Poll: What should be done about DQ points?



  • Elstraya - Heavens Tear
    Elstraya - Heavens Tear Posts: 113 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    What about the option to leave it the way it is so that players can actually do stuff like I don't farm at 100? Run cube? Participate in nation wars with charms? Refine that r999 gear they spent those thousands of dollars on? Just a suggestion. Still waiting on that blog post.

    If anyone can tell me how to edit the poll I will add the option to leave things how they are now.
  • Marengo - Lost City
    Marengo - Lost City Posts: 771 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Well you can't make changes without making people angry or upset, okay. However, that is way too far. The devs made everyone unhappy which is bad. Want to make money without people buying gold? Remove the ability to transfer coins into gold. Most F2P people would hate that (they hated that suggestion) but at least it won't completely **** people over and that would bring more customers than now.
    No. It won't make much difference, just will be inconvenient for csers and f2p players as well, since ppl will be forced to sell items directly instead of gold.

    As for DQ points, i thinks it's too early for panic. DQ system still works, pwe devs can implement something new any moment.
    pw art ◊ tinyurl.com/q6ca7ar ◊
  • Psytrac - Dreamweaver
    Psytrac - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,488 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    China's botting fix was implemented in the same fashion we saw in Arch when they released it. this has NOTHING to do with bots. When I play on W2I I have to answer these questions too.
    I'm a guy, not a woman, that is all
    "When you're on Team Bring it, every morning your feet hit the floor, the good lord says "good morning" and the devil says 'Oh **** they're up' " - Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson
    Are you on Team Bring it?
  • Spectralis - Sanctuary
    Spectralis - Sanctuary Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    The DQ's are really a great help, at least to me they are. Have helped my dyein, and in toons' make-ups among other things.

    There are several hidden matters besides the botting in pwi, to make the company eliminatin the dq system:
    Why not thinkin on pwi's own interests? for example.

    It is very obvious that by using rewards given by dq's; a player can not just dye or transform the appereance of the toons for free. Other stuff like gettin a flyer or a fashion set for free also counts here. This harms somehow the economy of pwi., even if some ppl dont think so.

    If tomorrow another system like the DQ is created here, it will also have to be removed because of the bottin, then, players will end up on the same way

    If pwi was really interested of fightin bottin, it should come out with another solution than removin a system that helps somehow, players who can't afford to pay for the stuff in the boutique

    I also have another question besides the one that originated this thread:
    How are those players who have been spendin their time and efforts accumulatin DQ's,
    goin to be compensated for this loss?

    Or pwi is simply sayin its famous phrase: "We' re removin the DQ system from the game and we apologize for the inconvinience".
  • Chuck_smith - Sanctuary
    Chuck_smith - Sanctuary Posts: 305 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    No. It won't make much difference, just will be inconvenient for csers and f2p players as well, since ppl will be forced to sell items directly instead of gold.

    As for DQ points, i thinks it's too early for panic. DQ system still works, pwe devs can implement something new any moment.

    As far as I know, yes it will (I have seen other games where CSers make trades with F2P players. That can prevent bots from getting gold for free (or should I say PWE wants profit too). Gold/coin trades via AH should have never existed in the first place if there really is a botting issue. Back in the old days PWE had their problems trying to make money through PWI, (I have a feeling how MY-EN got closed because not enough people were paying for the game). Now people are having trouble making coins without scamming / using gold to gain coins.

