Best of Each Class 2014 Dreamweaver
I was thinking a lot just to make my list
Since I don't go PK, so im not sure who is the best at the west xD but..umm this list is kinda from the NW mostly
Archer: xRedHoodx , EN\/Y -i run into u both a lot in NW (there r more archers but cant make list that long)
Assassin: ehop- im scared of u in NW , bigknockers ;D
Barbarian: BigCojones- of course /o/ and SAiiiLu- maybe he doesn't do much of a PvP but damn..u r really amazing barb in PvE
Blademaster: Aelicia and RockStar_ /o/
Cleric: Aeliah- of course, Yuunie (uh sorry if name wrong) - amazing cleric too
Mystic: Countessia, Xaner , _Tara ;D
Psyphic: Mezk- 15 vs him and with all the purge, he just doesnt wanna stop, supernova (not sure if correct name)u r pretty scary ,The_Sun -really good psy too, strong
Seeker: K_Chonk ;D
Wizard: Smilsha and his camels lmao f:laugh umm Dragslave;D
Venomancer: Wacky, Anonome, ;D .....umm trying to think of one g16..umm delishous, LadyFawny ;D0 -
Archer, FlyRanger
FlyRanger is stellar at being unpredictable, and can go into damage mode, or stay reserved in defense mode. He's able take out many of the other players mentioned in this thread if not all, except of Kalopsia or Aeliah in a 1v1 situation.
FlyRanger vs. Dynasty
FlyRanger vs. TruWarz
FlyRanger vs. Kalopsia
FlyRanger Vs. Barb, Assassin, and BM
FlyRanger suprise kills BigCojones
Assassin, Sword_Tammer
Sword_Tammer is very lethal as an assassin in Nation Wars. He may be found uncharmed many times, but he's still able to assassinate his opponents. Sword_Tammer is really effective in group pk, because he can kill an opponent in the spur of the moment. Usually if it's a 1v1 scenerio in Nation Wars, he's the only sin to kill tankier opponents. I notice he goes after other assasins more than the other classs in group pk situations. He focuses so much on spiking his damage against players right now. Sword_Tammer does more than just spark and attack, he also helps to stun and seal stronger characters, which helps his squads out significantly. Take a closer look into how Sword_Tammer helped a few rank 9s kill //ZEUS\\ back in the days.
Barbarian, RafaelsBarb
Here is a barb who you can rely on to tank Flowsilver Passage, without worrying about him losing aggro. This player spams his hotkey for flesh ream and cancels the channeling from bosses on time! Even though he's not completely sharded yet, this barb is a very survivable catapult puller, who doesn't fall victim to the idea of killing other players during a territory war. When all of his squad members have been killed, you can still expect RafaelsBarb to remain standing on his own for a good deal of time. This is one barbarian who doesn't overestimate the power of his gear, and he takes extreme caution when entering an enemy base to throw some rocks against the crystal.
Blademaster, slewdem
slewdem has been playing blademaster for a pretty long time, and has just recently started to become serious about Pking. He's been going through youtube, finding videos of other blademasters who have been pking for quite some time now, and taking with him some of their learnings and applying them to his pk style. In squad environments, slewdem is very capable of keeping opponents controlled through stuns, and weapon removals, and when lucky he has even pulled archers into his squads, stun locked the archer, and allowed the squad to finish the job! As of this day, no other blademaster has been able to kill me in a 1v1, and I don't expct any to come, since archers dominate blademasters so easily.
Cleric, Aeliah
Aeliah is the most successful cleric, since he uses his hotkeys as much as possible. It seems thee keyboard goes much faster than the mouse, and when dealing with multiple skill combos, within fractions of a second, then it's really important to memorize your hotkeys to get skills off on time. Aeliah knows when to use his genie to avoid a stun, when to sleep an opponent, or when to cancel seal of god if an opponent has countered during the cast. Aeliah heals his squad, and keeps them organized, while rebuffing them as soon as possible, with the ones who matter the most first. This is crucial for a squad to stay strong during a war. Usually when a squad member dies, Aeliah won't hesitate to use apoth, if necessary to help the squad member to get back up, rebuffed, and ready to stand strong in the battlefield once again!
