[Maintenance + Patch Discussion] 3-26-2013 [COMPLETE]



  • ostap777
    ostap777 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    A barb, veno, and huggy hare walk into a bar after 1st shot barb pays the tab
  • Shrxy - Raging Tide
    Shrxy - Raging Tide Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    A Barb, a Veno, and a huggy hare
    walk into a bar and the bartender
    looks at the Veno and says
    "Did you tame the Huggy Hare too?"
  • asriel88
    asriel88 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    A Barb, a Veno, and a huggy hare walk into a bar. Bartender says "HEY! We don't take kindly to furry folk around these here parts!" b:thanksb :laugh
  • Karenzmagic - Heavens Tear
    Karenzmagic - Heavens Tear Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    A Barb is sitting in a bar staring at his drink. After staring at it for half an hour without taking a sip, one Veno decides to have some fun with him. She picks up the barb
  • Karenzmagic - Heavens Tear
    Karenzmagic - Heavens Tear Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    ...my whole joke got cut here... qiubpqieuvbpqe
  • Emiesha - Archosaur
    Emiesha - Archosaur Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    A Barb, a Veno, and a huggy hare walk into a bar...
    The Barb goes into the bathroom for a few minutes, then comes back out. The Barb asks the Veno "Does your huggy hare have problems with **** sticking to its fur?" The Veno replies "No, why?" Then the Barb wipes his butt with the huggy hare.

  • Lunar_Slash - Sanctuary
    Lunar_Slash - Sanctuary Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    A Barb, a Veno, and a huggy hare walk into a bar. There are no survivors.
  • Allarion - Archosaur
    Allarion - Archosaur Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    A Barb, a Veno, and a huggy hare walk into a bar... Chuck Norris walks out.
    ☆ It's not a lake, it's an ocean. ☆
  • Xcgfhfh - Heavens Tear
    Xcgfhfh - Heavens Tear Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    A Barb, a Veno, and a huggy hare walk into a bar...The barb starts pouring down some beers. Burp. Having had one too many, the Barb was beginning to display an ugly side. The veno sat down beside him and he whispered to her, "Hey ! How about it babe? You and me?"
    As the veno got up to move, the barb said loudly, "Honey, you sure look like you could use the money, but I don't have an extra two dollars." She looked back and replied just as loudly, "What makes you think I charge by the inch?"

  • Aquiminthe - Sanctuary
    Aquiminthe - Sanctuary Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    A Barb, a Veno, and a huggy hare walk into a bar, the cleric ducks.
  • Bladed_Tony - Raging Tide
    Bladed_Tony - Raging Tide Posts: 956 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    A Barb, a Veno, and a huggy hare walk into a bar...

    The veno walks out with 2 new pets
    Attacking at the speed of Suck since 2009
  • Decus - Dreamweaver
    Decus - Dreamweaver Posts: 5,033 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    A Barb, a Veno, and a huggy hare walk into a bar...
    But the bar doesn't serve animals.

    Sorry, humour isn't my strong suite.
    Proving that not only archers do math since 2009. b:victory
    Current math challenge: pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1029711&page=45
    "Any skills that can be used to kill you will interrupt BB when successful." -truekossy | "...Sage archers are kind of like Mac owners. They are proud of the weirdest and most unnecessary things." -Aesthor | "We ALL know Jesus doesn't play PWI. He may have suffered a lot for humanity, but he'd NEVER punish himself this way." -Abstractive | "I approve of bananas." -SashaGray
  • kurasza3
    kurasza3 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    A Barb, a Veno, and a huggy hare walk into a bar , they read the menu and call the waiter.
    -Waiter ! There's only one dish in the menu ! There's no choice !
    -Of course there is a choice. You can order that or nothing.
  • God_Loki - Raging Tide
    God_Loki - Raging Tide Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    A Barb, a Veno, and a huggy hare walk into a bar. Shortly after, they were kicked out. The Veno ask why, and the bartender pointed at the no animals allow sign.
    I am Loki...God of Mischief...If you see me, you better hide or you'll be my next target... b:laughb:laughb:laugh
  • Alexis - Lothranis
    Alexis - Lothranis Posts: 264 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    A Barb, a Veno, and a huggy hare walk into a bar outside of west gate...