    Of course you won't like it because you're used to it, but you're getting gold for free still aren't you?
    Sage barb in progress.
  • Marengo - Lost City
    Marengo - Lost City Posts: 771 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    As far as I know, yes it will (I have seen other games where CSers make trades with F2P players. That can prevent bots from getting gold for free (or should I say PWE wants profit too). Gold/coin trades via AH should have never existed in the first place if there really is a botting issue. Back in the old days PWE had their problems trying to make money through PWI, (I have a feeling how MY-EN got closed because not enough people were paying for the game). Now people are having trouble making coins without scamming / using gold to gain coins.
    You don't need gold actually. You need items which you can buy for it. If you can't get gold but still need items, you pm a cser who has gold and ask to buy them for you. He buys, trades, you pay him ingame coins. Problem solved. Unless they make boutique items bound. But it would ruin the principle of f2p which they claimed long ago.
    Of course you won't like it because you're used to it, but you're getting gold for free still aren't you?
    b:surrender I'm really scared now, unacquainted people know what i'm doing b:shocked b:laugh
    pw art ◊ tinyurl.com/q6ca7ar ◊
  • dspwifreaky
    dspwifreaky Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    it makes me sad! I love DQ points, they already took the point farming from lower lvls and now from everyone!? We need DQ points or we need LUCID to give similar rewards, I can NOT do without my random dyes!! QQ
  • Psytrac - Dreamweaver
    Psytrac - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,488 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    More like..
    Or pwi is simply sayin its famous phrase: "We' re removin the DQ system from the game sucks to be you".
    I'm a guy, not a woman, that is all
    "When you're on Team Bring it, every morning your feet hit the floor, the good lord says "good morning" and the devil says 'Oh **** they're up' " - Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson
    Are you on Team Bring it?
  • Nenor - Dreamweaver
    Nenor - Dreamweaver Posts: 534 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Honestly, if the removal of the dq points system is bot related, they are others way to combat the problem.
    Try thinking outside the box for once. Get creative. (I know that may be hard for some, but I digress) It shouldn't be to hard to put a limit on how many dq points can be added daily, or weekly.
    Botters still farming dqs to sell in catshops? Go outside the box again. Anything worth over 10 dq points, make untradeable.
    I'd much rather see something like this than to have the entire system removed.
  • m0shim0shi
    m0shim0shi Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    how about add another poll to see How many people want to have DQ point back? As for me, i love to have random dye to make my crappy clothes looks better...
    but in another hand, like others players had said PWI doesn't really take our voice into consideration, then why bother created a forum when no GM read them? b:shocked
  • CheetahWoods - Raging Tide
    CheetahWoods - Raging Tide Posts: 257 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Once upon a time the hi level dq was the price it was today. there was no dq reward system

    THEN they nerfed the dq coin value by 20% and everyone freaked out

    SO, they gave us dq points and a reward system to compensate for the 20% coin nerf

    RECENTLY, they killed the lower dq coin value totally BUT they returned the higher level like dq81,91,35 back to the original pre-20% nerf price.

    For me, the dq rewards were a small bonus, but no earth shattering money machine. the dq coin value is the money and that is still there.

    So, ya, get rid of it. I like meridian and titles better for upping stats = cash value way more than dq rewards.

    BTW, I cashed out. I got 8 makeover scrolls, 220 random dyes and 5 event cards.
    and 4 p stones to get rid of the last of it lol. so ya, a fun 2+ years, but **** it...

    I would like to see jones blessing and any association with facebook replaced with something 100% pwi contained.
  • Lenaura - Sanctuary
    Lenaura - Sanctuary Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Still no blog about the reasons why and when. Disappointed. I had hopes they would come clean and say tis all a big mistake but they are all to busy handling the release of the mobile game which is plastered all over the website.

    They are probably just sitting back waiting for all of us to go away...PWI don't need customers..they need credit cards.
  • Mortseek - Raging Tide
    Mortseek - Raging Tide Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Just kill of the bots maybe even give rewards for us reporting them I have reported 4 during my time playing PWI and I never received any response. We can all spot them so if we all reported they wouldent last long. Now i just lure loads of mobs to them till they die. But don't take away event boutique please.
  • chofmo1
    chofmo1 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    leave it alone for gods sake
  • Lenaura - Sanctuary
    Lenaura - Sanctuary Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Reasons for no blog:

    1. They don't know why DQ rewards are being removed. Weren't told by China and are now frantically trying to find out the answers so the players are once again happy

    2. DQ rewards are being removed because of the new autobot system (read thread about new expansion). In which case all our yelling wont make one iota of a difference.

    3. They knew about the removal but thought they could slip in under the radar and no one would notice because they knew there would be an uproar from the players.