Aeliah performing in crucial TW moments
Aeliah solos PV in one pull
Aeliah in small squad pk
Aeliah uses purge genie pk
Mystic, Cherries
Cherries is pretty powerful in group healing when it comes to pk. The mystic is so well geared that she can take herself to almost full health from 100hp. The constant healing, and assist attacking on her squad members helps cherries to be a barrier when it comes to taking down a whole squad. I almost give up trying to kill this mystic if other targets are around, for the sake of saving time. The skill level, in addition to the powerful gear helps cherries to be the top mystic.
Psychic, The__Sun
Sun is very popular for running the flags in Nation Wars, with really high defense, even though he isn't full jaded yet. In Pk, Sun is very survivable, while being able to dish out some severe damage. He cautious, kites from anti-stuns, and moves in when the buffs are over for his killer combos. I've seen Sun out in pk mode, more than any other psychic. Despite being the leader of a major Tw faction, without any real Tws this season, The__Sun has been keeping his skills pretty polished through the thursday night pk tournament.
Seeker, Kalopsia
Kalopsia is probably the most feared damage dealer in Nation Wars. The seeker is able to one shot many classes through a zerk crit, while still able to maintain a large portion of defense. In the earlier stages of pk, Kalopsia was just getting the hang of what other classes were capable of, but eventually he learned and now does extraordinary in pvp situations. No other seeker has gear comparable to Kalopsia's for now, along with his set of S cards.
Venomancer, Pepoash
Pepoash is capable of going from human form into fox form, to purge through her immune to damage skill in group environments, which helps to reserve her apoth. This can be tricky to escape from, unless the opponent has faith ready to use on genie. I've seen more of this player in Nation Wars, rather than open world pk, since that's way more favorable to venomancers.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
I upload a vid of a rank 9 3rd cast seeker fight, 90 views.
I upload a vid of me in my boxers, 750 views.
I know what the PWI community wants.
b:laugh0 -
isn't it a bit arrogent to name yourself on these things? b:shutupb:shockedb:embarrass
Barb: Fenrir_Wolf, hands down one of the most skilled barbs i've ever seen.
Veno: Shuraka, Hits too freaking hard on my nub self, same for WackyTaffy
Mystic: Anaara, well geared, very skilled
Wizard: Dragslave and Deathproof
Psy: The_Sun, Mezk
Cleric: FistToDeath is freaking amazing, Aeliah just flat scares me
Archer: Merangelus
BM: Aelicia, the stunlock queen
Sin: Zsw, though he doesn't play anymore, and ehop0 -
since I mostly come from a PK standpoint, I pk'd daily since I really started playing really there is a difference from skill to op geared people that comes to play. My rating is purely based on what I see people rely on to win their fights which isn't always judged by squishyness or how hard someone hits cause critting someone for 14k and 1 shotting or 2 shotting doesn't make someone a good skilled player but those that learn to survive and use tactics based on the skills they have for their class is what I judge off of.
Barb: BigCojones from gear saved him a lot in our last pk tournament Skilled: give it to Jans
BladeMaster: Gear I'd give to Extacy skilled: Slewdem
Seeker: Gear Kalopsia thats a given Skilled: IceBlade
Assassin: Gear and skill I'd give to Sword_Tammer, Ehop, n Kemu
Archer:Gear Darkskies, Heartz, Mera Skilled: Heartz n xRedhoodx and on the bottom of list will be FlyRanger beneath even the mediocre geared archers. Hiding in stealth for an hour qqing and relying on triple spark IG purges and even failing at that one tactic is sad gameplay your jumping people not pvping them.
