Hellfire Abomination...and the painful new SOT.



  • Asishi - Archosaur
    Asishi - Archosaur Posts: 146 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Only non-personal quests can complete while you're dead (plus the one culti quest... thing that requires you die to continue). The Aba and SoT weekly quests are personal quests, not affiliated with the state of the dungeon itself or the people in squad with you. The same goes for the cultivation, purgatol, and other such quests that would require hellfire.
  • Reliea - Sanctuary
    Reliea - Sanctuary Posts: 685 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Says who? I had a quest for frost when I was level 75 but I couldn't get into the instance to do it at the time. This was before they changed it into kindergarten play area for frost babies. Besides, as I was leveling I had all kinds of quests that I wasn't able to complete until I leveled up and got better gears.
    Says me, since I said it b:chuckle

    I already disagree with you because I found old Aba and SoT a challenge at 99 in average 90-99 gears. Not butt-clenchingly difficult, but it was much more of a trial than the BHs of a level 99, which is a more natural progression in difficulty than it is now.

    I can only compare it to my experience of fcc, and when I was 75, I could have done it with a squad, and there even were occasional 75-85 squads going in, and that was a decent challenge.

    FCC is a bad example though because they've made it "easier" instead of harder like SoT and Aba. Even worse, fcc quests aren't necessarily required to progress in what could be considered a "main questline" instead of just a kill x for x reward just cuz quest.

    Of course I'm not saying that a challenge is a bad thing, I would just rather remind the PW devs that things that are "challenging" to level 100+ +10 people is hell on wheels for averagely geared 99s that the dungeon is also supposed to be intended for. And if they don't want that to be the case, then they need to adjust quest chains or goals or the time in which they are received accordingly.
  • blackspiral
    blackspiral Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    falconxs wrote: »
    Lol, pardon me that I don't wish to go putting all the damn crafting skills on all my characters! No I find it completely pointless to how much sht is needed to farm so yes I would rather let someone who enjoys farming endlessly to go do that. Ya I'll farm tt or ws or various dungeons for the mats/molds that I need, but no I will not go back and try to spend how many countless fruitless hours farming for junk to get to the required level I need to make the gear I need now. Not to mention all the farming it would take to spam make something to level the blacksmith or tailor or ornament making skills to the appropriate levels. But thats not exactly the point of this topic.

    Further more for your self righteous rear to call those who choose not to do this farming due to time constraints, 'entitled lazy morons' I think you have another thing coming! Just because I do not have the crafting skills does not mean I expect someone to just hand me sht! Be it gear, levels, or easy dungeons. So refrain from further verbal attacks please as they are not becoming... Sheesh

    Ignore Jadsia he/she is more akin to a troll than anything. To bad the forums don't have a blacklist.
  • Jadsia - Lost City
    Jadsia - Lost City Posts: 1,322 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    falconxs wrote: »
    Lol, pardon me that I don't wish to go putting all the damn crafting skills on all my characters! No I find it completely pointless to how much sht is needed to farm so yes I would rather let someone who enjoys farming endlessly to go do that. Ya I'll farm tt or ws or various dungeons for the mats/molds that I need, but no I will not go back and try to spend how many countless fruitless hours farming for junk to get to the required level I need to make the gear I need now. Not to mention all the farming it would take to spam make something to level the blacksmith or tailor or ornament making skills to the appropriate levels. But thats not exactly the point of this topic.

    Further more for your self righteous rear to call those who choose not to do this farming due to time constraints, 'entitled lazy morons' I think you have another thing coming! Just because I do not have the crafting skills does not mean I expect someone to just hand me sht! Be it gear, levels, or easy dungeons. So refrain from further verbal attacks please as they are not becoming... Sheesh

    So what you are saying is that you want an instance nerfed because you don't want to level a character's crafting skills to make the minimum required types of gear to succeed in the instance. I noticed that you refused to say you had decent crafting skills on any of your chars as well. That's not PWI's problem, not my problem, not your faction or your server's problem. It's your problem if you choose to limit your character's ability to progress like that. If you're too lazy to learn crafting skills then why not pay someone who wasn't so lazy to make your gear for you. No need to nerf the instance because of your ineptness. What a perfect example of the entitlement class here.

