Hellfire Abomination...and the painful new SOT.



  • Mayfly - Dreamweaver
    Mayfly - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,094 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Now? When you can make several hundred thousand a day just doing Jolly bounty quests at level 7x? How is that not easy to make money before level 90? (level 8x still has DQ to grind and sell.)
    Weekly Japanese/English bilingual webcomic
  • soleida
    soleida Posts: 113 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    So now the topic is about making money in the game?

    Really to farm coins is what every one can do but these days we all own a sec 3rd or even 4th char. Hardly see any new players started this game.

    We use 1 to have fun, 2 to have a shop ......1 to gather mats...........i don't know how you guys do it but the market is over run by mats, gears fashion and some skill-books.

    You want to make some coins you need a cash shop 24 hours on-line. Now cannies and raps made most off your old players money. Nirvana is dead.

    NW is for ppl who are not working or happens to be a great time-zone for it. I never go to NW-> simple I have to work and getting up at 4-5 in the morning is a bit to far for me to have fun in the game. Selling mats kind got tired off the overflowing market and stay online 24 hours a day.

    Farming TT nice for a high level but any one notice any TT squads made in WC, accept for the openers? Heck even the OHT quest in TT is a pain in the .... to do on my server.

    Making potions is a great way to get coins to if not some idiot open up a shop and have price below yours.

    Now its easy to judge on how a new player can get his gear up to date ..........but was this game not being made to do a bit off teamwork? Kind missing that the last years. Example ppl wc for help and after 5 min I replay to ask if they found some one..........guess what all high level are to busy to spent 5 min to kill a boss.
  • Mayfly - Dreamweaver
    Mayfly - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,094 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I not infrequently see TT squads being WCed for, with random distribution, on Raging Tide. Mostly the ones for past maps culti.
    Weekly Japanese/English bilingual webcomic
  • OIdpop - Heavens Tear
    OIdpop - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,052 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Yea.. 3 and a half years ago..

    Try now.

    And yes, I am actively playing the game. level 98 sin and 97 seeker.

    I go to nation wars any time I am not passed out in bed, and I am 1-shot by everyone. but I still go

    (and no, I do not count NW in that gather X money thing. I do do NW and earn money there, that is how I am making my money)

    I been playing since day one..try making 1mill when the game first started lol it was a epic thing to do..now coin is thrown in your hands its so easy now to make millions and millions and spend millions and millions...spend over 100 mill in the past couple days mainly on fash(nice fash) and some gear..this isn't counting what else im doing on 9 alts as with repairs,pots..etc.Used to be 10mill im broke..now its up to 20mill I call myself broke.
    This game is like washing hair with shampoo... Rinse and repeat if desired.
    Proud owner of many mains.101 bm,101 seeker,101 demon sin,100 sage sin,101 archer,101 barb,100 cleric,100 wiz( first toon since sept 08 finally made it in 2013)newly added mystic 100 HA,72 psy.
  • PotatoHeadQR - Dreamweaver
    PotatoHeadQR - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,507 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I been playing since day one..try making 1mill when the game first started lol it was a epic thing to do..now coin is thrown in your hands its so easy now to make millions and millions and spend millions and millions...spend over 100 mill in the past couple days mainly on fash(nice fash) and some gear..this isn't counting what else im doing on 9 alts as with repairs,pots..etc.Used to be 10mill im broke..now its up to 20mill I call myself broke.

    yeah it's funny that people assume that you could make 1m as easy as today when gold was 200k.... I think that the economy always balanced to 1g/h

    (and no, I do not count NW in that gather X money thing. I do do NW and earn money there, that is how I am making my money)

    well if you randomly exclude money making instances... in any case...
    1) open 10-20 TT
    2) ???
    3) 1m profit
    you only purge once #yopo
  • Asishi - Archosaur
    Asishi - Archosaur Posts: 146 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    How do you think people figured out what was 2-shotting the tank back when POLE was hard? Or how to coordinate Delta before spawn point was really a realistic option? How do you think NPCs were found before auto-path? Or how people handled cube when the explanations in the rooms themselves are lacking and it involves tricks that people might not actually think to do, like the listen rooms?

