Poll: What should be done about DQ points?



  • Roseary - Sanctuary
    Roseary - Sanctuary Posts: 978 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Also, as you state:
    "We were given the DQ reward system because our version did not have as huge of a bot problem as PWC had, since PWE was unable to reverse the DQ sell value. That was the reasoning behind the DQ reward system, our compensation for what little coin players would get from DQ's while leveling up."

    If that really was the entire purpose of the system, the compensation now would be the jolly jones quests which people abuse with multiple toons... Free coins ftw, but you don't see people complain about getting free coins handed to them for just logging in 10 toons, getting a quest to get the orders and then move along.

    Won't be long before that's taken away from us too, either by an update by PWC or a concious decission by PWE. What then?
  • Mosz - Heavens Tear
    Mosz - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,181 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    They should either increase the coin drop and dq npc price again or leave the point system in. They gave us this point system because they nurfed the price of the DQ at the npc...they nurf HH drops...drops in general...games farked up and they don't care...

    coin drop and npc dq price wont fix bots, only promote them
    they gave free daily charms for lvl 1-60 to make up for the low lvl dqs
    TT(HH) drops have NOT been nerfed, nor have drops in general been nerfed
  • DEMHEALSMAN - Dreamweaver
    DEMHEALSMAN - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,396 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Won't be long before that's taken away from us too, either by an update by PWC or a concious decission by PWE. What then?

    Although possible, which wouldn't surprise me if they did, it's still there at the moment for a while to come, plenty of people are "abusing" it to get coins. Could/should be restricted to 1 toon per account? I don't know, honestly I don't really use jolly jones myself.

    I do hope their blog post has somewhat priority to be posted about the DQ thing, but considering it's midnight there now I guess people will have to wait for some hours to come at least still. I am curious to why they decided to do something like this, but it won't really effect me in-game.

    It surely can't be just to combat bots, banning would be way easier and the price of the items didn't get lowered, so people could still just bot them for an easy amount of millions of coin per day, specially during double drops.
    Well, maybe later, semi-retired.
  • velasquez2
    velasquez2 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    DQ points really are that important? o_O

    Yes Ahira, they are...
    maybe not for RPKlers and CS'sers like you b:laugh

    But those who do not spend a f*ck load of money to this game still need them a lot.

    And to the ppl qqing about bots...
    Hunt them down like some ppl on Lost City server do... they do it that effectively that we got only a few of them.

    Have fun guys b:bye

    PS: At least on a PVP Server it works
    Happy now DEMHEALSMAN? b:shy

    Nice how some ppl on Forum just waiting for general texts to get their reply counted b:laugh
  • DEMHEALSMAN - Dreamweaver
    DEMHEALSMAN - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,396 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    velasquez2 wrote: »
    And to the ppl qqing about bots...
    Hunt them down like some ppl on Lost City server do... they do it that effectively that we got only a few of them.

    Yes, that is a very effective method on a PvE server...
    Well, maybe later, semi-retired.
  • Karmil - Heavens Tear
    Karmil - Heavens Tear Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    i think its time to move on from this game



    this, enough said

    bye bye people, do not miss me, because I won't
  • ResiaTri - Heavens Tear
    ResiaTri - Heavens Tear Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    The DQ points were a great idea. But, they need some sort of compensation for them. Its stupid to just get rid of them. I mean, who does the Dragon Quest anymore?

    How are they going to replace it? Return the prices to something acceptable? Or some other form of compensation? New Rewards?

    As I couldn't decide between returning the prices to an acceptable level and New rewards...I chose "other".

    And yes, I'm still sticking with this game. I believe there's still hope for it. Especially with the old Devs returning for another expansion. (THE ORIGINAL DEVS!) Least, that's the rumor.

    And honestly? If PWC has such an issue with bots, why don't they find another solution?

