Final Compensation - For All (12.12.13 UPDATED)
i hope this gets fixed... people on heaven's tear were getting 3 10* per account.. some people got more than 20 apparently on different accounts. This is a significant issue for those of us who have worked hard - some of us over several years to acquire our gears.. and now we are even further behind because of this mistake.
There is a larger problem even if this gets resolved. It seems we have to log in every day now to see if there is a pwi error and fix.. If we don't we will miss out and get behind.
the original corrrection of sending the codes to just the people on the archosaur server who were logged in during the roll back period was the best one.. if they wanted to send their items to other servers that should have not been a problem because it was correcting an error that was no fault of their own. But it seems in trying to be more than fair pwi has been very unfair due to these issues0 -
XShadowshotx - Heavens Tear wrote: »As much as a rollback is needed, very badly. It most likely wont happen due to the fact that GMs don't work weekends, you can't even get a ticket response until Monday if you have an issue. I see them disabling this code, remaking a new one that is 1 time per account and putting that one out, or the smarter move would be make a unique code per account emailing that account and letting them redeem it. That way they'd be able to track which ones are used and which aren't. Also it eliminates the spam. I'm seeing so much spam from the same people over and over again.
Weekends? It's Thursday where I am.0 -
i also had no idea about this code before and now cant even use it the 1 time.0
Daenerys_ - Archosaur wrote: »Oh for cryin' out loud... the surprise ROLLBACK is what started all this fiasco in the first place. I'm tired of SSing every time I do something with my gears out of paranoia that it might be taken away should someone else exploit something ---knowingly or unknowingly---.
If the geniuses at PWE hired actual coders that are worth their salt, we wouldn't be having many of the issues we are currently dealing with.
Furthermore, you can't lose money you didn't HAVE in the first place!
For the love of all that is good in this world... please.
Agree with you Dae0 -
Nothing is disabled for the hacker on Archosaur server that keep getting orbs right now, they infiltrated the pwi's databaseb:shocked
Just grow up dammit, and baut they didnt opend the mails till not worth to quote at all...but its a +1
Enough btching about rollbacks. Yes, some people got a shtton of orbs from this code. Yes, I am kinda upset that I wasn't able to get the same. But ffs, we already had one rollback and I'd prefer avoiding the same clusterfk again (especially across all servers). If you can do something about the people that got 20+ orbs from this code, go for it, but it's stupid to roll everything back AGAIN and just cause more problems.Current:
TW/NW Videos:
Some people get R93 and become another cookiecutter DD, other people get R93 and get called out as serious threats. At some point, it's just not about gear anymore. - Qui
Some (many?) people did not read the forum and went directly to the redeem page. When seeing the 10-mins wait message, why should they not do as instructed? They waited 10 minutes and asked for another bundle. And repeated again and again. They only did what the redeem page told them to do : wait 10 minutes and ask for another one.
As for those asking for a server's rollback. Don't count on it, they must all have left for home by now and PWE's offices must be empty by now.
They should have closed the servers as soon as they noticed what was happening. Why did they not do that? More incompetence...[/COLOR]
Because, ya know what? At first, you had to visit the forums to get the code, no?
Then people started giving the code off in world chat. Thus cutting out the forum, and people not knowing. Know what that tells me? Even MORE incompetence on the server community. So, please, continue on about how PWE is being incompetent, when the players themselves can't even check the forums. Many don't even know there are forums. f:meh[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Mweya - Heavens Tear wrote: »i hope this gets fixed... people on heaven's tear were getting 3 10* per account.. some people got more than 20 apparently on different accounts. This is a significant issue for those of us who have worked hard - some of us over several years to acquire our gears.. and now we are even further behind because of this mistake.