    PWI has always had a learning curve with new content ideas, its just that for a long time now they didn't change things up that much. So the wisdom was passed on. And since most of the squad knew what to do, one person could just derp around looking at the map and not communicating with the squad and figure out what to do by winging it. But that doesn't work when you're not the only one new to the instance, and not one person knows what to do. And the content is fresh so there is no one to turn to ask. Now you are the early adopters.

    There is a lot of people saying things like "old players are stuck in their ways," or "hyper babies aren't as bad as people say and are just as good at their class," etc. But when new content hits the floor....now all I see are complaints instead of competition for best guides. Requests for nerfs instead of requests to collaborate on tips and tricks. And people saying things like "well it's probably your gear," instead of asking what the person may have been doing wrong. As if an extra 1k hp (on top of their 5k hp) was going to matter in the OP's situation when he got hit for 15k. 6k or 5k, he'd of still been one shot with that type of damage. So clearly something else was going wrong, and it had nothing to do with gear. People used to know that.

    You call it a departure, I call it a return to form. While I do think they shouldn't make it part of the 99 culti if the boss really is too hard for someone in decently refined and shareded tt90-99mix to do. Dunno yet, it's too early for me to really say based off forum posts and I haven't got the chance to experience for myself. Having no characters on HT with that level range. I could go back to DW and do it, but I don't really want to spoil the content. xD That doesn't mean I don't support these types of changes. There is no reason it shouldn't be a BH, or a weekly for 100+. I don't support the constant taking of content meant for sub-100 and handing it over to the 100+ because it discourages new players. But revamped content that forces people to learn to understand why they are clicking x skill, instead of mindless clicking it? Yes, please! Bosses that require teamwork and coordination? Yes, please! New and interesting challenges that require more time spent working together than before? Yes, please. So sick of the only solo mentality, this is an MMO ffs we need more content that forces people to work together.

    ^ This.
  • Haila - Sanctuary
    Haila - Sanctuary Posts: 467 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    It's not a challenge for someone too lazy and has some sort of entitlement mentality. It's an impossibility for them because of their attitudes and self-imposed limitations. The only barrier between failure and success in a game like this lies within oneself.

    I do not have to do SoT or Aba in tt90 gear that is +2. Why in the hell would I want to do that? I worked hard and farmed WS, HH, set up my catshop to go from r8 to full 3rd cast NV. I invested years into doing cultis to earn enough spirit and coin to buy every skill available for my veno. I'm currently farming to replace the cheap shards for better ones. My challenge was to upgrade my gear so I could go through these instances with better odds of success. What's the incentive of working hard to improve one's skills and gears and gameplay styles if the game did offer challenges that require them to overcome?

    Making 1 mil before level 90 wasn't that difficult. In fact I farmed TT (HH for us on LC server) well over 1000 runs and worked a catshop for a year to earn the 200+ mil for my herc and my nix when I was level 74 - 3 and a half years ago.

    If one is not willing to work on upgrading their skills, gear (including refines because +2 is stupid lazy) or learn how to make in game coin somehow with all the ways the game offers then they truly deserve to be left behind and weeded out of any type of advancement in the game. You can keep on making excuses with your pathetic demands that I should somehow roll myself back to substandard gear and style of gameplay in a weird attempt to draw some kind of empathy for the lazies who struggle due to their own choices out there but I won't. The fact that people like me worked hard to build our characters into something that can achieve the new SoT and Aba ought to be an incentive for others who haven't to do so themselves.

    You can either level up your skills and gear, shadow someone who can escort you through the instances if your char is sub-par or not do the instances at all. People who prefer the latter are moochers and a burden to the rest of us so I'm glad they're being weeded out.

    lol i'm not very impressed in your making coins skills. All the ppl i know who played pwi actively for over 3 years are running in r999 or r9 +10 at least b:bye
  • Korpinsulka - Raging Tide
    Korpinsulka - Raging Tide Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    If there's no TT squads then how I can run TT 2-3/3-x multiruns daily during 2x?

    Also MY FACTION does TT together. There is a squad that currently farms TT 90 by themselves, learns the instance, faces the challenge.

    Why don't you others want to face the challenge? This is a GAME, not a fashion simulator.
  • Jadsia - Lost City
    Jadsia - Lost City Posts: 1,322 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Yea.. 3 and a half years ago..

    Try now.