    The barman, a seeker, says: I bet a free pint that you cant go into the jungle ruins and find me 10 of a single exotic fruit!

    The barb, the veno and the huggy hare all agree to the bet.

    The veno is the first back. She comes in with mangos.
    The barman in this time has built enough chi to be able to triple spark sacrificial slash and transfer the debuff rendering the veno helpless to his attacks.

    The barman says: If you cant fit all of them into your bum without making a sound, I promise i wont kill you and I'll pull you a pint!

    So the veno tries really hard...1....2...3..4....5....she screams in pain.
    The barman kills her.

    The Barb comes back 5 minutes later. He comes in with grapes.
    Again the barman in this time has built enough chi to be able to triple spark sacrificial slash and transfer the debuff rendering the barb helpless to his metal zerk crits.

    The barman says: If you cant fit all of them into your bum without making a sound, I promise i wont kill you and I'll pull you a pint!

    The barb starts literally shoving them in 2 or 3 at a time.
    He gets up to number 9 before he bursts out in laughter.

    The barman kills him.

    On the way back to west gate from the spawn point the veno and the barb are flying together, embracing for chi.

    The veno asks in outrage: So.. how come you're dead? You had grapes, you're a barb with a big panda bum... surely thats gotta be easier than MANGOS IN A VENO!?

    The barb says: I got up to number 9 before I saw the huggy hare coming back with pineapples.
    A Barb, a Veno, and a huggy hare
    walk into a bar and the bartender
    looks at the Veno and says
    "Did you tame the Huggy Hare too?"

    Hahaha this 2 are actually rly funny b:laugh
    Youtube channel: youtube.com/user/FDB19
  • BladeXMaster - Harshlands
    BladeXMaster - Harshlands Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    A Barb, a Veno, and a huggy hare walk into a bar...The barb starts pouring down some beers. Burp. Having had one too many, the Barb was beginning to display an ugly side. The veno sat down beside him and he whispered to her, "Hey ! How about it babe? You and me?" and Ditch the Hare.
    As the veno got up to move, the barb said loudly, "Honey, you sure look like you could use the money, but I don't have an extra two dollars." She looked back and replied just as loudly, "What makes you think I charge by the inch? Mad the veno takes the hare and throws it at the Barb, causing him to 'Swell'"

  • Bastra - Heavens Tear
    Bastra - Heavens Tear Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    A barb, a veno and a Huggy Hare walk into a bar. The barb orders beer, the veno orders a daiquiri, and the hare orders a carrot.
    "We don't have any carrots," the bartender replies.

    They do this every day, and each day, the hare always orders a carrot, to which the bartender responds "We don't have any carrots". After three days, the bartender has had enough. "If you ask for carrots again, I'll nail you to the wall!"
    The next day, they return. The bartender sees them and cuts them off. "So, what'll it be?" He asks, eyeing the Hare.
    "Got any nails?" The hare asks.
    "Can I have a carrot?"
  • Tide_Surfer - Archosaur
    Tide_Surfer - Archosaur Posts: 1,261 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Sorry, humour isn't my strong suite.
    Ya don't say b:chuckle
    Tide_Surfer: "I feel SPESHALL *says like a lil kid*"
    Veneir: "Seashell? :3"
    Tide_Surfer: "Yes Veny, yes. A speshall seashell."
  • wolverinefer
    wolverinefer Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    genotypist wrote: »
    A Barb, a Veno, and a huggy hare walk into a bar..The tiger the fox and the hare was aproaching when The waitress say :- sorry,but animals are not allowed here u should go to the pet store if u want something to drink.
    The veno and the barb shiftshape into humans trying to explain her that they just wanted a descent meal after a hard working day,the waitress say ok...u 2 can stay but the hare must go..since he is still an animal.the three of them talk in between and take a decition,
    the barb say:- we got a deal to offer...if u let the hare stay,each of us will offer our services to u for free for 1 day.The waitress Think about it and acept.The next day the tiger visit her on the morning,the veno on the evening and the rabbit at night offering her their services.
    the next day the waitress apears on the bar with bags on her eyes and a happy smile,other of the waitress as her why what have happened that she is on that condition,She say:- oh yesterday i had the best day of my life,first a barb carried me to the shopping and back to home for free,
    a veno tamed all the animals i wanted and we had fun with them and a cute rabbit come to slept with me all night long.The 2nd Waitress say...u sletp with a Hare?i can understand the bags but is an animal u shouldnt be that much happy....the first Waitress say..u just wait...
    9 months after all this...BUGS bunny was born and she was so ****ing rich.
  • Tide_Surfer - Archosaur
    Tide_Surfer - Archosaur Posts: 1,261 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    v4liance wrote: »
    Hey everyone,

