New Suggestion Thread



  • Posts: 2,387 Arc User
    edited April 2013

    While doing marriage quest today i got disconnected from the game when i got back my marriage quest failed this should be fixed because it is just a waste of a day & marriage quest can be done once/per day. Same goes for Rebirth Delta also while doing it if the squad leader disconnects from game the quest for Rebirth fails & none in the squad is able to get reward so it is just waste of time/energy & effort. I feel this things shouldn't fail even after someone dc's from game.

    This is my request it would be nice if you can do anything regarding this matter.b:thanks

    Dream a dream of a life so new, One brimming with potential,
    Of starting again, leaving all behind, Only happiness is essential. b:victory
    Thanks Silvy for the siggy, You are the best ! b:kiss
  • Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    my suggestion is to add more items to the token shop for pwi and also to add more items to the dq shop as well
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    rescently an update has screwed up the possible names you can use for a new character, it keeps coming up with 'invalid name' My main characters name is Markusi_Seek and if i deleted it, i can't make character with that name again coz it has a _ in it. Now you can't use \ or / either, so it cuts down the possible names by heaps.

    I also tried making a new character several times with only letters and it said it was an invalid name, i dunno why. Possibly beause there was a t after an s, but that shouldn't matter.

    Please fix up the names again like it was before so i can keep using the Markusi_ at start of my name like i had for months previous on over 10 characters. Thankyou.
  • Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Just an idea but we have an alliance feature ingame that doesn't even get used and I can imagine there are a lot of possibilities to build on that feature
    1. People have too many people in fac that they make alt factions, so how about a small change by maybe making a new chat channel "alliance chat" so that you can have alt factions but still keep a nice close group as 1 big happy faction family
    2. Maybe add a set number of slots to TW or trials that allow you to invite up to that set number from your alliance that is reserved ONLY for your alliance members to join you in TW/trials etc
    3. While on the subject of trials, maybe a revamp of rewards should happen as trials was a good part of the game bringing your faction together for regular runs.. However now people are put off due to most seeing the rewards as not worth it due to NW
    4. As for TW what about some new fighting areas, change it up a little with a new map or 2 (which are randomly chosen) an extra path for catas or something or even a set number of catas randomly spawn together somewhere in the area and you have to fight to gain control so that you can use them for your team (like a king of the hill type gametype thrown in the middle of battle)

    I just personally think in regards to the alliance feature that it is being wasted and if PW put their heads together or even the players, it may be possible to come up with some really good added content for that

    EDIT 4/17/13: I also notice with this weapon fash.. I know it is new but how about this for maybe the possible future, Weapon skins of the same weapon type anywhere from lvls 1-101 (ok maybe not 1 but you get the idea) For instance... R999 pataka wanting a G16 pataka skin or vise versa.. Obviously for a fee but maybe make that one a permanant thing depending on how many people may like it, timed if not so popular?
    Yes that may be a lot of skins for boutique but maybe set up a new section WEAPON FASHION followed by WANDS etc inside that section \o/
  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I will never buy gold again! NW for europeans is a stupid once only time to make money & it's PK on a PVE server! You are trying to push PK on PVE server players. Also NW 2 times a day as it's an *INTERNATIONAL* game too hard an update to accomplish? STILL no *ENGLISH* chat European GMT server in ALL the time of this game! WHY????? WE WANT TO KNOW!b:angry
  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I agree completely vana used to be money runs anytime @ all now it's NW 4am here. Vana is dead...
  • Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Coming of Age the adult man can not be found, and i think disabled mans story the npc can not be found to start the quest. I would like to complete both quests , thank you.
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    i was wondering how about being able to trade exp or spirit for rep or vice versa. maybe even a stop lvling button so you can stay in one area for longer than you normally can. maybe also when you giv codes give us a way to redeem them, maybe suppose no glitch of cant choose server or char. how about more of a way that we dont have to put so money into the game, a way maybe have equivalent of boutique ingame but with coins. then again that will make things moe expensive ingame. also a way to get your demon/sage books beyond drops. or a way to get the lvl 100 books, like a buy ingame, again expensive, but give us a price to start. coins can be had, but cash money cant be at times. we choose to play a free to play game for that reason. cant afford monthly fees and you get more from pwi than those games.
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    please implement a color blind mode option for people who can't see the color red. we are everywhere. It SEVERELY inhibits any ability to play this game as any class. If it's already in the game, make it easier to find.
  • Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Constant Movement. Easy to see displays. Interactive Backgrounds. Customability. Replay value.

