The most fail bm ever (me)

Posts: 163 Arc User
edited June 2013 in Blademaster
So i figured since i made these vids anyway... And well tbh i've watched all the vids that are currently provided by bm's i figured i toos mine in.. And just for clarity heres the things i get told daily so dont bother repeating urself's : all gear no skill , waste of r9rr , u cant seriously call urself a bm , total fail, suckiest bm ever created.. So yeah that's me now lets get on with it i made these to rewiev myself to learn more... i did leanr quite abit ... but i do realise im far from being an actual "bm" so. Gimme ur sincerest opinions.. and bother with quit ur useles si wont anyway.. im here to learn and i realise theres ppl much btr than me around this game at this specific class. So if u got constructive feedback its wellcome. if u wanna just troll me .. then do it .. idc :D anyways heres what i made so far. (and sorry for bad quality) and if its blocked .. well then it is .. i basically capture everything i do so i go thru alot of raw material so once i make a vid the clips go poof. 5 Tb is all i can keep at once. first one i made (still learning) (fun i had with some friends) (more recent playing)

let the trolling begin! b:cute

Latest with slower and btr quality footage with gear info: and yes dat one bt was a missclick

latest 1v1 with r9rr cleric (she too OP) :) the latest
TY Silvy for Epic Sig <3
- Sage BM 0.87aps and loving it <3 somewhere close
Post edited by Ladyblondeh - Raging Tide on


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  • Posts: 65 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    ohh sage bm thats cool, have not seen any pk vid with that.. so that was cool to watch.. (and no troll)
    And im no expert, but some pointers from the "(more recent playing)" video. when u was pk:ing vs the archer i saw that you tried to stun even when he just casted anti stuns, so i guess pay more attention to anti stun status icons on enemys (ofc i miss this sometimes as well, just pointing at what i saw)
    Also try to do a GS + Mire + BT combo, that combo hits RLY hard if you land it b:victory

    Ohh.. And i noticed that you did not use/had equiped Reviving Sap of Death, even if they only give 1500 hp, they sure are handy to spam im "ohh ****" moments, since they dont share cd with pots or hp food.

    And then idk rly, i think there was some nice fights and i njoyed watching the video..

    Btw.. what gear and refines do you have? full r999 +12 JoSD?
  • Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Don't use Sword Cyclone/Blade Tornado on Assassins with Tidal Protection up, as it can resist the effects. For that matter, don't use Reckless Rush on them either, save it for when the buff is down. Also, use your leaps more. You can't depend on status effects to save you when Tidal's up either.

    Like Boom said you need to pay more attention to buffs, you HFed during Expel and that's just a waste of chi. Bad Blondeh.

    I stopped watching at 5 or so minutes in, it looks like you've only been fighting people that are way undergeared in comparison. I don't really like watching one sided fights.
  • Posts: 163 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    the first vid gear was r9rr +6 with immac citrines or summin ,,, the more later was +12 wep +11 armou +10 ornies half josd half +10 vits.. and well lately i fight any1 willing to fight... True most were below my gear lvl but then again some fights are on par or above my gear.
    TY Silvy for Epic Sig <3
    - Sage BM 0.87aps and loving it <3 somewhere close
  • Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    the first vid gear was r9rr +6 with immac citrines or summin ,,, the more later was +12 wep +11 armou +10 ornies half josd half +10 vits.. and well lately i fight any1 willing to fight... True most were below my gear lvl but then again some fights are on par or above my gear.

    Mind finding the ones that are at or above your gear level so I can watch those? b:cute
  • Posts: 163 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    1st vid: 0:12 -2.07 bm is at par with gear ... 2.10-3.45 cleric is above my gear .... 8.05-8.15 seeker is at par with gear.... 9.40-10.10 sin is above my gear... 13.05-13.15 same cleric above gear... 14.05-15.29 sin above my gear... 17.15-17.57 sin above gear. 19.36-19.56 wiz gear on par. 1st vid is also made on pure str build (45dex gear on)

    2nd vid both of the sins is on par with gear seeker with me is r9rr and warsoul recast swords

