Final Compensation - For All (12.12.13 UPDATED)



  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    b:shocked Holy ****... This whole week has been nothing but chaos haha
  • Posts: 202 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    rollback ROLLBACKKKKKK
  • Posts: 683 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    zoltan1976 wrote: »
    I do respect the almost only MOD seeing replying on the forum, no offense for others but Kossy is the one im seeing, and what you said is right, but a code what you can use every 10 mins is not an exploit or a glitch, it is someones fault, just dont understand why is players fault, what does a player have with SITE coding failure, i dont understand why you blame players, redeem page said use it in 10mins again, so players used it, why is that players fault??? As i know a lot of players used ingame glitch to get to lvl105 and they are still lvl105, noone was blaming them, and now when someone made a code, and that wasnt a player, what can be used multiple times every 10 minutes, players are quilty? now im asking why???

    Another question: Why could players select all the servers to redeem the codes for compensation while it was only for archosaur server? that was what made this all, cause ppl could redeem to other servers too, and why is that players fault? isnt that SITE coding too? why would any other server get any compensation? they had no rollback at was this all players fault or some coding failure what should be done before the codes was sent out to emails...just wondering...

  • Posts: 143 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    finally got to the redeem page but couldnt even select server or character
  • Posts: 486 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    dont roll back is ok to bt they hv to let all abuse it n get +11 lol that's pretty ......
    if they just stop the spam no it would be unfair to those that didn't abused it lol...
    n honestly in my server many r saying to ban abuser bt i don't think u can blame them since pw r the one that let this happen n its there fault...
  • Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    here's an idea why not just make it account stashable to begin with n just have sent em ingame to mail it would have save the abuse n you might have gain more gold with ppl buyng account stashes or have endoded the codes to just work 1 per account n that would have saved the drama
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    of course ppl 100+ wouldn't care to rollback they've already reached 100+
  • Posts: 395 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    i vote for massive roll back, roll the servers back to before the earthguard classes came out b:dirty \o/
  • Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Well i dont know. I have seen this going for hours and World chat is being spammed with discussions. I myself took a part in it but seems like nobody likes honesty.

    The thing is, the server need a rollback. They NEED it for pwi's sake. I dont know about the gold prices on other servers but on my server, the lost city server, gold prices range from 2-2.5m atm.
    I asked people through world chat for an approximate number of orbs and the price the orbs are going for.

    1000 at the very least, and 50m for a dragon orb ocean. however, 10$ is 10 gold, 10 gold equals 20-25m. Lets take 25m for easier maths, one orb would be 20 gold. or 20$. now take that number times 1000. 20000$ vanished for pwe just on my server.

    Even though i think thousand is a high number, let's say it is real. We cant forget that our server (yours as well as mine) arent the only server with that amount of abuse. which means that its not just 20k, it means 20k multiplied by the amout of servers. i dont know the exact amount, but i know there are at least 10 of them which means that there is 200k $ GONE. in less than a few hours.

    I must say that the lack of honesty is astonishing. I personally didnt use the code, not because i couldnt but because i didnt want to. I been playing this game for almost 5 years, and i have seen a beautiful game break down to nothing. I dont CS, but i appreciate every bit of work pwe puts in this game.
    So for pwe's sake, for pwi's sake, we need a rollback. we NEED it.

    I been called a complainer on my server, even a jelly hater. The thing is, i just dont want the game to die. Not yet. R10 and new cultivation might do that eventually anyways.

    Again, the lack of honesty, the lack of decency is frightening. I like free stuff myself, but not at the cost of the game. Most people on my server dont share my opinion. Hope you guys on other servers do though.

    A lot of nonsense :p

    Lots of love nonetheless

    ~ FirstJustice
  • Posts: 419 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Some Players Keep Getting Orb On Archosaur server ! Help. AND THEY NOT EVEN GET 3 BUT 4 b:shocked
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013

    i vote for massive roll back, roll the servers back to before the earthguard classes came out b:dirty \o/
  • Posts: 323 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    dont roll back is ok to bt they hv to let all abuse it n get +11 lol that's pretty ......
    if they just stop the spam no it would be unfair to those that didn't abused it lol...
    n honestly in my server many r saying to ban abuser bt i don't think u can blame them since pw r the one that let this happen n its there fault...

    that would actually be a good idea, let players abuse this more so every1 can get full +10
    (well aside from the platcharm/d/s event card u apparently get too)
    from what ive been told those orbs can only be used on bound gear anyway, so theres a limit to what extent u can exploit (if it works, even)

    just saying, incase we dont get rollback...
  • Posts: 395 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    of course ppl 100+ wouldn't care to rollback they've already reached 100+

    =p u may of been busy runnin fc trien to get to 100 but ppl 100+ were just as busy in tt or farming or even in pv trien to get to a higher lvl :D
  • Posts: 257 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Roll back again? I am now .2% away from where I was before this mess. 1 more sale today and I have the increased amount of coin needed to repurchase my rep for R9, still have no mog's but did receive my GST's back. I never received an email, could not redeem mass code. I am so tired of this. b:angry
  • Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Rollback Solution Idea:

