, there would be like 4 classes on the game dominting because everyone would just pick the classes you can get the most out of.
A sin is just one class. It's not even the newest one, and if this is the gap between this class and others, think about how much thought into the overall balance of classes has been put in!
Probably next to nothing.
I mean I don't know about you but you would have thought that a simple brainstorm or bullet point list of what balance should entail no?
A class that's best at 1v1 should be worst in group
A class best in group should be worst in 1v1
I personally feel that no buffs should be unpurgable... Or at least - no active buffs. Passives like primal or untamed forms I think is alright. Things with a long cool down like sor and Sos should just have a shorter cool down.
Tankiest classes should be less threatening. I could have said less damage here but let's be honest - you guys won't have any fun not being able to kill anything. But it makes sense that barbs should be lower priority targets in group pvp.
Classes with heals should only be as tanky as others if they're using heals.
Less tanky targets should be more threatening.
Chi should cost something more than just mana or be available to everyone equally. By this I don't just mean all classes should get inner harmony or sins should have it taken away. What I mean is that classes with chi skills like that should have long cool downs on that skill (like awaken which is not broken before anyone comes in and says it is because lol - inner harmony) but if you're going to give sins a skill like inner harmony they should be a lot more chi dependant. If classes don't have many chi skills then they shouldn't need it as much! Pretty simple but there's examples everywhere where this is not the case.
It seems like the Dev team have just gotten lazy. They should have a look at other games and play them to see how competitors have balanced their mmorpgs before most of this community goes to check those games out for themselves.
PWI is only AVERAGE at best compared to what else is out there guys.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] -
Eoria - Harshlands wrote: »Sins are kind of hilariously broken in bridge battles since they can just full-on trip spark->APS the towers to death in IG. This would be sorta fixed if they put the anti-aps buff on the towers.
Understandable, but also only an example. I'm not trying to say the bridge battle scenario is unexpected, only that it's a visible in-game event in which this issue comes to light. Sadly, one of many.
I mean the Primal boss fight last night. Honestly? I wasn't really seeing your sins landing that many kills. Irregardless, every time a sin popped it was like the push came to a screeching halt because that was an opponent that NEEDED to be addressed ASAP. The alternative; ignoring it, would lead to them racking up kills, I'm sure. It's a class that enables it's own DDs to fire at will with no resistance, and while that as a concept is fine, the duration to which they provide this service is absolutely ludicrous. A BM can provide a 6 second stun and up to a 9 second DG which could arguably (very debatable since obviously classes like Psy/Seeker/Cleric can quickly counter/resist a DG and others might simply IG) halt a push. Best case, the BM buys his team 21 seconds. BEST case, meaning you count DG as a "halt." (I certainly wouldn't and I don't think many would) A sin can easily buy a solid 30-40 seconds just by spamming triple spark and harassing opponents.
I'm sure you can agree you saw something similar, as both sides had sins that qualified as tanky.IAGOREY
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Bhavyy - Raging Tide wrote: »Lol at people saying this is a qq thread.
Sins have always been good at 1v1s. I think it's fair if they really are the best at them and I agree with you Longknife - I couldn't care less about 1v1s.
But at end game if a non ranged class is out performing those that have that range advantage in group pvp events and suchWho said this? You are the first to make this claim. Last i checked archers ruled TW. - the devs were clearly smoking some good ****.
It's not just that they have a chance to avoid all form of cc or debuff possible while that damn tidal is up, you can't even get rid of it?
Now add cards and passives and you got a zerking crit based class with balanced defences bich slapping other end game classes sins wear the same armor as archers, and archers have 2x the physical attack of sins, there for my zerk crit=your regular crit....
The way I like to think about it is - if you could cash your account in for how much it was worth if you cash shopped everything and were able to spend it on one single class, there would be like 4 classes on the game dominting because everyone would just pick the classes you can get the most out of which i will kindly piont out seems to be archer, seekers, barbs, and clerics respectively.
A sin is just one class. It's not even the newest one, and if this is the gap between this class and others, think about how much thought into the overall balance of classes has been put in!
Probably next to nothing.
I mean I don't know about you but you would have thought that a simple brainstorm or bullet point list of what balance should entail no?
A class that's best at 1v1 should be worst in groupLike sins and bms
A class best in group should be worst in 1v1Archers and wizards (kinda)
I personally feel that no buffs should be unpurgable... Or at least - no active buffs. Passives like primal or untamed forms I think is alright. Things with a long cool down like sor and Sos should just have a shorter cool down SoR and SoS have a 30 sec cd, but their duration is also 30 secs. Tidal has a 60 sec duration and a 90 sec cd. Neither can be purged, and ours has no effect on other players while SoR and SoS does. How can you even begin to compare the two?.