    3rd vid first fight semi par r9rr + warsoul recast wep on seeker ... 2nd fight sin on poar with gear ...3rd and 4th fight same sin on par ... 6.51-9.53 seeker on par (i lost the fight but was best 1v1 i had in long time) and rest of vid sin is on par .. cleric at end is r9rr but still rerolling gear so not on par
    TY Silvy for Epic Sig <3
    - Sage BM 0.87aps and loving it <3 somewhere close
  • Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    1st vid: 0:12 -2.07 bm is at par with gear ... 2.10-3.45 cleric is above my gear .... 8.05-8.15 seeker is at par with gear.... 9.40-10.10 sin is above my gear... 13.05-13.15 same cleric above gear... 14.05-15.29 sin above my gear... 17.15-17.57 sin above gear. 19.36-19.56 wiz gear on par. 1st vid is also made on pure str build (45dex gear on)

    2nd vid both of the sins is on par with gear seeker with me is r9rr and warsoul recast swords

    3rd vid first fight semi par r9rr + warsoul recast wep on seeker ... 2nd fight sin on poar with gear ...3rd and 4th fight same sin on par ... 6.51-9.53 seeker on par (i lost the fight but was best 1v1 i had in long time) and rest of vid sin is on par .. cleric at end is r9rr but still rerolling gear so not on par

    1st vid:

    Is your genie Str or Dex? You've got Occult and Badge, which conflict with each other. One of them is taking a large hit to effectiveness. The video is way too fast, you should slow your videos down to 2x or so anything more and you can't get too good of an idea of what's going on. It may mean less fights in one video, but it's probably better.

    I noticed you use HF a lot, but when you use it early in the fight you're just wasting chi in most cases. That's the easiest time to resist it, conserve the chi to keep your locks up or force their genie first, then HF. You should use Blade Hurl more sparingly, it's better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it. Don't Reckless Rush unless you can keep them locked down or unless you're going for the kill with it, otherwise you're just wasting chi and a cooldown. If you use it, lock them down and keep on the offensive, if you freeze them for a few seconds and let them get away it's a waste.

    T.V time, I'll watch the second vid another time. You did a pretty good job of staying on people it looked like. Dat vid speed is too much for me. I'll trade you refines.
  • Posts: 163 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    i use atm about 12 diff genies ... and im working on 4 more .. . but uhm i think the one u referring to is a str one with some dex ... and dat badge is there only to cancel occults from aps sins ... since those r9rr +12 aps sins still kill me quite efficiently ... and well as for the vid speed .. yes i agree they were mainly ment for my own purpose as to learning nvr meant to be uploaded.. and that conserved me a lot of harddrive space ... from now on ill make a new vid of each 1v1 with more gear detail so u can get off my back with dat b:laugh
    and good points on the gameplay itself. ill try do btr. b:cute
    TY Silvy for Epic Sig <3
    - Sage BM 0.87aps and loving it <3 somewhere close
  • Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    i finished watching the first video, the speed is alil too fast, kinda made my head dizzy ><
    most of your kills were from gof crit for 10k+ or hf, fan of flame, then reckless rush. and yes zanyu was right, you did a very good job always staying on them and keeping the pressure on ^^

    oo btw zanyu, last nw the best geared wiz on my server just stood there and tank through my bt, with not even full hp, no apoth used no genie skill used, i have +11 r9s3 weapon, after it happened, it kinda made me wanna reroll a wiz lol
  • Posts: 2,256 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    oo btw zanyu, last nw the best geared wiz on my server just stood there and tank through my bt, with not even full hp, no apoth used no genie skill used, i have +11 r9s3 weapon, after it happened, it kinda made me wanna reroll a wiz lol

    BT = pdef dependent, i assume the wizzy put on stone barrier and had high refined ornaments.

    I tested on low refined ornaments but had 14~19k hp. Once they get high pdef, BT becomes ineffective. I get one shot with +12 dervish at 12k pdef as a bm.
  • Posts: 2,620 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    i finished watching the first video, the speed is alil too fast, kinda made my head dizzy ><
    most of your kills were from gof crit for 10k+ or hf, fan of flame, then reckless rush. and yes zanyu was right, you did a very good job always staying on them and keeping the pressure on ^^

    oo btw zanyu, last nw the best geared wiz on my server just stood there and tank through my bt, with not even full hp, no apoth used no genie skill used, i have +11 r9s3 weapon, after it happened, it kinda made me wanna reroll a wiz lol

    Don't waste BT on anyone with jades if they are full buffed. Get your purge pole out, have A veno debuff them, whatever you need. Self buffed any arcane should drop to it with axes = their gear.
  • Posts: 4,001 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    BT = pdef dependent, i assume the wizzy put on stone barrier and had high refined ornaments.