    And yes, I am actively playing the game. level 98 sin and 97 seeker.

    I go to nation wars any time I am not passed out in bed, and I am 1-shot by everyone. but I still go

    (and no, I do not count NW in that gather X money thing. I do do NW and earn money there, that is how I am making my money)

    I am trying now and getting what I need. I get 1 shot in NW too. So what? You have no idea how difficult it was to make a mil 3 and a half years ago. Just to give you a clue gold was trading for 120K each before packs back then. And when anniversary packs came out and gold doubled and tripled in prices in a couple weeks. That made it even harder for me to farm for the herc (which I was doing in TT solo mode during and extended 2x with a magmite). Oh, and there was no dual clienting allowed then either.

    I spent 10 minutes near the entrance portal in OHT map 3 grinding those mobs during this 2x event and made 300K and 1K in DQ and that's slow.
    lol i'm not very impressed in your making coins skills. All the ppl i know who played pwi actively for over 3 years are running in r999 or r9 +10 at least b:bye

    Since I got my herc when I was 7x until now I have given away over 3 billion coin worth of mats, gold, coin, and services to my friends for nothing in return. Had I not done that I would have full r9rrr JSOD et al. In the past 2 months my catshops have made over 700 mil just to prove that it is easy to make in-game money and that's considered below average too. I'm satisfied with what I can do with my coin making skills because I've been able to get what I want. It's not that hard. In fact since I evolved my herc and nix and replaced the nix's legendary skills with herc legendary skills I'm going to try a new way of farming.
    I **** bigger than you...

    Shut up and play the game.....Damn
  • HideYoHubby - Archosaur
    HideYoHubby - Archosaur Posts: 995 Arc User
    edited July 2013

    Since I got my herc when I was 7x until now I have given away over 3 billion coin worth of mats, gold, coin, and services to my friends for nothing in return. Had I not done that I would have full r9rrr JSOD et al. In the past 2 months my catshops have made over 700 mil just to prove that it is easy to make in-game money and that's considered below average too. I'm satisfied with what I can do with my coin making skills because I've been able to get what I want. It's not that hard. In fact since I evolved my herc and nix and replaced the nix's legendary skills with herc legendary skills I'm going to try a new way of farming.

    Want to give me proofs on that? If you arent R999 or heavy merchant who doesnt really care bout gearing up, thats utter bs. There is simply no way a person who is working on their gear would have the capital to make 700m in 2 months. Having traffic to sell 700m worth of **** is quite doable but with any reasonable profit margin for that amount you prolly didnt net even 100m profit in that 2months period. Items sold isnt profit. Profit = sell price - your own buy price.

    Ps. What do I really care if some idiot gets their kick out of being "pro" on some forums? I guess I dont, hf, I go farm to keep up with my 100m/day farming.
    __Sami__ - Archer - 105/103/102 - mypers.pw/1.8/#132088 - Active
    HideYoHubby - Assassin - 105/101/101 - Inactive
    WnbTank - Barbarian - 103/101/101 - Catshop
  • Haila - Sanctuary
    Haila - Sanctuary Posts: 467 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I am trying now and getting what I need. I get 1 shot in NW too. So what? You have no idea how difficult it was to make a mil 3 and a half years ago. Just to give you a clue gold was trading for 120K each before packs back then. And when anniversary packs came out and gold doubled and tripled in prices in a couple weeks. That made it even harder for me to farm for the herc (which I was doing in TT solo mode during and extended 2x with a magmite). Oh, and there was no dual clienting allowed then either.

    I spent 10 minutes near the entrance portal in OHT map 3 grinding those mobs during this 2x event and made 300K and 1K in DQ and that's slow.

    Since I got my herc when I was 7x until now I have given away over 3 billion coin worth of mats, gold, coin, and services to my friends for nothing in return. Had I not done that I would have full r9rrr JSOD et al. In the past 2 months my catshops have made over 700 mil just to prove that it is easy to make in-game money and that's considered below average too. I'm satisfied with what I can do with my coin making skills because I've been able to get what I want. It's not that hard. In fact since I evolved my herc and nix and replaced the nix's legendary skills with herc legendary skills I'm going to try a new way of farming.