    FORSAKEN WORLD *game that shall not be named* feel. Awsome graphics. Auto path that moves you
    on a safe path to your destination.

    expansive. large area. diverse classes. easy skill bar.

    All of the above.

    Now PWI im sorry but you just gave me a steak then asked me to eat a dry big mac. PWI could be what neverwinter now is. Forsaken and STO could also be brought up to neverwinters gameplay and graphic standards. If you took the current content of PWI and made the quests and the classes like how you have them in neverwinter you would have a * game that shall not be named* competetor.
    You dont need suggestions for new content PWI you need a make over, not a bandade you need a bodycast. Wake up or loose real players for bots and program hacks, because the credit cards cant hold you up for ever. Ive put years into this game its time the game got with the times. You need to shut down, revamp and reboot. Its being done all over for the movie industry. Its time pwi got with it and got a team together to look at all the other games out there, what they offer how they play and then sit down and think tank and earn some of that revenue that the cash shoppers give you. I dont mind spending on somthing I enjoy (steak) but ill be dammed if you ask me for 100 bucks for a mc happy meal. That is what PWI is now. Neverwinter is the prime cut
    and I am a dam hungery gammer. PWI time to upgrade or shut down.

    Good Luck. b:surrender
  • Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Put a teleporter in the Cube of fate to go back to Room 60 after you complete advanced cube for the day. It sucks when you lag a little and don't get a chance to activate the cog because you hit the wrong quest first. Or you could put in a separate person or a forge in Rm 60 so it doesn't happen at all.
    When all else fails...go afk.
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    After searching forums (and hopefully not missing anything), here is a suggestion for a change to the multi-clienting policy or to the game client.

    Currently I have 2 accounts, one has 8 alts, with 8 of the 10 classes, and one is only for my catshop. If I understand the multi-client policy correctly, if I want to play the other 2 classes, I have to use my catshop account, which of course reduces catshop profits.

    My suggestion is that one of two modifications be made to the multi-clienting policy or client so I can play all 10 alts, plus keep a cat shop up all the time.

    1. Allow 3 accounts per player, with up to 3 accounts logged on at the same time, as long as the third account logged on is only a cat shop. Alternately, simply allow 3 accounts per person with 2 max logged on at any one time, though I would like to be able to run my cat shop and multi-client 2 alts at the same time.

    2. Modify the client so it can take up to 10 alts so we can play each class if we want while keeping the other account for a cat shop.

    Hopefully this makes sense and did not duplicate anyone else's post.

    Thank you for your consideration.

    Sanctuary Server
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    b:cry I would like to be able to choose the element of my pet or to have none at all !

    Either you allow us to get some item to get an element type to certain pets... I like the graph for the rhinos and the eldersgoth, however the former comes only on earth where I would like to have it none, WD or FR, while the later is just available till lvl 41 make the Eldergoth Vanguard lvl 10 available to tame, or the lvl 2 beetle to be none in element.

    ON PET SKILL BAR Get the option to activate several skills, and the availability to order them in the bar as we wish them to cast them. or just get a switch to use all pet's skilLs or just the one selected... actually get a lock like the other bars...