    I tested on low refined ornaments but had 14~19k hp. Once they get high pdef, BT becomes ineffective. I get one shot with +12 dervish at 12k pdef as a bm.
    Don't waste BT on anyone with jades if they are full buffed. Get your purge pole out, have A veno debuff them, whatever you need. Self buffed any arcane should drop to it with axes = their gear.

    Was prolly the opposite, a vit stone based wizzy would survive better against BT. So many skills go through defense levels nowdayas and BT is one of them that is pdef based and ignores def levels.
    Seven 100+ characters leveled the hard way. Free to play. Mystic, Psychic, and Wizard left to level. b:victory
  • Posts: 2,620 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Was prolly the opposite, a vit stone based wizzy would survive better against BT. So many skills go through defense levels nowdayas and BT is one of them that is pdef based and ignores def levels.

    You're right. I'm tired, idk why I said that. I meant to say without jades.

    Because it goes against the enemy's pdef, it is significantly less effective if the enemy is more than self buffed.
  • Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Ya'll dun beat me to it. BT is only effective on self buffed targets, once they get Cleric + BM buffs without a strong debuff it becomes ineffectual. I hit the best geared Wizard on Lothranis for about 3k a tick when he was fully buffed, which isn't much. Regardless of shards, I wouldn't waste it on anything that's full buffed. I laugh a little bit every time a BM uses it on me when I have buffs because it hits me for about 1.5k-3k depending on the axes and that doesn't make it much of a threat, even with other people on me.

    Of course, when you Mire+GS a self buffed Target, BT can two shot heavies and one shot anything else. Assuming your weapon is equally refined to their armor. At least in my experience it does, I hit 10kish on a +10 Seeker, and over 19k on an Archer.
  • Posts: 163 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    i finished watching the first video, the speed is alil too fast, kinda made my head dizzy ><
    most of your kills were from gof crit for 10k+ or hf, fan of flame, then reckless rush. and yes zanyu was right, you did a very good job always staying on them and keeping the pressure on ^^

    oo btw zanyu, last nw the best geared wiz on my server just stood there and tank through my bt, with not even full hp, no apoth used no genie skill used, i have +11 r9s3 weapon, after it happened, it kinda made me wanna reroll a wiz lol

    yeah well the 1st vid is me being full str so i didnt even bother going for total locking cause drake bash wud allways just miss i was at like 2,9k accu b:cute
    TY Silvy for Epic Sig <3
    - Sage BM 0.87aps and loving it <3 somewhere close
  • Posts: 4,001 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Just gonna make notes on your last video, more for my own studies and practice but also as a critique:

    ~Not sure if it was intentional but goodjob on recognizing the QpQ at 0:11 and using HF at 0:22. Only 30 sec cd on QpQ. Many BMs are too scared to HF on seekers.
    ~0:47 I habitually hit cloud sprint whenever I use BT so people can't just kite it. Don't tank a sin spark, even with BTs damage reduction. Combo I prefer to use is back up a few meters while they're sparking so they have to move towards you then smack, then stun lock. Now they're 3 sparks short. Happens again around 1:30 but you'd burned your smack. Can use Reel In instead as sort of a seal and setup for a stunlock.
    ~1:37 When he shadow escapes use TM on a nearby player in pk, lol. Its aoe will knock your opponent out without damaging (only debuffing).
    ~1:45 just esc out so no nearby players are targetted. As soon as he comes out of stealth attacking you it'll automatically target.
    ~4:00 You totally neglect about half the ranged skills you have for fighting archers. Leaping in is awesome, especially if you can time it for the Tidal effect. Mostly I mean smack, Reel In, Reckless Rush, and Blade Hurl. The beauty of Blade Hurl is archers can't do anything without a bow on and it give you time to close the distance while not taking damage.
    ~4:30 Nice timing the AD to follow up a stun. One thing I like to do against archers since most are stupid enough is they pick a direction they want to run and its always "away". If you walk behind them while they are ADd or IGd they'll usually still pick running that direction and thats plenty of time to stun them.
    ~6:37 Aeolian and then RotP an anti-stunned archer... Seal during this time.
    7:14 Yah, he just tried to QpQ your HF back at you. Although I kind of like how it played out that you HF'd then Blade Hurl'd so he couldn't QpQ but it also gimped you.
    7:35 Same thing. HF'd while QpQ was in cd. Luckily you're sage with a 6 second HF and it wears off about as fast as he channels QpQ.
    9:00-10:00 good use of fast channeling skills for skill spam. Drake's Ray, Blood Draw, Tiger Maw...
    11:04 charm jump time!