    Ah ic it totally makes sense now. Lazy a** players who dont want to invest in skills and gears should eat the dust, so i donate 3 billion worth of mats and coins to lazy a** friends, so i can get one hit killed in nw b:nosebleed
  • Jadsia - Lost City
    Jadsia - Lost City Posts: 1,322 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Want to give me proofs on that? If you arent R999 or heavy merchant who doesnt really care bout gearing up, thats utter bs. There is simply no way a person who is working on their gear would have the capital to make 700m in 2 months. Having traffic to sell 700m worth of **** is quite doable but with any reasonable profit margin for that amount you prolly didnt net even 100m profit in that 2months period. Items sold isnt profit. Profit = sell price - your own buy price.

    Ps. What do I really care if some idiot gets their kick out of being "pro" on some forums? I guess I dont, hf, I go farm to keep up with my 100m/day farming.

    Just because you don't think you can do it doesn't mean nobody else can. The catshop near me made twice what I did. My 1st catshop started out with 137 raps that I got from supply tokens.

    And yeah, I blew most of my catshop profits on tiger packs then sold the rewards and tokens from those with a 2nd catshop. I also bought gold that a friend was selling at an inflated price so she can buy a +12 orb. I spent 80 mil so my in-game hubby could get 3rd cast NV daggers made. I spent another 30 mil on her barb. Then I bought legendary herc skills and gave them to my nix. Those weren't cheap. Hmm I could go on and on with with I did with all that coin but the point is I made that catshop so I can prove to my friends that making that kind of coin is possible and I'm a novice with a catsop. In the past I made my coin the old school veno way by farming TT. Hell, I made myself broke so I can do it all over again. So far my new catshop started out with a mil and is currently up 70 mil in 2 weeks and business has been slow and competition tight. I'm working on some other ideas to make coin. Got 180 extra basic badges so maybe sell reroll services.

    If I can make that kind of coin as fast as I did then anyone can.
    Ah ic it totally makes sense now. Lazy a** players who dont want to invest in skills and gears should eat the dust, so i donate 3 billion worth of mats and coins to lazy a** friends, so i can get one hit killed in nw b:nosebleed

    Yup. I get 1 shot by r9rrrs in NW. And with my evolved nix's new skills with my new morai skills I was surprised to see how easy it was to kill some r9rrr's too. I did give away over 3 bil in mats and services over the past 5 years. Most I ever gave away to a single individual was my in-game hubby barb by buying a complete r8 set and most of its 79-89 skills a few years ago. Most recent give aways listed above. And yes, lazy people who demand instances be nerfed instead of leveling up and gearing up and skilling up need to eat dust. You got it.
    I **** bigger than you...

    Shut up and play the game.....Damn
  • Nenor - Dreamweaver
    Nenor - Dreamweaver Posts: 534 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Theres nothing wrong with giving stuff to people provided you want to give it away.
    I've given away 3 demon hfs (that ive made with my own PoF) and one i got as a drop in fb 99, sage purge, bought a **** friend R8 for 3 of his 5 toons and half of another,so he would have gear to run bhs ect, not to mention loads of other skill books, molds, gear, TT mats, obps, ect.
    While i do realize some people take this as 'seriouz businezz', everything isnt about profit, its about having fun. Its not a job.. b:surrender b:chuckle

    Btw don;t hit me up in game for stuff.. that's a sure sign you wont ever get anything when im feeling generous and giving things away.f:despise
  • Jadsia - Lost City
    Jadsia - Lost City Posts: 1,322 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Theres nothing wrong with giving stuff to people provided you want to give it away.
    I've given away 3 demon hfs (that ive made with my own PoF) and one i got as a drop in fb 99, sage purge, bought a **** friend R8 for 3 of his 5 toons and half of another,so he would have gear to run bhs ect, not to mention loads of other skill books, molds, gear, TT mats, obps, ect.
    While i do realize some people take this as 'seriouz businezz', everything isnt about profit, its about having fun. Its not a job.. b:surrender b:chuckle

    Btw don;t hit me up in game for stuff.. that's a sure sign you wont ever get anything when im feeling generous and giving things away.f:despise

    To me it's just pixels. I don't take it serious. I actually love helping people out in the game when I'm in the mood to do that. When I came back to the game last march I had to stop and realize just how much I gave away in the past 5 years because with all the changes in gear and NW et al my veno was horribly out of date and far behind the mainstream. I had some discussions with some in-game friends about my 5 years of in-game philanthropy. But thinking about all I gave away really added up.b:shocked
    I **** bigger than you...