Tankiest classes should be less threatening. I could have said less damage here but let's be honest - you guys won't have any fun not being able to kill anything. But it makes sense that barbs should be lower priority targets in group pvp If you are stupid enough to let a bad go around unchecked, i don't even....
Classes with heals should only be as tanky as others if they're using heals. Plumeshell, GG.
Less tanky targets should be more threatening. Like sins and archers right?
Chi should cost something more than just mana or be available to everyone equally. By this I don't just mean all classes should get inner harmony or sins should have it taken away. What I mean is that classes with chi skills like that should have long cool downs on that skill (like awaken which is not broken before anyone comes in and says it is because lol - inner harmony) but if you're going to give sins a skill like inner harmony they should be a lot more chi dependant. If classes don't have many chi skills then they shouldn't need it as much! Pretty simple but there's examples everywhere where this is not the case.
It seems like the Dev team have just gotten lazy. They should have a look at other games and play them to see how competitors have balanced their mmorpgs before most of this community goes to check those games out for themselves.
PWI is only AVERAGE at best compared to what else is out there guys.
You obviously have not played a sin to a good extent. We are only of the most chi dependant classes in the game. If I want to CC an opponent, 80% of the time I have to expend some sort of chi.
-100 throat cut
-200 cursed jail/headhunt
-200 subsea
-35 deep sting
-535 chi
+50 tackling slash
+150 rising dragon
+200 inner harmony
+400 chi
the most common spells used in a lock rotation is a net chi gain of=-135 chi (this is for all sins, culti not taken into account)
You make me laugh, you funny funny man. GG bro.0 -
Longknife - Harshlands wrote: »Understandable, but also only an example. I'm not trying to say the bridge battle scenario is unexpected, only that it's a visible in-game event in which this issue comes to light. Sadly, one of many.
I mean the Primal boss fight last night. Honestly? I wasn't really seeing your sins landing that many kills. Irregardless, every time a sin popped it was like the push came to a screeching halt because that was an opponent that NEEDED to be addressed ASAP. The alternative; ignoring it, would lead to them racking up kills, I'm sure. It's a class that enables it's own DDs to fire at will with no resistance, and while that as a concept is fine, the duration to which they provide this service is absolutely ludicrous. A BM can provide a 6 second stun and up to a 9 second DG which could arguably (very debatable since obviously classes like Psy/Seeker/Cleric can quickly counter/resist a DG and others might simply IG) halt a push. Best case, the BM buys his team 21 seconds. BEST case, meaning you count DG as a "halt." (I certainly wouldn't and I don't think many would) A sin can easily buy a solid 30-40 seconds just by spamming triple spark and harassing opponents.
I'm sure you can agree you saw something similar, as both sides had sins that qualified as tanky.
The problem here isnt the sin, the problem is your priorities. If you can IG when a bm rushes in, why not IG when a sin rushes in from stealth? Similar concept. If you focused the sin for 30-40 secs that you knew wasnt going to die, then it is your own fault, not the sins. A sin cant move while he triple sparks. GG.0 -
Probably played sin longer than you. You're not someone who is ever going to be convinced clearly so let's just agree to disagree.
A sin is not troubled for chi. You're missing shadow escape and master li's technique regardless of whether they are used in a lock rotation or not and haven't taken into account cool downs CONVENIENTLY. If you think they are perhaps you should just try another game. You're obviously terribad at this one considering the fact you genuinely think archers hit twice as hard with exact same gear.
Some of those comments about balance I realise are already true. Thanks for pointing out the obvious to those too stupid enough to work that one out.
I like how your argument is "use ig twice as much" and "since you can't kill the sin why bother".
You're obviously someone who has never played any other class at endgame. I'll let you off - archer is not the top class to be spending your money on. It used to be sure, but since they basically started nerfing purge I'd rather be a mystic, cleric, barb or sin.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] -
DionDagger - Dreamweaver wrote: »You obviously have not played a sin to a good extent. We are only of the most chi dependant classes in the game.
On behalf of every Psychic and Blademaster in the history of forever:
0 -
Longknife - Harshlands wrote: »On behalf of every Psychic and Blademaster in the history of forever:
Don't forget Wizzies, all of our usefull buffs cost chi+ our escape costs chi + most of the ways we kill people involves having 2 sparksIA lot of people
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