    1. Shut Server(s) off.
    2. Make backup of database(s) and table(s).
    3. Roll back servers to whatever date and time (option: just before code came out)
    4. Write a query to update the rollback database and tables to re-stock ZEN, coin, trades, farmed items, purchases, etc to the time and date servers were shut off.
    5. Write a query to re-refine the first three pieces of everyone's gear who was able to use the Redeem code. (this forces the 'exploit' to be rolled back and used properly) and adjust inventories for all of the other attached gifts. HP charms, pots, Profundity scrolls (xp and spirit attached with those, etc) Basically, write an SQL query so that all established accounts are force-fed ONE redeem.
    6. FIX the Redeem code page so that it can ONLY be used ONCE for each account AND cannot be used on freshly created accounts. Established accounts only (what about new players? They weren't affected by this rollback and fail Archosaur thing were they?)
    7. Validate the rollback and SQL query to make sure everything is working properly.
    8. Turn servers back on.
    9. Re-open the Redeem page with updated source code.
    10. Slap people who think 'as designed' is an exploit and start making sure you code to prevent things that can be done, because if it can be done, it WILL be done.
  • Posts: 1,216 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    make a super 90% off 11* and 12* sale ! those with 50+ ocean orbs can +12 all gear just like that so... let us all have it !
    scruuuuuuuubs killa b:cute Nation War champion b:cool
  • Posts: 519 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    OPKossy wrote: »
    Are we happy now, folks? Really, I hope everyone who abused this is proud of themselves.

    We had an issue on one server and the folks at PWI who have the least power and the most to worry about managed to beg and plead with their bosses until they got us some major compensation for our issues.

    Then a bunch of mostly jealous people rant about how it's unfair that they decided to let those with the compensation do as they pleased with it. Not to mention plenty of demands to make it so everyone got something due to the mess it was causing in some's opinions.

    So these same people saw the concerns and decided that you guys were right and that they should give us all a hand. So they went through their bosses. Again. And hurray we all got level playing field.

    It should have ended there... but no, that wasn't good enough for some. Instead, people had to abuse the goodwill of the people with the LEAST POWER IN THE COMPANY to get a massive advantage over others. Because, hey, why play fair and kindly accept what the GMs who obviously care worked their butts off to get for us.

    So now here we are in this screwed up situation with people getting +10 orbs left and right as well as tons of event gold by breaking the system while others, who are just trying to legitimately get ONE, are screwed entirely. Really, guys? When PWI tries to do right by us they get this kind of stark reminder of why they should stay away?

    Honestly, I'll be surprised if they ever try to be good to us again after this. Yeah they can **** up a lot. And yeah they have tons of mistakes and issues... but having us do **** like this the instant they try to be better? Yeah that's sure gonna help encourage them to be more open with us and be more willing to help us out and compensate us when issues arise.

    Yeah. I know many who are here weren't abusing this or didn't try to. But the fact is enough people did. Those of you who know the exploit, I sincerely hope you aren't going to be hypocrites and enjoy the double standard of abusing glitches in your favor but getting in an uproar about those that aren't in your favor.... aka I hope you've reported how this glitch is performed so it can be stopped.

    I'm all for yelling at PWE when they **** up. But as players, this fiasco shows we're the ones who screwed up this time. And those guilty of **** over everyone else in the aftermath of whatever happens because of this should feel horrible about themselves.

    And this is a rant as a fellow player and member of the community. Not as a mod.

    PWE screwed up, not we.If they can't keep everything fine, than it's not our fault. You say, PWE gives a hand (few free items). while they got ton of money. They broken this game. The game was epic before packs sale, hyper exp stones, reputation sale and before stupid r9 gear. At these days, everything is OP. Noone is doing quests, rare team work. PWE gonna do server's roll back? Why they didn't that after frost glitch, while ton of people got 105 level? Why you blame us, if PWE does mistakes? You need to be a moron, if you don't want to make your gear +10 in few minutes while other does that. I'm tired of all this cheap sh*t. I quit this game.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Hello Perfect World citizens!

    We've finalized our compensation efforts for the past month of various issues that have affected many of you this holiday season.

    -Redeem the following code to any character on any server for a collection of goodies including bound dragon orbs! The code is redeemable once per account.


    Code ends on Sunday, November 24th @ 11:59 PM PST

    We thank all of you who have stayed with us during these turbulent times, and please continue being awesome!

    -PW Team

    We've disabled the code while we investigate the situation of code abuse.

    i dont think its fare to stop code already, i didnt know we had this code also... i only used the code from my email for this account and that code is not this one... but at the same time if we get another rollback due to ppl being ungreatful, u'll delete my new archer x.x i wanna say ty tho for the efforts, but really shoulda made it ONLY for the account it was emailed to
  • Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    After a night of reading and refreshing in hope for results, I say roll it back like I posted on the temporary Facebook thread. Can't have players with full +10 running around without working for it... or at least buying it.

    Roll back. Goodnight.
  • Posts: 315 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    As a matter of fact, there will be a rollback, doesnt matter if we keep QQing bout it or not, this mistake, made the company lose hundreds of thousands of dollars in about 5 hours :) Somebody is definitely gonna lose their job for that, because that's how it works in big companies...