    Fun to watch, thanks.

    Maybe I'll start a thread on this but my person preference on marrowing against seekers is I don't marrow until I'm metal debuffed then I magic marrow. I noticed you left it up almost all the time which is fine, too. Some will argue for phys marrow against seekers also.
    Seven 100+ characters leveled the hard way. Free to play. Mystic, Psychic, and Wizard left to level. b:victory
  • Posts: 2,620 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Some will argue for phys marrow against seekers also.

    Ummm. Lolwat? Who? Why?
  • Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Ummm. Lolwat? Who? Why?

    They want to see how much damage the seeker can crit zerk them for with a metal skill b:chuckle
    My avatar won't update, I'm not level 38, I swear. b:surrender

    Finally 100, now using r8 to farm my t3.
  • Posts: 163 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    thanks saku .. that was most helpfull b:cute
    TY Silvy for Epic Sig <3
    - Sage BM 0.87aps and loving it <3 somewhere close
  • Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    G 16 fists + high grade wood pot

    Dead bm/seeker/barb

    plus they cant really expel spam you and you dont hit CE every time it CD's

    axes vs HA in a 1v1 is still just silly (actually vs any non purify user /inb4somonemakesmepostmath)

    If your going to keep using it though I have 2 words for your combo's

    tiger maw

    Get dat chi + you cast 2-3 of em in the time it takes to use fail land cleave and added static damage dosent mean **** these days
    Gifs are hard to make work here
  • Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    oo yea i just went in roar, mire, and started bt =(
    it was the first time for me that someone just tank through it..
    theres no veno to purge >< ill just try to purge my self next time, i usually go to nw by my self. i tried going with a r9s3 squad a few times, i only get 50 to 70 tokens by myself i get 160 to 280.
  • Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    G 16 fists + high grade wood pot

    Dead bm/seeker/barb

    plus they cant really expel spam you and you dont hit CE every time it CD's

    axes vs HA in a 1v1 is still just silly (actually vs any non purify user /inb4somonemakesmepostmath)

    If your going to keep using it though I have 2 words for your combo's

    tiger maw

    Get dat chi + you cast 2-3 of em in the time it takes to use fail land cleave and added static damage dosent mean **** these days

    xD i use fast cd skills vs HA its working pretty well for me. you can hit 5 to 6 skills during 1 stun, drake ray, tiger maw, oceans edge, draw blood, tiger maw. after watching dan and zanryu's videos, i started using drake sweep and fan of flame in my stun combos sometimes for chi / just incase theres sin stealth around.
  • Posts: 163 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Latest with slower and btr quality footage with gear info: and yes dat one bt was a missclick
    TY Silvy for Epic Sig <3
    - Sage BM 0.87aps and loving it <3 somewhere close
  • Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Latest with slower and btr quality footage with gear info: and yes dat one bt was a missclick

    that archer really needs her 100 skills

    Side note: I wince every time a BM roars a blink class to open... and wince even harder when they dont use said blink to make the bm sit there looking admittedly awesome (I love ROTP's animation) for about 3 seconds

    your extended stunlock is pretty mediocre didnt see a lot of fortify on the archers part (badge alone is pretty easy to re catch while wings/alacrity is on CD) but you still dropped combo rather often and used OI where whirlwind would be better suited.

    Need moar tiger maw, if only because your playstyle utterly destroys your chi reserves.

    Also, AE blade>rush>on an antistunned -30% damage target is um...something

    Also, badge and OI on the same geni? that seems um...odd and the **** slow regen dosen't help.

    may want to run fortify/whirlwind/CE/HP/mire as the core geni skillset with chi burners/survival/ele immunity as the last 3 spots. its nice when you can just max out magic and still have a useful skillset on geni >.<
    Gifs are hard to make work here
  • Posts: 297 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I was a worse blademaster, no doubt about that.
    Please donate money into my mailbox :)

    I'm poor as heck.
  • Posts: 4,001 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Badge = dex based
    OI = Strength based... Guess that explains the regen speed issue.