Psychic: Gear Evangile, Skylla, The_Sun Skilled: Mezk
Mystic: Gear: PG, Araft, Thicket, Cherries Skilled: Xaner, Algiz, Thicket
Wizard: Gear: Fallonwiz, Gimmesnusnu, Philco Skill: Philco, Deathproof
Cleric: Gear: Aeliah, The_Cure Skill: Aeliah, Sonh, best support cler Ive seen in awhile Gwendollyn
Venomancer: Gear:Racheybabez was the main gear reliant veno I met Skill: WackyTaffy, Pepoash0 -
To make this really easy, I'll say, I agree with TruWarz' list (or xRedHoodx as he is now called) with two modifications:
-FlyRanger is unpredictable, which is why he's sometimes scarier than other archers who have safer playstyles. He takes risks others won't take and sometimes they pay big, and sometimes they flop. In a way, he is similar to Heartz; every time Heartz steps into pvp, he takes a risk with his gear---he can't tank as much. But in the same stroke he's gambling on more killing power with his gear.
-Philco - wizard. I think he's overlooked because he doesn't pvp much, but I've noticed from your TW videos, Tru, that he kills you... a hell of a lot, lol. And he kills many of my squad members, and he's also annoyingly difficult to kill, kites like a m---. Also for gear, GimmeSnuSnu clearly deserves to be on there.YOUTUBE CHANNEL:
CLERIC PV GUIDE (complete):
CLERIC PK GUIDE (Incomplete): -
fly isnt unpredictable anymore he sits in stealth and everyone who fought him before know whats coming. sometimes it works if he gets off a lucky purge infact thats the only time it will anymore. Last time he fought me he QQ'd n died most of the time and hid in stealth for an hour, last time he fought heartz which was the day after he didn't pull off a single kill on heartz even with several purges and couldn't rely on stealth like he could with a lower lvl like me. Maybe before the new patch and cards and everything he could be top 5 cause of gear but lately just no. Also yes i agree with philco he is one of the few wizzies I see and realize too late I cant ignore like I could with others.0
To be fair, you have to remember that there's a significant gear difference between FlyRanger and Heartz. FlyRanger had good gear for his time, but there hasn't been a single upgrade in a long time. I haven't peeked at Heartz's cards in a while buuut I'm gonna suspect that they are also significantly better than FlyRanger's are too. The Nation War upgrades provide a goodly number of attack levels and defense levels, as well significantly better magic and physical defenses. And damage. Etc. Also, if FlyRanger is sometimes guilty of overutilizing spark, I think most archers (who started out as archers) are guilty of the opposite---they forget to use stealth.
I probably can't kill Kalopsia by myself anymore either with the new gear gap the cards provide, but that doesn't mean my skill level is less than what it used to be.
And finally---as far as I can recall, full deity builds aside, archers don't kill me either without purging. Its kinda the hallmark of an archer. Getting a purge isn't so much about luck as it is about setting up situations where the purge is actually effective. Against a run of the mill archer, I might survive a dozen purges, often without needing to use genie or apoth, before the fight ends either way. But a purge that comes after somebody has triple sparked forces me to instantly use apoth or genie, or I die---nearly guaranteed.
So I don't care if you don't like it or not---FlyRanger's triple-spark intensive playstyle will always be more dangerous to me than yours. In a battle of attrition, a cleric's superior chi gain and cycle-able defense skills often trumps an archer, leading to victory in the end. However, in a battle of chi-risky spike damage, the battle might just side in the archer's favor, because with a purge at the right time, or even an ok time, the cleric might not be able to react fast enough to save him/herself. As you should well know, using debuffs on a cleric is usually futile, so using the chi for sparking just makes a lot of sense.YOUTUBE CHANNEL:
CLERIC PV GUIDE (complete):
CLERIC PK GUIDE (Incomplete): -
Aeliah - Dreamweaver wrote: »To be fair, you have to remember that there's a significant gear difference between FlyRanger and Heartz. FlyRanger had good gear for his time, but there hasn't been a single upgrade in a long time. I haven't peeked at Heartz's cards in a while buuut I'm gonna suspect that they are also significantly better than FlyRanger's are too. The Nation War upgrades provide a goodly number of attack levels and defense levels, as well significantly better magic and physical defenses. And damage. Etc. Also, if FlyRanger is sometimes guilty of overutilizing spark, I think most archers (who started out as archers) are guilty of the opposite---they forget to use stealth.