There is a larger problem even if this gets resolved. It seems we have to log in every day now to see if there is a pwi error and fix.. If we don't we will miss out and get behind.
the original corrrection of sending the codes to just the people on the archosaur server who were logged in during the roll back period was the best one.. if they wanted to send their items to other servers that should have not been a problem because it was correcting an error that was no fault of their own. But it seems in trying to be more than fair pwi has been very unfair due to these issues
The code itself was good for 3 10*s along with other items such as apoth, a plat charm, and event gold. I agree that its not fair that some got more than 3 but others got none, having only gotten 3 on my account, I do not wish a roll back, but I do want them to make it up to those that did not receive their items.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Heaven's Tear--
Stoli -- Sage Cleric (Main) -- Dominus Marshal
_River -- 101 Demon Veno (Retired)
Echosaridy -- 101 Sage Sin (Alt)
Sarifikara -- 80 Blademaster (Future Demon)0 -
Seriously what pw should of done is make it so its only one per account and not redeemable for more then one. Thus there wouldnt be any abuse. Now cus the code no longer works your going to have alot of angry ppl with those who just found out and cant get anything now. Things are no longer fair with most ppl having orbs and others with nothing.0
Some of you saying this is not players fault need to rethink that...just because you have an opportunity to steal does not mean you do it...yes those that exploited this code it's in their nature to take things that isn't theirs, they're thieves no two ways of looking at it! PWI knows players are gonna exploit when they can and should have thought this through before posting the code but they never learn from past mistakes!b:sad0
Jarkhen - Archosaur wrote: »Enough btching about rollbacks. Yes, some people got a shtton of orbs from this code. Yes, I am kinda upset that I wasn't able to get the same. But ffs, we already had one rollback and I'd prefer avoiding the same clusterfk again (especially across all servers). If you can do something about the people that got 20+ orbs from this code, go for it, but it's stupid to roll everything back AGAIN and just cause more problems.
This. ._.0 -
Jarkhen - Archosaur wrote: »Enough btching about rollbacks. Yes, some people got a shtton of orbs from this code. Yes, I am kinda upset that I wasn't able to get the same. But ffs, we already had one rollback and I'd prefer avoiding the same clusterfk again (especially across all servers). If you can do something about the people that got 20+ orbs from this code, go for it, but it's stupid to roll everything back AGAIN and just cause more problems.
Agreed, wholeheartedly.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Heaven's Tear--
Stoli -- Sage Cleric (Main) -- Dominus Marshal
_River -- 101 Demon Veno (Retired)
Echosaridy -- 101 Sage Sin (Alt)
Sarifikara -- 80 Blademaster (Future Demon)0 -
Rollback Solution Idea:
1. Shut Server(s) off.
2. Make backup of database(s) and table(s).
3. Roll back servers to whatever date and time (option: just before code came out)
4. Write a query to update the rollback database and tables to re-stock ZEN, coin, trades, farmed items, purchases, etc to the time and date servers were shut off.
5. Write a query to re-refine the first three pieces of everyone's gear who was able to use the Redeem code. (this forces the 'exploit' to be rolled back and used properly) and adjust inventories for all of the other attached gifts. HP charms, pots, Profundity scrolls (xp and spirit attached with those, etc) Basically, write an SQL query so that all established accounts are force-fed ONE redeem.
6. FIX the Redeem code page so that it can ONLY be used ONCE for each account AND cannot be used on freshly created accounts. Established accounts only (what about new players? They weren't affected by this rollback and fail Archosaur thing were they?)
7. Validate the rollback and SQL query to make sure everything is working properly.
8. Turn servers back on.
9. Re-open the Redeem page with updated source code.
10. Slap people who think 'as designed' is an exploit and start making sure you code to prevent things that can be done, because if it can be done, it WILL be done.
That's a lot to ask for people who are not even able to code a redeem page properly....Frankieraye said : "we can promise that we will work to improve all facets of community, engineering, and customer service to ensure that something like this doesn't happen again."
(We are still waiting to see any improvements or changes beign implemented. More empty promises from PWI?)0 -
Jarkhen - Archosaur wrote: »Enough btching about rollbacks. Yes, some people got a shtton of orbs from this code. Yes, I am kinda upset that I wasn't able to get the same. But ffs, we already had one rollback and I'd prefer avoiding the same clusterfk again (especially across all servers). If you can do something about the people that got 20+ orbs from this code, go for it, but it's stupid to roll everything back AGAIN and just cause more problems.
b:angry you say that because you got your full rrr9 set +10 with that cheat!!0 -
now i have no idea... i barelly can access redeem site but there no server ad character name... but still, in game, there is some ppl got orb b:cry0
Now program +13 and we'll all hold : XCableX's TW videos : Current BM Build for TW0 -
DefenderofDreams wrote: »Hello Perfect World citizens!