    If people are going to be ****ing lazy when it comes to gaming...then they can go **** themselves. They shouldn't be playing the game in the first place. There's NO reason for someone to use bots. Its BULL****.
  • MetzliDemon - Harshlands
    MetzliDemon - Harshlands Posts: 354 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    But whyyy?!!!
    It was totally just fine how it is :o
    Tho they could keep it this way but add more cool stuff...
    MetzliDemon - 102 Celestial Demon Assassin f:grin
    AmyDemon - 96 Demon Cleric
    ShekmetDemon - 81 Venomancer
    MictianDemon - 68 Blademaster
    HecateDemon - 60 Mystic
    AhrinamDemon - 50 Psychic
    AliahDemon - 24 Seeker
    And there's a 75 Barbarian too! f:cute
  • SweetDevyl - Lost City
    SweetDevyl - Lost City Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    f:scared Good lord the amount of people being so mad about this and "quitting" is rediculous lol.

    You all are acting as if your income depends on dq points, so far im pretty much doing fine without it.

    If it was about the bots, they'd lower the npc price to 1 coin like they did with the other dq's, or just ban the bots...

    Anyway, as much as it sucks, I don't see what will change so much about the game for people, event gold is still obtainable through... well, as the name states... events.

    Well, since there are so many complaining, it's pretty obvious that dq points actually are important for the most ~still~ players. Don ya think?
  • Desdi - Sanctuary
    Desdi - Sanctuary Posts: 8,680 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    For the casual players, DQ points were a good way to get event gold for refine aids to refine their gear. It was also a nice way to get some charms. Additionally, Do-alls, random pigments, and various other things could be used.

    I don't know why they are doing this. It was the promised compensation for the DQ nerf we had some years ago.
    ★ Venomancer videos - tinyurl.com/k6ppkw4 ★ Desdi - Demon ♪ Wyvelin - Sage ★
  • RedWoodred - Harshlands
    RedWoodred - Harshlands Posts: 73 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Its funny we were just discussing that if they REALLY wanted to get rid of bots they could actually pay the GMs to actually do their job in game and police the servers and kick bots out for farming but that would cost them more of their precious money they make from CSers

    What difference would it make? The majority of the botters aren't even on the North American servers (Hello? China?), and when the ones who are here are caught, they get nothing more than a warning.

    This seems to be true with any breach of ToS: wrist-slap for
    - botting (I happen to know two people who were told to stop it, however they didn't get into any kind of trouble, had nothing taken away, weren't banned even for a few days - NOTHING);
    - account-sharing;
    - buying accounts from others then running them (don't tell me that this doesn't happen. In HL there is more than one person who was blatantly caught doing this and because they immediately swiped their CC to third cast the account they bought, was not punished at all - caught with images, etc.)...
    to name a few.

    So, the Chinese server has the worst offenders, and those of us trying to be good are the ones punished. Should we cheat too in order to keep up with the heavy cash shoppers?

    Taking more away from those who DO follow the rules, those who DO play the game in the manner in which it was designed is like the United States government and it's current state - those with the deepest pockets win. Kiss your DQ benefits good-bye.
    Cash-shopper? That just means I have farmed REAL LIFE, and I want to spend my recreational funds in this game. +12 or GTFO!
    RedWoodred (Full 2nd Cast Nirvana AA Sage Veno); WiskrBisquit (Rank 9 2nd Cast Sage Archer); Puuka (Rank 8 Sage Psychic); Kanu_Unchou (Demon BM Nirvana Farmer); \Wasabi (Assassin); AerynSoon (Full G16+ Sage Seeker); DawnTreader (Mystic)
  • Angel_Spawn - Sanctuary
    Angel_Spawn - Sanctuary Posts: 3,034 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Should we cheat too in order to keep up with the heavy cash shoppers?