I probably can't kill Kalopsia by myself anymore either with the new gear gap the cards provide, but that doesn't mean my skill level is less than what it used to be.
And finally---as far as I can recall, full deity builds aside, archers don't kill me either without purging. Its kinda the hallmark of an archer. Getting a purge isn't so much about luck as it is about setting up situations where the purge is actually effective. Against a run of the mill archer, I might survive a dozen purges, often without needing to use genie or apoth, before the fight ends either way. But a purge that comes after somebody has triple sparked forces me to instantly use apoth or genie, or I die---nearly guaranteed.
So I don't care if you don't like it or not---FlyRanger's triple-spark intensive playstyle will always be more dangerous to me than yours. In a battle of attrition, a cleric's superior chi gain and cycle-able defense skills often trumps an archer, leading to victory in the end. However, in a battle of chi-risky spike damage, the battle might just side in the archer's favor, because with a purge at the right time, or even an ok time, the cleric might not be able to react fast enough to save him/herself. As you should well know, using debuffs on a cleric is usually futile, so using the chi for sparking just makes a lot of sense.0 -
the fact he hides in stealth for literally an hour and runs into SZ after instigating fights shows lack of confidence in his skill and ability to adapt.0
b:surrender guess ill bother writign on this a bit finally., but ill try to avoid judging by gears and go more for skill or fun to fight.
BM: For PK, id give slewdem and dracthe spots at best but for TW/NW, ill give it by far to Extacy (sorry if i murder ya name) and Aelicia, though her lower gear lower her capacity to deal out even more of her skill in tw a bit.
Wizard: There is none really that pk enough for me to decide on one but in group pvp, Philco is really impressive.
Cleric: Ill give this to Aeliah for his knowledge of his toon to a near science level.
Archer: So many nabs, all playing suicidla in tw. Joke aside, theres a lot of good archer its hard to decide xD. Some of the top would be Heartz, Lidstrom, Darkskies, LilRedRidingHood (truwarz/redhood).
Hellspawns ( aka Veno):Pepoash, anonome and aiwenlyra are pretty good, though only ano ive seen in tw so dunno for sure there for the other 2. Wacky would be in my list if he stopped being a scout in tw.
Barbs: Ill give this to jans for pk. For tw, i dont think you can really judge a barb for catapulling because theres a lot of factor to count in that are out of the barb control, like cleric heals, DD on them, etc.
Sin: Im not fond of the sin playstyle in pk so im not gonan bother judging one but for TW, id say bigknocker one fo the most impactful sin ive seen in tw. i have seen similar geared sin do way less in tw.
Psychic:Drakoveus and Evangile are fun to fight in pk, beside them, not much psy that pk. for group pvp, mezk is one of the top psy. hes rarely in a bad position and hes good at catching people out of place in tw (hes fun to bait around in tw b:cute )
Seeker: I feel playstyle vary so much between seeker it would be arrogant of me to judge whos better, so ill just settle into saying that Livboerre and Iceblade are the 2 seeker i enjoy fighting in any situation.
Mystic: Xaner is still the top skilled mystic and shoudl really work for r93rd.Ebrithalia -Sage Seeker0 -
TruWarz - Dreamweaver wrote: »the fact he hides in stealth for literally an hour and runs into SZ after instigating fights shows lack of confidence in his skill and ability to adapt.