    Estimated downtime: 11pm PDT to 1am PDT.

    This week, we've got a different contest.

    Finish this joke:

    Like last week, only 1 entry per person! You may change your response (please update your original post) until entries are closed!

    Entries will be accepted until servers come up after maintenance!


    - Val
    Is there still a prize of 50 event gold?
    Tide_Surfer: "I feel SPESHALL *says like a lil kid*"
    Veneir: "Seashell? :3"
    Tide_Surfer: "Yes Veny, yes. A speshall seashell."
  • Huzik - Dreamweaver
    Huzik - Dreamweaver Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    A Barb, a Veno, and a huggy hare walk into a bar...
    The veno looks at the barb and says ..
    -hey you're not another veno but I can let you tame me ..
  • Tide_Surfer - Archosaur
    Tide_Surfer - Archosaur Posts: 1,261 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Oh the joys of maintenance...people getting their first post/getting more posts.
    Tide_Surfer: "I feel SPESHALL *says like a lil kid*"
    Veneir: "Seashell? :3"
    Tide_Surfer: "Yes Veny, yes. A speshall seashell."
  • KaiMasaki - Dreamweaver
    KaiMasaki - Dreamweaver Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    A Barb, a Veno, and a huggy hare walk into a bar, but unfortunately all the beer was removed from the loot table during the last update
  • uptimus
    uptimus Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    A barb, a veno, and a huggy hare walks into a bar.

    Blademaster: What's on the menu today?
    Bartender: Tiger meat, fox meat, and rabbit meat.
  • sequiaz
    sequiaz Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    A Barb, a Veno, and a huggy hare walk into a bar...

    the bartender looks at them and asks "is this some kind of joke?
  • ghoststrik3r88
    ghoststrik3r88 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    A Barb, a Veno, and a huggy hare walk into a bar...so a few drinks later the barb went to the bar for another round of drinks and say`s to the bartender"notice the hare over there roger, now take in to account im a wolf and she is a fox... something tells me she has been cheating on me ... bah never mind im probably just being paranoid, so tell me roger how are mrs rabbit and the kids doing ?"
  • mongosbard
    mongosbard Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    A Barb, a Veno, and a huggy hare walk into a bar..and only the Barb walks out...alive
  • Stinki_Tuna - Sanctuary
    Stinki_Tuna - Sanctuary Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    then veno says..ohh what a wild night.. then the bunny says.. moomi!.. and the barb winks at herb:sinb:sin
  • Overkillk - Harshlands
    Overkillk - Harshlands Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    They all said ouch
  • ogunernile
    ogunernile Posts: 99 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    At a special bar, hidden deep in Morai there is a magical mirror that if you go up to and tell it the truth, it will grant you a wish. If you lie, well poof; it swallows you up.

    A brunette barb, a blonde huggy hare and a redhead veno walk into this bar. They head straight for the mirror. The redhead veno goes first and says "I think I'm the most beautiful woman in Perfect World" Poof- the mirror swallows her up.

    The brunette barb goes up to the mirror and says "I think I'm the sexiest tank in Perfect World" Poof - the mirror swallows him up.

    Last, the blonde huggy hare goes up to the mirror says " I think........" Poof!!
This discussion has been closed.