    If they don't roll it back, well everyone who wasn't able to exploit the code, can pretty much say goodbye to: PvP and PvE likewise, because, how do you want to compete with all those full +12 people now? b:chuckle

    Every sin and BM who is activly farming can now get even richer, since TT wont be hard anymore, and hey free charms were also included b:pleased
  • Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    You know, usually Compensation is used to in some way fix an isue, very very rarely it generates a bigger isue, so rarely that in fact , one must be more than an artist to accomplish such eventuallity... Congratulations!
  • Posts: 486 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    make a super 90% off 11* and 12* sale ! those with 50+ ocean orbs can +12 all gear just like that so... let us all have it !

  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Well i dont know. I have seen this going for hours and World chat is being spammed with discussions. I myself took a part in it but seems like nobody likes honesty.

    The thing is, the server need a rollback. They NEED it for pwi's sake. I dont know about the gold prices on other servers but on my server, the lost city server, gold prices range from 2-2.5m atm.
    I asked people through world chat for an approximate number of orbs and the price the orbs are going for.

    1000 at the very least, and 50m for a dragon orb ocean. however, 10$ is 10 gold, 10 gold equals 20-25m. Lets take 25m for easier maths, one orb would be 20 gold. or 20$. now take that number times 1000. 20000$ vanished for pwe just on my server.

    Even though i think thousand is a high number, let's say it is real. We cant forget that our server (yours as well as mine) arent the only server with that amount of abuse. which means that its not just 20k, it means 20k multiplied by the amout of servers. i dont know the exact amount, but i know there are at least 10 of them which means that there is 200k $ GONE. in less than a few hours.

    I must say that the lack of honesty is astonishing. I personally didnt use the code, not because i couldnt but because i didnt want to. I been playing this game for almost 5 years, and i have seen a beautiful game break down to nothing. I dont CS, but i appreciate every bit of work pwe puts in this game.
    So for pwe's sake, for pwi's sake, we need a rollback. we NEED it.

    I been called a complainer on my server, even a jelly hater. The thing is, i just dont want the game to die. Not yet. R10 and new cultivation might do that eventually anyways.

    Again, the lack of honesty, the lack of decency is frightening. I like free stuff myself, but not at the cost of the game. Most people on my server dont share my opinion. Hope you guys on other servers do though.

    A lot of nonsense :p

    Lots of love nonetheless

    ~ FirstJustice

    Well said guy
  • Posts: 419 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    We've disabled the code while we investigate the situation of code abuse.

    Nothing is disabled for the hacker on Archosaur server that keep getting orbs right now, they infiltrated the pwi's databaseb:shocked
  • Posts: 486 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    As a matter of fact, there will be a rollback, doesnt matter if we keep QQing bout it or not, this mistake, made the company lose hundreds of thousands of dollars in about 5 hours :) Somebody is definitely gonna lose their job for that, because that's how it works in big companies...

    If they don't roll it back, well everyone who wasn't able to exploit the code, can pretty much say goodbye to: PvP and PvE likewise, because, how do you want to compete with all those full +12 people now? b:chuckle

    Every sin and BM who is activly farming can now get even richer, since TT wont be hard anymore, and hey free charms were also included b:pleased

    i think who ever decided this compensation has gone mad or was drunk xD
  • Posts: 395 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    As a matter of fact, there will be a rollback, doesnt matter if we keep QQing bout it or not, this mistake, made the company lose hundreds of thousands of dollars in about 5 hours :) Somebody is definitely gonna lose their job for that, because that's how it works in big companies...

    If they don't roll it back, well everyone who wasn't able to exploit the code, can pretty much say goodbye to: PvP and PvE likewise, because, how do you want to compete with all those full +12 people now? b:chuckle

    Every sin and BM who is activly farming can now get even richer, since TT wont be hard anymore, and hey free charms were also included b:pleased

    +1 mr.hagina :D now the only question how big of a roll back =D hmmm 2-3 day roll back or 2-3 months or 2-3 years :O
  • Posts: 257 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    They are redeeming their original codes.
  • Posts: 278 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    As much as a rollback is needed, very badly. It most likely wont happen due to the fact that GMs don't work weekends, you can't even get a ticket response until Monday if you have an issue. I see them disabling this code, remaking a new one that is 1 time per account and putting that one out, or the smarter move would be make a unique code per account emailing that account and letting them redeem it. That way they'd be able to track which ones are used and which aren't. Also it eliminates the spam. I'm seeing so much spam from the same people over and over again.
  • Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Oh for cryin' out loud... the surprise ROLLBACK is what started all this fiasco in the first place. I'm tired of SSing every time I do something with my gears out of paranoia that it might be taken away should someone else exploit something ---knowingly or unknowingly---.

    If the geniuses at PWE hired actual coders that are worth their salt, we wouldn't be having many of the issues we are currently dealing with.

    Furthermore, you can't lose money you didn't HAVE in the first place!


    For the love of all that is good in this world... please.
    As soon as you're born you start dying... so you might as well have a good time. b:victory
This discussion has been closed.