Your gears beat mine currently.
I still beat you 2 out of 3 times out at west, and I killed you + RottenKitten when you two ganked me in Primal world.
Perhaps It's because I'm demon, perhaps because I've been playing archer longer, or perhaps it's because I'm more skilled. Anyhow, all you do is kite and run away from opponents, hoping to stun or freeze them at max ranged, which flops and you end up getting killed.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
I upload a vid of a rank 9 3rd cast seeker fight, 90 views.
I upload a vid of me in my boxers, 750 views.
I know what the PWI community wants.
b:laugh0 -
FlyRanger - Dreamweaver wrote: »Your gears beat mine currently.
I still beat you 2 out of 3 times out at west, and I killed you + RottenKitten when you two ganked me in Primal world.
Perhaps It's because I'm demon, perhaps because I've been playing archer longer, or perhaps it's because I'm more skilled. Anyhow, all you do is kite and run away from opponents, hoping to stun or freeze them at max ranged, which flops and you end up getting killed.
the earth is calling fly.. you should answer105 - 105 - 105 (14th march 2014)
Join date: November 2008 - HT.0 -
Heartz - Dreamweaver wrote: »the earth is calling fly.. you should answer
You mean the dirt? Like 6ft under?b:shocked0 -
Man people don't even remember the old clerics. But year 2014 thats why duh.
Clerics: Graviora, TsukikoAi, Velveteen. But yeah my list consists of people who knew how to survive despite lack of gear.lalalala Pokemon
Mitachi - Dreamweaver wrote: »Man people don't even remember the old clerics. But year 2014 thats why duh.
Clerics: Graviora, TsukikoAi, Velveteen. But yeah my list consists of people who knew how to survive despite lack of gear.
Grav quit the game in the middle of last year...b:cry0 -
DionDagger - Dreamweaver wrote: »Grav quit the game in the middle of last year...b:cry
YeahIm working on getting her back though b:victory
lalalala Pokemon
Heartz - Dreamweaver wrote: »the earth is calling fly.. you should answer
It appears he isnt listening. Especially since he deleted all his criticism from his 'recruitment' video .
I still stand by my words before he erased them that he has issues that need to be addressed. And im sure it wont be long before this video is gone too[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]<3 by Silvy
Reborn ditzy archer with a serious oreo addiction =3
'...cuz my IQ is just above what is required to function as a human' - tsumaru20 -
Esnemyl - Dreamweaver wrote: »It appears he isnt listening. Especially since he deleted all his criticism from his 'recruitment' video .
I still stand by my words before he erased them that he has issues that need to be addressed. And im sure it wont be long before this video is gone too
My video is perfectly fine. I make work out videos in the same attire, and this doesn't mean I have mental problems because I am comfortable in my body with sportswear on. Just because many people feel uncomfortable in their own bodies, doens't mean others have a mental problem for wearing just sportswear in other videos.
The faction's name was H2O. ( Water).
If I was a girl and wore a bikini, I doubt you'd even made such a comment.
Anyhow, you can join in and make fun of this video, because I know that this is what you need to fit in with the other cool kids.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
I upload a vid of a rank 9 3rd cast seeker fight, 90 views.
I upload a vid of me in my boxers, 750 views.
I know what the PWI community wants.
b:laugh0 -
Esnemyl - Dreamweaver wrote: »It appears he isnt listening. Especially since he deleted all his criticism from his 'recruitment' video .
I still stand by my words before he erased them that he has issues that need to be addressed. And im sure it wont be long before this video is gone too
You mean to tell me you checked back on the vid to make sure he didn't delete your comments?
While trying to be certain he has some mental problems? Check yourself first.0 -
Frighten - Dreamweaver wrote: »You mean to tell me you checked back on the vid to make sure he didn't delete your comments?
While trying to be certain he has some mental problems? Check yourself first.