    Now you can think of money... get us something like the net in JD either sold by gold or just regular coins to be able to catch any pet we want... the 9999 items needed for the phoenix and the other one are just to far away to get it or just to spend at least 100 usd... why don't you allow us to get any pet and try to improve it with some item, instead of hoping to get someday a Baby Hercules...

    make the ones for venos, either transformable or upgradeable in apperance (like the ones in JD) according to lvl or skills learnt a glow in the head or sth

  • Posts: 134 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    allow bms to switch R8 weapons (once or 2 times only).
    create a new class!! add new storyline expand that ugly non symmetrical map.
    bring back FC mats?
    Remove lunar fee
    Make warsong drop both eoo and eod
  • Posts: 134 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    It's just not fun when an event is dominated week from week by people with supreme gear, that just makes those with lesser gear not want to participate at

    b:laughb:laugh those people in turney for 80-90 with warsoul weapon +10 b:laughb:laugh
  • Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Would be great to have a posibiity to exchange bound or Rank gear for some goodies. I cant force myself to npc my old r8 +10 gear b:cry
    Now, when R9 is quite easy acheavible, would be great to have posibility to get some goodies when disposing rank gear. it could be unique fashion, mounts or refine adds. Repayment value could depend on refine of gear.
  • Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The Quick Launch bars are handy and never seem to hold enough.
    I don't have a ready solution for more storage except to get rid of the cycling feature which I find totally useless especially in combat. Besides the extra row can be used to hold more useful things.
    The MOST important improvement that is needed is a way to lock down the icons on the quick lanch bar so they do not get dragged off during a fight or any quick mouse movements. This is totally a Necessity for active play and control. I don't know why this is not a Priority.
    Rise to Become Mighty so on the Wings of the Leviathan We will Soar....
    "Beware the Jabberwock, my son! The jaws that bite, the claws that catch! Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun The frumious Bandersnatch!" He took his vorpal sword in hand: Long time the manxome foe he sought -- So rested he by the Tumtum tree, And stood awhile in thought. And, as in uffish thought he stood, The Jabberwock, with eyes of flame, Came whiffling through the tulgey wood, And burbled as it came!--Poem part by: Lewis Carroll
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Bounty order quests from jolly jones and the seasonal winter quests from seasonal harbinger, as well as some items in some quests are going to the normal bag.

    The quest to exchange the plates for the chests to get the words for the pray quest should also go to that bag is boresome to get them in the bank or the normal bag.

    Sugestions :
    1.Correct this issue so quest items goes to quest bags
    2.Make those items sellable to npc only

    P.D. from the light, shadow and void orders also quests items should be sellable again to npc only at least for dq points, so we can get the quest enabled making the quest to be recycled over and over again.


    You shold make coins price the one of dq lvl , DQ 20 should get that ammount of coins and at least 20 % per cent dq points of the price same for the 31 ans so on up to lvl 61 DQ items the 71 should go to original rpice since you can get silver or gold order from doing dq quest.
  • Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    maybe allow multiple alts on one account to be on. like you can have 2 accounts on at the same time, make it so that you can have 2 characters of the same account online too
  • Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    being a cleric always means i'm in a bb at least 75% of the time and miss out on drops. can u please make an all class pet that picks up drops..could be a boutique item at this point i really wouldn't care if i had to buy it just as long as it picked up every thing but gold mats.b:thanks
    could it be a cute baby Pegasus or maybe a baby Sphinx .
  • Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I suggest more quests which require you to jump up buildings and dig a chest at the top, like the "Try to Leap" quest. Make it so that flyers are disabled when the quest is active, and re-enabled once the quest is either done or trashed.

    There are a whole bunch of structures in PWI that can be used as obstacle courses or climbing walls, all that is needed is a bit of fixing of the collision boxes so that people can climb up easier.

    Also, make the ladders in PWI useable. The only ladders that worrk are the ones in Whetstone Keep, all the others are nothing but decorations.
  • Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I'm not sure if this has been mentioned yet, and if so, I apologize.

    But *please* allow greater customization for hotkey mapping. I am left-handed, and use a mouse with my left hand. So in games, I always remap movement to the arrow keys, and skills to the numberpad/nearby function keys so it's more comfortable to use them with my right hand. PWI doesn't let me map movement to all the arrow keys (two of them are "locked" for some reason) and I also can't remap "jump" to anything else - it's stuck on spacebar, which is difficult for me to reach.