We've finalized our compensation efforts for the past month of various issues that have affected many of you this holiday season.
-Redeem the following code to any character on any server for a collection of goodies including bound dragon orbs! The code is redeemable once per account.
Code ends on Sunday, November 24th @ 11:59 PM PST
We thank all of you who have stayed with us during these turbulent times, and please continue being awesome!
-PW Team
We've disabled the code while we investigate the situation of code abuse.
the cannot afford to ban them they are mostly the credit card users they pay for the game so to cheat will be a no blame for all the rest who did not like me the new code i got squat such a sad day in pwi history greedy players and incompetent devs leave no mystery that this may be end of a great game for shame for shame for shame0 -
OK so who could not made too many abuses should have a comensation code to do it again ! or some kind of compansation !
I just think if you gonna do rollback or ban the people the abuse the code, you should also fire the guy that made, because punish people (ok people that abused) for a mistake that is ENTIRELY YOURS is ridiculous. Did ANY of you see a rollback or bans when they spammed Dreamchaser codes? TBH i prefer the last spam than the first one, at least this last one no one was making coins out of something free.0
Daenerys_ - Archosaur wrote: »Oh for cryin' out loud... the surprise ROLLBACK is what started all this fiasco in the first place. I'm tired of SSing every time I do something with my gears out of paranoia that it might be taken away should someone else exploit something ---knowingly or unknowingly---.
If the geniuses at PWE hired actual coders that are worth their salt, we wouldn't be having many of the issues we are currently dealing with.
Furthermore, you can't lose money you didn't HAVE in the first place!
For the love of all that is good in this world... please.
yeah easier for the abusers to move on that those that didnt even got it ..0 -
Daenerys_ - Archosaur wrote: »Oh for cryin' out loud... the surprise ROLLBACK is what started all this fiasco in the first place. I'm tired of SSing every time I do something with my gears out of paranoia that it might be taken away should someone else exploit something ---knowingly or unknowingly---.
If the geniuses at PWE hired actual coders that are worth their salt, we wouldn't be having many of the issues we are currently dealing with.
Furthermore, you can't lose money you didn't HAVE in the first place!
For the love of all that is good in this world... please.
Agree with this and all things related. The rollback was what caused this whole thing in the first place and you all want another one? The hell? If it were possible to hunt down those who did abuse it then I'm all for it. But ANOTHER rollback would probably bust all the servers somehow with the current track record of issues >.>;[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
At this point another rollback would be really bad for PWE. The code is now disabled. No one can use it. The orbs and items are bound anyway so they cant be sold. There should have been one code for all in the first place and none of this would have happened. Let bygones be bygones call it done and leave it rest. Don't roll back again due to a few stupid people. b:sad0
any1 who has played different mmos knows theres one more option... not saying im for it but they could always just do a complete server wipef:sneaky =3 that would make everything fair for EVERYONE0
Yet another middle finger to the customers!If you don't like the way I talk, please, for everyone's sanity, keep in mind that I have ASPERGERS. I don't see a reason to not tell you like it is, or what I think of you. If you are being an idiot, or one minded, I tend to disregard you like trash.0
YoungerLover - Archosaur wrote: »the cannot afford to ban them they are mostly the credit card users they pay for the game so to cheat will be a no blame for all the rest who did not like me the new code i got squat such a sad day in pwi history greedy players and incompetent devs leave no mystery that this may be end of a great game for shame for shame for shame
what cheat? there was no cheat, everyone did what the REDEEM SITE SAID, use it in 10 mins again ! dont blame player if you didnt read what Coders says you to do ! Blame the offense ijs
just Make The Rollback And Everyone Happy0
Leaving the orbs in the game is just gonna further cripple the's either a rollback or hunt down the thieves that exploited the guys/gals not wanting a rollback just how many orbs did you get?0
b:angry you say that because you got your full rrr9 set +10 with that cheat!!
idk who you are, or why you're scared to post from your main, but let me get one thing clear: All of my gear has been +10 for... 8 months now?Current:
TW/NW Videos:
Some people get R93 and become another cookiecutter DD, other people get R93 and get called out as serious threats. At some point, it's just not about gear anymore. - Qui
This discussion has been closed.
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