    Yeah, if working hard to get every skill a veno can get, complete every culti I had available, and level every one of my crafting skills so that I have the best advantage for my character to progress through the game is self-righteous then I'll be self-righteous clear to the end. Oh, I did all that while going to college so I learned to deal with 'time constraints' like a lot of other self-righteous players who managed to do what I did with my veno.
    I **** bigger than you...

    Shut up and play the game.....Damn
  • Fae_Harpy - Archosaur
    Fae_Harpy - Archosaur Posts: 267 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    After reading through this thread I have noticed the people who are saying the new boss is fine are all 100+ with end game gear and a bunch of hypocrites. It's easy for you to say the boss is fine since you already did your culti before the update, but for the rest of us it's not fine. They made the boss harder for end game players without thinking about those who need it for their culti. They punished the lower level players to reward the higher levels and any way you look at it, that's wrong.

    We are not asking them to totally remove the new boss, we are just asking to have the culti boss returned. The same boss you all had to do for your culti. We are not asking for special treatment, we just want equal treatment.
    I looked to the stars, my aim true.
    Heart peirced, the light flowed.
    And from the dust of Sagittarrius,
    I crafted a bow.
  • Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands
    Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    we just want equal treatment.

    Want a equal treatment?

    Stop use your genie, stop using hypers, stop doing BH, go kill 30 more mobs of each culti quest you had to kill mobs, go run the room 38 in the cube for culti, don't use your Morai skills, do not use the Meridian system, stop do GBQ, do not go in Morai anymore, etc....

    Back in time we didn't had all those things, but since you play since around a year you didn't play without all those things.

    The game evolve, deal with it, high lvl players play since 4 years almost 5 they need challenge to stay active, while the new players that make lvl 1-100 in a month complain about one boss that they could wait a lvl or two to do cause anyway majority of people don't get 99 sage/demon skills before lvl 100 cause they put their money in gears over skills when they turn lvl100.

    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute
  • Baalbak - Dreamweaver
    Baalbak - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,624 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I actually like the suggestion of digging crystals in Bloody before going to Nightmare to do Hellfire. Considering they can be used by any one person to buff entire squad with an extra "bless" effect (not sure the exact %) they can be quite useful for spamming back to back during the Hellfire boss fight.

    15k AoE hits under BB? What kind of gears is the OP wearing? Was something not done, which made the boss more powerful? Can't say as if there is, honestly. Both my seeker (sage) and Barb (demon) do fine on the new Hellfire, even outside of BB. If you can't destroy the boss before a bunch of spawns come - at least have a single decently geared player (BM is good) lure those spawns to the green circle that appears when you kill the green ball (tab target to select it). You can then kill the spawns, which seem to throw out aoes of their own - adding to the carnage that destroys the squads.

    In Hell Trap.. the balls/orbs and their various effects are easily dealt with. Here again, tab target to select the ball - then use a ranged attack to despawn it. You can then get your squad through each section without them being stunned/slowed/face-exploded/sent to the start.

    New infernal spikewing is pretty radical. Just did that one tonight for my seeker's celestial/oht cultivation chain. He sends random squad mates to jail - similar to the puppeteer in abaddon. However, you don't just sit there till released. You get the company of a flower that slows you down and deals damage to you while you make your escape. Squads without a tank that can survive for a bit with no heals might want to take a second healer when doing this boss. Torturous drops BB/vortex and does a full health heal - so takes more than a couple people dual clienting their clerics and seeker + wiz combo. Rancid throws out a ton of stuns now. Still all doable though.
  • Asishi - Archosaur
    Asishi - Archosaur Posts: 146 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Want a equal treatment?

    Stop use your genie, stop using hypers, stop doing BH, go kill 30 more mobs of each culti quest you had to kill mobs, go run the room 38 in the cube for culti, don't use your Morai skills, do not use the Meridian system, stop do GBQ, do not go in Morai anymore, etc....