    My personal fav is 2. 3 is second choice with 1 coming in last.

    if 1 was the correct answer then we should have received something by now. Even a post, notice even the mods have been quiet since the initial uproar. Instead we have been greeted with total and utter silence from admins. Does not bode well.
  • bobyjoee
    bobyjoee Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I cant say im too surprised as this is PWI, they want to get rid of any hope you have for playing this game free to play. I dont mind playing a few bucks here and there and help support a game I like, but this is just a big F U to all the people that play.
  • Kittennice - Heavens Tear
    Kittennice - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,744 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Welp guess I better get rid of these here points
    The VenoX: Heavy Pure Melee (Axe User with a hint of magic) Venomancer and Proud
    Having fun since lv1
    5 more levels baby!
    {=^.^=} < I'll never give up. Never give in. )

    I'm for The Cursed!
  • XShadowshotx - Heavens Tear
    XShadowshotx - Heavens Tear Posts: 278 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    You know what I find absolutely hilarious, the fact that this thread has so many questions and the player base wants answers. Who's not around? A gm, our CM, or even forum mods. *Pats PWI on the back* good job ignoring the problems like you do every single time a **** storm brews.
  • opkossy
    opkossy Posts: 11,177 Community Moderator
    edited October 2013
    Who's not around? A gm, our CM, or even forum mods.

    Does this mean Venus and I are no longer forum mods?

    If so, interesting...
    (Insert fancy image here)
  • ovenusarmanio
    ovenusarmanio Posts: 6,695 Community Moderator
    edited October 2013
    Even a post, notice even the mods have been quiet since the initial uproar.
    You know what I find absolutely hilarious, the fact that this thread has so many questions and the player base wants answers. Who's not around? A gm, our CM, or even forum mods. *Pats PWI on the back* good job ignoring the problems like you do every single time a **** storm brews.

    Both of those are untrue. We mods are here. And I can't speak for the others, but Kossy, Skai, and I have all posted about our displeasure. If you're going to lump us in with PWE, at least get your facts straight. I might be a mod, but I'm also a person. And a player. So this is not true. Since you're wondering what the mods have done? We have made sure that sweetie spam doesn't derail this, or that gms won't close it for flames. We have personally contacted the GMs. What more can we do? We're players like yourself. If you have a suggestion, you're welcome to pm us. I won't reply any further here.

    I am NOT happy about this change at all. And I have made that pretty clear. All the mods I have personally talked to about this are pretty upset about this change. The ramifications of it are pretty wide sweeping. It affects us too. I use this system a LOT. I care about this system a LOT. I'm pretty angry over this change. I won't go into speculation about why it got taken from us because I know just as much as you do about it. And I don't want to run my mouth about the someone else's intentions when I don't even know anything about the situation. So all I can say is if it was about bots, there are other things they can do. That this is a huge deal. And that I am STILL waiting on that blog post.

    edit: And I voted for other because I would like to see it remain the way it is. Realistically speaking though, if we can't have it back I'd like to see some other rewards.

    Thanks to MikoTenshi for the Avi and Kritty for the Signature.
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  • jockerks
    jockerks Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Awesome pwi so the only way to get Event gold now is to CS or hope you get lucky via the Tiger event, awesome. Good-bye event gold charms.

    And I would like them to keep it the way it is, it is not 95% of the player-base's fault that bots exist. If PWI and the GMs actually gave a damn about their game they'd be online watching and banning bots. Good ****ing lord honestly, you're all so damn lazy that you want to punish the rest of your player base? Seriously thank you for that, very nice.

    oh my god i totally agree.....WHERE IS THE SUPPORT ...i mean SOME PPL REALLY PAID A LOT TO GET THEIR GEARS.....WHERE IS THE GMS IN THE GAME..ONLINE>..HELPING US WITH BUGS...INFO.....BANNING HACKERS...AND wahtever ....we pay to dont receive assistance...and..to lose the interesting and free game play (DQ drops)?
  • jockerks
    jockerks Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Both of those are untrue. We mods are here. And I can't speak for the others, but Kossy, Skai, and I have all posted about our displeasure. If you're going to lump us in with PWE, at least get your facts straight. I might be a mod, but I'm also a person. And a player. So this is not true. Since you're wondering what the mods have done? We have made sure that sweetie spam doesn't derail this, or that gms won't close it for flames. We have personally contacted the GMs. What more can we do? We're players like yourself. If you have a suggestion, you're welcome to pm us. I won't reply any further here.