Ah my dear, I was already insane to start with ^_^[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]<3 by Silvy
Reborn ditzy archer with a serious oreo addiction =3
'...cuz my IQ is just above what is required to function as a human' - tsumaru20 -
FlyRanger - Dreamweaver wrote: »
If I was a girl and wore a bikini, I doubt you'd even made such a comment.
For this purpose yes. half naked / nude recruitment for a GAME, regardless of your gender is simply weird - makes it seem very amateurish. How could you think anybody would take that serious..105 - 105 - 105 (14th march 2014)
Join date: November 2008 - HT.0 -
Ds, you can't be serious right now... people know frighten is your alt, great job trying to hide behind it. However, it'd be more convincing if i was hiding behind one of my alts with basically the same name b:laugh .0
Guys at least wait for aeliahs defence of dsranger to tell us it's a perfectly warranted logical recruit video. I mean for all we know it could be suave strategic move! High risque high reward?
b:chuckleDarkSkiesx - Demon Archer
DarkSeasx - Sage Assassin
Tempest-dw.shivtr.com0 -
(Only Bob knows my alts anymore.... not counting my archer. Stupid archer.)
Seriously Cry everyone knows your alts and everyone knows how full of yourself you are, you can stop trying so hard, we get it, you like yourself, jeez. Sure, you did beat Heartz, but it took you 5 purges. And he beat you back. And you went in stealth for like over an hour to hide.
Bob the only alts of your I think people wouldn't get were your BM and your Barb, and lucky me I know them all ;D Seriously gtfo my FL I have 7 alts of yours on my FL Naberts0 -
Heartz - Dreamweaver wrote: »For this purpose yes. half naked / nude recruitment for a GAME, regardless of your gender is simply weird - makes it seem very amateurish. How could you think anybody would take that serious..
Focus on the game, get people interested in the 'subject' don't get them distracted with silly... things like being half naked.
As that old saying goes there is a time and place for EVERYTHING. b:avoidAh, Mistakes are so easily made. ~ laura resnick
What kind of message are you sending when you insult my intelligence? ~ Me ~ 5/29/2015 (Yes it is possible someone said this before just no idea who/where.)0 -
For the sake of my sanity, please do a 180 on this thread and go towards the topic instead of... whatever DS was doing in that recruitment vid.... which really is crazy borderline for these forums as is.(Insert fancy image here)0 -
For the sake of my sanity, please do a 180 on this thread and go towards the topic instead of... whatever DS was doing in that recruitment vid.... which really is crazy borderline for these forums as is.
*Tortures OP's sanity*
b:avoid f:naughty
I do it out of love for you... i swear!
Ok kidding aside.
Best of each class.
Hmm... that is a little hard for me to say, my list hasn't really changed since the last time I posted one of these, no one has really impressed me since the day's of deltas. (Don't get me wrong I am not saying people have been boring/bad... but I was more impressed when everyone seemed to be capable of doing things without haxed gear/weren't in such a rush that it leaves people wondering wtf just happened?... Its kind of like paying for a movie you expect to be good, and the good guy goes through completely owning the bad guy's without so much of a glimmer of showing their real skill.
Albeit my list has indeed always been pve based... here it is...)
Obviously there are times where even gear does not help, but in most cases gear can compensate ridiculously well for a stupid player.... sadly. ;/ (At least as far as pve goes, maybe not so much in mass pvp situations.)I have never been one to pk/tw/nw/pvp much at all. Especially on my bm.
Archer: Vaud
Cleric: SmashnHeal (still one of the best I can recall/have seen in most places.
Wizard: Labells
Blademaster: (There isn't many I have noticed first hand) The one that comes to mind is someone who has already been mentioned. Aelicia? (I am very picky about this class as I still consider it my main/the one I know the best... at least when it comes to pve anyways... pvp... I refuse to judge bms OR any other class as to whether or not they're skilled at it... especially due to this being a pve server/the most action I see as far as pvp goes is NW. Not to mention mass pvp, there is far too many intangibles to account for when really seeing who is the best.) Obviously though one could easily make a case for those who survive really well when the odds are/should be against them, but even then in this day and age there are even more intangibles to account for/haxed gear does have the potential to compensate for a boneheaded move.