    By now I`m sure every1 knows that cheating is not only profitable, it`s rewarding and you will not get punished, well at least you will get a slap on the writs, depending on your zen history.
  • rayapresbe1
    rayapresbe1 Posts: 57 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    well they did not remove the point system or the value of the points, they instead made it so only dragon points of your level will earn you money. so if I am lvl 100 I have to farm dragon points around lothranis and hell or morai I can still also get points in the northern area around snowy village and eden.

    for any level based on what you kill in a range of 10 levels you should still be able to profit from dq cash from npc's

    the problem here is if I am 100 I cannot **** lower level mobs to gain same coin value as a lower level player could. so I see no problem with the dq system as it stands,

    I do think players who do farm dq should get better rewards. in fact overall for those who spend time and money in the game pwi needs to give us more incentive to play least we turn to WOW or other mmorpg games.

    but alas just like a wise boss once told me I can find new applicants everyday their are plenty of people wanting to work here and plenty that don;t have a job that would work for less then you are making now.

    same goes with pwi their are many people out there that will play as long as the advertising is good and graphics are good and if 100k of us complain then they can easily get 100k more.
  • Yoruichi - Morai
    Yoruichi - Morai Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    well...new expansion coming...wouldn't be surprised if something new came tbh
  • TheFire - Lost City
    TheFire - Lost City Posts: 137 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    well I think its time to say good by to what used to be a awesome game. was my first mmo but not my last. I had high hopes and was one of the few that would tell every one that hey it would get better and you could see that they where trying at lest to fix some things. thanks for nothing pwi b:victory
  • Yoruichi - Morai
    Yoruichi - Morai Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    well I think its time to say good by to what used to be a awesome game. was my first mmo but not my last. I had high hopes and was one of the few that would tell every one that hey it would get better and you could see that they where trying at lest to fix some things. thanks for nothing pwi b:victory

    see ya in a few days
  • JanusZeal - Heavens Tear
    JanusZeal - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,852 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    well...new expansion coming...wouldn't be surprised if something new came tbh
    From the looks of it, many would be surprised. What makes you not surprised exactly?

    It's kinda funny watching the bi-polar community -- elated for content release and hype, then ragepissed about sudden DQ points system upheaval.
  • Atrocious - Heavens Tear
    Atrocious - Heavens Tear Posts: 150 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Yea. You guys have no idea what they are going to do, so the correct solution is to quit...

    Also clearly none of you realize that botting has actually become such a large problem that people are not buying zen, but much much cheaper botted coins.

    Less than a third of a cent per million I think is the going rate? Feel bad for anyone paying a whole dollar for a gold. Theyre getting quite ripped off.

    Removing DQ point rewards is probably going to prepare for some other more useful expansion. Till we know for sure just sit back and stop seizuring about it.
    Veteran PWIer.
    Trolled by PWI for 5* years and counting.
    You have gained the status: Immune to trolls.
  • jesterlaugh2009
    jesterlaugh2009 Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    all i know is now they have chosen to do away with DQ, myself (spent real cash often) and a lot of other long term Players will be quiting and looking for better games elsewhere, why change something that works?
  • falloutfan57
    falloutfan57 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Doing this is like breaking the games already broken neck.
  • Wickedbrew - Raging Tide
    Wickedbrew - Raging Tide Posts: 856 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Doing this is like breaking the games already broken neck.

    More like twisting off the head from a broken neck.

    I seriously think, when thinking about a lot of players that are F2P or don't have the funds to spend a little money (under $500 a year), might be the straw that broke the camel's back for them.

    In my opinion, with this change unless there is something better coming for the above mentioned players, PWE might have royally screwed the pooch with this decision.

    Its a good thing there are a couple other games I really enjoy that aren't so endgame cash shop centric, or cost thousands and thousands of dollars to remain competitive. I like the F2P games that the cash shop is mainly for cosmetic things, or special mounts, but nothing that separates the major CSers from the non CSers.

    I will just miss many friends in this game, though I think I can pull quite a few with me to the other game I enjoy, if this DQ decision doesn't have a viable replacement, as most of my friends are light CSers. And player loyalty to a game, is only reciprocated with loyalty from the game company towards its playerbase not dirty tactics.
    WeBeKinky Leader - lvl 10x psychic

    If you don't like my attitude, you should realize I don't care.