    Shut up and play the game.....Damn
  • Nenor - Dreamweaver
    Nenor - Dreamweaver Posts: 534 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    To me it's just pixels. I don't take it serious. I actually love helping people out in the game when I'm in the mood to do that. When I came back to the game last march I had to stop and realize just how much I gave away in the past 5 years because with all the changes in gear and NW et al my veno was horribly out of date and far behind the mainstream. I had some discussions with some in-game friends about my 5 years of in-game philanthropy. But thinking about all I gave away really added up.b:shocked

    Yea, it adds up, but I don't mind. Im not much of a merch and my bank gets clogged anyway with all that stuff. I don't do NW/TW/Pk.. so there isnt any pressure to "hurry hurry gear up" and i can play at a more relaxed pace. The amount of merching I do wouldnt keep my 6 toons in pots for the week, so bh is where my gear income comes from...

    when are we getting 'trade mystery chips for excitement cards" anyway.. now THATS a feature i coud use!b:chuckle
  • HideYoHubby - Archosaur
    HideYoHubby - Archosaur Posts: 995 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Just because you don't think you can do it doesn't mean nobody else can. The catshop near me made twice what I did. My 1st catshop started out with 137 raps that I got from supply tokens.

    And yeah, I blew most of my catshop profits on tiger packs then sold the rewards and tokens from those with a 2nd catshop. I also bought gold that a friend was selling at an inflated price so she can buy a +12 orb. I spent 80 mil so my in-game hubby could get 3rd cast NV daggers made. I spent another 30 mil on her barb. Then I bought legendary herc skills and gave them to my nix. Those weren't cheap. Hmm I could go on and on with with I did with all that coin but the point is I made that catshop so I can prove to my friends that making that kind of coin is possible and I'm a novice with a catsop. In the past I made my coin the old school veno way by farming TT. Hell, I made myself broke so I can do it all over again. So far my new catshop started out with a mil and is currently up 70 mil in 2 weeks and business has been slow and competition tight. I'm working on some other ideas to make coin. Got 180 extra basic badges so maybe sell reroll services.

    If I can make that kind of coin as fast as I did then anyone can.

    Yup. I get 1 shot by r9rrrs in NW. And with my evolved nix's new skills with my new morai skills I was surprised to see how easy it was to kill some r9rrr's too. I did give away over 3 bil in mats and services over the past 5 years. Most I ever gave away to a single individual was my in-game hubby barb by buying a complete r8 set and most of its 79-89 skills a few years ago. Most recent give aways listed above. And yes, lazy people who demand instances be nerfed instead of leveling up and gearing up and skilling up need to eat dust. You got it.

    So let me get this straight, you claim you multiplied your 1m into 70m in 2 weeks? Lets assume you make 10% profit per item. Lets assume you sold your wares completely 3 times a day and obviously re-stocked too.

    1m x 1.1 (The 10% profit per sell) ^42 (3 x 14 days) = 54,8m

    Yes, wouldnt need much higher profit margin for 70m but you do realize how absurd it is to expect to sell your wares compeltely 3x a day? You sell them twice over a day and you need just under 20% profit margin to hit 70m in 2 weeks. So I still call bs on your merching, those numbers are ridiculous with the capital you started. Granted LC is far bigger server then archosaur is.
    __Sami__ - Archer - 105/103/102 - mypers.pw/1.8/#132088 - Active
    HideYoHubby - Assassin - 105/101/101 - Inactive
    WnbTank - Barbarian - 103/101/101 - Catshop
  • gouraudpalm2
    gouraudpalm2 Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Dude you forgot to bind your credit card to your character.
  • Green_john - Lost City
    Green_john - Lost City Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    The hardest its to find a squad

    Noone seems to want help ppl in 99 FB cuz its a waste of time
  • Lalena - Sanctuary
    Lalena - Sanctuary Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    This is exactly what i said in post 51 in this topic over a week ago..that the biggest stumbling block in doing fb / culti in Seat or Abba is getting a squad..and i last week ive pmed many guys who spent ages and lots of teles world shouting for guys..many of them in fact just gave up after a long time...because so few would come forward for an invite.