    I'm sure there are gaming keyboards that would help me, I know about remapping my keyboard itself, but I don't see why I should have to go to ridiculous lengths because PWI is sooo much more limited in hotkey mapping compared to every other game I play.
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Hello, I'm pretty new here, and so far I like the game and everything, but I have one thing I'm concerned about. I am playing a Tideborn, and I noticed that when I meditate, or turn to the mermaid form in the water, my character design changes to a design provided to all Tideborns in their mermaid form. I don't know if it is like this with other races when they meditate, since I've only tried Tideborn so far. I just wanted to say that it's kind of disappointing for me to spend a bunch of time designing and customizing my character, but to have it look completely different when she changes her form. The fact that I look like everyone else in the mermaid form only makes it worse. So, I was thinking, would it be possible to keep the originally customized design in the mermaid form, and just have the tail, fins and all the other mermaid things added? And if it's not too much to ask, can people be able to choose the color for the tail? Because I'm sure I'm not the only one who gets upset about the sameness among Tideborn mermaids and mertailors. Once again, I don't know if other races have it the same way, but if they do, I'm sure there are people who would want this change to happen to them too.
    Thank You for your consideration.
  • Posts: 1,166 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Suggestion: Give a greatly increased reward for the Endless Universe instance (not AEU). This is a nicely designed instance that requires actual skill and teamwork to complete rather than gear. But since it only gives mirages and weak level 100 gear nobody does it.

    The instance is already limited to being entered only once per day, so it can't be abused by farmers. The reward should be slightly better than BH 100 rewards due to the extra skill involved and difficulty getting an appropriate squad for it.
  • Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    KawaiiJen wrote: »

    I've decided with approval from the staff to start an Official Suggestion thread. The reason is after years of flooded requests in the suggestion box, it has pretty much become ignored.

    Please list some suggestions you would like to see for the game. I will compile a list of ones that seem reasonable and submit them to Frankie every week and he will review and submit any he agrees with.

    If you have any questions feel free to PM me.


    Edit for a side note.

    This thread will be moved to its correct location in the Suggestion Box next Monday 10/1/12. I have it started here so people are aware of this thread and get the ball rolling so to speak.

    Edit 9/25/12

    List compiled onto Google Docs for a cleaner and more effective method of sharing this data with staff and other mods. I may provide updates in the future on suggestions that have been passed to be submitted to be approved.
    It is a good thing u did thid but i have been trying to get to comment about the mess they are m aking of the NW. Frankie needs to fix the bugs in game then worry about messing with the events'.needs to fix the mess still after 5 yrs in 59 bh 59 disaster. still can't tab last boss at beginning of the fight boss if Glutt, please please after 5 years fix it and leave NW as it was it is not TW it is NW please do not try to make it TW thankyou.
  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    1) it will be nice to have a logging date in faction window showing the date when members was last log in.

    2) it will be great to have a option that allow to organize members from higher level to lower level or LOWER level to HIGHER .

    and also a option that allow head of the faction like leader director , marsh and ex. to be add to the top of commi names example


    rather then having


    all mess up no option to allow to put things in order ....

    3) it will be great to have a automatic icon showing the classes all the members in faction window

    or a change of color in name when members are online
  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    allow a name change options for avatars for a fee. ..

    and a faction name change for a fee or allowing people to be able to change a faction name for a fee with a set of limit ...

    example: upon creation of a faction , after the faction had been level up the leader can be allow to change the faction name only once or twice..

    so after the faction name had been change for the maximum allowance it can no longer be change.. rather then living with a faction name that you are not so proud of for the rest of your pwi life.
  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    1) it will be great to have a timer on top on screen upon entering a dungeon/instance

    so let say the dungeon will reset in 3 hours

    the timer will start 3:00:00 upon entering the dungeon and start its countdown...until it reaches 00.00.00 and the dungeon reset.

    this will be good to help player know how long it takes them to finish the dungeon...

    and also how many time left upon the dungeon reset....
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Well I played a game a while ago which has long since closed as it went out of business but it was purely cash shop based. But one item I thought was clever was the "Scroll of Identification" which allowed you to change your character name. It would be used at the same location as a make over scroll but anything that allows a name change would be great as don't want to start over a new sin and spend all that money all over again just because I'm not huge on my name anymore.


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