Barbarian: ?????... As I have said before, it has been hard for me to get impressed with what people are doing the more their gear progresses. Though I do still notice when they do indeed fail more or less.
Venomancer: Anonome
Assassin: ???? ...
Psychic: The__Sun
Seeker: ???? ....
Mystic: Asthariel (and IAetius) are both AWESOME mystics though there is indeed more than just them. (I really haven't seen either of them on in quite some time, specifically astha... which really saddens me.)
--- It's hard to know if its more their gear than the person behind the char/the skills... but I know that astha, and aetius are both AWESOME even without the gears... especially Asthariel.---
I really can't help but wonder just how many 'good' people are out there if they were given (correction in NOT given) the gear that others had. Obviously one could make a case for certain undergeared players who are already doing rather decently, but still, only time will telll just how good they will be in true end game gear.
I made a few edits into that.Ah, Mistakes are so easily made. ~ laura resnick
What kind of message are you sending when you insult my intelligence? ~ Me ~ 5/29/2015 (Yes it is possible someone said this before just no idea who/where.)0 -
I guess at OPs request, i'll do an on topic post.
Archer: xRedHoodx, Heartz and Darkskies are all good archers, probably the best on server I can't decide which is best because i've not actually seen them against each other outside of a tw situation.
Cleric: Aeliah, this was an easy choice, nobody knows cleric as well as he does
BM: Aelicia Nigelus and Ex_tacy are all great at the class and people i'm glad i don't have to face in tw.
Wiz: I don't see too many wizards around, best i've seen are probably Philco or Dragslave
Barb: As far as cata pulling, BigCojones is the best. In terms of str barb, i'd have to go with BeastlyJay
Veno: Wacky and Skystorm
Sin: Kemushi not only is she geared well, but also plays better than any sin i've seen
Psy: Mezk and The Sun, both know the class well and are difficult to kill in tw/nw
Mystic: Despite being under geared compared to many, Xaner shows what mystics can really do
Seeker: As much as i'd like to say myself, i don't have an over inflated ego and i know it's not true, I think Livboree or Iceblade are the best seekers on server that don't have massive gear advantages.0 -
Ds you're a tard if you seriously think anyone believes you played an archer longer than anyone else on forums, but I suppose if you tell a lie long enough you may tend to believe it yourself. Hiding in stealth for an hour in 1v1 fights no longer warrants a real fight everytime you can ever pull off a kill its because the person your facing either has less gear than your full +12 jaded gear, you have done nothing to improve on because your not the real fly. It is simply because whoever you face gets bored of waiting for you to stop hiding like a coward because if your 1 and only tactic of triple spark quick shot in ig fails you go back to hide for another hour, everytime we actually fought you lose in a straight up fight you barely use any skills and +10 +11 and a warsoul bow with more DoTs than deity's or anything can barely be considered outgearing a full r9rr +12 everything. Your only kills come off of a multiple lucky purges and if you cant pull that off you hide in stealth QQ like the QQholder we all know, or die because its all you got and find your rightful place beneath every other actual archer who worked for their toons feet.0
I got bored and skipped a few pages after reading literally the same exact names in every single post lol.
But I would agree with what was said above, wonder how some of the lower geared people would compare if given the same high end gear that (almost) everyone that is named has? I've bumped into a few no names several times that really surprised and impressed me with their skill, and how they manage with the gear they have among all the OP toons running around, can't remember their names off the top of my head, but I made sure to pm them and tell them.
Not saying those named are bad, they are very good at what they do and proved it several times, just makes me wonder about all of those people flying under the radar of popularity that can take you by surprise.
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