    So for whatever reasons. high lvl guys just are not helping most attain their fb / culti 99 now, and although the updates been out a few weeks now i see no real optimism that the situation will improve. Im not sure how one is expected to learn these caves if more dont come forward and help out on that first intro. to the instances...fb and culti!
  • MasterPerian - Lost City
    MasterPerian - Lost City Posts: 275 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    theres nothing to learn just run like a chicken without a head and bomb stuff. GG instance.
    What can you expect from filthy little heathens? Their whole disgusting race is like a curse. Their skin's a hellish red they're only good when dead they're vermin, as I said and worse. They're Savages! Savages! Barely even human. Savages! Savages! Drive them from our shore! They're not like you and me
    which means they must be evil we must sound the drums of war! They're Savages! Savages! Dirty redskin devils! Now we sound the drums of war!
  • Jadsia - Lost City
    Jadsia - Lost City Posts: 1,322 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    So let me get this straight, you claim you multiplied your 1m into 70m in 2 weeks? Lets assume you make 10% profit per item. Lets assume you sold your wares completely 3 times a day and obviously re-stocked too.

    1m x 1.1 (The 10% profit per sell) ^42 (3 x 14 days) = 54,8m

    Yes, wouldnt need much higher profit margin for 70m but you do realize how absurd it is to expect to sell your wares compeltely 3x a day? You sell them twice over a day and you need just under 20% profit margin to hit 70m in 2 weeks. So I still call bs on your merching, those numbers are ridiculous with the capital you started. Granted LC is far bigger server then archosaur is.

    Sometimes I restock 4 to 5 times a day depending how much competition there is (lately I've been high volume but low profit margin) but I've expanded my products to include high value **** I can manufacture from farming full WS. Not sure if it was this thread or another SoT/Aba QQ thread that had someone say they are not going to waste millions of coins or hours and hours farming mats just to level their manufacturing skills on some chars. I did that and this is my return on my investment. It's no wonder some people stay poor and desperate while others who worked hard actually use what they got to get ahead.

    As soon as I sell a couple of 3rd cast NV gears I'll be at 132 mil. Probably in a day or 2 since I'm selling them for millions less than some of the others I saw for sale. I sold 2 pieces yesterday and a 1st cast NV arcane cape yesterday just before NW for a profit of 34 mil. And yes, I ran squad mode by myself in HH (TT for everyone else) 9 times for the mats to make 4 TT80 helms for the souledges yesterday too. Profit can be exponential if one knows what they are doing with confidence.
    I **** bigger than you...

    Shut up and play the game.....Damn
  • Beleni - Dreamweaver
    Beleni - Dreamweaver Posts: 383 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    To OP←

    Since when is it your right to have a Cultivation quest handed to you on a plate?

    Is it not meant to be challenging?, and you expect to cruise through it?

    '' Im lvl 99 i must be able to complete this quest''

    BS, you meet the Minimum requirements for it, that's all, just because you have a 99 lvl character does not mean you automatically get this quest handed to you.

    I bet you wiped over and over again because you did exact same thing every time.

    Run in un-prepared!

    some tips that might be useful to those who are struggling to complete this quest.

    1- Run with some higher lvl characters who need to get their weekly SOT quest done.
    ( that's right, now end game characters need the instance too.)

    2) http://www.pwdatabase.com/pwi/items/11318
    This will boost your defence by a mile for 20 seconds. and it is fairly cheap to make.

    3) grab / make some Defence charms.

    4) The adds that the boss spawns. - 1st kill the Orb, it will spawn a trap.
    have one person pull the mob into the trap. this needs to be done quickly!