    Back in time we didn't had all those things, but since you play since around a year you didn't play without all those things.

    The game evolve, deal with it, high lvl players play since 4 years almost 5 they need challenge to stay active, while the new players that make lvl 1-100 in a month complain about one boss that they could wait a lvl or two to do cause anyway majority of people don't get 99 sage/demon skills before lvl 100 cause they put their money in gears over skills when they turn lvl100.

    While the snark level on your post was unbelievably high and made me cringe, I still have to agree with this sentiment. I'm not a 4-5 year veteran, but I took the zero-plevel route to ensure I could handle myself properly, and I've seen far too often how spoiled and unwilling to actually think many of the newer players have become.

    It's what's given me my feelings on aps classes. It's not that I dislike them on principle or disagree with their utility. I just dislike the 97% talentless clueless idiot (took me a minute to think of a kinder non-censored way to phrase that) population that's sprung up from it.
    New infernal spikewing is pretty radical. Just did that one tonight for my seeker's celestial/oht cultivation chain. He sends random squad mates to jail - similar to the puppeteer in abaddon. However, you don't just sit there till released. You get the company of a flower that slows you down and deals damage to you while you make your escape. Squads without a tank that can survive for a bit with no heals might want to take a second healer when doing this boss. Torturous drops BB/vortex and does a full health heal - so takes more than a couple people dual clienting their clerics and seeker + wiz combo. Rancid throws out a ton of stuns now. Still all doable though.

    Just a note, I think if you lure spikewing out a bit he no longer jails you. I've run him a few times now and never noticed that, though I'm rather glad to finally know what the hell the flower was about.
  • Fallonswiz - Dreamweaver
    Fallonswiz - Dreamweaver Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited July 2013

    I think its fun!

    I do feel bad for those that cant make it thru the rocks in aba.b:sad
  • Baalbak - Dreamweaver
    Baalbak - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,624 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Just a note, I think if you lure spikewing out a bit he no longer jails you. I've run him a few times now and never noticed that, though I'm rather glad to finally know what the hell the flower was about.

    Were you soloing or in a squad? We did the boss with my cleric and seeker dual cliented, someone elses Wiz and cleric dual cliented, and a third person playing only Wiz. My seeker never got sent to jail, and was tanking that boss. I'm guessing the tank doesn't get jailed and by that logic you likely wouldn't if soloing? OTOH.. I think puppeteer does jail someone if they are the only one who has any kind of aggro.

    We did lure him a decent way, but not so far we would have aggrod the dogs.
  • Changuita - Harshlands
    Changuita - Harshlands Posts: 145 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    My squad (pretty similar build actually) was having trouble too- until we realized that for Hellfire... you do NOT wanna hit the mobs or the green circles. When we just focused on the boss it made it much much easier, even with a relatively squishy cleric and sin in the squad.

    Eoria was right with the digging of the crystals in the second section- have everyone pick those up (my squad did 5 each) and just make sure you're on the ball with targeting the dogs and clicking the roses.

    New SoT just requires a bit more preparation, planning, and teamwork- not necessarily an OP OP squad- just people that know how to play their classes and how to work with others.
  • HideYoHubby - Archosaur
    HideYoHubby - Archosaur Posts: 995 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Want a equal treatment?

    Stop use your genie, stop using hypers, stop doing BH, go kill 30 more mobs of each culti quest you had to kill mobs, go run the room 38 in the cube for culti, don't use your Morai skills, do not use the Meridian system, stop do GBQ, do not go in Morai anymore, etc....

    Back in time we didn't had all those things, but since you play since around a year you didn't play without all those things.

    The game evolve, deal with it, high lvl players play since 4 years almost 5 they need challenge to stay active, while the new players that make lvl 1-100 in a month complain about one boss that they could wait a lvl or two to do cause anyway majority of people don't get 99 sage/demon skills before lvl 100 cause they put their money in gears over skills when they turn lvl100.