    That full buffed fight was kind of ridiculous. They had no hope of finishing you. You could definitely have utilized your leaps and and run boosts better. It seemed like 90% of the fully buffed fight was you walking at 5 m/s to them. Gotta be on them like glue. Come to Sanctuary where it seems like 98% of the server are +12 r9t3 archers. If you want any chance of surviving you have to stay in their half damage range. Glue yourself to them, if they leap, you leap and stun. Bolt of Tyreseus is a great technique also because the freeze is decently long and slowing attack speed and channeling renders them pretty helpless while frozen. You don't even need to stun since with all the half range penalties, slow channeling, slow attack they're pretty helpless.

    I see you have aps gear and a pair of G16 fists. Not gonna say an axe only build is bad since I know alot of axe/fist BMs who never touch their claws during pk but as stated Bolt has its uses, and for chi management claws are great. Occasionally in NW I'll respawn with 1.5 sparks and catch someone in a stunlock and build chi while using stuns till I have 4 sparks while keeping them stunned the whole time. I only have +5 R9t3 axes with 61 attack levels, but my +10 claws still kill about twice as fast in pk.

    I leap around like crazy for the Focused Mind and Tidal effects. Here's a hint, archer's spam Stunning Arrow, and Stunning arrow has a 15 second cd. If they haven't shot it in 14 seconds then expect it really soon. Time to leap forward.

    Umm, your hotkeys need prioritizing lol. Pick up, Meditate, Fly, Summon Piggy, and Summon Mount are not emergent skills. On you 1-9 keys you have 5 fists skills and we never see you once use your fists. Then you have Flash... b:laugh

    You've definitely got a good understand of what you need and want to do in pk, I just think you're a little slow when mouse clicking every skill. The first fight in the video you rarely actually faced your opponent because you were clicking and couldn't turn the camera to see them. Joshcja is probably one of the best, and slightly obsessive, BMs on the server for an archer to fight because he recognizes channeling and spams marrows to match channeling. He's one of the few that fights an archer with physical marrow on because he can immediately swap to magic marrow the moment they start channeling an elemental attack. Using your hotkeys to free up your mouse for clicking genie skills and changing camera angles will really help speed you up I think.
    Seven 100+ characters leveled the hard way. Free to play. Mystic, Psychic, and Wizard left to level. b:victory
  • Posts: 163 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    yes i shud learn to play with keys .. have to work on that since i never done it... and well as for fists.. im still working on them (very bored of fws) cause i allready sold 4 pairs of them and the ones i have are 0 refine with magic adds b:laugh and as far as leaps i used to do it alot more with demon setup ages ago due to easyer aiming with mo zun's ... but yea alot to learn on timing that... and well the genie part .. im still debating / trying out different setups but as far as i have noticed .. chi burning skills dont help me at all in my play style.. so yeah ill keep workin towards that perfect genie for my play style. and yes i do make alot of mistimed stuns etc .. thats mainly due the fact i play across the world in a usa server .. so lagg is allways my enemy. But i been getting btr to get around it. But yeah thanks for the tips again b:cute
    TY Silvy for Epic Sig <3
    - Sage BM 0.87aps and loving it <3 somewhere close
  • Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited May 2013

    That full buffed fight was kind of ridiculous. They had no hope of finishing you. You could definitely have utilized your leaps and and run boosts better. It seemed like 90% of the fully buffed fight was you walking at 5 m/s to them. Gotta be on them like glue. Come to Sanctuary where it seems like 98% of the server are +12 r9t3 archers. If you want any chance of surviving you have to stay in their half damage range. Glue yourself to them, if they leap, you leap and stun. Bolt of Tyreseus is a great technique also because the freeze is decently long and slowing attack speed and channeling renders them pretty helpless while frozen. You don't even need to stun since with all the half range penalties, slow channeling, slow attack they're pretty helpless.

    With BV and well...competent play on the archers part + taking the fight into the air the archer could have gotten a kill in the fully buffed fight off of a BV/quickshot combo. Hell even constant STA woulda helped.

    Umm, your hotkeys need prioritizing lol. Pick up, Meditate, Fly, Summon Piggy, and Summon Mount are not emergent skills. On you 1-9 keys you have 5 fists skills and we never see you once use your fists. Then you have Flash... b:laugh

    (I clicked everything, even when CC was still a thing >.<)

    Dun hate on tha mouse!
    Gifs are hard to make work here
  • Posts: 305 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Clicking in PVP... Lol...
    Sage barb in progress.
  • Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Clicking in PVP... Lol...

    I do it.
  • Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I do it.

    *clicks high five icon"
    Gifs are hard to make work here
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