    5) not sure about this one, have not tried to take it out of the area yet but it should in theory work.!
    Go 1st to the Bloody court yard and farm some crystals. they offer a decent damage reduction for one of your team mates and last some time also.
  • _dblazen_ - Dreamweaver
    _dblazen_ - Dreamweaver Posts: 566 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    5) not sure about this one, have not tried to take it out of the area yet but it should in theory work.!
    Go 1st to the Bloody court yard and farm some crystals. they offer a decent damage reduction for one of your team mates and last some time also.
    It offers a huge reduction for the entire squad, you just need to select a squad member to use it.
    I've been running it like this ever since the first run failed, second run I figured to dig more crystals and just (ab)use them at hellfire.
    It works great, 1 person can spam them, the cooldown is shorter than the buff's duration.
  • Szol - Harshlands
    Szol - Harshlands Posts: 242 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Theres nothing wrong with giving stuff to people provided you want to give it away.
    I've given away 3 demon hfs (that ive made with my own PoF) and one i got as a drop in fb 99, sage purge, bought a **** friend R8 for 3 of his 5 toons and half of another,so he would have gear to run bhs ect, not to mention loads of other skill books, molds, gear, TT mats, obps, ect.
    While i do realize some people take this as 'seriouz businezz', everything isnt about profit, its about having fun. Its not a job.. b:surrender b:chuckle

    Btw don;t hit me up in game for stuff.. that's a sure sign you wont ever get anything when im feeling generous and giving things away.f:despise
    atleast onme person, gotten how to have fun in pwi ^^
  • katamara
    katamara Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I agree this will sort out the 4k HP people who constantly depend on others, that work for their gear, crab meat and charms, to pull them through everything.

    I love the new instances. Finally something decently hard to make everyone work together again.
  • Joe - Morai
    Joe - Morai Posts: 1,299 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Just ran it Yesterday with absolutely no problem. I dont know what your problem is here. Neither the Queen nor Hellfire were any problem at all. Surely I'm a r9 aps barb and can deal some dmg myself on those bossen but besides me we just got a APS BM and 2 small sins with not sooo good gears and they wern't even 5.0. Besides that we got a 99 Veno and a 99 Seeker for culti. They were not a big contribution but they only dies once because they ran into mobs xDDD noone died at any boss.

    The rest of the squad was more or less average geared besides the cleric and myself xD (The cleric pulled and AOEed nearly all mob groups just to pick on me because he was faster xDDD)

    OK, if you try to do this with a whole 99 group...forget about it, that's not going to work at all. That's mainly a design problem. Average geared 100+ shouldn't have any problem at all cept if your whole squad doesn't know how to play. In that case I suggest you all delete yourselfes or try a little harder next time (:
    My Barb:

    My SB:
  • DionDagger - Dreamweaver
    DionDagger - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,140 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    How do you think people figured out what was 2-shotting the tank back when POLE was hard? Or how to coordinate Delta before spawn point was really a realistic option? How do you think NPCs were found before auto-path? Or how people handled cube when the explanations in the rooms themselves are lacking and it involves tricks that people might not actually think to do, like the listen rooms?

    PWI has always had a learning curve with new content ideas, its just that for a long time now they didn't change things up that much. So the wisdom was passed on. And since most of the squad knew what to do, one person could just derp around looking at the map and not communicating with the squad and figure out what to do by winging it. But that doesn't work when you're not the only one new to the instance, and not one person knows what to do. And the content is fresh so there is no one to turn to ask. Now you are the early adopters.

    There is a lot of people saying things like "old players are stuck in their ways," or "hyper babies aren't as bad as people say and are just as good at their class," etc. But when new content hits the floor....now all I see are complaints instead of competition for best guides. Requests for nerfs instead of requests to collaborate on tips and tricks. And people saying things like "well it's probably your gear," instead of asking what the person may have been doing wrong. As if an extra 1k hp (on top of their 5k hp) was going to matter in the OP's situation when he got hit for 15k. 6k or 5k, he'd of still been one shot with that type of damage. So clearly something else was going wrong, and it had nothing to do with gear. People used to know that.

    You call it a departure, I call it a return to form. While I do think they shouldn't make it part of the 99 culti if the boss really is too hard for someone in decently refined and shareded tt90-99mix to do. Dunno yet, it's too early for me to really say based off forum posts and I haven't got the chance to experience for myself. Having no characters on HT with that level range. I could go back to DW and do it, but I don't really want to spoil the content. xD That doesn't mean I don't support these types of changes. There is no reason it shouldn't be a BH, or a weekly for 100+. I don't support the constant taking of content meant for sub-100 and handing it over to the 100+ because it discourages new players. But revamped content that forces people to learn to understand why they are clicking x skill, instead of mindless clicking it? Yes, please! Bosses that require teamwork and coordination? Yes, please! New and interesting challenges that require more time spent working together than before? Yes, please. So sick of the only solo mentality, this is an MMO ffs we need more content that forces people to work together.