    Back in days nobody was 99 to do 99 culti before genies were introduced. Back in days AD affected whole squad. Back in days highest levels were maybe 95 when BHs were introduced, massive amount of "high levels" being 8x. Stop acting like people just grinded and guested to top levels, a minority in minority did. As hypers are the only recent introduction, though lets not to forget oracles from tokens nobody does anymore.

    Is leveling now easier? Yes, of course it is. Lot of things are easier, then again TT 3-X got harder, 3-1 beast is absolutely ridiculous. He is by far deadlier than his 3-3 counterpart, which is simply ludicrous. Culti bosses difficulty got increased by multitudes with hellfire change, it would of really not been difficult at all to simply leave old hellfire there that we did for our cultis.

    I wonder if newer players would enjoy 100k per gold prices that we did enjoy back in days. We got easy access to tier that can make in game coin, newer players have multitudes harder time to achieve that tier. Some things were harder back in days, some were easier.
    __Sami__ - Archer - 105/103/102 - mypers.pw/1.8/#132088 - Active
    HideYoHubby - Assassin - 105/101/101 - Inactive
    WnbTank - Barbarian - 103/101/101 - Catshop
  • Asishi - Archosaur
    Asishi - Archosaur Posts: 146 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Were you soloing or in a squad? We did the boss with my cleric and seeker dual cliented, someone elses Wiz and cleric dual cliented, and a third person playing only Wiz. My seeker never got sent to jail, and was tanking that boss. I'm guessing the tank doesn't get jailed and by that logic you likely wouldn't if soloing? OTOH.. I think puppeteer does jail someone if they are the only one who has any kind of aggro.

    We did lure him a decent way, but not so far we would have aggrod the dogs.

    I'm strong, I'm not -that- strong. :P I was doing it in squads each time, I just never saw him jail anyone. Not really sure why, considering what you said. I'll have to test it out a bit and see if specific things cause him to jail.

    As for puppeteer, I can't vouch for this myself, but I was told if you're soloing him, you can spark to prevent jailing. I believe I heard mention of a video on youtube showing someone doing it as well. Not fun, but viable. At least from what I hear.
  • HideYoHubby - Archosaur
    HideYoHubby - Archosaur Posts: 995 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I'm strong, I'm not -that- strong. :P I was doing it in squads each time, I just never saw him jail anyone. Not really sure why, considering what you said. I'll have to test it out a bit and see if specific things cause him to jail.

    As for puppeteer, I can't vouch for this myself, but I was told if you're soloing him, you can spark to prevent jailing. I believe I heard mention of a video on youtube showing someone doing it as well. Not fun, but viable. At least from what I hear.

    Its doable but you want clock rolling with it. I did manage to count 10s easy enough in my head, got surprised he was stronger than I expected, enough to make me miss the next jailing 30s from that. This was while I was bored waiting for cleric and as I had heard of the video and jailing cycle timing, I felt like I might as well try it. High tier aps toons can do puppeteer with proper timing easy enough, hurts enough that lower tiers prolly dont want to waste their charm soloing.
    __Sami__ - Archer - 105/103/102 - mypers.pw/1.8/#132088 - Active
    HideYoHubby - Assassin - 105/101/101 - Inactive
    WnbTank - Barbarian - 103/101/101 - Catshop
  • Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands
    Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I think puppeteer does jail someone if they are the only one who has any kind of aggro.

    Everytime I do it I'm the one getting send in jail. D=

    I guess the puppeteer hate mystic. :S

    2 times I got send in jail I was main healer and others time just DD.

    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute
  • Fae_Harpy - Archosaur
    Fae_Harpy - Archosaur Posts: 267 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Want a equal treatment?

    Stop use your genie, stop using hypers, stop doing BH, go kill 30 more mobs of each culti quest you had to kill mobs, go run the room 38 in the cube for culti, don't use your Morai skills, do not use the Meridian system, stop do GBQ, do not go in Morai anymore, etc....