    I am NOT happy about this change at all. And I have made that pretty clear. All the mods I have personally talked to about this are pretty upset about this change. The ramifications of it are pretty wide sweeping. It affects us too. I use this system a LOT. I care about this system a LOT. I'm pretty angry over this change. I won't go into speculation about why it got taken from us because I know just as much as you do about it. And I don't want to run my mouth about the someone else's intentions when I don't even know anything about the situation. So all I can say is if it was about bots, there are other things they can do. That this is a huge deal. And that I am STILL waiting on that blog post.

    edit: And I voted for other because I would like to see it remain the way it is. Realistically speaking though, if we can't have it back I'd like to see some other rewards.

    thanks....and yes they should at least replace this missed system...and i hope they do. have a wonderful day or night !:3
  • Lenaura - Sanctuary
    Lenaura - Sanctuary Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Both of those are untrue. We mods are here. And I can't speak for the others, but Kossy, Skai, and I have all posted about our displeasure. If you're going to lump us in with PWE, at least get your facts straight. I might be a mod, but I'm also a person. And a player. So this is not true. Since you're wondering what the mods have done? We have made sure that sweetie spam doesn't derail this, or that gms won't close it for flames. We have personally contacted the GMs. What more can we do? We're players like yourself. If you have a suggestion, you're welcome to pm us. I won't reply any further here.

    I apoligise. I am angry and that is no excuse. I am truly sorry.
  • Yoruichi - Morai
    Yoruichi - Morai Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Lol. Well anywho all we can do is wait. I hope they don't change the dq points into something that involves arc. Maybe the'll put a new way to obtain event gold (other than Jungle ruins, that is...) meh..
  • Lenaura - Sanctuary
    Lenaura - Sanctuary Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    maybe the blog went missing? or the dog ate it..
  • SinLuX - Raging Tide
    SinLuX - Raging Tide Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    DQ was the only free way getting youself fashion you like, and now you take even this out of the game? whats next, for opening TT cost 200k? PWI keep the fking DQ ... if its gone, im gond nothing more, you just losing player to player from making WORST decisions ever...
  • Atrocious - Heavens Tear
    Atrocious - Heavens Tear Posts: 150 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Am I the only one here who is grateful that they are giving us advanced notice on this?

    I think it's pretty cool that they are telling us in advance instead of just removing it without a word.

    I think 2+2=4 here and everyone is outraged because they think it =5 and they're getting shorted. They have probably done this in response to something NEW being implemented that they were warned about.

    They probably haven't told us what will replace it because they aren't yet sure what they are going to replace it with, or if they will need to replace it at all with the new botting system.

    This is totally a we have to wait and see, and rage once we decide the new system is unfair. At the moment we really have no idea, so just use the system into the ground while we still have it. Time to stock up on all of those Demon/Sage event cards and random pigments while you still can.
    Veteran PWIer.
    Trolled by PWI for 5* years and counting.
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  • buffingme
    buffingme Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    if this is truely about a bot problem would not a simple fix be just to make DQ items un stackable?
    It would be a pain to have to turn in everytime you fill inventory but I would bet people would rather do that than to lose DQ points altogether.
    Anyone see this as workable or am I missing something?
  • lalaloopsylala
    lalaloopsylala Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Am I the only one here who is grateful that they are giving us advanced notice on this?

    I think it's pretty cool that they are telling us in advance instead of just removing it without a word.

    I think 2+2=4 here and everyone is outraged because they think it =5 and they're getting shorted. They have probably done this in response to something NEW being implemented that they were warned about.

    They probably haven't told us what will replace it because they aren't yet sure what they are going to replace it with, or if they will need to replace it at all with the new botting system.

    This is totally a we have to wait and see, and rage once we decide the new system is unfair. At the moment we really have no idea, so just use the system into the ground while we still have it. Time to stock up on all of those Demon/Sage event cards and random pigments while you still can.

    You're forgetting, that they kept silent about it until players pointed it out. That alone is enough reason for me to be angry with them and how things are handled lately.
  • SkogDyr - Lost City
    SkogDyr - Lost City Posts: 561 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Waiting for famous PWE posting...

    DQ blog removed due to server instability