    I agree with everything up to that last bit. I should not have to be forced to work with other if I do not wish to. It's an MMORPG, not a football team. You sick of the solo mentality? You obviously like leeches and those who slide by on the bare minimum, I do not. Things that slow me down can bite the dust. Thus why I have a solo mentality. I'm not wrong for having one, and you are not wrong for not liking it, but that does not dictate what we should have to do. One a side note, I'm sick of those who always rely on others, but hey, what can ya do? As long as I'm not forced to squad with those people, I'm ok.
  • WannaBM - Archosaur
    WannaBM - Archosaur Posts: 1,984 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I agree with everything up to that last bit. I should not have to be forced to work with other if I do not wish to. It's an MMORPG, not a football team. You sick of the solo mentality? You obviously like leeches and those who slide by on the bare minimum, I do not. Things that slow me down can bite the dust. Thus why I have a solo mentality. I'm not wrong for having one, and you are not wrong for not liking it, but that does not dictate what we should have to do. One a side note, I'm sick of those who always rely on others, but hey, what can ya do? As long as I'm not forced to squad with those people, I'm ok.

    Well its an MMO game. multiplayer, online. Meaning it is made to be played together. There are other games made to play solo like morrowind and oblivion. We have healers, tanks and DDs complementing eachother in these games because they are multiplayer games. Not solo games.

    Of course sometimes people do depend on others. Some are more providing while others are more depending. Thats how life works both in real life as in game.
    Everything i write is from PvE perspective unless mentioned otherwise.
  • Haila - Sanctuary
    Haila - Sanctuary Posts: 467 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Just ran it Yesterday with absolutely no problem. I dont know what your problem is here. Neither the Queen nor Hellfire were any problem at all. Surely I'm a r9 aps barb and can deal some dmg myself on those bossen but besides me we just got a APS BM and 2 small sins with not sooo good gears and they wern't even 5.0. Besides that we got a 99 Veno and a 99 Seeker for culti. They were not a big contribution but they only dies once because they ran into mobs xDDD noone died at any boss.

    The rest of the squad was more or less average geared besides the cleric and myself xD (The cleric pulled and AOEed nearly all mob groups just to pick on me because he was faster xDDD)

    OK, if you try to do this with a whole 99 group...forget about it, that's not going to work at all. That's mainly a design problem. Average geared 100+ shouldn't have any problem at all cept if your whole squad doesn't know how to play. In that case I suggest you all delete yourselfes or try a little harder next time (:

    Ok I still havent done this myself I dont know how hard this is, but i remember i tanked the chrono quests at lvl95 for myself there was not even a lvl99 in squad to get my chrono belt a few years ago.
    Why take it away for newcomers (lowbies) to play in this dungeon ?
    Is it realy necesary to revamp this dungeon, why not just make a AEU II for the new weekly b:chuckle
  • ovenusarmanio
    ovenusarmanio Posts: 6,695 Community Moderator
    edited July 2013
    I agree with everything up to that last bit. I should not have to be forced to work with other if I do not wish to. It's an MMORPG, not a football team. You sick of the solo mentality? You obviously like leeches and those who slide by on the bare minimum, I do not. Things that slow me down can bite the dust. Thus why I have a solo mentality. I'm not wrong for having one, and you are not wrong for not liking it, but that does not dictate what we should have to do. One a side note, I'm sick of those who always rely on others, but hey, what can ya do? As long as I'm not forced to squad with those people, I'm ok.

    Why would you be forced to squad with them just because it is there? I mean it's nice for you that most of this game can be done by yourself. But this is an MMO. It's supposed to be played with others. People who search for MMOs usually want to play on a game that is massively multiplayer. And there is no reason why you can't run with people of your own gear. Claiming that you'd absolutely have to run with "leeches" is just ridiculous. Making a random squad, or taking a friend through that needs your help, is not an obligation. If you feel like it is one, then that's you getting in the way of your own enjoyment. :P Besides that, most of the valuable instances in this game can be soloed, there isn't any reason not to add more content for those who'd rather play with others.

    Thanks to MikoTenshi for the Avi and Kritty for the Signature.
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