    I don't use hypers. Killing 30 mobs does not bother me as I kill 80 or more for my level 90 quests (yes I do every single quest on my list and on all my toons). I do cube every single day already. I don't have any Morai skills yet because I spent hours farming to get enough coin to buy my regular skill books (which thanks to this boss I may not be able to learn my 99 skills when I'm 99)

    Back in time we didn't had all those things, but since you play since around a year you didn't play without all those things.

    I've been playing this game about 2 1/2 years actually, it's only this toon I started a little over a year ago.

    The game evolve, deal with it, high lvl players play since 4 years almost 5 they need challenge to stay active, while the new players that make lvl 1-100 in a month complain about one boss that they could wait a lvl or two to do cause anyway majority of people don't get 99 sage/demon skills before lvl 100 cause they put their money in gears over skills when they turn lvl100.

    It's a level 99 cultivation, which means it should be doable at level 99. You all had the option to do you 99 culti when you were 99 without it being super hard. If you chose not to then you were just being lazy and that is not my problem, the option was still there.

    Yes it's nice to have new challenges and it does keep the game interesting, but this challenge is meant for end game players, not people doing their culti. Since it is not meant for people doing their culti the normal culti boss should be returned so people can do it and the updated boss can stay for those who are end game.

    I looked to the stars, my aim true.
    Heart peirced, the light flowed.
    And from the dust of Sagittarrius,
    I crafted a bow.
  • Eoria - Harshlands
    Eoria - Harshlands Posts: 6,118 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Personally, I like my solution best:
    Alternatively, have an alternate Hellfire (the old one) be spawnable via a quest for the person that needs it for their 99 culti. 100 culti? lolno, go kill that new monstrosity.

    "subtraction has the butt of an angel" - Paulrogers
    I <3 Subtraction.
    /blatant sig copy is blatant

    105/105/105 obtained! b:cute
  • Desdi - Sanctuary
    Desdi - Sanctuary Posts: 8,680 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I like Eoria's suggestion o.o
    ★ Venomancer videos - tinyurl.com/k6ppkw4 ★ Desdi - Demon ♪ Wyvelin - Sage ★
  • Psytrac - Dreamweaver
    Psytrac - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,488 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    for those that don't remember, this is the old hellfire abomination: (Sirens of War's FIRST release)

    (don't ask me what everything means, I don't know)
    Name(wstring:64)=Hellfire Abomination
    Element(wstring:32)=No Attribute
    Physical Defense(int32)=3247
    Metal Defense(int32)=2783
    Wood Defense(int32)=2783
    Water Defense(int32)=2783
    Fire Defense(int32)=2783
    Earth Defense(int32)=2783
    Coin Mean(int32)=420
    Coin Variance(int32)=126
    Min. Physical Attack(int32)=3701
    Max. Physical Attack(int32)=8635
    Min. Magic Attack(int32)=3701
    Max. Magic Attack(int32)=8636
    Aggro Range(float)=162.75
    Aggro Time(float)=100
    Walk Speed(float)=16
    Run Speed(float)=8
    Fly Speed(float)=0
    Swim Speed(float)=0
    AI Controller(int32)=10

    And here's the new one:
    Name(wstring:64)=Hellfire Abomination
    Element(wstring:32)=No Attribute
    Physical Defense(int32)=4866
    Metal Defense(int32)=2676
    Wood Defense(int32)=2676
    Water Defense(int32)=2676
    Fire Defense(int32)=2676
    Earth Defense(int32)=2676
    Coin Mean(int32)=420
    Coin Variance(int32)=126
    Min. Physical Attack(int32)=10115
    Max. Physical Attack(int32)=12138
    Min. Magic Attack(int32)=10115
    Max. Magic Attack(int32)=12138
    Aggro Range(float)=100
    Aggro Time(float)=100
    Walk Speed(float)=3
    Run Speed(float)=10
    Fly Speed(float)=0
    Swim Speed(float)=0
    AI Controller(int32)=2037

    obviously they don't match perfectly, very different version, but there's a good idea of the changes
    I'm a guy, not a woman, that is all
    "When you're on Team Bring it, every morning your feet hit the floor, the good lord says "good morning" and the devil says 'Oh **** they're up' " - Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson
    Are you on Team Bring it?
  • Eoria - Harshlands
    Eoria - Harshlands Posts: 6,118 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I like Eoria's suggestion o.o

    It would also prevent sins from just farming it easily for books if that's what we're worried about (since Aba already has a prevention for this called Puppeteer).