    It's strange what desire will make foolish people do.
  • Erectt - Heavens Tear
    Erectt - Heavens Tear Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I never rage-quit. This ---> "Replace the points system with some new rewards?" will be waiting for this to happen, because it's the only thing that can keep me here. Though I doubt they will give us anything good. Every time I hear about free stuff from pwi, I know there's a trap hidden somewhereb:laugh
  • OFate - Heavens Tear
    OFate - Heavens Tear Posts: 497 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    This is likely a reaction from them regarding bots..

    Did someone from corporate in China suddenly play PWI and notice bots? Revelation!

    What is it the bots even gain by farming DQ and using this system?

    Also - I've been playing a few weeks, and have been out farming worms (weak to wood) and not seen any bots at all.
    Ying - 101 Sage Venomancer RB2 // No Alts // Perfect World Player Since: May 2008
  • Mosz - Heavens Tear
    Mosz - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,181 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    What is it the bots even gain by farming DQ and using this system?

    Also - I've been playing a few weeks, and have been out farming worms (weak to wood) and not seen any bots at all.

    theres currently a dozen catshops full of dqs by west tele on ht/... you can find bots all the time in heaven/hell

    there are everyday people selling fashion dying service using random dyes from dq points

    just npcing them gets you a few mil a day if botting

    free charms for all the pk nw and farming you want, free tienkangs/tisha to refine up to +8 with ease
  • Ufoundwaldo - Sanctuary
    Ufoundwaldo - Sanctuary Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    How do they expect poor people to die fasion that they finally got for 500k in cat shop that is ugly green/brown. also cube. do all cards are awsome for lvl's 80-90 as not to be pk'd in lightning room. the outfits can be removed or updated that would be nice. keep the event gold, need those for event items. :). I think they want to take it down to make it more pay to play rather than fun for those who can't afford the nice little trinkets DQ points offer.
  • alice0foxet
    alice0foxet Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Keep The Dq Points!
  • Manii - Harshlands
    Manii - Harshlands Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    This is why I always tell my friends, if you find a way to abuse something in game that gives you a gain...abuse The **** out if it XD. This game ends up the same way every time there's an issue lol...why do ppl expect any better. If you find a way to exploit the game do it until they end up with these types of "solutions"
  • Deltasin - Dreamweaver
    Deltasin - Dreamweaver Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I hate the fact that the DQ rewards are going away.

    However, when DQ items became 1 coin each for lvl 1-70, PWI added in Jolly Old Jones Bounty quests. Seeing how they added daily check in rewards, if the monthly rewards made up for the fact that DQ rewards are gone, then maybe it will make up for that point. Say a year of perfect attendance is worth 50 event gold or something along those lines. I'm not happy as the do alls and perfect stones on demand were helpful, but can live with it, if it is being replaced by something.
  • Mosz - Heavens Tear
    Mosz - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,181 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I hate the fact that the DQ rewards are going away.

    However, when DQ items became 1 coin each for lvl 1-70, PWI added in Jolly Old Jones Bounty quests. Seeing how they added daily check in rewards, if the monthly rewards made up for the fact that DQ rewards are gone, then maybe it will make up for that point. Say a year of perfect attendance is worth 50 event gold or something along those lines. I'm not happy as the do alls and perfect stones on demand were helpful, but can live with it, if it is being replaced by something.

    dont forget they added free daily charms for lvl 1-60, it was later but still

    > if the monthly rewards made up for the fact that DQ rewards are gone

    monthly reward is already in game files check database, it doesnt make up for anything
  • Chuck_smith - Sanctuary
    Chuck_smith - Sanctuary Posts: 305 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Well you can't make changes without making people angry or upset, okay. However, that is way too far. The devs made everyone unhappy which is bad. Want to make money without people buying gold? Remove the ability to transfer coins into gold. Most F2P people would hate that (they hated that suggestion) but at least it won't completely **** people over and that would bring more customers than now.

    PWE have failed to make a change that will actually help both themselves and their own customers, but your greed has ruined things. You think the new expansion will keep the gamers from being upset still? No, they will get tired of it.
    Sage barb in progress.