    "subtraction has the butt of an angel" - Paulrogers
    I <3 Subtraction.
    /blatant sig copy is blatant

    105/105/105 obtained! b:cute
  • Psytrac - Dreamweaver
    Psytrac - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,488 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    It would also prevent sins from just farming it easily for books if that's what we're worried about (since Aba already has a prevention for this called Puppeteer).
    I don't think that puppeteer could slow down sins all that much once they got the hang of the place

    I like the concept of the new instances, I just think, as usual, they are poorly implimented.

    And just imagine how bad this is on the chinese servers.. I was told, by a chinese player, that TT90 wasn't good gear. and yet it is statically better in every way (than what I am using now at 90)
    I'm a guy, not a woman, that is all
    "When you're on Team Bring it, every morning your feet hit the floor, the good lord says "good morning" and the devil says 'Oh **** they're up' " - Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson
    Are you on Team Bring it?
  • Asishi - Archosaur
    Asishi - Archosaur Posts: 146 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    It would also prevent sins from just farming it easily for books if that's what we're worried about (since Aba already has a prevention for this called Puppeteer).

    I'd be okay with more people farming them for books honestly. A surplus on the market might make some of those rare (or in psy/sin's case, otherwise unobtainable) books a bit more reasonable to get.
  • Eoria - Harshlands
    Eoria - Harshlands Posts: 6,118 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I'd be okay with more people farming them for books honestly. A surplus on the market might make some of those rare (or in psy/sin's case, otherwise unobtainable) books a bit more reasonable to get.

    I'm fine with it as well, but bleh.

    "subtraction has the butt of an angel" - Paulrogers
    I <3 Subtraction.
    /blatant sig copy is blatant

    105/105/105 obtained! b:cute
  • Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands
    Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited July 2013

    And just imagine how bad this is on the chinese servers.. I was told, by a chinese player, that TT90 wasn't good gear. and yet it is statically better in every way (than what I am using now at 90)

    TT90 is not bad... when used by players lvl 90-98, at lvl 99 people should be able to use TT99. What is bad it's when you see something like a cleric 102 that play since 3 years still wearing TT90.

    And TT90 AA pants are actually better than TT99 AA pants and R8 pants of some caster class. Only Mystics R7 pants and Venos R8 pants have p.def, rest of casters R7/R8 pants give no p.def, which make TT90 pants better for the defense.

    Is there something better than TT90 for lvl 90-98? Maybe OHT pieces with nice stats and the mold lvl95, but for someone that plan to go Nirvy it's better to get the TT90 gears.

    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute
  • Asishi - Archosaur
    Asishi - Archosaur Posts: 146 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Is there something better than TT90 for lvl 90-98? Maybe OHT pieces with nice stats and the mold lvl95, but for someone that plan to go Nirvy it's better to get the TT90 gears.

    Honestly, aside from good random luck (including OHT) and a couple specific molds (not full sets though), I'm not sure there is better, even considering the rare or obscenely difficult gear to obtain (friendship gear anyone?).

    TT90's cheap and easy to get, and it's pretty damn nice for L90. Whoever claimed it's **** had no idea what they were talking about.

    EDIT: There are always -chan junkies and apstards who ignore defense in favor of speed, but I would never claim those gear choices are "better".
  • Psytrac - Dreamweaver
    Psytrac - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,488 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    TT90 is not bad... when used by players lvl 90-98, at lvl 99 people should be able to use TT99. What is bad it's when you see something like a cleric 102 that play since 3 years still wearing TT90.

    And TT90 AA pants are actually better than TT99 AA pants and R8 pants of some caster class. Only Mystics R7 pants and Venos R8 pants have p.def, rest of casters R7/R8 pants give no p.def, which make TT90 pants better for the defense.

    Is there something better than TT90 for lvl 90-98? Maybe OHT pieces with nice stats and the mold lvl95, but for someone that plan to go Nirvy it's better to get the TT90 gears.
    you missed something.. try reading it again?
    I'm a guy, not a woman, that is all
    "When you're on Team Bring it, every morning your feet hit the floor, the good lord says "good morning" and the devil says 'Oh **** they're up' " - Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson
    Are you on Team Bring it?
  • HideYoHubby - Archosaur
    HideYoHubby - Archosaur Posts: 995 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    for those that don't remember, this is the old hellfire abomination: (Sirens of War's FIRST release)

    (don't ask me what everything means, I don't know)
    Name(wstring:64)=Hellfire Abomination
    Element(wstring:32)=No Attribute
    Physical Defense(int32)=3247
    Metal Defense(int32)=2783
    Wood Defense(int32)=2783
    Water Defense(int32)=2783
    Fire Defense(int32)=2783
    Earth Defense(int32)=2783
    Coin Mean(int32)=420
    Coin Variance(int32)=126
    Min. Physical Attack(int32)=3701
    Max. Physical Attack(int32)=8635
    Min. Magic Attack(int32)=3701
    Max. Magic Attack(int32)=8636
    Aggro Range(float)=162.75
    Aggro Time(float)=100
    Walk Speed(float)=16
    Run Speed(float)=8
    Fly Speed(float)=0
    Swim Speed(float)=0
    AI Controller(int32)=10

    And here's the new one:
    Name(wstring:64)=Hellfire Abomination
    Element(wstring:32)=No Attribute
    Physical Defense(int32)=4866
    Metal Defense(int32)=2676
    Wood Defense(int32)=2676
    Water Defense(int32)=2676
    Fire Defense(int32)=2676
    Earth Defense(int32)=2676
    Coin Mean(int32)=420
    Coin Variance(int32)=126
    Min. Physical Attack(int32)=10115
    Max. Physical Attack(int32)=12138
    Min. Magic Attack(int32)=10115
    Max. Magic Attack(int32)=12138
    Aggro Range(float)=100
    Aggro Time(float)=100
    Walk Speed(float)=3
    Run Speed(float)=10
    Fly Speed(float)=0
    Swim Speed(float)=0
    AI Controller(int32)=2037

    obviously they don't match perfectly, very different version, but there's a good idea of the changes

    Interesting, damage was basically doubled and damage range is fairly small now. Hellfire currently hits bout as hard as pure dex sin with N3+11 dags, discounting attack levels. And unlike those daggers, Hellfire doesnt have damage reduction of PvP. Granted it cant crit either by my understanding, though it seems to buff itself at times. Either way, that sort of damage range is absurd for lvl 99s to take.
    __Sami__ - Archer - 105/103/102 - mypers.pw/1.8/#132088 - Active
    HideYoHubby - Assassin - 105/101/101 - Inactive
    WnbTank - Barbarian - 103/101/101 - Catshop
  • Chrisssss - Sanctuary
    Chrisssss - Sanctuary Posts: 531 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Yeah overall its not that hard but it is fun and new, just keep going at it you'll be fine.
  • AdvanceZero - Heavens Tear
    AdvanceZero - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,413 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Obviously all the players claiming that they did things the hard way are just talking out of their *****.

    Yeah you know who I'm talking about.

  • Asishi - Archosaur
    Asishi - Archosaur Posts: 146 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Interesting, damage was basically doubled and damage range is fairly small now. Hellfire currently hits bout as hard as pure dex sin with N3+11 dags, discounting attack levels. And unlike those daggers, Hellfire doesnt have damage reduction of PvP. Granted it cant crit either by my understanding, though it seems to buff itself at times. Either way, that sort of damage range is absurd for lvl 99s to take.

    Bear in mind, that damage is before defenses come into play and isn't dealt directly in terms of aoe and other such skills. That only is an accurate meter of the pre-defense pure melee damage. Honestly, tank classes at L99 would handle it fine, and if you're smart about how you handle him, you won't be needing other classes to tank it.
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